sumsH the examiner Monday Aprll 1977 ord years for single parent But Isabella Johnston gets Parent of the Year honors Jeffery Wayne and athy Johnston give an Easter lily to their mother Isabella who was chosen single parent of the year by the Barrie chapter of Parents Without Partners The Mr and Mrs Johann Dieter of St Eileen Drive announce the wedding of their daughter Deborah to Michael Lawrence Davies son of Mr and Mrs ieorgc Davies of Barrie Wed ding was at Trinity Anglican Church March 23 at pm The couple will live in Barrie Rev John Speers officiated engagement Mr and Mrs Norm Kelly of Barrie announce the engage ment of their daughter Kathryn to Bradley Winterton of Wasaga Beach son of Mr and Mrs llartley Winterton The wedding will take place April 23 at ollier Street luited Church Photo by Brian Studio Mr and Mrs Earl Brydges Sunnidale Rd Barrie au nounce the engagement of their daughter llelen Joyce to Gregg Andrews son of Mr and Mrs ieorge Andrews of Kit chener The wedding will take place on Saturday May lit at Trinity Anglican hurch Barrie Photo by Steingard family lives at Sit Springdale Ave Barrie While the chapter chose her for the title her children agne We think she is the best too says Jeffery Examiner Photo sea Three years ago Isabella Johnston took her six children and left her husband It was hard pulling myself back ogether she says But she managed This year Mrs Johnston was chosen single parent of the year by the Barrie chapter of larcn ts Without Iartncis was fliiblxrgasttxl she said And the kids We think she is the best too says It ycarold Jeffery Right now four are living at home Barry lit Jeffery lti Wayne 14 and athy lit Susan 2t and Nancy 17 are married This is the fourth year the Barrie chapter has given the award Names are submitted to committee which interviews the nominees We look for someone who has really adjusted to being single again says president Mary Burden Were iii terested in how they handle their owu sit nation Separation is tough Mrs Johnston said in an interview ltul its better than together for the kids when the situat ion is beyond repair she says ltlIAllY llANtiIJD since she separated she said It Wits hard for all of on at In st But now weve adjusted think she tried to understand llt more after she wparated com in tin cat ion developed mot her has changed make decisions and stick by them or wrong she said decision she Without Partners right away myself and the kids involved she said moved here from Stroud She was chamber maid at local motel the Hi uyi iii and so can she said Were close limiin now for couples And Susan knows why anymore Mom has really changed hard lesson for husband worked on farm Mt tOlIltSlC it College ltight now she No doubt the lit yeatrold counting clerks course You re alone You have to collegeduringthe day whether they are right available she She out joined made right Parents registered count ant or countant had no way of getting Mrs Johnston She and the family had ncrsSaturday occasion At IWI kids socialize with knew her mother would Win Mans lot short repressed Focus On Men session is told By PAlL DELEAN ExaminerStaff Writer Men enjoy favorable position in our society right Wrong according to Larry Radko social worker with Royal Victoria Hospital Radko told group of seven persons who attended last weeks Focus ii Men session at entral ollegiate that men have paid heavy price for the masculine privdege By what perverse logic can the male consider himself top log when hes emotionally repressed out of touch witii his body alienated amt isolated from other men afraid to ask for help tenorized by failure thrown out on moments notice on the occupational junk people and places New executive The Kiwanis Club of Barrie will take nominations for the new executive at tonights meeting at 615 at the Holiday Inn Card Party card party will be held Vtrxlnesday April 27 at the Bar ric Legion llall 410 St Vincent St by the Barrie Horticultural Society ost for the party at which the game of your choice may be played is $150 Tickets are available from Connie Love 7373935 Winn Browning 7283896 or Helen Smith 7282745 Open house Registration for the Barrie Montessori school will he held at the schools open house at Grace Lnited hurch Wednes day April 27 from 930 to It 30 am and Thursday April 28 from to 330 pm For more in formation about the Montessori school please call Kirsten Parker 7203037 or Pat Stinson 72tlABltlil Sta mp Club The 17th annual exhibition and bourse of the Barrie District Stamp Club will be held at St Georges Church Hall at the corner of Burton Ave and iranville Street Saturday from 10 to pm Admission is free and everyone is welcome Stuffed animals course in making stuffed animals will be held April 20 April 27 and May at Parkview Centre for Senior Iitilens The sessions are held from 1250 to 330 pm and are taught by Dian Williams Cost is $2 Cleanup time in city ogoin Cleanup plantup and paint up