pvM Ww kW van Nick Johnson kee entertainment ps wary eye on tubet Constantly on TV attack ByDON FREEM opley News Seryicc HOLLYWOODAs Nick Johnson likes to remind us Television is the nations lec ture hall classroom movie theatre legitimate theatre vaudeville theatre sports arena concert halland weve turned it all over to Madison Avenue rangy dynamic fellow out of Iowa and the University of Texas where he obtained his reputation as maverick as member of the Federal Com munications Commission for seven years from 1966 to 72 Most of the time he wrote diSSenting opinions as befits his inconoclastic stance against the broadcasters Heads group Now he heads the National Citizens Committee for Broad casting and another group called the National Citizens grants He admits that he doesnt watch much televisionhis only set in his apartment in Washington is small blackandwhite model with bent wire for an aerialbut he is continually on theattack He speaks out vigorously against violence on the tube and he wants the stations to present more public affairs programs And he seeks to bring pressure on commercial TV to make room for diver sityv ablc television pay TV systems listenersupported stations and public broad casting BUFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON 600 11711227 News Mowe iMr Blah dings Budd His Dream Houso Hours Dciiiiihon Polka Dot Door Nouvelles ITY Show News Elmer 630 News ll Party Game l0 Readalono 21 Gong Show 25 octuel 605 19 Magev and Company 700 memw Odd Couple Bowling For Dollars Concentration This Monday Tn Jntwrsons To Tell The Truth II mtte House on the Draw Iv Milw ismow oiich pt 23 tin gtiiinine Get Smart lot Holly c3 Squares straw Snares Misses 53 Hwaiilirm Huntera Elia 000 Question tut at 00 0t Mou Marius 12 Snooc sigt TUESDAY MORNING VIEWING Iv DUILI Jti Drum Hr law degree Johnson earned his IteIeVisiOn guide BARRIE BUFFALO Communications Lobby sup ported mainly by foundation Burma TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGH BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 25W Cineastes de la Faune 79 Tattletales 800 27 Little House on the Prairie TB Jettersons 77 Laveren and Shirley Birthday Special Waltons 117197 War and Peace 25 Cinema 79 Movie Night of the Generals 830 Busting Loose 7117 Basebal 845 19 War and Peace 900 22 Alan King Special Mowe Breezyi TV Critics Circle Awards 930 Sanford and Son l9 Parts of the Sum 1000 Dog and Cat 19w Villages Et Visages 22 News 1030 25 Nouvelles 19 No Onos Perfect Il00 22 Mary Hartman 23A579li News 79 CITY Lights 805 Color Brimu BfilUIlIi Friendly Giint 830 ime For You ns lit Tours Am PAPAle Doom in 00 Dmitriri For Doimr TrrrrJr MM 9l5 IIlr1 Sctirtol in pp 20 ly Pendulum 930 TatIIitlirs Rumour Room l9 maid Out ClntIIITO 945 l9 Math Patrol IOOO DoorIv Dare Carintutti whool Mid Denotinw fr of Cowmn ll Daynatit I9 For The Word IYI iymvw 05 25 Aux Fronteires Du Possible llzl5 l9 Nightniusic Concert ll20 3597 News IIJO Johnny Carson 4W Koiak Marty Hartman tl Larry Solwav 22 Opposite Sexes 797 Money Game 35 90 Minutes Live 45 19 Communique l200 22 Movie Julius Caesar Movie About Mrs LOSIiQI Tr Streets of San Fran cisco lronSide ll Merv Grittin 79 PTL Club l205 25 Cinema l2210 Mowe Call To Danger I00 Tomorrow Movie Left and Centre 79 PTLCIUD ll0 Dan Auqust Right 15 You Hp 79 Ma intonnri Mrtqittnt 715 35 Minute MOZITIUIII 1030 HolIywoort mp iIVt 15 vi Drnsuup Pvrwl plum First