Inna 28 the oxamlner Wodnoaday April 13 1977 12 mortgages 7R tuHlFI n4 T2 mortgages Kaol ED LOWE LIMITED REAL TOR 488 Bayfield St BARRIE Ont 7263871 BDII NEED FUNDS financing Let me helpyou lhave financing available for various types of properties and Interm For competitive rates and fast service call now RAY BUBEL Representing Ed Lowe Limited 7263871 or 7289275 A19 mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS 95 LOANS lst MTGS from 994 2nd MTGS from i2° Open Daily cum 530 pm Sat evenings by appointment Wm Summers 91 Bayfield St Barrie 7373451 Res Creemore 4662136 TF MORTGAGE LOANS TO $25000 Its thousands of dollars you can use any way you want not iust for your home No bonus or commission Competitive Rates Urban Rural Properties Telephone Mr John Gillespie at 7285931 BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD MWFJu3 14mobile home and trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealerfor Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale lully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Baylield 51 7266438 FOR SALE or rent 12 60 3bedroom mobile home lurnlshed permanently Installed on large acreage near Angus $250 monthly Phone 4240213 between and 16 apts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington StreetWest and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Coll leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF AND BEDROOM apartments available immediately $175 up Central lgcation Deposit required 7269418 FURNISHED One and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only Telephone 7360988 NEWLVOECORATEG lurhiShed bachelettesBarrie Also bedroom apts in Barrie and Angus 726 6271 alter SPACIOUS bedroom apt with lridge and stove heat and water included in rent $210 monthly East end location Adultsno pets Available May 72676850r 726 5282 TWO 2BEDROOM Apartments one available immediately and one May References No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent 7281035or 7371771 BEDROOM apartment lor rent in triplex Heated parking retrigerator and stove laundry facilities treshly decorated Available May $270 mon thly 7260857 alter6p AND BEDROOM Apartment avail able May and bedroom June Stove tridge parking laundry la cilities Close to downtown on bus route First and last months rent No pets 726 6725 after ONE BEDROOM Apartment downtown area fridge stove and utilities included $170 montth Telephone 726 2910 TWO BEDROOM apt 74 Shirley $250 monthly plus hydro Everything includ ed No pets Available May Phone 726 8733or 726 3817 FURNISHED APARTMENT Bedroom bedsitting roomkitchenwithlridgeand stove Bathroom parking private en trance No children no pets Available Immediately $160 First and last months 728 6550 BEDROOM apt in east end Barrie all utilities paid $325 monthly Call 322 2013 alter BEDROOM Apartment in triplex Heat stove and relrigerator parking washing lacltities supplied Queen and 51 Vincent area May Box 1100 The Examiner MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartments Colored ap pliancesdrapessuplllednextIoSimcoe Plaza 7371877 SUBLET bedroom apartment adults only $270 includes all utilities discount at $50 on first month Available Aprll 15 726 7228 ONE BEDROOM apt ground lloor near downtown Barrie all utilities in cluded $150 monthly Phone 7282422 Avallablelmmediately BEDROOM apartment TWO on Penetang Street Available May lst 5220 amonlh Telephone 4872412 0ro ONE AND two bedroom apartments Close to downtown Rent $130 to $155 cw 1° 1763257 ONE BEDROOM apt In good shape Central location reasonable 7287044 16 apts to rent AVAILABLE May one bedroom and bedroom apartments $180 and $205 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent Centrally located Telephone 7263912 ONE BEDROOM lurnlshed apartment all conveniences paid Allandate area $195 monthly Telephone 7263761 alter pm ONE BEDROOM basement apartment separate entrance stove lrldge and utilities supplied Available Immediate ly Telephone 7286193 COUNTRY bedroom apartment for rent private entrance Approx miles south ol Barrie Working couple preter red Telephone 4589450 BACHELOR APARTMENT Broad Ioonted and fully turnisned on first floor with private bathroom and kit chen Central to plate and bus 4362996 belore 10amatter6pm EAST LARGE bedroom central loca tion fridge stove laundry heat and parking included First and last months rent $235 monthly Available May lst 7269818 ADULT BUILDING bedroom apart ment 1W2 baths lacing the bay $30672 All utilities included TV cable sauna sunroom and sun deck Telephone 7285463 UNFURNISHED bachelor