114 the examiner Wednesday April 27 1971 TSRED ADS DCCOmmOdOltonS to share 26 births 81 cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses to rent 17 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 feed seedB grain 60 in memoriams 87 of wanted camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial 11 instructions 69 articles for sole 40 card of thanks 85 dogs pets 44 wish 39 insurance 10 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 auction sales 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or ten 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 livestock far sale 57 auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 01 property for sale 01 property for sole I11 property for role 01 property for sole 01 property for sole LTD LEPAGE llllllllllllllllllllllll HOME TEAM MEET REALTOR WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY JUDY PENNETT ASSOCIATE BROKER SALES arrnssrurmvr ROSE ST $63900 Brm brick home in east end complch wnh baths fireplace wet bar and garage Call 737 i264 JACK SLESSOR SALES REPRBENTATIVE ALLANDALE HTS $59000 Kitchen overlooks family room in this lovely level home complete with fireplace walkout formal dining fenced yard and garage Call 7266280 ENID DAY um urnsnmnvr BAYCREST DRIVE New on the market attractive clapboard bungalow bedrooms fireplaces baths 1380 sq ft on tread acre lot Call 7266904 JIM CANCILLA VERNA MUNIN BILL McCREARY SALES REPRESENTATIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE mun one WEED BUILDING LOT SWIMMERS SALES REPRESENTATIVE 17 50 Ortesicr well rout Your own pool in that backyard $34500CONDOMINIUM pond $17000 ALSO 106 acres iust made for barbecues is iust Central location brs lz nec 531 rung9 hills mature whatthisSbedroom back splitof baths single garage Call 728 trecs wag2 fc that horse fers For more details call 728 1865 rang 2875 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL ONE VVWrrflwwvvervWVrrv DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm YOUR WAYNE PENNETT ASSOCIATE nom mo COMM SALES 168 JOHN ST 2800 sq ft bldg on 103 acres toned M2 Two large drivein doors $70000 Call 7371264 VICKI KENT sous REPRESENTATIVE COTTAGE BIG BAY POINT Stone fireplace lot 75 150 cabin separate sleeping Call 4872501 toll free pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am lost found 70 lots for sale 04 market basket 66 opportunity for men women74 pasture for sale 61 posture to rent 62 marriages 84 posture wanted 63 mobile homes trailers 14 personals 68 money to loan 13 photography 49 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 nursing homes 15 professional directOry 90 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 property for sole Realtor 87 Bayfield st 7372300 Toronto Direct Line3620332 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS This choice 10 room 2storey stone and brick home plaster interior radiant electric heat fireplace broadlaom double garage large landscaped lot Superior quality in all aspects $83500 Coll Martin Altseimer MLS 326 $39750 BDRM SEMI Large lot Finished basement tastefully decorated many extras Call Andy Melnyk to view MLS 776 NORTH END OF BARRIE On treed lot storey bedroom home washrooms recreation room has beautiful stone fireplace and bar att garage fenced lot Asking $54500 Vendor has been tron sferred and would like to see an offer Call Mary Foster MLS 878 NEW LEVEL SIDESPLIT On quiet street off 8th of Innisfil Main floor family room with fireplace and walkout to balcony Unusual design on large tread lot Call Wayne Dobson MLS 808 TALL TREES TUDOR STYLE Brick split entry bedroom bungalow Family room with brick fireplace 40 ft cedar deck overlooking pool Many extras included in price of $54900 Mortgage at 10 Owner transferred Try $6000 down CAll Marilyn Mason $48300 RETIREMENTSTARTER Wellkept bedroom bungalow on quiet Marion Cres Barrie Please call Les Wainwright A53 2STOREY BEDROOMS Brick and alum home on quiet cres Har dwood floors throughout full high basement ideal for rec room Ex cellent mortgage Just reduced ato $54900 Call Marilyn Mason MLS 547 GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREA year old bedroom raised bungalow backing onto parkland full basement att garage Priced at $49500 Try your offer Call Mary Foster MLS 675 01 property for sole property for sale or rent 08 snowmobiles 38 property management 08 space for rent 24 property worited 02 stamps and coins 45 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 