NHL playoffs Ry TillI CANADIAN PRESS Quarter Iiials il1l Montreal 40 19 St Louis 419 Sunday Result Montreal St Louis tMontrcal vins scricsi Saturday Result Montreal St Louis Strits loronto Philadelphia Sunday Result Philadelphia ti Toronto WHA playoffs Ry lHE V1lil1 IRICSS QuaitenFinals BlhbttfvStYtfl which Tuesday iaiiic Toronto at Philadelphia Series 11 ill Boston 131 2518 Los Angcles 111 25 Sunday Result Los Angeles Boston Tuesday 1111111 Los Angclcs at ltoston Series II lll1l NY Islanders 1610 Buffalo 10 Hi Sunday Result NY Islanders Buffalo 1NY Islanders win scrimst Series il Houston Nicklaus winner with key birdie CARLSBAI Calif AP Jack Nicklaus shrugged off the golfing milestone he passed Sunday preferring to talk about Bruce Lietzke the 25 yearold golfer he had just defeated in suddendeath playoff to capture the prestigious $225000 Tourna ment of Champions title look to Bruce to be one of two or three guys in the future naments He has all the equip ment He also idolizes Nicklaus Hes been my idol since was eight or 10 years old Liet zke said got in lot of fist fights defending him when was kid You know he was young player then and coming along and beating Arnold Palmer and lot of people didnt like it Then when he got on top and stayed on top felt good because hed always been my man And now to play with him well just feel like Ive grown up with him And there was no lis appointment involved when Nicklaus rolled in birdie put of about eight feet on the third extra hole to beat Lietzke in the chase for the $45000 first pri ze to dominate the game Nick laus said after beating Lietzke in threehole playoff Hes long hes strong he plays very well he thinks well Nicklaus said in assess ing Lietzke one of the leaders in the youth movement that has swept the pro tour this year Series Edmonton lt Sunday Rcsult Qlltbtk Edmonton Houston New England Wednesday illllll Saturday Result Houston at Edmonton New lingland Quebec StliM Tuesday taint New England at Quebec Winnipeg Series San Diego LW ll Sunday ltcsult Indianapolis 19 11 San Diego tinnipcg tincinnati 11111 11 Saturday Result Saturday 1sult San Iiicgo Winnipeg Indianapolis incinntiti ctlncsday ianic 1lndiaoapolis wins sericsi San liicgo 11 Winnipeg baseball By THE ll PRESS iuciitan League Boxing championship suspended pending results of investigation °P finishers T111931 thruuktt 75 NEW YORK tAP The scheduled telecast of three thebankrollerofthe total purse apparently never took place JaneBlalCRSuday he Mia in our toumamemh ti fflf ï¬ilflll if 113 United States boxing cham tournament semifinal fights money of $15 million for the Alitsports said in statement HFARLSRAI com 11111 gm $13100 Vlftfn DUI the 118 Waldo$29000 s1 vlirk 531 11111111111111 1211 piouships once held in prison from Miami Beach that it has venture promoted by Don King 1l11ll1€lis 11111211 1111 isioics 111111 $1113 ort Woi th ex veteran hit new 51111 111111111 1011 areundersuspension asa result suspended the telecasts of the and based on records and 118 King also lashed out at Ring Â¥rli11im1fcilii iiiiiioiil L111 dholdiof Klhy VhtWlh of charges of kickbacks and US boxing championships rankings compiled and made at news conference in Miami tournaiiitnt 11mm 11111111 the IQQIUE mongy VfmQCI it false records which affected the pending the outcome of full by Ringmagazine Beach which was attended by heLdFjCf Proffisï¬londl llt rankings on which the tourna scaleinvestigation A11 investigation hasbceii utf Muhammad All who said he lksliï¬uru 7W1 71 21 Assfglmmn 10 ms 381er nieiit supposedly isbased The suspension of the tele dcr way by the tournament bad faith in the promoter King 11 11111111 b005tng oummgs 3mm ABCIV announced Satur casts was in effect suspension committee headed by James is promoting Alis may it 51111111171 71171111 2111 $4000 day about three hours before of the tournament since ABC is Farley 112 chairman of the heavyweight title defence malwk made amazmg New York State Athletic onr against Alfredo liVilllglllSlit héittit that brought her from mission lhttt committee was which will be televised lin by 511117111 711111111 71 3111 110 StrkaS bï¬hmd it 0111 CG formed by King ABt is asking Ami ll 2111111 1111 111111 111 2111 stroke ahead of lettufr at 11111 