Nitai 21isgrisuws5owc adstow wberiï¬o erv4 eons Mr TT pr 616 f$pflg ï¬lers Noni magn tw it 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5050 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5050 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Jacksons Sales Leasing Toyota Sales Leasing of al Makes 140 Bradford St 50 16 the examiner Frlday April 22 1971 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 so 50 so 50 so 50 50 50 50 50 50 so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so 50 $1927 1977 1975 Cordoba Dr Hardtop $13574 per month Motor Trends Car of the Year This beautiful car is equi pad with power steerin power braï¬es radio vinyl roof gody side moulding turbine wheels etc Licence HRJ602l 37100 miles With trade of $695 or trade and remaining balance of $3995 installments would be $13574 for 36 months at 135 interest 1974 Hornet Dr $7126 per month This automobile is equipped with an economical cylinder engine power steering radio automatic transmission Exterior color is white with green vinyl roof Mileage 49000 Licence HPE268 With $200 down or trade and remaining balance of $2100 payments would be $7126 for 36 months at 135 interest 5050 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1974 Toyota SR5 $7102 per month speed transmission bucket seats road wheels radio finished in gold with black interior Licence JTO467 trade of $300 and remaining balance of $1895 installments would be $7102for 36 months at 135 interest With down payment or 1976 Bobcat Runabout MPG $8483 per month real as saving cylinder engine with transmission radio deluxe in terior bucket seats vinyl roof chrome options spee package plus other mileage Licence KKJ110 With trade of $500 and remaining balance of 1970 Dart Dr Hardtop $6313 per month Green with dark green roof cylinder radio deluxe interior Low mileage of 41518 With trade of $200 and remaining balance of $1675 monthly lnstallments would be $6313 for 36 months at 135 Licence AWE233 1975 Ford LTD Brougham $9841 per month 941 Low $2495 installments would be $8483 per month for 36 months at 135 interest 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Sharp door hardtop automobile that was driven by local Executive Exterior and interior of this car are deluxe Come and see it Low mileage Licence KZB With trade of $595 and remaining balance of $2995 installments would be $9841 for 36 months at 135 interest 1977 Toyota Canadian 514 miles per gallon $3148 $160 of free rust prevention until April 23 1977 7260288 1973 Mazda Special $3344 per month Red door hardtop 808 model real sweetheart speed radio bucket seats licence EXJ901 With trade of $200 and remaining balance 015695 installments would be $3344 for 24 months at 135 interest 1972 Chrysler Door Hardtop $5429 per month Finished in light gold with dark gold vinyl roof power steering brakes win dows air conditioning AMFM radio and other options real buy at $1795 Licence FEE309 With down payment of $195 or trdlde installments would be $5429 for 36 months at 135 interest so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so 1927 1977 1973 Ford Courier V2 ton $6447 per month Heavy duty V2 ton mini truck cylinder engine speed transmission radio 31929 miles Licence J85648 With trade of $300 and remaining balance of $1895 monthly installments would be $6447 for 36months at 1357 internist 1973 Corolla 19000 miles $6108 per month perfect Tayota finished in white with blue vinyl roof Automatic transmission cylinder engine Radio Licence FEU 802 With down payment of $300 or trade and remaining balance of $1795 payments would be $6108for36months at 135 interest 505050505050505050505050 705050 5050 505050 50 5050505050 50 50 505050505050 50505050505 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 18 opts wanted to rent 27 cottages to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment wanted by responsible young girl Altandale area prelerred Must be reasonable rent Will take possession anytime 