40 orticles for sale 41 boots motors 60 feed all smlll 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 78 tenders the oxmlm Thurday Aprll 21 1977 19 Grdenlands Grass Seed and MIRROR CRAFT Lottin Mixtures Pioneer Corn SALE of LANDS MW Ag terng 303230 Aslwm SEBVCE TENDER ANNOUNCEM eup Minerals SEALED TENDERS clearly 11 FT For further information and or McBOflaldS marked tender for land pur CAR TOP daring OPPIYZ Large international company dun WI be COW lY iwwy FROM $320 KEITH LEES requires attractive and dflslgnd V9 °CI°Ck In Death Notices Engagements Birth Recovor IT SAVE 207 ON RR No Shanty Bay WQOIIQ PWn 1° €001 uhflnoo 29m day °I maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Yourself ANY New aims 7266846 RTTME COUNTER Barrio clients Cor necessarY Al 77 PUMP °l Card of Thanks 25 words $500 MOTOR PURCHASE TThSMy7 KITCHEN HELP REQUIRED Excellent starting salary plus anY OI IOIIOWI9 Additional word can word TilerTc edlono lscoun WITH BOAT PRIDE SEED corn and king grain shifts per week car allowance For OP pour farms of Iland If In Memoriam no verse 5500 Foam cushions OBmifls 590 CZILdï¬nkggckf°e2fu$2g ATTENTION STUDENTSI P°Imm°ml 223 enorTl r°¢ngean Verse per count line extra 21 cents or line for grain Also R121 3x and 110 2x1 Interesting ln gaining financial Independence McDonalds will hire Coming Events 5322 per column lttClt TOOIS bom amateur MRINE lTD Telephone Wilfred Peacock 7262679 croemore In coumy of Sim WW professional RR on STAo RED CLOVER seed for sale le 20 to 35 part time help due to expansion Benefits include above cog WW ONeedles threadslltwines 22 7262679 minimum wage free food uniforms supplied scheduled pay PARCEU mrfl 5d taunons made to order 64farm machinery falsest MRS Per week Conact manager on duw Monday Thur A2 IV acres mofe or 93 bging oA complete line of upholstery ML sday 330500 pm SARAH COVENTRY nationally adver WARREN jawt flgrllragsvfulgzzs PERRIS Henry At his home 19 Vicr 8HP garden tractor with cultivator and Bed tawdry company announces ex par ots 14 15 16 17 18 loGodweC YO torla Park Toronto husband of of Whites Road RRIIS Trenton Ont an nounce the birth of their son Clayton Jacob April 1977 at Belleville General Hospital First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Jake Elgenhuls of Barrie OAT LEY Liz and Roger announce the early arrival of Alexander Elise on Fri day April 15 1977 Weight negligible Our gratitude to the doctors and staff at St Michaels and Sick Childrens Hospitals supplies A16181921 UPIIOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP 539 sayilolrl 51 ll snowblade for 8200 Telephone 4363642 1967 FORD 700 with 18 foot grain box and Florence Lynn Resting at the Sherrln Funeral Home Kingston Road Toronto for service at 11 am Friday Burial and short service at Midhurst Cemetery at approximately 3pm McDONALD Nancy Ann At the Na tional Defence Medical Centre Ottawa on Tuesday April 19 1977 Private Nan cy McDonald Loving daughter of Patricia and Patrick McDonald of pension program In the Barrie area Im mediate opportunites for full or part time No investment or deliveries Free training available For interview call collect 14167293189 Mrs Erickson 19 and 20 north side of Caroline Street and parts of Lots 14 15 16 and l7south side of Francis Street Plan 138 and being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 PARCEL 22 FT Starcraft 1974 cabin cruiser 165 Mercruser b°°d°b°ard lu double cylinder pole hoist also John camQEr my equpped excellem Deere 494 four row corn planter and condition Telephone 7371578 after Cockshun 43o sewpmpeued combine Pmrd with 12 foot grain head and cab All in 42 arï¬cles wanted goonEELonTelephone4873131 CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre BUILDING BLOCKS Nursery School Midhurst requires fully qualified teacher for parent cooperative program commencing Sept 1977 mornings per week For further Information please MANSFIELDOENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED FANNING MILLS for cleaning seed in good working order Reasonable Telephone 4563832 JOHN STREET BARBIE mucosagawELLE 6uggvbes 7265520 MslztvmlflézeMme 233 acres being parts of Lots 83 on PSNJLlilomifislilaï¬loéeÃ©ï¬ ALL CASH old furmlvre Pclures COMMISSION SALES 18 i2 and 20 south side of 9° rieViSitationtrom Wednesdayat7pm SlalfitelcyeiflslalflL POTATOES GOOD quality Kennebec ca Funeral mass at Holy Redeemer also some smallseed Will deliver No Ll TIME r° Street on 138 BRISTOW MITCHELLMl and Ms Church Base Borden on Thursday at Lloyd Bristow 303 Letitia St Valley View Farm Barrie announce the forth coming marriage of their youngest daughter Catherine Maxine to Peter Donald son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Mit chell 54 Henry St Barrie The wedding will take place in St Georges Church Barrie on Saturday September 10th at 4H095 and P915 Tglflthone 7289378 or 7287677 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooirlg 68personals and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMTNG professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 PARCEL 2811 acres being parts of Lots 21 22 23 and 24 south side of pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery VanDerWende William At his residence on Tuesday April 19 1977 William VenDerWende beloved hus band of Bea of Stroud Loving father of Mariorie of Bradford and Len of Lefroy Dear grandfather of live grandchildren WThFTF Excellent potential for high commis sions In the home Insulation industry Clean conscientious people required for In and around Barrie Leads supplied car necessary Please call sales manager72862329amt05pm RESTAURANT Help wanted full or MECHANIC lOlLERl Applicants must hold current Union Skilled Trades Journeymans card or have successfully completed an associated craft ap prenticeship or have minimum of years or more related in NORESCO AMFM Receiver 70 watts RMS $439 new will sell for 5200 Phone Marla 7261762 or 7260693 FTREEZTERfï¬so snowthrower electric $30 lawnmower $75 refrigerator$30 llMITED SPACE AVAILABLE double bed S75 swivel chair $10 floor polisher $3 swing set S2 Telephone 7286562 BICYCLE PARTS fenders from 99 cents tires from 99 cents handle bars from cents peddles 99 cents Plus other parts Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary St 7372221 175 NEW8inch cement biocksatJOcents each and 30 used cement blocks at 20 cents Phone 7286236 after pm TELEVISION CONSOLE black and white $50 Inglis dryer $100 bod chesterfield 530 double bed with box Spring single bed with box Spring best ofterTelephone 72 768 CEDAR RAILS Ie also shorts for kindling city limits Any quantity For further information telephone 7287804 walnutSet Duncan Fyle sytle condition Telephone PIECE in excellent 4364728 BABY STOLLERcarriage with many accessories in good condition 14 foot fibreglass canoe also in good condition Telephone 4362138 alter pm GARDEN TRACTOR Sears twin cylinder 16 horsepower highlow range heavy duty 40 inch mower and snow blower Used one season as new Save $600 Evenings 7262596 BICYELES TRIKES all sizes recondi3 tioned repainted repairs parts wanted After 5pm call 726 0850 TWO DAYS bicycleé 12inch frames One speed one standard Both in good condition Telephone 7281560 DISHWASHERIorEaIEZ portablefAdi miral electric avocado green with wood cutting board top years old EEPB9Z93EELEV RIR CONDITIONER Emerson 12000 BTU years old S300 Phone 7267921 afterro H7 GOURLEY PIANO in good condition E5QIEREDE7Z€Q LL GARAGE SALE 3rd garage on Mulholland Street one block west of Parkside Drive Friday and Saturday a7mrt706pmiManyitemsV GUITAR POLARIS solid wood electric with amp and crybaby years old $600 new will sell for 5475 Excellent condi tion 7265040 i975PUCH moDEd used vérynliftleTCOSI MAYS POODLE PARLORTProies sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 