its that time of year again says George Iearsall president of the Barrie llor ticultural Society The society is promoting spring cleanup again this year by running campaign in co operation with the public works department The campaign will run during April and May By phoning the department at 72tr4242 arrangements can be made for pickup Debris and refuse also create fire hazard Pearsall says Everyone at home and at their business should gather up and dispose of all in flammable material in the basement garage attics storerooms laneways and backyards he said pile and all hes ever known is how to work ltadko asked Men have higher suicide ac cident crime and alcoholism rates than women and lower life exixctancy he said The discrepancy in life exixctancy has increased from one year in ltiLZttto eight years in mi Males also have the image myth to uphold and it takes its toll Radko explained that even in childhood males are advised to confine displays of emotion and weakness MOtKlIll SISSY girl who acts tomboy is cute but boy who shows feminine traits is mocked as sissy The big boys mentality continues dont cry through ltcnuy Deltocr one of the city of adulthood when the male loses touch with or ignores body signals for pain or the instinct for sclfpreservnt ion lhus athletes hurry them selves back into game after taking brutal blow boys will light bigger and stronger op pinicnts rather than be labelled cmvardfl and men will charge into enemy gunfire on war bat tlefields Men visit doctors and dentists less frequently than women yet die in greater proportions from almost every maior llfwétst llicyll often go to work when feeling under the weather because theres ad miration for the iron man who never misses day at work said Radko lhis subtle and unconscious with lose touch with their feelings and awareness of themselves as people who can be wives and mothers and or hold job who have the option of dressing in feminine or masculine fashion who can be sexually assertive or passive conditioning of the male in our grown mpassc culture decrees that its un Vc SaV3Rdk manly to be ill to ask for help ms We to complain to cry Our culture is saturated With the successful zombieswho pimple llIlltLLY itiiiiiizssizn WHS mics Slated According to Radko men today are bound and culturally repressed They have less fluidity than women the Focus On Life Association The second meeting ollegiate sons are invited The The male in our culture is in diSCltSSittn will follOW Vespro gardeners tour city greenhouse Barrie gardeners foreground leftt recently took group froin the espra Ilorticultural Society on tour of the city greenhouse located the operations centre on Itcrndale Drive Ex aminer Photo Government can pay for child care research institute member claims MONTREAL Ii It is Honomically feasible for lllt governmmit to pay subsidies for child care freeing womcr to become product ive members of the work force savs tail ook of the llowe Itesear clilnstilutc The whole issue ot payment for housework and child cart deserves more treatment by emnomists said Dr ook Wilt Women and the low topic at ACW meeting Women are people too and that includes the divorced Woman says lawyer Bruce wne Divorce laws are changing he says because courts recognize the need to split property equally between the man and woman The woman is recognizeil as partner now he told the regular meeting of lriiiity Anglican hurch Women Ilis topic was women and the law Ile also discussed pregnancy benefits amendments in penr sioii plan assistance wife beating and desertion and equal opportunity laws He was introducth by Mrs It lelland and thanked by Ewen Scott Mrs Reid president presented the budget report Mrs Seal gave the financial report The animal deanery meeting will beheld May it at St Giles Church Barrie Mrs Wolfciidcii will again convene the NearlyNew Sale May and Members are collecting historical data for anniversary year Iliirty five years ago Trinity Junior Guild was for med by Mrs Ilt Sherring AW was formed 10 years ago to unite all Anglican church Women has PhD in economics and is former professor of IIIIII at lorontos York University University that women should be allowed greater opportuir sions on their goals in life wumeu to emulate all women would cost $127 billion annually She told group at Milill womens ity for choice in making deci Itather than having super should have the opportunity to tioiial Product GNP choose whether to work or stay home The real opportunity comes when the issues of child cane and house maintenance are resolved she said services produced contribution to the country SUGGIISTS SIIARINO In terms of house mainto mince Dr Cook said the best approach is an individual one in which there is voluntary shar iug of duties by the members of household rather than legisla lion More Worthwhile would be legislation governing child care she said Studies by the llowe institute indicate even small subsidy of $1 