7373878 even inqs 37h9ise5aq990 OR BEDROOM Farmhouse wanted to rent Small acreage and barn an asset Telephone 737 0388 20rooms to let FURNISHED near lactories on bus route quiet atmosphere 522 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 CLEAN lurnished rooms central kit chen and liVing room Downtown Bus stop at door 728 7331 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown loca tion clean bright modern rooms cert tral kitchen bath and living room park ing Immediate occupancy Apply Ham ilton Real Estate 72 Maple Ave 737 1000 CLEAN BRIGHT room close to downtown area lully furnished with shared kitchen Available immediately Phone 737 3675 LARGE FURNISHED rooms lull Kit Chen and rec room area available im mediately Central 726 6392 DOWNTOWN Furnished room newly braadloomrd and panelled kitchen in cilitios Phone 7284268 daytime or 728 0810 altor6 BEDROOM HOUSE available May Downtown location luil basement $250 per month Plus utilities For inlorma tion call Baker 728 4067 or Lorne Hay 7281566 32 cars for sale 1959 METERO 46000 miles new paint good interior good engine 3975 tirm 705 428 3012 1974 DART SPORT fold down seat 318 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best otter will be accepted 7282631 1974 MUSTANG ll Cylinder speed lastback mag wheels good condition Asking $2500 Phone 726 0337 SAVE APPROXIMATELY $700 on 1977 Volare under 4000 miles full warranty Must sell $4785 Also 1971 Toyota Crown good condition 5750 Best oller 726 7270 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 C01 lier St 7285191 1975 HONDA Ciwc Automatic buckwt seats good on gas Certiliert Telliphonn 7284390 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit Deluxe ex cellent condition throughout AM radio Pioneer cassette stereo custom wheel covers radials block heater 40 mp Call 737 2695 1973 Mercury Brougham door com pletely equipped including air and powrr seats Exrcllignt rendition Oni owner By appointment only 778 4700 Pric933150 1974 MONOCO Brougham 74000 mliis ALLANOALE Furnished room coek power steering powrr brakes door ing facilities available gentleman hardtop asking $3000 Telephonn prelerrrd Phone 728 4268 daytime or 726 6286 altor6pm Pomoamru 1974 MARQUIS CKCtltJTI randtion NEWLY Rodecorated rooms $15 $35 needs nothing going ihvap Phone weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worsler 7266714 St Completolr lurnished Shared kit Chen bath and llVIng room 7373315 ROOM FOR RENT in apartment shari bathroom kitchen facilities Young working gentleman prelerrcd Allandalc area Parking Call 737 2756r3venings FURNISHED ROOM kitchen Ioung parking For working man 830 weckl Central location 726 4725 ROOM FOR RENT in old private home downtown location kitchen and bath shared parking available Telephone 726 7317 ONE FURNISHED room tor gentleman West Plaza area near downtown and lac tories 320 weekly Phone 726 6690 LARGE FURNISHED room in private home kitchen lacilitie and bathroom $25 weekly young working girl proler red 728 5037 TWO ROOMS plus kitchen and summer sunporch lady and one child preferred 39 Worsley StrcIt 726 9233 Can be soon after 1971 MAVERICK new snow tires and rod Asking $325 Phone 424 0279 alter 1974 MERCURY MON TEGO power steering power brakis radio uxellrnt condition Telephone 726 3103 1973 DODGE ton window maxi van automatic power steering power brakes radio FUQQld and linishod in torior 50000 miles good condition 705 4665280cvcninqs I973 DATSUN 2402 AM FM radio track storm radials lull IHSTTIIThlniil tion Very good condition Asking $2500 Phone 424 5059 1975 FORD door lull 5111 power steering and brakes excellent condition 28000milos 728 1063 1973 GREMLIN automatic air condi tioning 40000 miles excellent condition throughout $1950 will cortily Phone 728 2048 VOLVO 1223 door as is or parts also 1976 Can Am 250 cc Enduro 350 miles like new $1300 lirm Phone 726 8518 evenings 1971 PLYMOUTH Fur II low mileage 21room and board AVAILABLE MAY Male or lemalc new brakes new exhaust