iflV Urn it Atelwr Du pttrlli 79 tVTVuVI iliiix I0 50 iv Aï¬fivrl 1100 Ed Allen Kiro ilirytjlI 0t Fortune ryltrplfllt slitpt Eflfli Of int Viirreris Youti man newt If Lt AAiIVIIIfTI Innr Blah 7v CI stiiw IllS 2S IOniUHS Akittiwniiiliriiiit 30 77 In IFllrill Lit shoot fOr IIN Strir it YouTu Aril ltin PentIuSU Happy Days Putx lint Paris Virqllil rii Mun Don ur Ilii Arr ri III TUESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING ll 00 Nam That sea it To Bruiner 27217 Ni CorOrivihon triul Turn IJriiw BUT14 Elf ll inï¬rm l9 fr Franz 4170 Li irmt pup tiyiJ fï¬viImr 1730 Mutiriitrv Next Farm lurupl Ctuirrt For ToIiirVtL 57 you How Flintstrirw l9 ijntlflIfiiil 25 CotiurIirhw l245 IAJW lunarind Kiriiii lr Mauve amt Cornyviii I00 rtriilfirtft Ca liilt mil Update or Hiiitti Adam Hot Int III II My Children Trouble Nitt ffvll l9 Witness To YlflfIrt l130 22 Fl IV or the Mont Il Day Of Our lVl Ttirl World Turns Frlmll ant Joy EJIIVIJIITI l9 Report Mitt 15 Nonwiiw 79 iqm 135 19 Mtith Patrol 25 Fernmr Daiiioordhw SO RtfriIrIIOnlJ I255 News 200 Opposite liliiri Haan All intrithimil $20000 Pyramid Ir Ballet Shoes Carter Dmr 725 News 30 it 12 Guiding Light DO torn Ertul of Mom 7ll Ono LlIf To Livi Id IIrlIlrlflT In IIIUnV 75 cinema Noninlriitn Court 740 l9 Pi goirccs rltn 300 12 Bonnie Pi mlmn Anntlinr World rrlkl 30 All in The FrIITllIf 19 Man Bliildi Mun Destroys 79 Prionli in COnIIirt I5 Commander Tom II General Hmpitnl 330 37 irtirtgl Anthony iIvorii Quinn 77 Mntv ti Game ilur riIlOn of Niin MrMnnu 000 Spuriin Trent Fiqur iriq All ttir ï¬nale Muir Hunt Mrrv Griffin its Your Chm itrir Trlk ll Young and Th Prizllis it Mnrrnitun 27 LIIIII Rusrnls 25 Botiiiio 10V Amirt leI li d30 12 Gilliqiins Isbind Mike Douglas ll Dinah 15 Hi DIUTIII Day ly Iw trir CUETIKNITI Nu II on 500 NI Nimblc Lury Heritage Doris Dil Nimny myrriixrii Sesiimi itrtnl 510 at Call It MIICtIrOnl News Odd Couple Room 77 ll Hot Hands 22 Adam 75 tIPUri rlr tDtIlIl View TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 II Tic1 May INorwy tr Burn lit Hoov ATllllllt Polka Uni nor 25 Non tilt 79 slimy New 630 21 ono norm 417 Non Il Party Crimi 19 Rrwidulonri Lrlt tuil 645 I9 Minori ITIVI Company 700 cw Odd Couple Bowling Dolluri oriunimhon Muppet thou To Tell the lruih Hobby Viriton Audubon lIIIIIiII Illfillrt Il Movie ihiqiv our ti pt 75 VIOniP Ititr JtllilIll rti Disiin wt inurl 730 Bluc lriiritit Muppet Utiw OllflltIIIt itrikis Spares and Misti Wollrnun in Blllfllt Woman Phil Is Right ll Country Way Ilii ition Nutri Nivinii cwtmu iiiiiiI 800 Bari HIM Blur Stirco Happy Days Who who It in Contert l9 Nativi Amerir ans Movie The Inn at the Sittti Happiness Grand pupa 30 722 Lawrni and Shirlly 15 King at Kenninqton Juli Ifl For The Retort 75 Li IIVIVdII Ln Chums 900 Ciiuqht In The Art Point Woman SH We Will Frerlc In Tho Drirk ll iqht is Enough Ont Diiy At Time II iitriir Ontario km les Piunoris 930 77 Sports Probe iltti at tlt nI Day It Time David Sitinborn LP of tow Poll Story Koink Allan King Spyrial ll forfy omos Spring In New Orleans Litre Ct Dutiiiri tliw l0 io Bdrmy Millir l9 Olyinpir Prolilr Nouvcllir IOI4S l9 Olympic Profile ll00 Mary Hartman 234579 News Ir Speaking of Books 79 CI TY Lights 05 25 Renrontres lI20 News 30 Opposite Sens Johnny Carson Movie Pueblo Mary Hartman ll Larry Solwny l9 Communion 79 Monty Game 35 90 Minutes tVt Propos cl Con Iidenrc l700 Movie Andra Ins and the ion Movie