7260061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG ilminiature Collie puppies CKC registered $150 and up Telephone 4357895 All iston DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Spring classes starting May For information please call Mrs Wolters at 4589361 evenings and weekends AMERICAN Cocker Spaniels 16 weeks old blonde females CKC registered Champion bloodlines shots and trained SISOeach Call 4361052 BOXER FEMALE brindle yea registered champion stock loves children 5150 TelephonerESgogqid GERMANSHEPHERD year 01¢qu papers and all shots Good with childrenTelephone7371107afteropm DOBERMAN PUPPIES 13 weeks old registered tattooed ears and tails done top champion bloodlines Sire Am and Cdn Ch Schaufelleins Vintage Year Guber 5250 Phone 4589442 REOPENING RIPADA Kennels 15 Ferndale Drive April 29 Were anxious to see all ourrcustomeliagairLHBl131 BOXER 14 years old brindle color good watchdog ideal for farm house 50 Telephone 7261276 AFGHAN HOUND male 13 months old colour is red with black mask loves children unregistered Requires space and loving home country environment preferred Telephone 4245175 OBERMAN PUPPIES for registered black and tan and reds Ready to go with shots and papers Telephone 7266232 REGISTERED MALE beSï¬Jgood deer and rabbit dog Phone 4872522 for fur therinformation ENGLISH COCKER spaniel puppies registered Meadowlawn Kennel 4872346 BOXER 14 months old brindle color good watchdog Ideal for farm house $50 Telephone 7261276 sogarden supplies week for people Phone 728 See England Scotland and Wales with us this fall 16 Glorious days departing Sep tember 1977 $79900 pp Price includes air fllte hotel and mast meals Escorted from Hays Travel Call us now 728 4700 A23 Grand Bahamas return Airflite hotel most meals com plimentary green fees and ten nis Fully escorted from Hays Only $28900 pp Call Hays Travel Service 7284700 M3 Tilt ll NIGHTRIDER FOR MORE sun run Disney World St Petes Nassau Freeport Prices from $18900 and up Call Hays Travel for details 7284700 A23 HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from May on ward efficiency units from $75 dustrial experience in the lost 10 years of employment Current hourly rate $651 plus 26 cents COLA shift weekly rotating system Shift premium 10 cents per hour pm12 mid night and 25 cents per hour 12 midnight8 am Excellent fringe benefits including dental plan Application forms available at the Security Office or by writing to the Employment Supervisor A23 AD REP We are looking for talented creative energetic ad vertising sales representatives Were offering good salary car allowances generous commissions excellent fringe benefits and chance to move ahead quickly in this career orien ted company CALI COLLECT 416 8454237 or write to The Oakville Journal Record 284 Lakeshore Road East Oakville Ont L6J 582 Attn CoDyre Director of Sales Division of Metrospan Community Newspapers Limited A21 RETAIL MANAGEMENT Tomblyn Canadas largest retail drug chain is looking for store managers If you have at least years management experience health and beauty aids supermarket or fast food operations this is company who moves its people up Professional development opportunities are unlimited because there is no ceiling on growth We offer full company benefits and excellent working conditions parttime with some service ex perience Apply in person only at The New Penny Restaurant King Street NwthCookstown YMWA WALTERWAITRESS required Apply in person Head Waitress Bayshore Motor Hotel 139150 Dunlap St East FOOKREOUTREDIpartiimef Apply In person to Bayshore Motor Hotel 139150 Dunlap Street East PARTTIME Driver required for delivery of Chinese Food Must be ex perienced Volkswagen driver Responsi bio and mature able to work nights week and able to start at pm It is ideal for second iob Apply in person after pm at Chinese Food 405 Baytield MANAGER Merchandising required for ong established furniture