certilied 733an7333é53$9l°5i210632p 70° Clrm I970 Maverick Gratibir 7363670 cyl automatic 63000 miles radials good running lerllliod $800 Phone 424 0713 bntwren and 1973 TOYOTA 1600 automatic approx 28000 miles iust had paint iot asking $1495 Phone 737 0437 alter 1974 MUSTANG ll Mach hatchback 22rooms wanted BEDSITTING ROOM wanted in Quint home central location For widow pen sioner Reasonable Required for June 30th Telephone 737 3272 v6 speed power steering power brakes AM FM radio mag wheels 23ottices STOFES for rent radial tires CPFTHIDU Telephone 726 0225 ext 45 or 326 4292 alter pm 1973 CADILLAC Eldorado tor sale black with white interior Real sharp Must sell Telephonii 737 0219 anytime 1976 DODGE long van V8 power stcnr ing power brakes custom interior and exterior Never winter driven $8900 Alliston 435 6368 1968 CADILLAC Sedan Driville 49000 miles mint condition From Georgia duty paid lully powrr equipped including air NEW radial tires onn owner $2000 4361588altiir6p 1970 COUGAR Eliminator 351 engine automatic power steering power brakes Good condition Tellphant 7287202 1967 MERCURY PARK LANE 410 door excellent condition tour new tires radio $950 or best allir Telephone 7265653 EXECUTIVE CARS for sale from Claudcs Texaco 1973 Toronado mint condition and loaded with extras l976 Flrobird Formula spend air condi tionlng 354 4barrul 1971 Volvo 142E luel MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or Iargr suites immediate oc CUpancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACES lor rent downtown Barrie 2nd Iloor Ideal tor dentist or other professionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson 726 3338 WASAGA BEACH Mall arca stores tor rent Try your own summer business Take out restaurant fully equipped pir 1a or submarine parlor and other stores suitablo Ior clothing souvenirs etc etc Accommodation available 705 428 3017 or 705 429 5011 STORE FRONT on Dunlop Street east 1600 square leet available immediately Call George Coutts representing Coutts and Co Real Estate ollico 7282485 home 726 2815 247spacetorrent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq It fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ll clear part at large expanding industrial lniection very clnan SEL Claude flail7767130 4400 82 Bradlord slum FOR LEASE industrial space and 1973 NOVA SS 350 speed original nrrw Avgggrgvse Talephone 726 300 paint $1800 or bust oilir Telephoni wr VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large tented in 1970 CAMARO 350 vs aiitornaili powtrr property Phone 724 7044 or 416 steering and power brakesrear defrost 6350637 mag wheels in excellent condition 00 SQ FT Commercial space on $1800 Telephone 445 6588 or 445 6828 Highway 11 south Available May 151 Collinowoorl Telephone 737 I238 25yarages GARAGE FOR rent lull size good storage $25 per month Ross and Maple St For details call Baker 728 4067 or Lorne Hay 728 1566 26accom modationsto share MODERN lurnished apartment laundry facilities to share with tomato student 18 to 25 years Baylleld and Grove area $80 monthly Must like dogs 726 1925 1973 GREML IN 1970 Ford 1969 Monaco 1965 Buick and 1969 Ford V2 ton all car tilied CAn be seen at 180A Innlstil Phone 7263869 daytime 728 6010 even mgs 1970 LTD door hardtop Cant be told lrom brand new Only 53000 miles tone brown power steering power brakes radio certiliod Only $1095 steel at this price private lady drIVIn 7269779 1976 CHRYSLER Cordoba lully equip pedall power Must sell 436 2842 32 edgier sale Green 351 PS PB Radial Licence HP842 1976 Ford LTD Squire Wagon V8 auto P5 P8 radio air Licence KS198 1975 Ford LTD Squire Wagon Silver fully loaded all power Licence 115571 1975 Buick Estate Wagon Licence 0022 24000 miles 1978 Ford F100 Pickup Lic 481072 1975 Ford F250 Pickup 52fiflséisf9rféile Vantastic Wagon Pickup Sale 1976 Mercury Montegu MX Wagon White 455 air PS PB PW AM track Jade 302 Explorer 1110 P5 PB White wheel drive mags lugs plus new angle plow Licence 95086 