Fair Wind In Jvtvtil lrnnsidi ll Mcrv riltin PT Iuli I205 25 IIIIITIII I00 Tomorrow Movw Thi Poiiiiinti Man Ill Iilli The profits in broadcz sting last year were three times those of the oil industry John son points out and oil is the most profitable industry there is But you didnt hear anything about broadcastings profits on the evening news The broad caster is using public property Laughter form of love in Gabe Kaplcms opinion HOLLYWOOD7Laughter is really love said Gabe Kaplan who stars in Welcome Back Kotter and ranks as one of the fastestrising comedians around An audience responds with laughter and applause and thats the way comedian finds his acceptance lts people saying in very positive way that they like you trospective But what we all have is definite neurosis Its not just that we want some laughter and applause Its not just wanting Its needing We need it like we need air to breathe lhats how You can be welladjusted in other aspects ofyour life but if youre comedian you always have this strong desire for ac ceptance for love from an audience You face an audience and you are Liblc to say things about yourself that you might not dare say to people as iii dividiials In some crazy way an audience becomes onc they lurii into unit and theyre rcccpl iyc As comedian illIX said can sharc experiences with an audicncc They dont have in answer me can tell them maybe about this girl who asked how could reach her and think Im doing terrific with her and later call her and it turns out shes givcn inc wrong number lNSIitlRIIlIIS talk about this to an audience What am talking about My own insecurities right But when the audience gives me laughter and ap pliiiisc what theyre saying is lts iabc We un dcrsland titli lllIlltItI£lI tend to be shy But Im ncvcr shy in front of an aiiiliciicc lot of comedians are like that basically shy people iii il$II II response Yes terdays stars today mucii we need the love that we get from an audience that laughs and applauds Gabe is now 30 and there is security in being an established comedy star but he remembers when be began when he was working the lesser clubs AN IIl me time in some little club down in Virginia saw this guy in the audience Gabe says lhrcc nights in row he comes in and see him smiling In the fourth night he brings in group Now in those lays had what youd really call New York accent nyay after the show ask this guy why hes been coming in evcry night figure he likcs my jokes But he says with big grain and thick irginiii acccnl come hcic ics to hczii you talk sonl Some years lalci iabc con ccivcd the routine that won him IlllllltIllt acclaim This mar velously funny item is called lid Sullivans liiiial Show and in it inbc does an Illlr prcssion of Sullivan slightly bombed rcvcaling his in ncrniosl thoughts as he brings liiithcactsiiiihisshow did lhc Sullivan first for Johnny Jiisons bmkcrs iilitt ways and they said Ils hysterical but too ethnic for lhut wiis five six years into lwii ycnrs Iltltl finally did it on Johnnys show and hc Ilt1I il lid Sullivan himself saw it and he told lllt lhit hc fcll that way ti tunes and that he hated the rock Ililli hc hiid lo piil on vcry llltl nizin lld Siilln lll Forsythes hair gold mine liichiIor ziiid liilir IltlI ol III In Itiililt Vllli illtllll LHS It NIHIRSUN was Iclix Iiii1 oplcy News Scriicc Iuthcr HOLLYWHHI tliiii ItiIIll fumin iii rorsythcs hair turned Ulli IAWc Ihc plclcly