apartment Central location Available immediate ly $90 per month Phone evenings 7283274 BACHELORS AND one bedroom Aprts downtown Barrie area fridge and stove parking included 7284776 46 l7houses to rent FOR RENT to prolessional people only bedroom lully furnished home Four appliances plus color television $400 monthly Available immediately Apply in writing to Box T38 The Barrie Ex aminer LARGE OLDERF Home bedrooms lridge and stove Central location $300 monthly Deposit required 726 9418 TWO Bedroom houses centrally Ioca led on bus route One needs painting and some repairs good tor handyman and large lamily Phone 726 2551 or 737 2699 HOUSE bedroom living room very large kitchen large basement beautilul trees all around Large Iront and back yards Phone 728 7044 BEDROOM side spit Allandale Heights family room garage two baths $350 monthly Telephone 726 0220 BEDROOM storey available May 15 1977 Garage large lot city limits $250 monthly Telephone 726 2720 after STOREY HOME bedrooms at tached garage $325 monthly plus util tties Call Shea Real Estate 7262611 from to pm or 728 6358 alter pm ONE BEDROOM house extra large kit Chen and large Sltting room $175 month Telephone 456 2545 SELECT bedroom house tor rent garage central locatIon Relerences Available July Telephone 728 7290 alter pm BEDROOM bungalow on large lot liv ing room broadloomed baths large basement and recreation room $310 monthly Available May lst Telephone 728 9818 BEDROOM house in Sunnydale area with small acreage and barn Available June lst Telephone 728 3495 to FARM HOUSE on highway 27 south miles lrom Barrie lor rent Call 726 4301 ALLANDALE large bedroom house lridge and stove Available May lst Telephone 737 0097 IMMACULATE bedroom semicte tached home baths lenced yard central locatlon to clean responsible lamily $285 Relerences required Avail able June lst 726 9576 alter6p l9houses wanted to rent YOUNG COUPLE want house in Medonte or surrounding area Needed by mId May Telephone 726 0274 days or evenings 835 5724 20rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenlngs 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen prIVIleges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry lacilities responsible adults 726 7186 ROOM OR room and board available Painswick area Please telephone 728 1632lor lurther inlormation CLEAN furnished rooms central kit chen and living room Downtown Bus stop atdoor 728 7331 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown Ioca tlon clean bright modern rooms cen tral kitchen bath and living room park tng Immediateoccupancy Apply Ham ilton Real Estate 72 Maple Ave 7371000 ROOM AND BOARD for young gentleman Lunches packed light wash ing done central location parking Telephone 723 75687 IDEAL ACCOMMODATION tor the businessperson age 2030 large new lur nished home central air all conve niences at home Call 7265303 or 737 1223 LARGE FURNISHED rooms lull kii chen and rec room area avaIIable im mediater Central 726 6392 2liWroomgarnd DOB Id FURNISHED ROOM and board meals available it necessary In Letroy Tele phone 456 2393 22rooms wanted FEMALE STUDENT working at Spring water Park requires room with or wIthout board lrom May to August Please write Bax T96 The Examiner ROOM REQUIRED in Angus tor young gentleman Phone4241960 273oltices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate or cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACES lor rent downtown Barrie 2nd lloor Ideal tor dentist or other protessionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson 726 3338 COMMERCIAL SPACE available ap proximately 340 square teet includes heat hydro piece washroom and air conditioning Ideal lor small allice TelephcIe 7370641 BUSINESS OFFICE Complete ground lloor ol residence Duntop st East one block lrom downtown opposite promi nent restaurant Ideal tor Lawyer Real Estate Insurance or Professional otlice 387 3916 local call evenings or Satur ay zitspace tor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq lt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ll clear part ot large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE warehouse 509919 VERY NICE Industrial bulletan in Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 635 0637 LARGE ERICK but like new1alrge lot completely lencedin Includes ollice plus storage or space tor any small busi ness Phone 728 7044 industrial space and Telephone 7263400 919995PTEEE MUST BE Moved Insulated linished small cottage Located lnnistll Best ol ler Telephone 4363019 Bjcottages wanted RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wish