1975 Ford F100 Pickup Red cyl auto radio stop bumper long box Licence 98224 1975 Ford F100 Pickup Red cyl standard radio stop bumper long box Licence P78242 1973 Ford léton Pickup Rod VB cop short box step bumper radio Licence 596386 Ford Pickup Licence 133418 32 cars for sale 1974 DART SPORT lold downhill 318 1969 motor sharp car rlUiOtTTrJtL miles best otlor Will tx occupied 72B 2631 I971 COUGAR XRI 351 cubic inch power steering powrr brakes automatic console bucket seats instru monl package tack vinyl root in ex ccIlont condition Telephone 424 5834 1970 CHEVROLET Impala hardtop in good mechanical condition S500 1973 Buick LuSabrri air conditioning ex colicht condition Telephono 4241723 alter 5p 1973 VOLVO deluxe door power brakes lucl iniuction with overrlrivv rear window defroster Will ccrtily Call 726 0688alter6pm 1967 PONTIAC ollur 900d alter 728 8560 1973 VW BEETLE good condition high mileage $1000 as is 726 4394 alter 30 I972 HORNET cylinder automatic 63000 miles Uncortilicd $1100 Phone 7268977 1971 TOYOTA Crown custom wagon certified track and radio $850 Can be seen ilter at 117 Gunn St Apt $400 certiï¬ed or best running rondition Phone 1973 SUPER BEETLE gas heater electric rear deloggor fog lights Michelin tires sport wheels 1m marulate phone 726 7687 1976 DUSTER Slant excellent condi tion power steering power brakes AM radio low mileage very economical 28 miles per gallon $3900 Telephone 728 8591 1974 CORVETTE Coupe 350 bar rel auto P5 P8 tinted glass AMFM stereo only 2500 miles Call Pat Brady at Courtesy Ford Sales Midland Call collect 526 3777 $2495 Green 302 V8 standard Good shape $1895 DOUGLASKD LincolnMercury Sales Ltd 8187 Essa Rood Barrie 7285558 32 cars for sale METEOR good mechanically 51000 minds minor ripairs $250 or best otter 728 1539 I951 CHFV SEDAN in excellent condi tion Sun Visor tniidir skirts extra motor and parts Apply 242 Edgettill Dr altorop 1973 LTD Brougham Iully loaded ex cellont condition 58000 miles certilied $2500 llirm 416 775 3435 1972 DATSUN 510 uncortillvd $300 In good running condition automatic Telephonn 726 0538 1971 MUSTANG Mach 351 Clovoland Barrel speed trans Trac Loc rear onr ownrr car restored to original condi tion Soon to tea classic Call Pat Brady collect at Courtesy Ford Sales 526 3777 SE OF crrigar GT mag wheels 14 never used Btrack tape deck 1950 Austin 40 body in good condition in torior needs work Telephone 424 6845 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF TOP PRICE tor top cars TERIMED Ltd 119 Bradtord St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales17Gowan St 726 6488 33cars wanted TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top pricis paid tron immidiati pirk up anytime 436 2900 COLF BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrlcking Fast pirkup Days 435 632 Altor6p 424 S949 SHAKELS WRELKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought ovtr SraIiS Bostpririispaid 436 3677 34trucks andtrailers 1970 FORD 8000 tandem dump will crrtily good condition Phono 436 2569 alter 1974 FORD VAN E300 cylinder automatic CFTlflfd $2800 Phone alter 6p 436 4034 1966 GMC TON €XClltn1mef1dnt6l condition extra parts included Tlll phone 487 3591 1976 DODGE ton pickup short box 318 V8 speed overdrive rustom in terior radio step bumper asking $4000 Phone 456 3837 I977 HEAVY duty Ford 150 wheel drivr remainder of nrw warranty Many extras 7000 miles Phone 424 1926 DELUXE FORD Cap With tintvd glass Sliding side Windows With srrnens sliding tront Window vent and light with Jenson speakers With volumn control Telephoni 424 6326 1968 CHEVROLET van $695 or host of lcr Partially uslonhzvd 68000 miles Tnlephoni 728 4222 1974 FORD LT9000 sprtcr 318 Dntrod conventional tandem tractor hits work Cortiliiid TlllphOnC 726 6436 alter 1971 FORD Econolinr van 46000 miles cylinder automatic niw paint lob rrtiliid 51285 Telephonii 728 1059altcr 6p 1974 DODGE ton 318 automatic new Iront tirrs crirtilind A1 41000 1105 Asking $2850 Also insulated