Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1977, p. 6

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the oxamlnor Tuesday Aprll 12 1977 School records album By PALL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Playing in Barrie high school band means never having to say youre inac tive Take last week for in stance The 85piece Barrie Cen tral Collegiate band was tuning up for threeday visit to Montreal The band leaves Thursday Theyll be billeted with members of the Montreal West High School band and the two groups will perform in concert together Montreal West will com plete the exchange week later and the two bands will again join up for concert at Central April 21 Meanwhile at Barrie Nor lifestyle Lorraine Carson leads the North trumpet section th Collegiate three school bands spent Good Friday morning recording North Music the schools first album Fantasy Sound of Willowdale did the recording in the North music portable Three hundred copies of the album will be pressed and should be available at $5 copy in time for Nonhs May 28 concert says Sharon Sib thorpe the band director The 52piece concert band can be heard on one side of the record while the Grade 10 and junior bands share sidetwo Miss Sibthorpe observed that the students were little tense entering the taping session Heather Lorrimer tackles tuba think theyre up for it Theyve been practicing quite hard as weve known since November we were going to be doing it for sure she said Tuba player Don Nosewor thy agrccd They want to do it theyre excited Im excited Noseworthy enjoys the con cert bands medley from Jesus Christ Superstar best of all So apparently do most of the band members since it was the most requested song in the 20piece repertoire The five songs performed by the hand on the album were selected through vote by the members The otlicr finalists were Black Magic Woman Nelhybclls horalc Alliston church built 850 meet for dedication By MARGARET STOLTZ Examiner Correspondent Sunday April 3rd was dedication day for the new Knox Presbyterian Church built to replace the church on Victoria Street West destroyed by fire in January 1976 The new church is on King Street in Adjala Township adjoining AllistOn An estimated 850 people gathered for this oc casion and every available seat in the sanctuary and basement wastaken Members of Barric presbytery officiating clergy local session and choir assem bled as the front doors were closed by Gordon McCracken chairman of the finance com mittee after the congregation had assembled within Moderator Rev Stewart conducted the knocking on the doors ceremony which sym bolizes the persistence and patience of God the Shepherd of souls who ever waits at the door of mans heart until hearing His knock man bids Him enter with His mercy and ace The doors were opened Beattie chairman of the building committee who gave the keys to the clerk of presbytery Rev Dass Later in the service and after ritual of dedication of the building the pulpit the com munion table baptismal font and remaining furnishings also dedication of the congregation the keys were presented to Rev Clements minister of the church in the name of the Presbyterian Church in Canada charging the church be used solely for the glory of God BROUGHT MESSAGE Dr Davidson of Toron to former moderator of general assembly in bringing the message of the afternoon referred to the keys used during the dedication as tool to unlock doors but directed the attention of the assembled gathering to the keys of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 16 This is not metal but secret to be spread around the world he said pointing out that the Church has not done very well except at times such as today when we rise to the oc casion The Church has been guilty in every generation in that we have been hidin the secret meant to be ared We sometimes hear only what we want to hear or put the message in our own words thus makin the world confused The Churc should not be partisan in good causes and must exercise caution Two factors given to keep the Church corrected were that The secret is not set of words code or creed but person the person of Jesus Christ and the Scriptures teach who Jesus is he admonished the audience not just to be led by sermonizcrs and iri terprcters Dr Davidson concluded by challenging the congregation to spread the secret out to lawless anxious and disturbed world remembering that the building and furnishings in the new church will stay but the members must go out and spread the message However he cautioned that members of the body of Christ should kccp quiet until