Store Write Box U13 The Examiner Barrie stating education and experience EXPERIENCED MECHANIC require nights to service truck fleet and general maintenance Good benefits All in quiries strictly confidential Phone Cooke Carlage and Storage 7261863 Gord Davis PERSON REQUIRED for sheet metal work on truck trailers Experience necessary Good benefits All replies strictly confidential Cooke Cartage and Storage 7261836 Gard Davis PENSIONER or widow to live in care for little girls one kindergarten one year old Most evenings and weekends off Own room Call 4167757756 Brad ford atterbpm HOLIDAY INN COLLINGWOOD is presently taking applications for the position of Night Auditor If you have hotel or accounting background and are looking for challenging career in the lodging industry drop line to PO Box 37 Collingwood Ontario L9Y3Z4 or phone 4456600 PART 0R full time sales position open for Barrie and surrounding area Own transportation an asset Phone 737 2497 betweenSandBpm LIVE IN companion for widowed lady Very light housekeeping duties Abs tainer Centrally located Salary negotiable Telephone 7282327 CHAMBERMAIDS fulltime and part Caroline Street and parts of Lots 23 24 25 and 26 north side of Elizabeth Street Plan 138 and being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 Tenders should be in the form of the standard agreement of pur chase ond sale with an irrevocable date of May 1977 Cash or Terms Surveys and complete legal description may be obtained from the undersigned HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED COWAN CARTER 107 Collier St BARRIE Ontario L4M 1H2 7057284521 M31 A71421 79 auction sales Auction Sale for Dalton Jermey Lot Can Madonte Twp location miles east of Craighurst or mile west of Jorratt on Horseshoe Valley Road north east of Barrie on Saturday April 23 at 12 NOON The sale offers high class farm machinery including tractors AC model 180 diesel fully powered 1500 hrs Int Super W6 gas wlive power Int Super W4 gas AC WD 45 Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Barrie Vitiation from Wednesday at pm Service and committal complete in the chapei on Fri pm VEITCHSTORRING Mr Murray Veltch of Craighurst and Mrs Molly Mlchaells at Barrie are pleaseed to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Susan Joyce to Mr Floyd Starring son of Mr Floyd Storring of Port Hope and Mrs Rita Starring Lon don May 2lst weddingwill take place at Collier Street United Church at pm of flowers donation to your favorite charity would be appreciated ESPOSITO Victor At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday April 191977 Victor Esposito in his 60th year Beloved husband of Emelia Del Blanco Dear father of Ernest Esposito of Bar 17 gal rEie Son of the late Jospeh and Maria sposito Brother of Louise Bumbaco Aarlny Beltlrlanoé and Eda Mrs Tony ancus of ault Ste Marie Alfred AND OTHERS Esposito of California and Rose Mrs San Meandro Sudbury Friends may call the OSuilivan Funeral Home 215 St James Street Sault Ste Marie after pm Friday Funeral mass at St Greg orys Church Sault Ste Marie on Satur day April 23 at am Interment at Holy IN THE MATTER OF the ESTATE OF RITCHIE HUGH CANNING late of the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe Retired Farmer deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of RITCHIE HUGH CANNING late of the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe Retired Far mer who died on or about the lst day of March 1977 are hereby notified to send par ticulars of same to the un dersigned on or before the 19th day of May 1977 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un Steckley Funeral Home MAXWELL Donald Norman At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday April 19 1977 Donald Norman Machll in his 48th year Beloved hus band of Anne Rodgers Dear father of Jane Joan Andrew and Peter all at home Dear son of Jessie Maxwell of Barrie and the