panilIrd camper truck raps Tolrphonr 325 4268 Orillia Line 140ro 1975 GMC ton pirk up truck box for sale lull Sim box no rust Telnphonr 728 7803 1970 GMC ton rrauonablc condition Can cortin Asking $800 as is P710710 424 0596 SPECIAL SAVE $2400 00 Late 1975 Ton SuperCal Ford pickup like new 7000 milus All power hoavy duty Shocks battery and cooling system radial tires 5920000 lhnni 445 3226 Collinqwood FIBERGLASS TOP cab tor pickup truck like now Suvr $1l000 Phoni 445 3226 Collingwood NEW CAMPER Save 5180000 17 all tibirglass lully insulated Starlire Ill pick up ramper Frig heater 4burnur STOVI Fan Hood Toilet Sleeps $3900 00 Phone 445 3226 Collingwood ONE OWNER 1973 Dodge Van 8200 automatic powor brakrs radio nrw paint tinted glass dual exhaust will certity $2600 Tollphone 436 5997 1974 CHEVROLET ton truck with doors suporr ab 454 motor in good con dition 1974 28 Olympia 5th WhlOl housil trailer 5000 watt qonrrator air ondi 110710121 now broadloom and curtains sleepsst 705 737 2435altor6 35service and repairs British Car Owners Youre Not Stranded We have factory Trained English Mechanics Kitchen Motors 178 Essa load 7282287 A23 LICENSED Mechanic doing general repairs Any lob considered Call 424 6463 alter Itoauto accessories CORVETTE small black chrome headers and side exhaust tits 196977 usrd six months high porlormance 202 inch heads Lakewood blankit shield onr stirolgard tiro new Evenings 7262596 37motorcycles 1973 YAMAHA 1150 Cl vcrv 000d condi tion toot bars back 515875 or best at ler Has been checked over 705 42a 3012 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 1972 Honda CB 350 in tXLElltHil condition Certltlerl Asking 3825 Telephone 46627311 Cree more 197 350 HONDA CB Ior sale in ex cellint condition 6000 miles Includes back rest Telephone 7267976 alter 1971 HONDA 350 needs some work good mechanically brand new tires and carbs $3001irm Phone 726 8435 alter pm TRIUMPH NORTON and BSA Parts and service class mechanic Superior Cycle Sales 7289524 um KAWASAKI 500ln condition 8000 miles Asking $750 Telephone 7269378 altoropm LIKE NEW 1976 80 cc Yamaha Enduro trail bike 600 miles steel legal $550 Telephone 728 4564 KAWASAKI 90 cc lull stop street motor cycle brand new condition low mileage $2125 or best otter Telephone 737 3308 37 motorcycles 40 articles for sale 1976 CANAM TNT 125 Dual flow out sale Ncvor USlO lull warranty list $1199 Now only $915 Tollphone 728 9524 ONE ONLY brand niw Honda C190 trail DIR never usid listIl at $753 selling lor $650 Tellinltrilti 726 6732 articles for sale TORO LAWNMOWERS PUSH SELF PROPELLED RIDING GARDEN TILLERS SEE OUR SPRING SPECIALS WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL OBRIENS SPORTS MARINE LTD 1111 N0 0R0TATION 4872211 MUST BE Color 26 RCA XL100 French Provincial Was $1200 Soud Stote Modular A22 Chromacolor im titicii Canadian maniitarturir and distributor has aluminum pools Iilt UVlr lrom 1976 season price Guarantivd intillilion and TtVln Call llll1tlrlillr iviniiios 416 721 4840 SWIMMING POOL Loading LEADING SWIMMING Pool WltllllSrillr must disposr at 1976 all aluminum priiil in slot Sal rilir prici tor iligtprritily nioitiil lartory VlrlfflelllSl piri 8741110 nrw swmtniinu pools inrludi 11 Walk round dic trim and warranly 5171 15 27 ft $1158 ash or llttt Cil Port colleit diy or lVfI1J 1416 4818807 SWIMMING POOLS to rint wrlt ltrlu and install for homunwnvrn lainin siti aluminum swunminq pool With patio Chaici ol Stylus rnrwtinu all linrind regulations on our two or ttirii yinr rinlnl hams with option to own In below you buy Call rnltvit aiiyliiiii 416 663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS 19 RCA COLOR Latest 1977 Color TOSHIBA COLORS 1977 Inoilil slight ly scratitiid in transport Fully war ratttiid 0171pll1l With pump motor rr tiltir loncinu wlilkvmy Ind dink Sunnistud retail DrKl $2795 AVTllilltll at we season spot till at $1288 Call nnt lor early IITilfllerIOfT Call lltlllfi anyiimii 416663 ism 26 QUASAR COLOR ELECTRIC Sl11AOllKltl