Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe Iilestyie Roll Kraiker photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitlc ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN Ian MacMurchy Dan Gaynor Lyali Johnson Barb Boulton BUSINESS Marian Gouqh accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowianil Wendy Bowscr Gail Pariand Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ot Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local Subscriptions news stories published in The Examiner WEEKLY by carrier 55 cems The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material YEARLY by carrier 93 employees and published in this newspaper $4420 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 BY MAIL Barrie 544205 year SIMCOE COUNTY $34 year MOTOR THROWAOFF 5393 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA I1 serving barrie and slmcoe county Tuogday April 12 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Andy Haiiuhton Judy Mickiv Alva Latlantc Elaine Porlcr National advertising otlices 65 Queen St Toronto 8644710 640 Cathcart St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually Occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supcrvmor Virginia Kios Joan Shcnstone ELIO AGOSTINIpublisher CICUIAIION ADVRIBIIIO CUSNKD III 7266539 7266537 7703414 7266537 Keep local rule strong Regardless of decisions made in OttawaCarleton which are the Concern of people there some of the recommendations in report for reforms in that regional government area would be certain to meet strong opposi tion in Simcoe County That is of course unless there is radical change in Viewpoints of county administrators Of course OttawaCarletons sevenyczirold system of regional government was never considered anything like an idealistic model in this area anyway There would be local endorsement for retaining the twotier regional system of government but recommen dations for more amalgamations of municipalities would have to be considered on their merit In Simcoe County past moves for aIIIZIIgtillitillOnS have stirred sharp controversy suggestion made few years ago of 7000 minimum population for municipality ran into no end of criticism The experience in Goldwater village was perhaps typical The reeve and council received full backing from local residents in fighting amalgamation proposals Reeve Brandon was subsequently assured that the village would not lose its identity in any changes made Cookstown village went through somewhat similar experience In both cases it was argued that aiiinlgaiiiations would not effect any savings for local ratepayers The OttawaCarleton report proposing the elimination of public voting for mayors these would be elected by the members of council from among their own ranks also would not be popular here Voters feel strongly that it is one of their democratic privileges to be making this choice The proposal for regional rather than local school boards in OttawaCarleton needs no review in Simcoe County where ratepayers are well aware of what has happened to school taxes since this was done here few years ago In defending the principle of retaining strong local ad ministration Simcoe County council has been given much wellmerited credit for fighting on behalf of local ratepayers basic pillar of our democracy since the Robert Baldwin Act was passed in 1849 it has stood the test of time and should not be weakened by any bureaucratic changes Simcoe yesteryear oyAi sac728 Ho SITI+A¥ WAsVIIv OTT This old postcard photograph of Barrics Royal Victoria Hospital would be unrecognizable except to some of our more senior readers The card was sent from Barrie to Craighurst and bore postmark of Aug 18 1906 from Barrie and Aug 20 from Craighurst It was donated for publication courtesy of the Craig family of HR Barrie Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Sirvicc If circumstances have ever combincd to on courage owners to insulate their homes they now have The weather once again favors work on such projects the cost of homelimiting sup plies has just gone up and the March 31 federal budget removed the sales tax from iii sulating materials and other cncrgysaving products How dow insulation pay off By inhibiting the transfer of heat from the warm side to the cold sideto the outdoors in winter and to the interior in the summer All houses whcthcr insulated or unin sulated lose some heat But the differences can be enormous John Murphy in his recent book The Ilomocowncrs Energy iuidc Fitzhenry and Whitesidc Ltd 215 pages $15 40 notes heat loss of 237 billion BTU British Thermal Units in an uninsulzited house vs 55 million in comparable but insulated house during typicalheatingscason Heat also is gained by houses through sun shine body heat cooking and so on In the better insulated home paradox occurs Murphy notes The potential heat ains of the home exceed the potential huit sees Now is good time to insulate home The main objectivc in tiny insulation program is to seal off air infiltration thus making use of internal heat gains and re iliicingtliccost of healing Naturally there has to bc some balance between thc cost of insulation and thc poten tial saving But major hcating leaks in such areas as ceilings and sidewalls have to be corrected regardless of cost Glass fibre is the most common material oftcn having vapor barrier in the form of treated klilll paper But because of thc lif ficultics in stapling this material to studs Murphy doesnt recommend it His preference is for frictionfit glass fibre insulation While it doesnt have vapor barrier this problem can be corrected by stapling vinyl sheet over the insulation and the