someone asks the question of people who obscrvc moral laws and keep the com mandments then tell the secret of Gods kingdom ICmtfm boring that the power of thc keys given to the Shun ch whatever you bind on earth shall be loosed in Heaven The choir under the direct ion of Mrs Win Thompson rcn dered appropriate anthems and the Banting Memorial High School brass ensemble led by Mr Burgin assisted in the scr vice Mr Clements expressed appreciation to presbytcry the community and the faith and perseverance of the congregation during difficult time Among the many congratulatory messages and good wishes was an early mor ning telephone call from the ministers brother in northern Ireland Other officiating clergy were Rev Wilson Collingwood moderator of synod of Toronto and Kingston Rev McDonald Elmvale Rev Beggs Orillia Rcv Rooney Cookstown Rcv St Louis Nottawa and Rev vcrturc in Flat and thc Alfred Rccd march Thc Gradc to band Ill tcrprcts lcar Day Exodus and Andante Prcsto and thc junior band tackles Harmony Lori dondcrry Air and thc Mickcy Mouse March Thc cost to rccord was about SL350 Ihc band hopcs to raisc $1500 through SIllt of lhcdisc Id say this is thc highlight of the ycar Next ycar wcrc hoping for major trip out of thc coun try said Miss Sibthorpc The cntral band undcr thc dircction of Iorlcy Calvert has had fcw highlights of its own this ycar The band won thrcc of Carter Victoria Harbour Clergy and laity from many distant points as wcll as in thc Prcsbylcry of Barric and local congregations camc to express good wishes as the congregation continues to wor ship iri their new church that has special services planned for fut ure Sundays traditional Good Friday scrvicc at Dam The reception which followed provided an opportunity to renew acquaintanccs and wc expect the ladies aid did not regret they had prcparcd 75 loaves of bread into sandwiches the day before besides the dozens of squarcs and thc 3M group did marvellous job of serving During this hour Larrv Keough expressed appreciation to service clubs all groups organizations and privatc citizens who helped in any way with the fund raising project in aid of Knox and spoke of the fine community spirit that was prevalent as early as onc wcck ft er the fire when the fund got off to good start with $25 plate dinner at Banting Memorial High School He congratulated the ministcr and congregation on their quict cf fort in making ready temple of God to mark the beginningof Holy Week Others bringing greeetings wcrc Mayor akla Gray Gcorgc McCaguc MIP Ross Milnc MP representatives of former congregations at Wallacctown and Palmerston four classes at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto thc some classes it won last year gt lhrcc mcmbcrs of thc group were selected for the Ontario Youth Band The wcrc Beth Wiscmari flute arol Stebbings flutci and Linda Kaye clarinet think its probably the lxsi band in thc provincc lhcyvc certainly won more consistently than any other says alvcrt Hc adds that several for mcr mcmbcrs of thc cntral band have gonc on to carccrs as professional musicians or music tcachcrs lhc trip to Quebec is thc first to that province III to years for thc critral band with closing nicssagc by the moderator As was expressed during the afternoon out of tragic circumstance finc community spirit has been manifest in Allistori and every dcnorniuation in town was ICpttStIllCd on Sunday with many standing throughout tlic Int irc scrvicc With Lcs Bertram and Sons general contractors and Millct Saltcr of Salter and Allison also of Barric as architcct tlic sanctuary has plcasing dcsigii archcd ceiling and ccritrc aislc lhc charich has lark panels on cithcr sidc of the cross on whitc background behind the pulpit and thc clcc tric organ is in front of thc choir Recalling the beautiful oak pcws that were destroyed the new church also has lovely oak woodwork and cushioned pews with offltwhitc walls and blue carpeted floor throughout There is an adjacent ladics parlor and gallery extends across the back of the church The spacious basement with wellequipped kitchen will providc banquet space for 300 and with portable partitions providcs multipurpose room for classrooms for Sunday school and youth groups There also is an attractive nursery but some wee ones found the service too lengthy on Sunday Ari innovation not found in many churchts is ramp for whch chairs and easy ascent for thosc who find steps hazar lous City should care for young people By SUE ROUTLIFFE Examiner Staff Reporter twoday family court seminar being held in Barrie this month could produce some answers to the question of