late Harry Maxwell Brother of Mary McMurtry of Fort Erie Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Service in the chapel on Thursday April 21 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery in lieu of flowers memorial donations to any favorite charity would be ap preciated JACKSON Joseph William At Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday aprit 19 1977 Joseph William Jackson in his 74th year Beloved husband of Emily Jane Wadsworth Dear father of dersigned shall then have Norman of Toronto Gordon of Barrie and Stanley of Guthrie Survived also by nonce and he undersgned seven grandchildren Brother of will not be liable to any person Hamilton Jackson Rachel Jackson Mary Wilson and the late Jim Jackson Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Wednesday Service in the chapel on Friday April 22 at pm Enterment Guthrie Cemetery LOL Service at pm Thursday under auspices of Hawkestone Lodge No 904 of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 15th day of April 1977 Doris Beaver and Arlene Small RANDALL Mary Cecilia At Royal day April 22 at pm Cremation in lieu Sepulchre Cemetery Arrangements by S467 sell for $250 Tele hone 3254268 Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday Crime Line 100 FeEBETfltlEERgmgnure gas segd tGet 3136 IOrm°°v Th Au IfYou are lelesed Phase bifï¬s°ï¬mpsgegeggï¬diangisggrgo gas wlooder tillage equip in AdmmSIWIIWS April 18 1977 Mary Cecilia Poirier rays er en en rem bet dwif fFr Randall fStro In Ho tt ottheEstateof 90 airings2137262251V ri use eepera ohm Bar Flory CUIIVOJOTI Rnchie Hugh Connmg llahï¬r 42nd year Dear mother of David CHOICE TOPSOILExcelIent for lawns W5 sprea or ic ael and Allan Grandmother of Commode set atlas wooden wash it TELECARE Wh hl obi HAIR STYLIST ears ex meme machine crock churn dressers To garden ec Even an saurd alone Let frendyhgl Emil The 737 0565 day week Must knolw latestlfgchnlques harvssler bYher S°c°s Mema SUrvwd am by me bran liveryCal72639280r 7261117 A22 27 bol BOY SEAGRAM ROWE and eight Sisters Predeceased by two tle ran eatec 387329fgl5651 of drawers ï¬zéï¬Ã©Ã©ksï¬vréQES éhd sréwberrrrry 726 7922 anytime lastsovweréLylngbcgnénqgngéggulggkse er NH 717 or bmmers and one sisteh Friends may Willi my plans Nowtsmemeo mam 333 ALCOHOLICSANONYMous7286581iil Frank vostor w2row corn head AND TAYLOR can at Steckley Funeral Home GARAGE SALE Saturday April 23 Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive you drink thats your busmess ll you 30 Worsley St Barrie after Dr Sunday April 24 am to pm 726295 wantloquitthatsours Callanytime °°9° b°x and Mom W090 we we Wednesday Funeral mass at St John Jonathan Court Dishes books clothing and miscellaneous itemsn BED QUEEN size box spring and mat tress in good condition $65 Also solid wood swivel office chair 510 Telephone 73710 500 CEDAR Fence posts inch tops for toys Vianney Church Barrie on Friday April 22 at 11 am Interment St Marys Cemetery so cord of thanks TOMLINSON The family of the latte UNWANTED HAIR Barrie Ontario SAVE MONEY and grow your own removed 529 garden richfertilemarsh garden plots pgrmanmny mtdcflly approved by for rem THE drained poughed Ready dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologistl to plant Phone 705 4562545 737 RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm726 0192 Assembly Supervisor Required for Barrie area Toolrnaking par mower NH conditioner qualifications and supervisory ex perience essential Should have ex bale eleVOIOI groin auger perience in assembly of high volume misc equipd harness and items not stamping and silk screening equipmonl Apply to 80x U15 The Ex bells cattle occ hay some 4wagons and rocks Nl hop A2128M5 SUPERINTENDENT Should be familiar with highway work Apply Allan Cook Ltd PO Box 1500 Barrie 7057266424 80 public notices 51trees and shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable Fae7pg3792m0mn957374245 