uitaI inil Ampltfltl approx mnt1illilll 10111 in works In Drawer OXLtllltlt iondition Asking $550 726 3435 CEDAR POSTS ill silos rNHTIUTi11111 Iconu Solid Sae brareS R0801 111111 tiantnttll and hens alsodur 728 1637 ONE COUCH one lXll iliiistitinlil mi 19inch Emerson iolur lLVIitUH All in lair ondilion TllPDllOTil 726 9911 TE LEVISION sttmghnuw 26 mi Ii 01 or yiars old in iixiollint iunrlition $3500r DISTOlflV TtllpltOltl 716 1057 LARGE COLLECTION at old not lxit and assorted liottliis Also 01d ltl Irilii signs all lnr salt S200 taki all Also coin calIiLtion llllph0n0 7117 3753 STE REO SYST EM RDdllilll tape duck and sprakers AM FM Wldt band In good rendition $400 llPDl011l 726 0330 altorop LOCAL SWIMMING lnul Dinlnr hat lllTilflLl number oI Silll ingrounit piiiiti at QFINITIV rvduurl DriLlS 16 32 in ground $3495 irIsIalIid OthiI Siltx comparably primd Call Iolynismn Phone Tonghl PUBLIC NOTICE KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza COLOR TVS SUPERB VALUES CHOOSE FROM 26 ELECTROHOME NOW $299 20RCAXL100NOW$619 20ZENITH NOW$383 NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS TIL JUNE 77 20GESOLIDSTATE $412 20GX100NOW$759 26GX100 $1095 ALL ABOVE PRICES WITH TRADE KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS TlL JUNE 77 A22 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale $AVE Reupholstering Recover it Yourself 0Wide selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions OTools both amateur professional Needles threads twines OButtons made to order complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP 539 Iayfiold St CLEARED $350 WEEKLY NOW$995 51000 WEEKLY $550 WEEKLY $400WEEKLY WThFTF GARAGE SALE Saturday April 23 10 am to pm Baby crib walker car bed baby and girls clothes double mattress odds and ends Excellentcondltion 220ak Street WESTINGHOUSE standardwhite stove 1974 model good condition Telephone 5800 60 YEAR OLD dining room suite square model leaf table six chairs buffet china cabinet $350 or best otter Call anytime 728 8030 PIECE Walnut Dining Room Suite or prax 40 years old good condition 7261004 TWO BOYS bicycles 19 inch lrames One speed one standard Both in good condition Telnphone 778 1560 GARAGE SALE 4pm April 23 at 90 College Crescent Snall kitchen appliances portable TV and numerous household items Alcohol burner stove tor boat CAMPING EQUIPMENT tent stove lantern and air mattresses etc Used one soasnon Phone 726 2088 ANTIQUE DOORS 21 solid pine panelled 30 and 36 It Good condition Telephone 726 6211 BRAND NEW Sunbeam snowblowers selling lor $23500 now below cost at $11500 Fowlelt Phone 726 $765 GLASS COFFEE table with matching end tables lor sale with chrome brand new $175 the set Telephone 726 2666 COMPLETE SET of kitchen cupboards uppers and floor units with arborite counter tops $200Four chrome kit chon chairs 38 Roll way bed $15 Change table 518 Wooden chair trainer wJolty iumper $2wPIastic baby swing S3 Catalytic heater $10 487 3437 BICYCLEgirls speed hi rise $40 Telephone 7373107 PATIO SALE boys bicycles speed and standard odd goll clubs 252 pool table balls green solabed mat ching chair palm tree lamp Com modore portable typewriter cooling fans humidilier new polyester material 5450 WEEKLY $390 WEEKLY $650 WEEKLY $333 $290 WEEKLY $543 5500WEEKLY $593 $545 WEEKLY $1000 WEEKLY Barrie Delivery Tonight and patterns brown cannister set with Pools 1800 2616121 Ask lor Optrotor A212 603 Aflwmm rwmifl REFRIGERATOR trust fllt In very good ondition $100 or Iiist Olfll ounics fOr Tullphone 096 40 articles forsale garbage container odds and ends SATURDAY April 23rd lrom 12 noon at STORE FIXTURES steil wall and island shelving card raiks itiriik mil countur pun casu rash HUIstir photo copIcrs dlSk and inisirllanixius Illnis Telephanv lor appointment 326 672 CE DATR RAILS tor sale also shorts tor kindling Ii ity limits Any quantity For flttlltlr iiilorlnation talcphone 728 71104 Ii PIECE walnut svt Dunian Fylo sytle in tIClllln condition Telephone