the examiner Thursday Aprll 21 1977 80 at demonstrgtion Entertaining with ease More people are turning to home entertaining says Susan Borden Consumers Gas home economist You can save money by entertaining at home that in cludes the price of the babysit ter she says She says she receives many phone calls daily asking for tips on entertaining And that is why the third Entertaining With Ease demonstration was success again this year More than 80 people met Thesday night at Consumers Gas Blue Flame Room for Mrs Bordens demonstration The trick is how can you en joy your company and still serve good food Theres nothing more annoy ing for the guests than when the 331 flit5 tirade hostess is running in and out of the kitchen she says Easy doesit she says She first demonstrated Chicken Premiere now thats food with gourmet flair she said She also offered tips on sav ing money energy andtime Dont preheat your gas oven unless you are making delicate dish such as souffle It saves energy She said tests have been made by home economists across Canada and it was found preheating makes little or no difference in most cooking And the menu she prepared Tuesday night consisted of several dishes to be cooked in the oven at the same time Make double batches when preparing casseroles she said Box 2060 OrilliaOntario 7033257100 NEUTONE WHITE INTERIOR SEMIGLOSS Top quality paint manufactured specifically for Dominion Hardware $11233 29 or MASKING TAPE 34 in 60 yds 99$ 112m x60de $187 ROLL $66 GAL PLASTIC UTILITY SHEET 8ttx12ltsrze Sanitary Transparent Washable Weather and morsture resistant NEUTONE WHITE INTERIOR LATEX Manufactured tor Dominion Hardware to the highest specifications OT Eat one now and freeze one forlater On cutt costs she sug gested buying meat when it is on special using fresh vegetables and fruit when in season and shopping with list Impulse buying is expen sive she said Use evaporated milk whip ped for frozen desserts and pies Its lower in cost than whipping cream and lower in calories too she said small can will give you two cups whipped cream CHICKEN PREMIERE whole chicen breasts split in half teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika Dash of pepper Butter cups sliced fresh mushrooms OR 10 ounce can sliced mushrooms to cup chopped onion 10 ounce cans cream of chicken soup undiluted 12 cup dry white wine 14 teas on Tabasco sauce 12 Tab espoons red currant jet Sprinkle chicken breasts with salt paprika and pepper Place in frying pan and brown lightly in butter over medium gas flame Remove chicken breasts and place in large casserole Using the same frying pan saute the mushrooms and onions lightly Add chicken soup wine Tabasco sauce and currant jelly Stir until smooth Pour over chicken Bake un covered in 325 degree gas oven for hour servings CANADIANA CURTAINS Tiebacks and Tiers Polyester Cotton 0r Muslin For free brochure write Box 833 Barrie L4M 488 PLASTIC PAINT PAIL quart capacny PAINT ROLLER SET Metal tray and 712 dynel roller With sure grip threaded handle $77 SET Hilliard Wakefield Dominion Hardware Angus Plaza Angus 4245800 Robinson Dominion Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 7282431 NATURAL CORK WALL PANELS Decorative soundproofing and insulation Each 12 12 12 panel comes With selfadhesive mounting pads panels per package $99 PKG lggï¬x PASSAGEWAY SET For interior doors No lock 8449EA Hogarth Dominion Hardware lefroy 4562020 Handy Dominion Hardware Innistil Beach Rd RR No Stroud 4361170 ENTRY LOCK SET For exterior doors in homes cottages offices Two sets in of keys and installation instructions 98 EA PRIVACY LOCK SET For bathroom and bedroom doors Pushbutton lock 8498 EA Alex Iarlette third vicepresident of the Ontario Nursing Home Association shows poster which will be used by the association to promote nursing home weekend June to June l2 Thcthcme of the weekend will be More Than Place To Live Examiner photo Volunteers important aspect nursing home president says Who was that Woman in the red smock In time youll know Shes the volunteer worker in an Ontario nursing home Volunteerism has become such an important aspect of nursing home care that we feel it needs to be recognized says Alex larlettc third vice presidcnt of the Ontario Nurs ing llochssociation ONIIA We hope that nursing home volunteerism will evolve like hospital volunteers he told Tuesdays meeting of the regional NHA Activities directors and workers with the regions nurs ing homes met for noon lun cheon at the Ilrookdalc Inn The association has designed name plaques srnocks and pro grams for volunteer workers and Jarlcttc says he hopes nur sing home volunteers throughout Ontario will wear them Right now we want to get the community into the nursing homes of the are re that is one way in which we will get more volunteers into the homes he said In Barrie there are three nur sing homes Kempcnfclt Manor and Hayfield Lodge for the elderly and Coleman Nursing Home for the retarded Says Donna Drover of Kempcnfelt Manor We have dozen of our own volunteers who help with coffee breaks crafts reading and taking peo ple for walks total of about 80 volunteers from community organizations also come into the home to help regularly she said Representatives from nurs ing homes who attended the meeting will discuss the propos al program