to rent watertront cottage near Barrie tor or months commencing June lst Tele phone 728 0555 altercpm order 32 cantor sale ORV HARDY 32 cars for solo 32 cars for sale Takes The Risk Out Of Buying Used Car If after visiting our used car supermart you feel y0u did not receive the courteSy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been In any way misrepresented you will always find me available for vour consultation Dear Used Car Buyers better ford is our business OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford St Phone 7284272 WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1977 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the car you bought was incapable of doing the job it was supposed to do The common law of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot it cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come in and iust look at our mer chandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can of Yours truly ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 111 mile MAKE MODEL EQUIPMENT LICENCE MILES COLOLPEE 76 D22 Cadillac Doviile dr 111 PS P8 LOADED K111519 16M9005 Burg $9995 76 I2 Maverick dr sod PS AM FM TAPE KNE295 14M2150 Bron $3695 16 19 AMC PACER 11 1Ul102 33Mi930 Bronz $3695 814 Dodge Coronet dr 111 PS P8 11 1WK278 56M2395 Tan $3595 75 114 Chev Monte Carlo dr 111 P5 P8 11 KZA438 30M3705 lied $4595 75 13 Olds Toronado dr 111 PS P8 11 LOADED JFC908 31M4250 8rown $6295 110 Valiant Scamp PS P8 11 111E884 38M2450 Blue $3395 75 112 Ford Vzton SID 170855 32M2450 Blue $3295 I74 DIS Pontiac Ventura dr PS PB 11 JFU069 52MI 805 1611 $2895 74 610 Chrysler Newport dr 111 PS P8 11 FPV507 42M2025 Green $3295 74 H13 Pontiac LeMans dr PS P8 11 HFM662 50M1555 Brown $2995 74 1119 Old Delta 88 dr 111 PS P8 11 IIKV053 56M2266 Tan $3495 74 1122 Chev Biscayne dr 111 PS P8 11 1110572 62M609 Gold $2995 74 I9 Pinto sw II HP0288 56MI485 11611 $2595 74 113 Gremlin dr iiatch 11 JBD544 48M1420 Tan $2495 74 116 Ford Mavorlck dr II HUD841 47MI 550 Green $2795 74 121 Ford Vzton standard 11 110854 30MI985 Green $2995 74 114 GMC pickup std spd 170864 98Mi255 Bron $2495 74 111 Buick Century PS P8 K18437 53M2200 Brown $3395 74 122 Chev Monte Carlo PS P8 11 111N696 43M2888 White $3995 13 F4 Chrysler Newport 2dr 111 P5 PB KRLO21 62M1155 Brown $2695 73 Gt Mustang dr 111 std PS 11 IIDU692 64Mi405 Green $2895 13 111 Valiant Scamp dr 111 P5 P8 11 11ET866 16M1400 Bod $2595 73 i4 Chev Biscayne dr sad PS P8 11 FEE980 83M1050 Blue $2795 73 14 Dodge Aton 1173551 71M1505 Drong $2195 73 11 Chev Nova PS P8 AVU023 63M1155 Grun $2495 73 120 Datsun sports cps 44 spd 811878 44M1155 Orang $2295 73 K9 Meteor dr 111 PS P8 AMFM DZN149 47M1155 Silv $2995 72 15 Chev Impala dr HT PS PB II KYl727 72M12OO Tan $2295 72 111 Chev Malibu dr 111 PS P8 11 E11962 80M1330 Rod $2195 72 J6 Dotson 1200 44 speed FEN373 25M430 Blue $1295 72 116 Buick Skylalk dr PS P8 LVFSOS 74M1155 Beige $2495 71 H17 Mercury Montage dr PS FEK8I MS Green $1595 11 1123 Chevrolet sw King Est PS P8 K12861 88M900 Gold $1895 71 111 Buick LoSalm P5 P8 FCW080 63M620 Brown $1995 71 113 Plymouth Duster dr cps FCM980 12M455 Brown $1695 71 121 Pontiac2dr111 APSPBII AC1442 68M1155 Coppr $1995 71 K1 Maverick dr sad P5 PB AFD935 48M900 Gold $1795 11 K3 Ford Van E5928 20M650 Blue $1595 71 K4 Chovollo dr 111 PS P8 11 8MS744 92M560 Gold $1195 71 K5 Olds 88 dr 111 PS P8 FWE651 43M915 SIIv $1995 70 110 Buick LcSabro dr 111 PS P8 1668 89M134 Tan $1495 10 K2 Cougar dr PS P8 11 FKliSS 38M480 Green $1595 68 1114 Mustang dr PS 11 KK1316 04M605 led $1595 71 E13 Pontiac Laur dr PS PB 11 FKSOI 91M805 Brown $1295 11 119 AMC Homct II FK0112 19M280 Brown 625 70 019 Ford sw P5 P8 AKB216 18M255 White 795 10 13 Pontiac sw P5 P8 11 FCl935 15M180 Blue $1095 69 115 Toyota Crown 64 spd It FCS218 11M100 Green 195 69 K1 Buick dr PS PB PWII FKSIS2 96M185 Green 495 68 GT Rambler 806014 dr FEC554 65M200 Gray 695 68 18 Chevrolet Bel Air PS It KYX741 43M255 Blue 595 68 J23 Chevrolet dr ll 8MN969 93M205 Groon 395 68 K6 Austin 1800 dr 44 sad 118K975 67M185 Green 395 ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD 176 BRADFORD ST BARBIE The home of drIVIng mans car at IhInkIng mans prlce 32 cars for san 32 COTS for salad CAR AUCTION Open to the Public SAT APRIL 16 all pm Over 30 units Time allowed to arrange financing Sale held In doors THE AUCTION HOUSE Hwy No 11 15 miles north of Borrle 7054872044 or 487 3226 A13 1972 GRAN Torlno door hardtop top shape automatic power brakes and steering and radio Telephone 7269678 alter6pm I974 DART