studs In areas such as floor cavities he adds frictionfit insulation can be instalch in floor spaces with greater cusc and less work than kruftpapcrbiickcd insulation One other commonly used insulation material is cellulose which Murphy regards as superior thermally to glass fibre Blowing cellulose into the attic could be an easy and rewarding project for the home owner he says In most cases this insulation job should be done by professional if the home owner doesnt have the required skills reda Shinnir The world today By JOHN HAHHRON Forciin Affairs Analyst Thomson New Scriicc nc billion citizens by thc yczir 2000 Thats the prospect facing lndiu unlcss mass birth control measure can be found to stcm the idc of babics Queens ark report Mam Slt hartt As wc now know Indira Gandhis strong arin birth control methods failed miserably Bccziusc slic and her ministers iizid iii troiluccd political controls lhcy thought the cxtcnsion to cqually tough birthcontrol measures would bc it natural progression It wasnt Mrs tundhi is in limbo Ihc Ifill Looks like tide is turning against permissive society By IIIIIHIK NELSON Ouccns Inrk Burtan Thomson News Service IOltONIO Thc tidc may have turned against thc pcimissivc society nc key to the onscrvutivcs hold on powcr iii Ontario is their ability to ltllltllll Ill tunc with the lines on social iiizillcrs thn opcn liquor laws Wcrc frowned upon tlicy did the frowning When sex or brolnnity in films was nono their censorship board did the clipping thn the permissive 6th camc along the Tories followed the trend even going so far as to lower the alcohol drinking age to 18 Now it looks likc as traditional guardians of the public morality they arc tacking into the winds of pcrinissivcncss Icrhaps Iiicy sense grouiidswcll of opposition throughout the provincc lo trend that gone too far lhc latest example is the bccrrin the ballpark furor thats been st irrcd by tbc To ronto media Consumer and commercial relations minister Sidncy Iliindlcman is ilflilllliliil beer in plastic cups wont be sold ill mnjorlcnguc Toronto Blue Iuys games even if it does make Metropolitan Toronto odd man out amongst buscball cities dont think drinking is part of sport Iicsziys Whats important to notc is iiol so much Ihc high moral lonc bill the indication that the Tories zirc digging in tiicir tocs and holding the line There seems to bc no four of outraged citizens accusing them of sup pressing free choice and personal rcspon sibility STEPHEN LEWIS reconsidering Ilaiying brickin to thc onscrvniivc position is tiic New Democratic Party which like all socialist parlics tcnds to bccvcn more Dilllllllllllllltlffl than thc Tories It was New Democrat Mel Swart Welland Thoroldi who spcarhcndcd the attack against litrfilllt magazine and urgcd its banning At iorncylcncrzil Iioy McMurtry agreed and wrni iftcrtntnwn to stop it at lbcbordcr Ncithcr Xpllltlltttl onc pccp of opposition in tiic lcgislntuic Not voice was raised in favor of lrccdom of spccch Ihiil sziys somcthing about the change in lhcsocizilclimatc Thcrc arc othcr rcccnt cxamplcs onscrvntivc Mll Icrry loncs Mississauga Norlht was commissioned by the government to review tiic whole problem of teenage drinking and ended up reconr incnding the ngc limit bc raised to 19 NII Leader Stephen Lewis said his party will rcconsidcr thc drinkingngc question too The open scxploitzilion that cxistcd in tnrios IllileI cities in terms of uncensored videotape and eight millimetre film as well as in body rub parlors has been almost climinzilcd its an ntxtvcgiound activity by ciizingcs in lcgislnlion IIvcn scx magazines that have had no cen sorship problcnis in tlic post now are running iiiio criodic riiids from police forces under thcoiisccnily laws Thosc wcic ncvcr 1tlll just ignored or shrunk during the permissive ycnrs It sccnis those days now may be gonc ix SIDNEY HANDLEMAN tdiiniiuil $36 year India to soon face crisis over vast population growth natural progression is the tradition based on religious and economic grounds to have large families In neighboring Bangladesh one of the poorest countries in the world military leaders have declared the population growthnot poverty nearfamine or an almost nonexistent economyto be the No priority Unlike India Bangladesh with more than 70 million people has no organized birthcontrol program That countrys birth rate of 46 per thousand and mortality rate of 16 per thousand are ex ceeded in Asia only by Pakistan With birth rate of about 50 per thousand and her eastern part of Pakistan lost in the form of the Bangladesh state this con servative Islamic staie will not have the land to feed or house the population she currently faces by the 1990s IIINA AN ANSWER The Peoples Republic of China is at tempting to regiment the size of her already vast population of perhaps 600 million by regulating family size When this columnist was in China in late 1973 there were stories that Chinese medicine was trying to develop the ultimate in the pill the one you take only two or three times year Unlike India social organization in China is so heavily regimented that if the state de crees limited families the masses must obey without the apparent need of mass vasec tomies of the male population Certainly you do not see the nationwide symbol of the state birthcontrol clinic which is visible in India in the shape of the red triangle apex downward It is to India we must return in assessing the need for stateinspired birthcontrol programs because the new government will face population growth as much as did the def catzd Gandhi government The crisis is not only one of people but food resources The former government claimed