in creasing municipal res on sibility for young offen ers says Ted Bigelow Bigelow one of the seminars organizers says represen tatives from over 50 local agen cies will look into what resour ces are available in the area More is going to be expected of the community in the care of young people he said in an in terviewTuesday Bigelow probation and af tercare officer in the Barrie of fices of the Ministry of Corn munity and Social Services says he hopes the meeting will beproductive We want to try and develop more resources he said There are people around the community trying to do dif ferent things to help he ad ded Bigelow says organizers of the seminar want the meet to bring these scattered efforts under one roof The seminar was initially proposed by Judge Mor ton Simcoe Countys family court judge The judge suggested something like this and once an organizing committee was formed hc chaired it said Bigelow one of nine committee members Bigelow says the concept started an effort to bring people up to date on rapidly changing juvenile laws So much has been hap pcning around the courts that we needed something to keep up on new developments he said Government attitudes toward young offenders has been deciding factor in changes said Bigelow and in the need for municipal resource groups to amalgamatc The government has been putting the prcssurc on municipalities to take care of their own kids he said And they have become much more selective in the usc of training schools You cant just clean up your community by sending thcsc problem children away to atrainingschool Scminar topics will cover alternatives to training schools and different ways with of dealing with young offenders Mary Traig is the first speaker talking about the Ministry of Corrections regionalization program which takes in training schools and robation and ministry group omes Jean Harris Barrie probation and aftercare of ficer will speak on assessment services to the court while Bigelow will follow with talk on diversions from the court system Russ Crearer attendance counsellor for the Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education will speak with Canada Manpower representative Roy Blair on early school leaving Barb Richards of the Contact Centre in Barrie will speak about the role of volunteers while Malcolm Summers of the Childrens Aid Society is speaking on family counselling and conciliation People being invited to the seminar are generally involved in or around the courts said Bigelow But it anyone interested in the seminars Would like to take part or would like to attend they can contact me and arrange to get an invitation said Bigelow He can be reached at the Barrie probation offices on Worslcy Street by calling 726 6461 Among those invited to the seminar are Mayor Ross Ar cher Barrie city police Chief Earl Snider Ron Griffin of John Bosco Homes represen tatives of the Rotary Civitan Lions Optimist Kiwainis and Kinsmen Clubs Sister Susan Dietrich of Marantha House and Simcoc County school board trustees The organizing committee has equally widespread in terests Along with Bigelow there is Don Jackson and Malcolm Summers of the Childrens Aid Society Barb Richards Russ Crcarcr Roy Blair Joe McRcynolds of thc ommunity Ministry of om munity and Social Services Ron Griffcu and Jean Harris We think this is very apropo timing fora program like this Bigelow said Tuesday shortly after committee meeting More is going to be expected of the community and the only way to deal with the increased load is to have more altcr natives available to help these young people he said We also need bcttcr knowlcdgc on what we can do to hclpthcm people and places Kaffccklatscli iIvcry Iucsday and chiics day mornings lllt mothers of prc schoolcrs havc takcrr part III kattccklritsch in lllt Harric Public Library auntx with mcmbcr of thc adult staff licadirig discussions on dif fcrcnt topics Diannc Auguston llltillltl of tlircc plosclioolcrs has bccn thc chncsday hostcss Spcakcr at Rotary Barbara Smith physiotherapist at Royal Vic toria Hospital will bc gucst spcakcr Tuesday at the mccting of thc Barrie Huronia Rotary Tlub Thc mccting bcgiris at noon at thc ontincn tal Inn Plants for indoors Plants for indoors will bc thc topic of talk and dcmonstra ion at the Barric Public Library tonight at 730 pm Thcrc is no chargc for this pro gram which will bc prcscntcd by Fred Prcscod of thc Royal Botanical Gardens On Saturn day two staff members Ayla Dciniray and Diannc Au giistson will teach macramc in the Annex The Galliard Enscmbtc thrcc young musi cians will play at thc libraryon lucsday