CEMENT MIKE scallold With planks 4778 wheelbarrow and china raliinvl liwi ARDEN TRACIOR Spars win seal and othor odd lurnituri Ross Street ROYAL Copenhagen Mothers Day Plates lovely Mothers Day gilt 1971 to 1976 C0llcC101Slllttt 436 2765 FREEZER $150 snowthrowor llCtil $30 lawnmower $75 rilrlgorator530 Apply ylindir l6 horsvppwrr high low range heavy duty 40 inch ltTOWtr and snow ll0Wtl Usud one suason as now Save $600 Evrninas 726 2596 BICYCLES TRIKFS all sizes ricondi Iionud rvpaInIid ripairs parts wanted Alter pm call 726 0850 douva bod $75 swwel hair $10 floor polishur $3 swing set $2 Tolephonv 728 6562 FLOWER POTS clay pots to 14 plastic pots to 10 all dismiintid at least 25 per cent Adalr VOlUITTl Sales 21 Mary St 737 2221 MARINE SUPPLIES 0VlT 100 OMC boat propellers many sizes minor part dies 5475 lilo lackets anchors 1th ders bumpers and many athei ac cessorles Adair Volume 5611s 21 Mary St 737 2221 BICYCLE PARTS lenders from 99 cents tires from 99 cents handle bars tram 99 cents paddles 99 cunts Pius other parts Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary St 737 2221 175 NEW 81nch cement blocks 1140 cents each and 30 used cemnnt blocks at 20 cents Phone 728 6216 alter BABY STOLLER carriage with many accessories in good condition 14 loot librogtass canoe also in good condition Telephone 436 2138 alter in DISHWASHER lor sale portable Ad miral llfllL avocado green with wood cutting board top years old Taliphoni 737 0924 AIR CONDITIONER Ernnrson 12000 8TU TYOflrS Old 5300 Pl 726 7921 rIflUro GUITAR POLARIS solid wuud electric wlth amp and cry baby yo sold $600 new will 5le tor 3475 Excellent condi tion 726 5040 1975 PIJCH moped usvd very little cost $467 sell tor 3250 Telephone 325 4268 Orillia Lin0140ro GARAGE SALE Saturday April 23 Sunday April 24 6711 to pm Jonathan Court Dishes books toys clothing andmiscollaniousitoms BED QUEEN sire box spring and mat tress in good condition $65 Also solid wood swivel olllce chair $10 Telephone 737 1039 WEDDING DRESS tor salo 511914 with headpiece and will Telephone 726 4006 33 Strabane Ave HUNDREDS OF YARDS at selected labrics at hall price Good quallty material Singer Georgian Mall BRICKS 500 textured brown néw half price 530 Telephone 7288098 DINING ROOM suite piece solid oak carved approx 50 years old Good condition Phone 726 2795 GARAGE SALE April 23 and 24 10 am Grinders Coleman lantern car rack carrier sump pump and many other items 72 Henry St 43b9351m°95 Outboard Motor Sale 15 HP Johnson $699 HP Johnson $389 HP Johnson $279 All new limited quantity 500 CEDAR Fence posts inch tops tor sale Phone mornings 737 1245 and even ings 726 7742 FISCHE SKIS Marker bindings Value 3320 asking $175 Fischer ski boots size $100 Four 75 gal aquariums stand and accessories $45 72 cu in scuba tank 370 Ncmrod regulator 550 Weight bench $30 Call 726 79215 GARAGE SALE Antiques and new tiques kids stull lug gage record player clothing macrame loads at other goods 360 Blake Street Unit Saturday April 23 am to pm YARD SALE Wagon wheel tixturo single bed chllds desk llllng cabinet bedding electric typewriter many other items All day Fri and Sat 148 Kempenlelt Drive OWNER MOVING Air conditioner 8000 BTU shell unit baby carriage high chair and many other Items all In good condition 7268180 tor more SPORTHAVEN MARINE 225+ERF ELD mile East of Barrie an macingcar tlat back cupboards Tillany type lamps on Shomy Bay Rd odd dressers chest at drawers drop leaf 7261001 tables and hcr Items 424 1723 alter MwFAu3 PORTABLE TV Sanyo 19 $90 Viking electric lawn mower double blade both items as new Tall self propelled sport mower reel 21 $140 728 2863 CHESTERFIELD CHAIR brown and recliner green Suitable tor cottage or recreation room $50 or best otter Telephone 726 1119 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asklng $2500 Telephone 435 424Salter 430p in 14 FOOT aluminum cartop boat 51 beam 75 hp motor oars litelackets racks Only used twlie complete pack age $600 Phone 726 0629 after