its lawyers to appoint an inch am absolutely appalled 15135 7A5 71 71 90 Bl der 191W pendent group to further in shocked and saddened to dis 01111111111 ffm 18th Skldded 10 mil vestigu WWI ml Ring maï¬amu rm $7311 71 7117 2111 sh on the left of the fairway $1111 11117171 71 21117 WI AW has no determined more than 10 years the biblc ol smié 11 711 7331 21 till Ff in hdldl lfuug that the records of numerous boxinghasconiplctclyviolated llaycs 5311111 71173111171 2117 firm l0 her just ahead of teaiirniates fighters in the tournament as thctraditioiiofratingboxcrs as WHr ll5 1th lt1 dim1 Consolation winners of Tuesday Division oiisolation title of the Tuesday Ladies Division of the Stroud urling lub went to the rink of skip Mary Ann Palmer is leader following victory HILTON HEAD ISLAND front of the pack But she bo tAP Sandra Palmer geyed 10 13 and 15 before the after watching fivestroke victorysaving birdie on the lead dissolve on the back nine parfour 16th sank birdie on the 16th to win Blalock of Highland Beach the womens international golf lla picked up $8000 for her tournament bytwostrokesover second place finish bringing Letourneau at left Janis Hopkins viceskip Sandra Fisher second and Olive Kuchma lead Examiner Photo Pittsburin Son 11 Boston 2111 Philadelphia 1411 Ne York 330 cst 1t 111s Angclcs 7711 thicago 7311 Houston 7151 Oakland 7110 Atlanta 331 Kansas 11y 1127 5111 Diego 4011 Texas 11 1171 Cincinnati 400 Minnesota ion San Francisco 1111 California 117 Sunday Results Seattle 71 417 Ken York ti Chicago Sunday Results Montreal liiilddilpliid Boston 13 tlmclaiid 1111 St Louis Pittsburgh hicago Toronto Houston Atlanta Minnesota to Oakland Los Angclcs San Francisco Kansas 11 ti lictroi Milwaukcc York 11 incinnati San Dicgo Baltimore in le1s 1171 Saturday Results Seattle 11 talitornia New York 11111ago Saturday Risulls Montreal Philadelphia Boston 11 lcycland 11m 11111 TRUCK V2 Tons Panels 12 Vans lRlCNt BLIC France 11111 2117 llttalitltLih s1 toms xiii zoomH1 111 ion anadian speed skaters won Vogt andlurninwhilelicr11100 posted 111 the 1911 Ring Recoid conceived by its louiider and pawns 335 Ll 51 VWM 41 lf overall titles at the world in gold medal was at the expense Book are in tittt lttilttlltittt first publisher the late Nat 551131171 71171 217 18 Miniicsota MMnit gt 117 1171 21111 the Kathryn rost at San tl1llllt nuns11111 11111111111111 11 in W11 door speed skating champion of two United States Sisters and contain many fights Aliltll lcischci said King It Sail liicgo tincinnziti am ltctrott it Kansas tity rll alifornia Scattlc Plh luNJ took the womens title with 12 lllilmtiltilllit 11 1711 ago TMHnm d1 Yuri 5117 1111717274 31111 Valic and Vicky Rctniann who in killilvindin 311111 flilllhllgtthlitxlii ltwpun finished second and third re 117 74 11 711 711 21111 wit aggllï¬rn 211 SIMCUVCIV 11 1111111 113111 71 111177 21111 77777 thy lurnbu 0f Roam f0 l1 Ayiiii 111111 11 111 1111 Starting out in uh in ioints iftcr finishin first in 1111111 311111737171171 21111 mm Jim at Atlanta 11111111111 11 1111111114 in heats of both the 100 and 17 1111111 1r°krhd4 holoml s11 111111111111 111 lloitstiiti ciao111111 11 111111111111111 two races the ittoand 1500 My 74 of 2221 Palmer had four birdics New York at Louis 110111 11 whit nuiiro vents rhilo apian mlndd llNllhlfOl WNW at Mm Bunch of SI PM 2110 MW Bunch mm of 41 the 11 11111111 and five pars oi the front sidt chit11g 11 minor1111 mens 51 gave mm mu edge $491111 71 7171 11111 makoihciurn five strokes in Power Tailgates Commerciol rates ships Sunday Brenda Webster of Regina Footwan GMC Truck ll hlnt pdrkvp my Mum 41 It and Japans Hiroshi loba lhe treals Linda uthbcrt ovch piuiii 131mi Up if P5l SEVTJNHIILL young anadian also took the camc psychological obstaclc Ive had better scores it 51A will B11111 hm 1000 in 155631 to defeat Briton Sunday and produced what shc before but winning has ncvci ty ii 1111111115 Kt to 171 StevelcarceandKrcsslcr terniulthcniost important ic liccn more important that it 01 ilttiyidiir 31111 ltIylwtlllv 571 R4113 isl mllflfl ll hi the mens 1500 loba toiy of hcr diving career at thc was today lhcic wcrcso iiiany 11 icus 1111 11siingtoii cx 111 won to woans 111111111191 ï¬ned mmm INN mum omwh 1UP mlorlmlml