April lit at pm Robcrt llcck Erica Goodamn and Douglas Icrry will be playing flutc harp and the viola Library service member of the boys and girls staff of the Barrie Public Library will tell storics to childrcn in the pediatric ward of thc Royal Victoria Hospital starting chncsday and conti nuing for six weeks Anothcr voluntccr from the adult staff will visit the jail to aquaint prisoners with library scrviccs This is part of lifc skills pro gram dcsigncd to show inmatcs the range of community scr viccs availablc From St atliariiics Mr and Mrs Douglas Birdof St atharincs visiicd Eva Gilchrist and her son Stuart of 37 Johnson St on Friday ii Easter Sunday Mrs Gilchrist and hcr son visited Ncwtori Bcssc of Shanty Bay Horticultural news By EAN ABLE This writer was horrified to go to the local Post Office and find zoycar old Norway Maple the Society planted had been cut down at the Collier and Owen Sts cntrancc After Mr Stoncr lid some extensive invcstigating it was lcarncd the tree was taken down because it had wilt discasc That tree didnt look sick to me Its down now and we can hope whoever was so concerned with its demise will sec it is replaced by another It was Government Official am told have been asked to try and find gardener who would help out man who has cancer and cannot tcnd his garden This is not big job blit man needed who knows plants and gardening Phoiic 7284543 Gcrogc Pearsall is promoting the cleanup drive All pickups will be made on appointment only Call 7264242 The same regulations apply as last year If we cant keep Barrie Beautiful can we at least keep it clean Membership drive is underway Some very nice discounts are available to members but you must have your 1977 card Len Adams 7261888 at 76 Mclrosc Ave has some quarried flagstonc available This past week 47 members of the local society took in thc Toronto Parks Boards Welcome to Spring at Toronto Ci ty Ilall There was gorgeous display of 3000 plants and they were simply beautifully grown The group spent the afternoon seeing Robert and Elizabeth at chfcs The Canadian Dahlia and Chrysanthemum Society has tried something new It is staging huge International Show at Civic Gardcns Ccntrc Sept 17 and 18 They have to sell $6000 in tickets and Wintario will match their earnings Our 17 Already Ive been told society has tickets for Sept socicitcs are entering from Scotland England and Wales Each ticket gives chance for trip for two to the Bahamas The 14passcnger van is booked for the District 16 Convcn tion in Orillia Phone Bookch for details Bctty Cameron hooker is on vacation from March 30 to Arpil 15 so in her place call Jean Wice 7285764 PLEASE STAY OFF YOUR LAWN UNTIL IT IS DRYER AND KEEP BICYCLES OFF IF POSSIBLE Ann Landers Take it up with principal Dear Ann would like to know of state law or any law that gives physical education teacher the right to hang around and gawk at the girls as they come out of the showers This teacher Im writing about stands well covered in her slacks and longsleeved shirt with an armload of towels She not only eyeballs every girl who comes out of the shower but feels to see if she is wet all over thorough washing with soap is required happen to believe my body is private and should have the right to decide who sees it Im not trying to be militant just happen to think Im right Please commentA Modest Sr From Iowa Dear Modest As one Iowa girl to another Im with you There is no reason towel cant be handed to the girls so they can wrap themselves before emerging from the shower It seems odd that the teacher would feel the girls to see if they are wet all over hope that you and the other students who resent this will take it up with the principal Dear Ann Landcis was recently hospitalized After gomg through tests all morning finally fell asleepmexhausted When woke up my sister and friend were sitting in my room The first remark was Weve been sitting here for an hour listening to you snore wondering when you were going to get up am writing this to advise all individuals who may have to go to the hospital one day to request large sign for the door No Visitors This wont stop boorish inquiries such as Is it ter minal or phone calls from clods who have talent for ringing up at exactly the wrong moment but it will enable younto get some rest My signature isVisit Me When Im re Dcar VM Ive said it before and Ill say it again People dont go to the hospital because they are lonesome They go because they are sick Please do your hospitalized friends favor and leave them alone card or some flowers say it best Dcar Ann Landcis Im widow who runs small but prosperous