resorts 30 swaps 46 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 rooms at 20 tenders 78 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 31 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 01 property forsale 01 property for sole Sau riders REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING room brick bungalow electric heating 16 miles from Barrie attached garage small barn some fruit trees acre land good martgaging Asking $46500 WASAGA BEACH bedroom bungalow with large kitchen and large living room front and rear porches new septic and well in 1976 treed lot Asking $27900 EAST END CONDOMINIUM bedrooms fridge stove washer and dryer broadlaom good mortgaging Asking $35900 7K mulla nu A27 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Leo Covanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstane 7263043 A27 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Tom Fitzsimmins 4562620 Mary Foster no toll 3221118 Wayne Dobson 3222836 Andy Melnyk 7267369 Allan Thompson 7281024 Anne Spencer 4589211 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 Les Wainwright 4362396 10 Ross St Beside Woolworth 7371414 Ex usrve agents for Bovis Homes $26899 TOTAL PAYMENTS bedroom level tawnhome ap pliances baths broadlaomed throughout 1800 sq ft $33900 Rick 7371414 7264940 LAKE SIMCOE WATERFRONT bedroom tounge and groove cedar cottage det garage alum storms and screens private beautiful view $45000 Gerry 4873362 no toll $39900 HAWKESTONE VILLAGE bedroom bungalow recently renovated aluminum storms and screens large garage beautifully landscaped grounds ideal starter or retirement home Earl 726 0656 $42900 220 HIGHLAND CR Just reduced from $49900 bedroom bungalow years old full basement 300 lot detached garage Rick 7371414 7264940 HEATED POOL Enjoy your summer around this very private pool bedroom side split fireplace in family room entrance from dining room to pool mortgage $55000 Close to St Monicas and Steele St School Bernice Whelan 7262334 ONLY $34500 lovely bedroom alum siding bungalow hardwood floors paved driveway garage full high basement lot 165 deep Bernice Whelan 7262334 NORTH ST This must be sold this week New bungalow broodloomed deep lot close to schools and downtown Bernice Whelan 7262334 MINI HORSE FARM 65 acres big barn beautiful bedroom home perfect for the family Farriin room with fireplace on main floor large LD room many board book shelves and office Lovely home $64900 Bernice Whelan 7262334 CAPITALIZE ON PLANS for Barrie waterfront Steak house with 148 it on water in Barrie living quarters plus renting rooms separate year round cottage on water lovely grounds your own water rights so you may build pier for boat docking Great potential Bernice Whelan 7262334 Young Biggin LIMITED REALTOR urine Sr corrode 89 Collier St Barrio Barrie 7264491 Toronto LInefl30388 If our sign is on your lawn HURRY HOME YOURE MOVING SURE FIRE VALUE Main floor fam rm with fireplace bdrms shady yard single garage twice reduced to $51900 No 967 Mary Lee Latimer EAST END BARRIE $58500 bed rm with fireplace and wo double garage lots of extras Must be sold Call Darcy Warner 7264491 Today TWO STARTERS Big Boy Pt bedroom 50 150 ft lot cedar deck everything new Asking $34900 10th ORO bedroom 140 123 ft lot Franklin stove in LR steps to lake $33500 Call Darcy Warner INNISFIL TWP $59000 Four level bedroom separate dining large kitchen finished family room 4th bedroom or den double garage 75 x13350ftlot Call Darcy Warner ACRES ESTATE REDUCED $59900 9th Line Ora bedroom carpet throughout double garage Owner Transferred Price includes stave fridge dishwasher and dryer Call Darcy Warner LOOK AT THIS Reduced redecorated east end of city schools bus church bedrooms 4th or den baths room semi No 924 Mary Lee Latimer READY WAITING For immediate occupancy bedroom level home Hardwood floors single garage No 928 $48500 Mary Lee Latimer ADDED EXTRAS INCLUDED Dandy bedroom bungalow with shag broadlaom Tall Trees in ground pool fencing gardens finished rec room No 1026 $46000 Mary Lee Latimer A27 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR VViIIoW CLanng 437 3362 Wh 726 23 wow oerr V0 05 Ornlce an MURIEL JEFFERY PETER BRACALEME LARRY EORTIN Lou Kyelfy 7264930 Rick Harker 7264940 Open so sun noon dUSk SALES REPRESENTATIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE ASSOCIATE BROKER Pat Quinn 7263109 Earl Hooey 7260656 55 900 SOU TH OF BARRIE BRICK SIDE