such great success with food production that it had not only stocked enough for the population ex panding as it was but had surplus of food grains The defeated Gandhi goveniment never gave out exact figures as hedge against eculation in which even many members of longruling Congress party openly engaged The fact is famine has not stalked India in the recent past as it hit Bangladesh in 1974 and the subSaharan nations of Africa during tiic early 1970s But it remains constant prospect if populations keep escalating through the remaining 70s and into the next decade In the industrial countries by contrast populations are dwindling in size the end of the socalled baby booms of the 19405 and 508 Our middleclass societies are desperately ouncertain about the future and are forest ailing the prospect of large families PEOPLE TIME BOMB If we have the nuclear bomb the Third World has time bomb of its own unrestric ted population growth in an earth which cant contain it bible thought he called every one of his Lords debtors unto him and said unto the first How much owest thou unto my Lord Luke 165 all the Christians would reach into their nk accounts and at least pay God the back ltithe they owe Him the world could probabl be evangelized before the year is out God loveth cheerful giver is due to the negligence 01 its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Queens park Wont test Tories yet By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The key phase of the Throne Speech debate has been passed Both opposition leaders have made their speeches And it is obvious that the government is not going to fall on the speech Both leaders were of course critical of the speech This is their historical obligation But both also had at least mild praise for the speech which is not in the historical tradition However it was made certain that the government wouldnt be defeated Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said he wouldnt be voting against the government And that is that Smith holds the key to the life or death of the government MANAGEMENT ATTACKED Which brings us to the budget It now obviously is going to be the first crunch of the session And unless it has some legerdemain up its sleeve it is difficult to see how the govern ment can avoid defeat unless the Liberals turn completely weasel For the key thrust of both opposition leaders when they attacked the government was on economic management They stressed unemployment and were scathing on the inability of the government to do something about it This question will come to head in the budget Then Treasurer Darcy McKeough will have to present whatever plans he has to meeting unemployment And unless he comes through with some unexpected and startling new approach there will be little he can do about it The key problem with unem loyment is that except for the few people irectly con cerned with it practicallv nobody preciates how deep and fundamental use unemployment problem is It isnt confined to Ontario It is practically worldwide And at the root is the evolution of our society We have had automation and at the same time great increase in the work force par ticularly with the entrance of more and more women case can be made that only change in our social structure hours of work etc can solve unemployment And this isnt to be expected from McKeougn Both Opposition Leader Stephen Lewis and Liberal Stuart Smith made suggestions on unemploymenta forest regeneration project promotion of small business But these and other suggestions to date are only bandaids There has been no basic solu tion offered to the basic problem of unem ployment And assuming that McKeough wont be able to come up with one how are the Liberals going to be able to vote for him and his gover nment Canadas story Civil Wdr was costly By BOB BOWMAN The United States Civil War began Aprillz 1861 with an attack on Fort Sumter it was the most costly war in US history from the point of view of casualties with 600000 killed and another 600000 wounded American casualties in two world wars Korea and Viet nam were far less The war had number of effects on what now is Canada If it had not occurred it is possible that the US would have taken the Prairies and British Columbia The Prairies would have been acquired by negotiation with the Hudsons Bay Co American agents were operating there en couraging the settlers to support union with the US There was huge volume of trade between St Paul and Fort Garry Winnipeg Six thousand Red River carts were carrying goods between the two centres British Columbia would have been acquit bioforce prominent slogan In the ut that time was5440 or fight31 whidl meant takin over the Pacific coast as far north as Alas During the war Canada nearly became battleground when British passenger line was stopped by an American warship on the Atlantic and two Confederate diplomats taken off Britain nearly declared war and rushed troops to Canada to be pre ared Although Canada had abolish slavery of ficially in 1832 and literally about 1800 sym pathy was with the Confederates However the Canadian attitude was probably the aftermath of the War of 1812 and disputes along the border It was more of case of dislike for the Yankees than sym pathy for the South Slaves who escaped from the southern states were given homes in Canada and about 50000 did manage to arrive via the un derground railway They settled near Chatham Ont and Ferguson Jenkins today one of the greatest pitchers in bigleague baseball is descendant OTHER APRILII EVENTS 171trTIiomas Frobishcr was sent to build fort at Churchill River

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