SPORT laid down seat 318 motor sharp car automatic 51000 miles best alter will be accepted 7282631 1961 MERCEDES BENZ 190 diesel ex collent motor Needs body work $300 Telephone 705 4542545 1912 CELICA all options Including speed radials AMFM radio and bucket seats Certllled $1500 Phone 728 6807 1973 CAMARO 350 LT 51000 mlles one owner tape deck radio excellent condi tion Certilled $3000 llrm Telephone 4246229 1964 M68 Best Telephone 7280816 1970 PONTIAC SAFARI station wagon Power steering power brakes spare tires good running order $400 as Is or best otter 7373468 T971 FORDMAVTERICK good to ports uncertilled bestoller Phone 7264946 1971 FORD Custom 500 HT good running no Illness certlticate $200 Telephone 7264597 alter 6Vpm alter accepted 1976 BUICK Century wagon lull power radio stereo tape deck Asking prlce $5500 or bestotler Telephone 728 2097 1971 SILVER GREY Ford wagon ex cellent condition lully power equipped with air conditioning Certlied 1011 phone 728 5202 1970 FORD Falrlane customized motor with side pipes chrome mags nIw shlll kit excellent shape $1600 tirm Must be Seen Phone 728 2378 1971 DATSUN automatIc 69000 miles As is Best otter Can be seen at 176 Well lngton Street East or phone 728 5397 t972SUPERBEETLEAlconditionlow mileage radials Asking $1275 1010 phone 726 4940or 737 1414 ask lor Rick 1976 TOR INO Certilied One owner only 21000 miles Power steering power brakes radio rustprooled Asking $3300 Telephone 835 5559 alter 6p 73 CUTLASS 447 350 automatic till steering swivel buckets power steer Ing power disc brakes tinted glass radio rear delogg Phone 737 2517 alter pm 71 CHEVELLE dr hardtop 307 automatic radio power steering power brakes In good condition Phone 4361157atler5pm 1975 TOYOTA SR5 radio stereo cassette deck RW delrostcr radial tires 14700 miles cerlillcd excellent condition only driven one winter Ask Ing $3500 Phone 728 67811 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine Sports car llbrcglas hardtop new rebuilt engine and exhaust system $795 Dunc buggy homemade 1600 cc rebuilt engine radio and heater with adiustable snowplow $550 487 34306lter 1971 CATALINA door hardtop 400 V8 automatic power steering power brakes vittyl top $1400 Phone 726 5386 alter 1968 FORD CUSTOM Ylilldllt automatic body in good condItion $450 will certin Phone 436 2815 anyllme 1973 HORNET cyl 2door good con dition 50000 miles snow tires need blg per car Asking $1600 Phone 7281671 1973 GREMLIN Automatic air condi tionlqg 40000 miles Phone 728 2048 32 cars for sale 1970 MUST ANG MACH 351C engine speed lcondltion many extras Must be seen Phone 728 4577 MUST SELL ONE 1969 Ambassador door hardtop 390 engine automatic power brakes tilt and power steering cruise command tinted glass reclining seals Michelin tires air condltIoned approximately 60000 miles 1972 Austin Marina automatic door tires nearly new bucket seats Must be seen to be ap preciated Make an alter 21 Glenridge Rd or call 728 8662 1973 OLDSMOBILE Omega in excellent condition Power steering standard transmission Call 4363412 alter 600 1968 VOLKSWAGEN A1 condition Certillable Phone evenings 728 9539 1974 BUICK Century Regal 4door sedan PS PB AMFM 6040 seal sport wheels one owner excellent condition 48000 miles asking $3200 728 5092 1973 PONTIAC LeMans V8 automatic power steering power brakes radials low mileage very clean will certily $2300 Telephone 726 0882 STOCK CAR 1969 Cevelle raced last year at Sunset and Saubel Beach speed ways 283 V8 completely balanced 300 horsepower heads scatter shield 411 rear end sell car with or without power train Best otter 429 5372 Wasaga Beach 1916 VALIANT BROUGHAM door big will accept plck up as trade in Asking $3600 Phone 723 8637 alter 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Wreckers7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts tap prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17Gowan St 726 6488 Auto ALTERATIONS LADIES AND Mary St Talap 7288446 entlamenc alterations 26 no 7373432 or residence ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcott Ildhtg Softit Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April 30th BARBIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM SIding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cd PHIL SPUILING 7266901 Local Famlly Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors sidin Sofllt Fascia and trou It all colours year arantaa 424 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM Installers of siding Soltlt Fascia and eovostrough Various Col on Free estimates 7269769 FORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soffit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar ontaod 7262609 7269002 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales md service Eillianclvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British Euro can and Japanese cars Coronation Auto rv 17 Mary St 7265441 BEAUTICIAN PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 Hi hcroft Rd Allondola Heights Perms $12 All Loot begun needs 7286658 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apgsly at 92 Mulroseï¬Ava Barrie or telephone 5283 BOOKKEEPING EXP BOOKKEEPING for all business Ac curoc auured Your office or ours 7286428 after 00 or weekends CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces worantoed 7371507 CARPENTER Specializing 1876 175 tarior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 011073 CABINET MAKER European trained Kil chans vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 uEsNCEB CARPENTERS custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction Porontood and Construction 72674617 CARPENTER will do rec rooml renovations remodelling etcNo to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 QKPENTER WILL do any Imall obiiternodOIIV in renovations and sundac Phone Bill Jo nston72687manyttrnal gt SAVE MONEY Have aprrInrcad carpenters erect your prolob home or cot Logo Call Jake Temple 7268465 DON FLEMING lIcenced carpentry Coh tractlng renovations cabinets rec rooms etc Phone 75 12228 for estimator CARPENTRY all types rec rooms mil tlonl No lob to small Reasonable Satisfac tionguarantoed Al 72818977 CAPENTRY shingles rbc rooms 7W0 welcome small labs work uaranteed Phone Steve 7267255 or Kenny 5690 Cobinat Maker specializing in builtin lur niture and finishing work Work guaranteed Rmnonobleyrlces Geoff 7372194 cum CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with AI carpal steam QLWESMLWL ELL CARPET SHAMPOOING for free estimates cgll dgyor ovonIELDon7372859 cum INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL Installation carpal and vinyl Muuargnlend reasonoblo rate 45644327 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CEIAMICS Floor and wall tiling mrggalrs 7266263 W7AAfl SIMCOE CERAMICS Floors walls ceramic mosaic vinyl par uet wall and taping Acioustiicollings ord 42890 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 15 years ex ErLanca Telphone Samara 4362299 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plan col collect 416 9362681 cams ERNIES CRESTS Custom SCreen Process Crests Crestlng On Garments Chenille Crests Club Jackets ERNIE ROSE 7286338 CURTAINS MVE THE frash crle look of springl with Canadian Curtains tlabaciu and tiers polyester or mullln $20 to $40 por Ir Call 7269667 7251949 or writ Need help ALL THE HELP YOU NEED ILHQLETVQEHLEI Daily Business Directory CUSTOM FENCIN RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 137 1507 FENCE 0Chain Link Gal or Vinyl Oliegulation Pool Fence Wood or Metal Privacy 0Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate call Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 DAVIS 08 NEWMAIKET 8981361 Collect Barrie 7264702 DISC JOCKEY Music By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7263808 WDIIESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by 1051 AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions42 Eigenjo St Phone 726m ALTERATIONS AND custom sawing Apply Mrs Wrightman 235 Tiflln Telephone 7766769 DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL and to residential md commercial no lab to Big or small Telephone 4584233 Vgt EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING LoughirLQ installed Call 7286628 Eaves SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice and snow removal from roofs only Free esti mates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and set lt79 SIMCOE ELECT RIC Industrial Residential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EECMCAI WIRING plotoldenol won reasonable rates Allo aerial towers Install 51 lines67379925924397387 11 PARRY ELECTRICAL Industrial Form Commercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage leptlc systems trenching loader work 15584361257 eager Menus Home WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing In natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTIIA 7372871 TF STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty vi Watson for free optimal 728I599 FLOOR IIEFINISIIIlIG HARDWOOD FLOOR Commercial F°m5 75 Bayfiolll St INC small and largeTofu Eason Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible HAHDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10am and 580 pm HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain tIrI Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 4105 SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and cleaned General lawn care Clean up and spring fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed BARRIE 4362387 HAULAGE PICKUP and driver for hire Any Iob con sidered Telephone 4246463 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available MED MORE living space rec room axtro bedroom ploy room laundry office storage space Also palnting wallpaperlng Murray Ball 72889m CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone Caulking win dow and expansion Iainls Work guaran teed 4569346 11 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations rlnovotlons additions Phone $2955 or 4364175 after RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick laying fireplaces painting Interior axtarlar Guaranteed workmanship 4246073 CUSTOM BUILDING House lifting founda tions and basements additions and renova tions Fox Contracting 7261710 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269W2 MACE ENTERPRISES contractors for Unistono Tree cutting and exterior house pointing Telephone 7370384 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Bar rio area $5 up Dobson 4245 10 after Sand weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business farm and home Mitchells Book Keeping Servica7262973 TAX RETURNS prepared personal small business farm Reasonable Call 7284634 or 4589172 anytime TAX RETURNS Telephone for appointment or iust drop in BENEFICIAL FINANCE by people who care 1285931 PERSONAL INCOME TAX returns prepared Fast and accurate service Call Shannon 737Im9 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns from your home Par sonal small business Prompt pick up and delivery Phone Smith 436482G KITCHENS Complete Kitchen Remodelling Services BRADFORD PLANNED KITCHENS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 49 Morrow Rd Barrie 7269861 MonFri 93010530 Sat to pm MWFJy18 LANDSCAPING BOTTING PROPERTY cleanups pruning lawn and tanance landscaping so ding estimates 7264536 GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR BARRIE TREE REMOVAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN 7289369 4873401 Lawn Care Garden Preparation Rota tilting Everygreens Cedar Hedges Fertilizing And Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE 7265666 uwn cm Servica Spring rdan main Fraa refinishing old and new guoronloed not to ï¬nd thrub trlmrItllngi Also rough mowing errorsI x833 33 cars wanted URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lop prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 415 6322 Alteroprm 4245949 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towlna scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 4363677 34trucks and trailers LATE 1975 Ford van power steering power brakes automatic Insulated radio captains chairs chateau glamor paint carpet tires 7371295 1970 WHITE FREIGHTLlNER sleeper V903 Cummins 15 speed 44000 lbs rears $5500 Also 1966 F800 Ford V6 Detroit Diesel lull tandem 5x4 trans mission $2000 Good runners Tole phone 7379393 34 trucks and trailers JW 1976 GMC Rally Sports Van Paradise Motor Home loaded with 15000 miles $10000 or post after Telephone 3122 1713 or 361 1507 1976 FORD 150 super cab loaded with options Phone 435 6562 1973 GMC 34 ton pick up with camper cap power steering power brakes elec tric brakes low mileage Must sell Ask ing $3600 Telephone 726 49400r 737 1414 ask tor Rick 1974 DODGE ton V8 standard 60000 miles 52700 Certilied Telephone 487 5466 1976 FORD 34 ton ExplorerCamper special auto power steeringbrakes all gauges many more extras low mileage Phone 7284577 1966 GMC 77 ton excellent meChanical condition extra parts included Tele phone 487 3591 Sisservice and repairs BthiFh Car Owners Youre Not Stranded We havo factory Trained English Mechanics Kitchen Motors 118 Essa load 7282287 flcLrlamltra 72604 31 motorcycles 487 3608 HONDA 500 salcty bars any reasonable otter Taudie pm I972 T919900 48754 1975 KAWASAKI 100 in excellent condi tion New rear tire recently certilied Baymarplala $485 7281035 I974 asoca Hondaï¬2700 milesNJust broken in $1000 Telephonev424 6229 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No lob too small Red 61 sorta rate STAN thcva MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 4245158 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN 01 Music