SPLIT $54900 BARRIE REGIONAL MANAGER Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 hidmm II bU79JIOW NICGIY decorated bedrooms Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 f°°d©3v WWW dining carpet fireplace double garage Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWiIde 7233253 OFNJ iwder kitchen stone located on Lebanon Dr Innisiil FOR SALE Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 leptae lorge 10 bail Twp C0 7263916 Bert Cuff 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 green belt Call 7255383 NEhnal John Colwell 7267726 llarry Magill 7263864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuilen 7373795 Jim Harris 7267173 Paul Dumoulln FRt CRA $RA 7370731 LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 737001 WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED fulfil TF 11 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM LOT OF HOUSE Yes it is With bathrooms family room with fireplace and bedrooms This house is back split with levels of usable spare and car garage Call Jack MacLaren or any staff member 7261938140 1054 AWAY FROM tT ALL Just miles north of Barrie in parklike acre setting Brick split entry deluxe home bedrooms full suite dintiig room Family room with fireplace and glass doors to patio baths car garage and much more $75500 Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 MLS 723 ONLY $48900 for this extraordinary triplex Heres chance to let your townh help pay the mortgage Fully rented now and showing good mtmn 1r inspect please call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 728 6435 ML 722 THIS HOUSE HAS CHARACTER There is over 1400 sq ft of lying arcu lHichloorTi over hardwood fireplaces baths attached qqyuqr Cedar dark and swimming pool all on large freed lot Call Mar Morrison 726 1938 or 7289933 MLS A27 MALLL AAA REALTOR Royal Trust In SIGN THAT SET Royal Tron 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 8814174 GEORGIAN BAY acre waterfront bedroom home drilled well Private road blocks to paved highway $7995 down Ralph Williams 7288800 B779M COUNTRY ESTATE SOUTH OF BARRIE 2400 sq ft of living space in this lovely side split on 10 acres near golfing boating born for horses $10000 down Anne Maronic 728880017228M 35 MINUTES TO TORONTO $6000 down Alliston charming brick back split bedrooms well manlcured privacy fenced beautifully landscaped quiet culdesac Joyce Samson 7288800 A7258M WANTED EAST END BUNGALOW Out of town client looking for bedroom home with garage preferably 612 years old Please contact Eric Milton 7288800 BEDROOM BARRIE BACK SPLIT Prime areal Most appealing in terior gorgeous fireplace in family room den baths garage Sunny immaculate home in the 50s Evelyn McLoren 7288800 B7214M Royal Trust Co Ontario Realtor A27 Read The Examiner To Buy Oirrérértxï¬rfrée InaEs rfacxs llMITiD REALTOR 69 Memorial Ave 3159571 ORILLIA HALEWAY HOUSE Midway between Barrie and Orillla in Medonte Hills An older bedroom home beautifully restored situated on acre of land in an area of lovely homes Pond and falls close by Asking $47900 Call Muriel Card 3258598 Bowes and Cocks Ltd Realtors A27 PRIVATE SALE 20 GLEN ECHO bedroom back split bathrooms attached garage Interior newly redecorated Close to schools Must be sold 7269922 evenings 7288288 A27 XAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 REALTOR 109 Bayfield St 7289201 REAL ESTATE SALES National Trust is looking for careerminded individual with real estate experience Consider these Features Top Commissions plus Bonus to 70 Active Referral and Relocation Service °Over 50 Offices in Ontario Mortgage Financing Services Company Training Program Investigate in confidence the opportunities National Trust offers you Call for an appointment with our Area Manager Mr Murray Stovell 7289201 A2729 GEORGE WORRALL EALTY LTD 110 DUNLOP Si BARRIE MWFTF vMM iitisIIiiIruiniunmimiut LEPAGE ritiiutimuusumtttl tli Real Estate Professionals Since 1913 Coast to Coast Real Estate Service lAt Peter Bracelente 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 Jim Concilla 7371597 Verna Mullin 7282875 Enid Day 7266904 Judy Pennett 7371264 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 Jack Slessor 7266280 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 JOHN LT HEALTHv 40 Maple Ave Barrie 7372101 Agent for Plnovlew Estates of Mldhunt PETER GUBBELS 7282425 Al Calhoun no toll 8352742 JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653