gray his cairnr turned IIIibéiblynui completely around Ilcspilc his tinting iiilh iiin Instead of finding silvci Milltiltl III KIIItII With threads among the gold Ior Whip lorsylhc sitiia sythi has found goldiii up lion comedy sort of lcllmx portuiiitics coming with the zindlhat wasthut silver strong dramatic rolcs III iiiuisc swim iimplc may which generally went to othcrs hau thiiiighl Killsii With when he was glossy Ilillltti Whip was mimin of rods brunet because It got lot ll laughs In Feb for instance he Iliil II wasnt iiiliiiilid lobcfiin was seen as newsman in Iziil Gunner Ioc an NWAIV ilnwcvcr lursylhis hair drama conccniing the latcScn IKtlIIII Wily IIII rtIIlIIS 100 Mcffarlhv fcicd him began to iiiipriivi And the next night he was And Ill lltTt whcnhc starred seen again on Nlltplziyingthc III III IIllIIIgt it World father of 21 rtjlnnjml buy in lrcmicrc drama for Nlll Hallmark Hull 01 Fmneg he carascd from casting dirce IIinilydlmily tors minds any doubts about Sitting on stool in an NIH ITISUCIIIILIIIIIIIIY studio the other day Forysthi zistiiig according to type is unhesilatingly said his silver siIIy anyway Ilgtlht holds hair had saved him from an IXtXIINiI WWI JITIUI IHII lilll eternity as sort of situation IYLUYIIIHI IIIIIIl comedvfcllow Iii lail iiiiiiiir Inc the Its easy to IXlTl lypugisl handsome silvcr lople star he noch played ncwsiniiii who ages started in ltmmlwnv is from 35 to fill and for IIlI final dramatic only hp said and scencs makeup iiicn iddcd liiics people WillIlI Bul can he to his face bccniisc cvcn vith plziyconicdyf lhcn finally got into coin edy and did very well so was put into iiiorc comedy unlil pco pic asked llut can he play iiaiiia During the years when he lttllN liOllSYllllC dramatic roles LAUGHTER UNLEASHED ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ORIGINAL SONG EVERGREEN his gray hair he didnt look old enough Along with gray hair finan cial sccurity has helped itor sylhcs carccr since he no longer has to iilkl just any old ltlIt that clinics along lltorsyliii who supplies the voice of thc iicvcrsccn hzirlic in harlics Angels has to agree that Aaron Spellings StllilillttI fantasy about three gorgeous girl dctcclivcs is less than hcavy artistic ttlltirttl iii ItIItttllttI farc but he argues lhciiis obviously place in lclcvismn for shows for people who want to conic home and he cnlcrlainwl Nobixly expected the show to have sticciss of such propor lions he said In fact not many pcoplc thought it would gct on IIlttlIl nyiziy whcn Spelling Iplodllcci of thc showi iSkcd inc it Id do the voicc for hiirlic thought it would be fun illlfISilltI that IthllItI do hlc ont complaint with the show ItISIIlL said lvz never gotten to lllttl any iii the lovcly ladies who play my Angels II lllNltIlll liii iql iiint All in the Family Looks ii little like Quebecs premier second from right do ing ii guest spot on II in the Family doesnt it Its actually Jttlll iiiy Monnu with Al King of Kensington Waxman left as the notorious Mr Bunker Mary lrayiior as Gloria Stivic hosts Yvon Deschamps French Michael Stivicl and Don llarroii Edith Bunker They appear on the Lets Save anada llour will be seen on lil Sunday April 17 at 000 on Slipcrspicial Director turns to outer space or his latest spectacular lhc llltlll who made motion picturc history with 1i shark has switched his illcnlioii from the ocean depths to outer space His new coiilciidcr