for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 ms IIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after 27 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and polar Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 726148 ACCORDIONJuItar piano or beginner and odvanc months trio Instrument loaned for home ractlca Canadian Aca demy of Music ZgInld 1221799 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratln In terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta lish ed 30 years 7262225 7269002 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and interior Free estimates Work arantaed 7267m FHLLSDALE DECORATING Interior ax tarlor wallpapering Custom textured wall and ceilings Telephone 705 8855387 local PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced free estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 I7568874 DON SIESLING Professional painting In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction uarantood 726w ROY DOIRON Interior exterior painting md paper hanging Customers satisfaction morontood 4363691 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior ex terior in years experience Estimates Phona73712950r7286168 PICTURE FRAMING GATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price 7288633 evenings PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotto 4584238 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables Chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 1416395753 collect AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 after pm STAIRS STAIRS BY professional stair builder Work Eoronleed Telephone 7262828 SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY CO Service call from $5 Spoclallsts repairs all makes Industrial and hoqu mochlnu New used sales 7371621 SNUWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable trials call Paul 7373064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Damdoble 7267757 STUCCO residential and rates free asti RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7284392 TREE REMOVAL TREES REMOVED and cleaned up Experienc ed man Reasonable rates fully insured Free estimates 3223134 TWOWAY RADIO CB COMMERCIAL way radio Sales and Service SHOP ON PREMISES Dockside Electronics 53 Owen St at Worsley 7267310 WELL ottILLrIt Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 S21 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart mants Stores Houses Factories Reason able rates Tale hone 7281914 WINDOW CLEANING Private homes Innallahon and FERTILIIINGWEEDIproylngmowinghadga and or aluminum window Ildlna 10118 4362101 aavutrough Free estimates 40 articles for sale 1972 SUZUKI 750 GT near mint condi SMALL ITEMS articralts along with tion certilied Touring accessories also quality lurnlture tor sale to move light available Best otter takes Telephone pm pm No appointment 67 Cum berland 51 Barrie carrier LEADING SWIMMING PoolWhoIesaier telescopIc back rest Sheet helmets must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools New condition Worth $2100 May 76 in stock Sacrlllce price lor desperater 728 8082 DOUG needed lactory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools Include litter I972 HONDACB 350 rebuilt motor mow walkaround deck lence and warranty brakes new paint Certilied Asking 5700 91915 27 It $1355 cash or terms Call or best otter Telephone 7254905 alter Port Collect days or evenlnos 1416 4818802 550 Suzuki 9000 miles 5306 INDOORWSHOWROOMTHUII sized pools on display Come In today or call 7264606 for tree 32 page booklet ol lnground and above ground pools Ploneer Pools SWIMMINGFOOLS to rent will ledSe and install tor homeowners tamlly slze aluminum swlmmlng pool with patio 1974 HONDA 7504K7showroorm condi Choice at styles meeting all tencing tion complete with windiammer Ill fairing backrest carrier and other ac cessories Ideal touring blke Adult driven Full list $3295 Asking $2295 Financing available Collin 72614050r726 5208 40 articles for san SWIMMING POOL Sacrilice Leading Canadian manulacturer and distributor has aluminum pools Ielt over trom 1978 season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call rolloct days or evenings I418 27t 41140 regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 416663 9508 NEH ZWENITIH 26 colorf Remote Fort rv 1975 Kenmore 15 lb washer and dryer New carrier ton new alrcanditloner Cools large house Also quality lur niture tor sale Between pm pm every day No appointment 67 Cum berland St Barrie CEDAR POSTS all slles anchors braces Rosecomb banlams cocks hens559ducks7791637