and 9V9 and beaumui plan whim spruce WHY SUFFER agony with Corns andi mm househOId effects antiques and 2333 aTlcThnETthbZT £951 high Free deliverpngowd Callouscs Relief now is yours from IRESpONSBLE Person Wanm Clea misc items Partial list only for their beautiful floral tributes dona WEDDING DRESS for sale size 14 with rr anland Carnation Corn Caps have banquet room One night week and tions cards and many acts of kindness headpiece and veil Telephone 7264006 Elfsggï¬xrpaaggigp mgh been sold for over century with effec lsalurdaY mommo Telephone 776 Tom c°5h day OI sale in the loss of our loved one also our BTCEYCLESVI titans 10 speédrfsoo 13 VESUJS mwlcaled Dad FGGHY 7T IIOIP WUHTBd help wanted Dewem andspm cheques widentificotion thanksto Archdeacon Tanks Dr Laurie 5304 ndii CATALPA TREES good shade Fast does the lob Corn Capsor Callous Capsl 12 7th floor nurses at Royal Victoria mansregua xce en co to sa ES agen Nothing to be removed unm GE 00 ponshen 515 Telephone growers one at 57ftsome a154 few now available at CUSdLn Shoppers PAVING Hospital and the Steckley Funeral 7284059 gr Lgzznsgéant Creed 31 Drug Marts and all druggists PE lExPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company settled for Homei Mae Tomlinson and family rle RS SM LLLL LL FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex needs dependable person who can work Id sagfaimgéusl Fistslesgkdigggts Zige DIG YOUR own spruce black walnut boost and Shocks The Muffler Shop lwilhout superVIsion Earn $14000 per onn Nenher 1° owner nor 87111 memorlams 00 Four 75 9a aquariums Smrm majple birch mountain ash cedar 130lnnisfil$t Barrie 726 2287 Make money while the kids are requrelmm9 °I°Y lyear plus bonus Contact customers The OUClloneerS will be faspon TURNBULL Ste hen Wa ne 72 dawni 3333 school instead oi wonn9 cc ALLAN COOK I3223Â¥JimmJ vble for ccdents or property BUSINESSPERSON mentor at so 222 smarts on I53I2932225233395 the house for the kids to come °ss 2mmssziiseligrsgll Li LL er 92 35 f0 TAXHIEETURNS prepared personal home become an AVON 72 642 A26 76employment wanted b°°h 315 gland Deï¬ceulï¬pmlr mac lne Sma usness 850 Iccoun ing piyro re sen ti rwmr ere eonewe ove lesseeping ryr for small 3151085392 or contraEtors Pei ye you can mee IALLANDALE HEIGHTS Experienced chumunKlo AndWllncVerbelorgm 323uiigpgglgwéiqggshkrldsnagtréxg FRONT END loader for sale HG6Allis 726 1888 P°°P 90 money and be BARRIE AND SURROUNDING area woman will babysit in her own home Hilton4354467 Always remembered by Mom Wendy Oads 01m goods 360 aglake We gï¬ggrs Yad WW and 03L WOULD ANY unsatisfied Volarc owners home before they get there For Company 35 We 93 Im lpmre 77 535 lytle Johnstone Auct SCI 52 Ewan Dayd please contactm 4002 or 424 6904 me 09n95 BMWWS 995005 GET YOUR lawn cleaned for Spring and TURNBULL In ever loving memory Unit Saturday April 23 am to details call 7285 pm Skcampmg eqmpmen FREE hours Gaeway Home 809 tO With car for days or evenings Can earn keep 0ka good summer For WWII 35 1517 of dear grandson Stephen wholelt us LL 7gu or write PO Box 485 up to $6 00 or more an hour Phone YARD SALE Wagon wheel fixture Palm havmg 0090 000 Drmsri 416 895 6532 law malnenance be ca Ben 52 Answ soTsuddienly Apr 1973 single bed childs desk wing canine I963 SHAJTATravel Trailer 17 ft Surprise packages Nottawasaga lnn Barrie sa737 AYU inangar¢remm9 bedding electric typewriter many other males ggllï¬rgzgzh Season fee April 26 ii Bring people and ThiAls 227QfgszlnXfpilfiélzgg EX PERIENCEDMOT HER to look after AthYlggraerairESOTlsvlig items All day Fri and Sat I48 gEEEELLEELFO 19324 24522243 gift For lurther In armzfluipmemï¬echamc Mushave or lama babvcmflgbhggg SIVMenand Examiner Loved iswaitingfor us KemPenfellDllve camP Vacamfl to nh 95 Justoverthchll WEEKMidvmér Eanaï¬ioherl loan See Barrie Community Credit TATUM Leland arcm father at Key AUTOMATIC SCREW 2523 cï¬lflqmlfumy