as btixof lice lilockbiislcl clinics iltiili extratcrrcstrizil regions Steven Spielberg diicclcd Iii and saw it bccnnic the tIIrlllllt inoncy making boxiillicc champion is following with another niulli llllIIlUllrfIliIIQll liliii giant losc Iliicoiiiilirs on the liiird Kind productd by Julia Phillips and Michall lhillips IIlllItti il nhiiiihia lictiircs most llllIllllitl and spcc liciiir iiioiic lll its IllgtItT il dciils with siibiccl that long hasiiiliigiicdhiiii IllsI lhc ltltu Iliiit wc arc lliil aloiic IIlttI IIltlt irc thinking Iccliiig Illti chiiiiiiiiiiicnlivc Ilit forms not iiicissiiiily from Boston Mass niiiid hoggl ingSpiclbciilmnd lhit docsnl lltttitllI incnii hcs ll bclicii do bcIiiic Ill iiililligciil III in tin lllllHlst IIlti iii trying to Ilt upcn iiiiiidcd toward IIIt who ixtssihility lIlitl wi hzivc bccii and zirc bciiig siiriiycd by vcry ABDUNLOPSTW IMPERIAL CINEMA 7284681 foreign inlelligcnccs he plained The government seems to have systematically pooh poohed the possibility of such phciioncmon occurring while the cvidciicc on hand is too hot to ignore There is something going on up there and we liavc every right to be informed llQlliSllf My Iilni tries to deal with thc lrt iiiislioii more serious ly than the government has ovcr the last three decades in that respect he feels his movie might be fool in the door It could open our im aginul ions move us more to ac ccpl mg the possibilit ics that we have company in the sky over our homes he maintained Regardless of the govern ments stand he belcives there is enough valid evidence among the countless UFO sightings reported throughout the world to merit consideration Spielberg it likablc ciiiifidcnci cxuding Qtrycarold tiliiiiiiiikci of Imundlms energy and many talents doesnt want pmplc In gel thc impression his new movic is sciencefiction 5X suowu nicomiiiiiiin is mm wuu Eiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii AT 700 900 PM NOW PLAYING 100 905 pm ALL NEW BIGGER MORE EXCITING THAN AIRPORT 1915 DDEIIR FLIGHT 23 DRASRES III THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE 009 RH AIRPORT 77 PASSENGERS STILL ALIVEJRAPPED UNDERWATER lliItltiIlIC lllll IIIIII IIIIIIIJACK LEMMON iiiiii All IT LEE GRANT BRENDA VACCARO JOSEPH COTTEN OLIVIAde HAVILLAND DARREN MCGAVIN CHRISTOPHER LEE GEORGE KENNEDY JAMES STEWART as Phillln Stevens horror show He describes it as basically contemporary adventuredrama of one mans refusal to be told what not to believe llis leading characters most ly are ordinary people living in middleAmerica today As for the extraterrestrial phi nonicna be said the subject is lrctiicd with complete authen ticity lhcrell be no little green men packing ray guns he declared The itililtltlt ot the film in keeping with those sightings that Ilith bicn reported is that theyre not monsters THE GEORGIAN FOUNDATION FOR THE PERFORMING THURSDAY APRIL 21 st 830 ll WOR MUSIC NBEL EDWARD st can piJRTER GEORGIAN COLLEGI HIGHWAY 400 THEAIRi BAPle 0t DUCKWORTH ST TICKETS RESERVED $600 $500 UNRESERVED 8250 SAM RECORD MAN TIITES MUSC WORLD FOUNDATION OFFICE 103 DUNLO SLE 105 7204 GEORGIAN COLLEGE 705 72495 new His whole life was milliontovmw shot iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii liltilllllllllll liiililiiliil iiiiiiiiilliiliiiiiiili liiiWilliliiiliiiiiiiiii GETWOURS NOW Held Over 6th Week 705 910 pm uWiiï¬tTu mime iiliiiiiniiiii liii Iilliilll TIIIIIIII