with their home ad ministrators Nursing Home Weekend will be held June to June 12 The theme will be More Than Place To Live Were hoping to get people to visit their community nurs ing homes at this time to learn more about nursing home care Jarlette said Donna Drever right examines the red smock worn by Sandra Montgomery while they chat with Alex Jarlette third vicepresident of the Ontario Nursing Home Association Miss Montgomery and Mrs Drcver work with Kenipenfelt Manor The red smock was designed by the association to promote volunteerism in nursing homes in Ontario Examiner photo Well known Alliston couple celebrate 50th anniversary By MARGARICI SIOIXIZ Examiner orrespondent Mr and Mrs Robert Walker Orange St Alliston are receiv ing congratulations of relatives and friends as they celebrate their golden wedding an niversary The wedding on March 1927 was the first in the new United church at Mansfield which was completed the year before to replace one destroyed byf ire Margaret Sawyers the daughter of the late James and Liza Sawyers and Robert Walker son of the late James and lcnnic Walker all of the Mansfield community were married by Rev Bumside who is now deceased but the Walkers keep in touch with Mrs Burnside who resides at llaven Camper down on Geor gan Bay Attendants Winnifred Gennings now Hadden who resides at Richards Landing ncar Sault Ste Marie and Austin Rutledge of Alliston at tended the Open House to be held in St Johns United Church Sunday afternoon reception at the brides home followed the ceremony 50 years ago and the bride and groom left by train from Everett for wedding trip to Collingwood and Harrie return ing to take up residence on the family farm in Mulmur Ibwnship Duffcrin County The couple recall two good years of general farming before the depression when times were hard for everyone They see many changes in farming operations through the obituaries Mrs Bricco ALLISION Requiem Mass was celebrated at St Pauls Roman Catholic church for two memers who died recently Elizabeth Farr Bricco wife Frank Bricco died at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Saturday April 9th after lengthy illness She is survived by her hus band her daughcr Mary Mrs tarry Loftus of Oakville and grandchildren Patrick Elizabeth Suzanne Timothy and Danny Charles Morrow Charles Vincent Morrow husband of the former Frances Lynch died in Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Monday April 11th in his 74th year Surviving besides his wife aid daugher Marie Mrs Denis Casey of King City are grandchildren Charles Maureen and Jaylyn and sisters Mrs Patricia OLeary Mrs Anna Trainor Rita Georgina and Edward all of Cblgan He was predeceased by brothers Rev Father James Morrow Francis Ralph and Fergus Burial was in St Cemetery Alliston Pauls years from horsedrawn machinery to big expensive equipment today Their first tractor was purchased in 1945 and it is still in operation As was the custom neighbors exchanged help for threshing and the Walkers acquired their own threshing malhine later replaced by combine Poultry and cows provided regular income and Margaret commented that she was not always too happy when Bob was away catching for the ball team when it was time for the cows to be milked ACTIVE LIVES Both have been active in church and community life He served on school board and council for number of years is former Reeve of Mulmur and has been member of the Orange Lodge for 55 years Walker has served on Session at St Johns and his wife active in the CS They are also members of the Alliston Golden Age Club and participate in all their ac tivities Retiring in 1960 the Walkers btiilt the home in which they now reside and not wanting to be idle he was employed by local firm for two years then Custodian at Banting Memorial High School for nine years and Mrs Walker worked at Steven son Memorial Hospital for seven years lliey have one daughter Jean Mrs Norman Olson of RR No Mansfield and five grandchildren Ann Lundersg Rumpled hubby reflects wife Dear Ann Landers What is the matter with some women Dont they realize that the way their husbands clothes look is reflection on THEM We just came home from partyit wasnt formal but it WAS dinner was appalled at the way some of the has bands showed up Their suits needed pressing and buttons were missing from both shirts and suits One mans cuffs were held together with safety ins and he had hole in his sock The wives all looked terri ic They must have spent the whole day getting ready Such indifference on the part of wife has got to be com bination of laziness and ignorance Please print this letter and maybe some of them will quite lookin at themselves long enough to look at their husbands an make sure the poor guys are presentable when they got out for an eveningUtter Dear may get my neck wrung for saying this but show me married man who looks like refugee from rummage sale and Ill show you wife who doesnt care about him Dear Ann Landers Another birthday has passed and not phone call card or small gift from niece or nephew We have seven My husband and were never blessed with youngsters of our own but weve never failed to remember our sisters and brothers children at Christmas time and on their bir thdays Those children now are in their teens and early 205 Although they