beauty salon Several months ago patron who works in bank very nice woman said she would do my lmokkccping and income tax in exchange for her beauty work JIt sounded like good arrangement at the time so agrcct In the last 30 days this woman has had permanent six shampoos and sets haircut two eyebrow arches facial six manicurcs four pedicures and Ive had to change the color of her hair twice believe made bad deal but dont want her for an enemy What should doQuan daricd Dcar Quaiul Income tax time is upon us Let her prepare your tax returns for 1976 then tell her that in the future youd prefer to pay for her work and youd like to be paid for yours lFllENIIl to All Who Have Retinitis Pigmen tosa Plcasc makc contact with the National Retinitis Pigmcntosa louridation Iiic Suite 932 at 393 Seventh Ave Now York NY I000 It is urgent that you let them know who and whcrc you arc so valid rcscarch can he done Roseanne McCabe Equal rights for small cars Small cars have rights too And one of them is being taken seriously by pedestrians and fellow driviers And bicyclists Driving is one of the pleasures of spring weather You feel loosc in the drivers seat roll the window down But oncc you roll the window down you can hear what youvc only been able to lipread all winter Did you actually get licence to drive that boy on iospocd bike said looking down at me as we waited together at stop sign That is just one of the remarks you hear daily when you drive small car Other quips include how far can can you pedal that thing When did they start selling matchboxes with wheels Dont let that pedestrian trip you Eveyoiic is comedian Do you have car wash asked at one gas station No the attendant answered but youre welcome to use the sink inside he roared at this waiting for the driver of the Chrysler Cordoba behind me to join in And hero is something about the highpitched beep of my horn that doesnt command the respect of pedestrians They stop look and listen And when they see me coming they cross thc road No rcspcct Take the time was late for picture assignment and parked in noparking zone Id only be few minutes rationalized to myself Ireturned 15 minutes later And my car was gone Right behind you maam the parking ot attendant said pointing It was hidden between van and station wagon Did leave my keys in it asked rummaging through my pursc Didnt have to he answered We just gave her bit of push out of the way She was blocking the way Hope you dont mind Not at all thought You could see the tire marks in the gravel where they pushed my car about 10 feet At timcs likc that wonder if havent paid $3000 for an ovcrsiml bikc You really arc car said patting the steering wheel asl backed out Psychologists say cars are an interesting extension of ones personality Small people compensate for their size by being aggressive Small cars must do the same Put mag wheels on your car friend advised And paint it red Rcd is aggressive My car is blue Blue is boring he said Despite the heckling from highway bullies carhops gas pump jockeys and parking lot attendants one thing is sure the ity of Barric considers my vehicle fullfledged automobile And have theodd parking ticket to prove it Pollxs pointers Remove tar with kerosene DEAR POLLY My husband got some tar on the cot ton material of his car seat and would like to know what Will rcmovc this tar Also what will take paint off of oncs hands EJB DEAR lJB have always used turpentine to rcmovc paint from my hands and thcn follow with good washing with soap and water and then lots of hand lotion lcrhiips thc following letter from reader will help to solve your tar problem POLLY DEAR POLLY and Mrs EWS Many thanks for the information about kcrosenc removing tar from most anything ccrtainly do appreciate your interest and find the column the greatest as it answers so many problems ROSE Thanks Rosc lOLLY DEAR POLLY An casy way to wrpe cobwcbs from high out of thc way placcs is to take an old pair of pantyhosc and tie cacti lcg in knot closc to the parity portion and then cut the lcgs ott Put the parity ovcr the end of hrooni and Wlpt away The wcbs cling to thc nylon fabric making it easy to swirl thcm Ioosc lhc cutoff legs have many uses such as tying up rosc and tomato plants and stuffing pillows and toy animals It thc hccl and toc arc of heavier knit or have scam they can also bc cut out and saved to bc used for stuffing NB DEAR FULLY My three small boys seem to havc knack toi gcttmg dirty so whenever we go any placc always carry wct washcloth in plastic bag that have slipped into mi pursc lS an

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