aglcnéiltss rt FOR RENT forkllll with driver In an While every endeavor will be Carrier Always remembered Nanny and Pop 8000 BTU shelf unit baby carriage HPQ1990995175519 James Andrea Evelyn and Christine 728 5530 ric area Sleper hourPhono 7280511 made to forward replies to box my high chair and many other Items all mi 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace Lynn or anyone knowning his numbers to the advertiser OI GILHEANYln loving memory of our NEW DISTRIBUTORS Saturday April 23 10 am to pm Baby crib walker car bed baby and girls clothes double mattress odds and eggsgxcellent condition 22 oak Street WESTINGHOUSE taindEEdwhlté stove 60 YEAR OLD dining room Suite square model leaf table six chairs buffet china cabinet $350 or best offer Call anytime 728 8030 new $2400 Telephone 7377 1107 1974 15ft Sandpiper travel trailer gas electric fridge gas Stove pump or runn ing water Sleeps mint condition Ask ing $2000 or best offer Telephone Chevrolet recently renovated $3200 Telephone 7285890 1973 completer Selfcontained CRUISAIRETNhardtop camper 7372977 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrio 726 0192 71 help wanted NOTICE deadline for classified good condition 7263130 to more gave chemicgl toilet fully equipped wgpggaagcgllaslpï¬asnocongclg Apnsli Required Permanent position bl on COIIBCIIOTI dearaem who passed 15 50 ex 85 wner gong OH cam cl soon ssi we acce no way on jizsTghElELD and makhing chair ingCall7260148after5pm pm for qualified man preferably Spfqglgnlhps to xtra ggome EXAMINER obi ms ed or my ilalback cupboamsriiianytypeiamps l7FOOT TRAVELtrailer in mint condi FREE INSPECTIQN mufflers WIh D°V°P° Perence PnghIZrCigwgdgplg7l6 113T pr UUS WANT ADS do dp waeresmacomwmwsau odd dressers chestot drawers drop leaf lion Sleeps Stove refrigerator fur 0W Shock 509 Telephone 3266361 or write AN chm 099 99 AWBYSSOKOGPOGSOIVW stirs lJi°lut33Z PHONE 728 2414 through either ioiure or delay SPIPiimSsiiimir pm 120wa Lb 77 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION ur oug sarea imeSWI you 1976 ROCKWOOD tent trailer irldge Services CW Crm9 WW An 01anrshghnonpgilgrfllgglelahphlrpmex in forwarding suï¬h pnes weravesomanyhappy memories GARAGE SALE stove toilet sleeps used times As Surveillance DISCNGI onldpmml pl however otherwise Wellnever noneverlorget COLLECTION DAY 7264294evenings 14 cl TI wivesmin 7gg58rgoodel goo condition eep one 972 DELUXE Hardop Camper wim at log and found WDId ads cessories and adda room Sleeps In BICYCLEQ 3599 159 540 excellentconditionTelephono424i251 CAT L051 12 in 50 ma street Chldre OI ft KayakSabot Sail fibreglass all ac gm we We cessomsincluded $500 phone 7573 1974 BELLEVUE 22 foot tandem trailer area orange and black lurtoisc shell pieVious day Th TF ED DORIS MILLS with AcDc electricalpropane lrldge year old snayndlemalv Answerslo Pal and ggafegésfwgegzï¬ad Sgaogprgga 399 propane stoveoven furnace and water 198 773 7465 noon Saturday Mani $2 $63693 iéblem heater Shower and toilet 16 it LITTLE LAKE2fibreglascanol=14 HILTON BARBARA Ca 7256559 QIQEEIEEWOUQ 0667 one orange one yellow reward Call col nd°r fender STEP VAN camper cylinder lectToronto489 5022 THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA TENDER NO 197708 Dear God bless our loved one She will always be our Bet Always in our hearts Mum Janis and Jim 88 coming events Dad invite relatives and friends to Open House on the occasion of their parents MEGE WNWDining Room Sung SUPPLY AND APPLY MTC PRIME AND 25 WED IN years old good condition Eggrjggggllcgggggfn Fortunhef SURFACE TREATMENT WITH BITUMINOUS MATERIAL ANNVEREAR$ gm 1973 TRIPLE 18 travel trailer sleeps The Distrlct Municipalin of Muskoka will receive tenders for the 41boats and motors SATURDAYAPRIL23 1977 ELL 50390229 gig ho£2$fa£$hifle Ilngmgqlgohvgrsou supply and apply MJC Prime and Surface Treemenl WW pm 9pm 3363277332235 767mm mm trailer PP 5d° saneek