always respectfully acknowledge the gifts we send not one of them has ever remembered as in any way Dont they realize childless aunts and uncles can be awfully lonely at holiday time Are we wrong to feel put out lnvisible Relatives Dear Bellies Any child who gets an allowance or earns pocket money should be able to buy card or small gift for an aunt and uncle who remember them on birthdays and Christmas handmade gifta tin of cookies or something made atrschgolhas special sentimental touch Children in their teens and 205 should not need to be told about reciprocation Since yours do suggest you mail them this column and sign your name to it If your birthday or Christmas whichever comes first doesnt roduce card or remembrance from thebe kids stop remembering them This advice goes for grandparents as well Dear Ann was the eldest girl and devoted my life to bet ing my widowed mother raise big family Im 43 now an all the others are married but me work as dietitian in hospital and have fallen in love The man has been patient here for several months Vince is diabetic who had leg amputated He is retired farmer fairly welltodo and has grown children IIiswife died two years ago and he treats me like queen Vince will be discharged in May and wants me to marry him in June close friend of mine says Id be crazy to marry diabetic with one leg that all hes looking for is nurse Shes been divorced three times and says she knows men lot better than do which is true need ad viceLove Him Dear Friend Your signature says it all Go ahead and marry Vince Its that threetime loser with the big mouth who doesnt have leg to stand on Ermg Bombeck New technique is not so new By ERMA BOMBECK Everyone at card club the other night was discussmg the newest technique of childrearing called Parent Ef fecttveness Training What this amounts to is active listening which psy chiatrists have been doing for years You just sit there and look wise play with letter opener if you wish and let the kid do all thetalking If he says threw up today you just remain ex pressionless and say Do you like throwing up Gordon Not much Youre saying you prefer something else guess so Youre not sure Im sure Then youre quite certain about that Sorta Youve just expressed doubt again DONT LIKE THROWING UP There is no need to be hostile No one is going to make you throw up This conversation is dumb Is that what you think Gordon Im going to be sick again You see Mother smiles thats what you wanted all alon tgld the group my husband was ahead of his time Hes been using that technique on me for years only he calls it DHNDrive Her Nuts was climbing into bed the other night when said You did deposit your cheque in the bank today didnt you Is that something you want to discuss now No could wait until tomorrow at the bank but there will be so many people aroundlawyers law enforcement officers the president of the bank Dont be patronizing wrote cheque today for the draperies because we dont have charge at Billkos Would you like to have charge at Billkos Thats not important The draperies were on sale and was lucky to find triple pair 80 inches long so wrote them cheque didnt have choice You are saying you feel threatened by this action am saying unless you deposited that cheque today wont need the draperies because where Im gomg wont have window BeSides Im going to be sick You see he smiled turning off the light thats what you wanted all along PoIIXs pointers Good cleaner removes grease DEAR POLLY Do you have any suggestions for cleaning varnished kitchen cabinets My cabinets have film on them from gas heat and cooking so are sticky to the touch IP DEAR TP You might use good furniture cleaner to remove the greasy buildup Follow directions on the can If greasy film does not wipe away with cloth you could try using the FINEST steel wool LIGHTLY with the cleaner then wax or polish as desired Always read directions carefully as some cleaners that one might be tempted to use are not to be used on varnished surfaces POLLY DEAR POLLY Never open pill boxes or bottles over the bathroom basin or kitchen sink just learned this the hard way by dro ping all things down the drain to the tune of $10 bucks MP DEAR POLLY work in an office and my Pet Peeve is with people who do not know how to use stapler Letters reports or attachments to letters are often clipped together If they are related enough to be paper clipped together they could be stapled Clips are useful but they are easily removed when papers are stacked so important things can be lost They catch other papers and must always be removed before fil ing so why not staple to begin with Save time and energy Let the receiver remove the staples and then you the sender will not be responsible for loss or misplacement BETTY DEAR POLLY My tips are for car owners Pitt brick in the trunk to put under the wheel when changing tire Also carry board to put the jack on in case you are in loose sand Keep flashlight in the glove compartment Women should use long wrench that has four ways to turn nuts and put piece of tape around the one that fits your car You can then feel it at night if you have no light Carry extra fuses as you may not be able to find the proper size when needed Be sure car is in Park when changing tire and write down whatto do if your car stalls etc HERB