mug in Hod mi 11 11111 111 111 111i11 117 ltflgttllldNtl 111 11f1i1 11 11 1io we 510 11h Im 111g both hrcsslcr and Houchcr divingcompetition pressure btit not this tinic 11111111 1111111 ltltttt 11 innitunto 1111 17 ii 111 nnnutc tit 11 seconds finished im mm wwummg my 501mm didnt mpk immwrp 21 mighm 51mm Willmilluk Iiiiiiljl iiilll Mftondover all 111 lhthttllltlltllb odometre relay ahead of air under the pressure utlilxrt 11hcad of Vaiicnuvcns lcri 341 BAYHELD ST 11 51 i11111ugi mi mi i1 01911 ptuiitswhile Nancy ada while Britain took the con who pcformcd brilliantly in York the nnadian champion Axaafllald mama 1111111 11 couinmo lohii 111nm 121111111111 11111 111 turninalsoot Vtinnipeg stood Cimimg mp 13 WW 50111 lust summmus Hump win wk 51 5pm at MU rWashl it goofy11 ttittll 111s 111g1 11 yiiiiumm tmw 1111111th sixthniiliclinalstandings metres placing ahead of air picliininarv round ltf01t trcal utlilicrt accumulach 149 Dunlop ST BC 01 xt gt obstcrswinningtinicintlic ada and Japan with the folding til the final said after 111101 points while ork wmemSocmvflonflnb 5011 was 4031 seconds placing team disqualitml winning the womens lomctrt nianaguliiï¬ti 113 Canadians point shy of winning By THE CANADIAN PRESS Willi goalie Iat Riggin block ing 48 of 50 shots London Knights defeated St Catharines Fincups 32 Sunday in Emms Division final play in the Ontario Hockey Association Major Junior series On Saturday St tatliarincs and London tied 371 London now lcads tlic eightpoint scrics 75 In the other Sunday gaiiic Kingston Tanadians dctoatcd Ottawa tiTs 34 to take 75 lead er in their cightpoint Leydcn Division final Play resumes Tuesday with AA 77 tiff mw Kingston at Ottawa and London at St atharincs when 11111 Knights luxunous moments home Sunday lini MacRac led Ch lEdi them with two goals ithcr arger pec tion precise vi atma it 111iIli1in3111z1ï¬1li for when the sun goes down very persO nai luxury car Order yours for 1m in ant 1c lgétltlhltfftllt 111111 7lllltlltl example with the casuat elegance of new hm WM mum Mm Limited edlthn Superelegant For night corduroy bucket seats sporty wrubar mot and mini11 211 111m 111 first pin181 people Admire the unique grille and roofline mt steeï¬ng wheel with leather covermoptions EPï¬ih find13111131 73311 The move 00 yourseflm hgh bad that make your Charger SE uniquely yours anal waved hp 34 pyln bucket seats and let Chargers standard 318 V8 or sporty outdoors any minutes and Torqueflite automatic move you through A1 Kiiigstiiiy ccilitit UHF the night What makes Charger Daytona lot of very 21131i1iiui gainainiltnitd 3233 sporty twotone paint treatments spec1al body empty net with seven seconds striping dual colourkeyed sports mirrors jazzy 90 Chm The i75 Daytona decals in all the eyecatching places had Hmmd ngw and whole lot of class Look for Charger to one goal earlier in the final period FUIR IIHR1ME The aiiadians playing with out four regulars in the lineup including scoring stars Ken Linseiiian and Mike troiiibccn led 2H at the end of the first period and 12 cntcring the third Otlicr Kingston goals caiiic from ltriaii Sproxtoii Rob Plumb and Tom Bailey Ron Davidson Have MUCQIRLH and Jim Kirkpatrick replied for tlic 67s Earlier in the day the llA announced that Linscinan who scored 51 goals during the rcgur lar season and Ottawas Jeff Geiger had been suspcndcd for four games as result of Daytona wherever you find the action people kickin incident in the third DODGE CARS game tiff tlicsclits CHRYSLER ROYAL MONACO MONACO If the series goes to an cightli CAN LTD CHARGER SE ASPEN ARR JW COLT CHRYSLER CARS it 1111151111 new YORKER NEWPORT CORDOBA DODGE TRUCKS PICKUPS VANS and deciding game the tWo players will be cligiblc to play 11 Saturday in St atli arines Hubcrs goal with 31 seconds left in the third period lifted the Fincups to the tie The goal llubcrs first of tlic playofls cainc while St Tatliv arincs goaltender Al Jensen was reinovml for an cxtra at tackcr Ilic lincups led 21 in the lir st period on Sllttltllitllflttl goals Some of the equipment shown or mentioned IS optional at extra cost WAGONS 4WHEEL DRIVE MEDIUMDUTY by MtTourt and Steve llazlctt after ficcarclli had opened the F0 77d BUY on LEASE scoring at the 15 second mark for London