Bituminous Material on various District roads CHURCHILL COMMUNITY HALL sleeps included as 0039 and propane dy lid Tenders will be received until 1200 noon EDT THURSDAY May churchm 0m stove This trailer has been exceptional no Days ays 12fh1977 Best wishes only Lyiwellcraredfor Phone 7287824 hold valid drivers licence fa $10 00 new wooos TENT Trailer sleeps com over2i 501099 Tender documents may eo to no upon payme plete with zipper on kitchen foam refundable deposit at the office of the undersigned mattresses In good COnCIIIIOlI passome Tele hone7268678 All tenders received after the closing time as listed con Then we want YOUII bid and 57llvestock for sale Sm anmproper on are me op ï¬gï¬ggï¬vgtégggddm special r5 The tenders will be opened publicly at 130 PM EDT Thursday suitable Young or emale Nd Stock Brothers May 12th 1977 in the District Administration Building Pine Street AND ODDFELLOWS 332 School Bus Lines Bracebrldge Ontario FRIDAY NIGHT 2522 uEPQEODAEaGb SILTZeXiIZTTié 728594 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted gï¬zteénslso for registered 4357895 gIsgRvgsezgï¬fgsu 00F HALL FERRIS LANE HORSESHOETNG Jack otSIOO lb th HoelscbtitocrgrsMéARANs 50 mwllggigbaéfg 553$ DUNLUP WPERRY AREA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA re res men fl££lfl€1 LJESIBOIï¬ ARK EDEN PO BOX 1720 wvvrrW PRINGLES 2PUREBRED ll own302 MARNE years sired 32°33 312333 NURSING HOME ELIA EUGENIA BERCZY AREA ACEBRDGE °NTAR° BAKE SALE 25I7I3 Also International 400 manure spreader P08 1C0 TThSMy3 Phong7287930ArtDunn 1973 LIMITED MT FIVE REGISTERED polled Hereford Applications are being received Erhsneéppfnol mahogany $3 ghleiTeiephoneilssya7Moonstone for Kempenfelt Chapter of the cyinder Ch yser in ard REGISTERED BROOD motor Al condition Asking $2500 registered Va horse coil rmlfrlrtehs glft 79 audio fla audio LODE Telephone 4354245 after 430 pm moï¬nmornings 7371245 and evenings on tours permo 01 Trinity Parish Hall 14 FOOT not 51 77 MW nen an bear 35 335Elietlckel EADIIIDIBE sjALEadICISagancle oiw T976 parttime Friday APIII 22 I977 racs ny se wcecom ee ac agesooo Phone716 Ohï¬aftergpmp wagefillguanleopsTE 72855243 son am and Circulauon De Ba leld St Baffle Ioam 17 footrzrirltgrll cit émser boat motor HORSE for salle 7tyealr old hgll Iérablan An°lh°r 900d salo Donolons an any accessories mareapprox maey an or ur iated Telephone 4246977 Monday to Friday ther nformatloncall4589206 STAFF approc or Phone 7266539 SADDLES BRIDLES RIDING EQUIPMENT eoal I6 cedar Morgan filly Both have good breeding 00 one its program Property of and sales $25 000 Inventory Monday April 25 7284730 7233539 F3Zfgnaï¬ggg cfnvggggggggg gfgï¬fd dsm5° Ca 36 23 Prospectéye empldoyee mus pr3shorp at Stouffvllle stockyard 50 new English and Western 5303 ma Tr prepare to wee en so esa name brands300halters 100brldlos 100 air of En Ilsh 19 GREW Lapslrake with Man 70 hp DQILIIYIEESLE rotation schedule and must brooches saddle pads blankets show equipment umping sad RUMMAGE SALE Mercury outboards and trailer $1400 Call 726 9653evenings sAlLeoAT 16 fully flbreglassed needs handymanflssso or bestroflerl7281063 DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg puilets available June 18 Also farm HAY 500 bales first gut conditioned have own transportation 4361461 dies silver show saddles etc etc etc Com lete tack shop In EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD and nearly new table sgï¬Laaoininéchéï¬gtr1ngmims agzodsgzlgmmme pom To arrange for lmorvlew ventoryCollforlntormatlon14166404198Sellng piece by piece ocraceumtedchurch Phonemllaoadflerépm zpéedseedgrain °°Ph°° Address ondWhOhthOITEv°w°nw°c°m cornerofGroveliCook Friday April 22 1977 1976 SLEEKCRAFT Tunnel 2o tool v50 cents bale Also quantity anti 90014130 017 drlboat 150 outboardtrailer complete eience rails 12ft long $1 each John A22 Telephone A99 A15 I6 22 23 A21 Telephorielflél5793970H 37774 II ae