000 year to women with preschool chil lltll would be an incentive for women to put their children iii daycare facilities and join the work force She estimated this VOLUNTARY RESULTS IN LOSS outside job cuitrcs kids who are in the same boat Society at large was hard to adjust to she said Society is amt when you separate youre not couple Iteing independent was it her She married young and she and her Two years ago she took retraining course at Georgian taking Canada Manpower ac ld like to me what jobs are said or maybe pursue course for industrial ac chartered ac will be honored at the installation dinr nor for Parents Without lart The kids will be there Susan has already bought dress for because she He cant things wont change until men realize and become angry and outraged strictures and distresses of their role the pressure to be all things to all Its crucial to our survival to realize what is happening in The meeting was the first in Men series organich by the Barrie Family Tuesday at 730 pm in the Ten teachers lounge and all interested per film Mcns Lives will be shown and the government As it stands now mens bentL fits and rewards for being in the work force are greater than Statistics reflect the popular view that only paid work is gen uinc work Only paid work is accounted for in the Gross Na the value of countrys goods and llousework including both maintenance and child care IE not recognized as an economic Dr Cook said it would be at least symbolic recognition to have housework included in the GNP Child care could be com pensated when person usu ally woman is forced to make conscious decision to limit activity This results in loss of experience ad vancement pension plans and binge benefits for the parent Dr Cook suggested flexible arrangement where parent would provide either services or money for using the daycare Ann Landers Suggestions for visitors Dear Ann Lenders My husband has an incurable illness could write book about the attitudes of people May make few suggestions to those who have said Ive been wan ting to come and see him but didnt know what to say By all means come to see him Now Today He wont ap preciate your presence at his funeraland neither will if you dont come see him when he can enjoy your company And here are some things you can say Ive been praying for you Ive been thinking about you and if there is anything can do call me anytime Im going to bring you lunch or supper tomorrow Im going to drive your car pool this month Ill take your children to movie this afternoon Im bringing you book think will help Ill take you to the doctor this week Ill come keep you company so your wife can go get her hair done Sign me Coping Dear opin Thank you for letter that lays it on the line Some peop need only to be toldand sister you told em Dear Ann Landeni live in Springfield 111 and Im struggling to keep body and soul together My husband age 20 left me with three little kids We were divorced 10 mon ths ago and the court ordered him to pay $140 month child support but havent received dime in five months and dont know where he is work in the shipping department of warehouse and make barely enough to keep roof over our heads If it werent for kind neighbor who takes care of my two youngest kids Id be sunk Everyone says should track down my exhusband and make him pay up He is mechanic has always made good money and is never out of work But how can find him Any suggestions will bedecplyrappreciatedTired Dear lired Call the Illinois Department of Public Aid which is listed in your phone book Other states have corre sponding agencies The tracking service will cost $20 but it worth it The IDIA makes contact with relatives credit ors former employers the union the automobile registration department unemployment agencies and the IMpartmcnt of Labor If they still cant find the skipper they will enlist the co operation of Social Security the Internal Revenue Service the Defence Department and the Civil Service Commission Once he is found the Illinois Department of Public Aid will take legal action against him or you can get your own lawyer Too many wives give up because they dont realize they have alternatives The rat goes merrin on his way while his family gets the neck of the chicken and the rumble seat ride CONFIDENTIAL to Wanted Your Definition Of Reformch reformer is person who has the un comfortable feeling that somewhere someone is having more fun than he is Erma Bombeck Kids change nice person By ERMA BOMBECK used to be nice person Ask anyone was giving loving and sharing Then the children came along and realized woman who was giving loving and sharing could end up with drawer full of dirty pantyhose broken stereo and wet toothbrush every morning Also camera with sand in it blouse that died from acute perspiration library book with bent back sleeping bag with broken zipper tennis racket with cracked frame and transistor that just went dead when it hit the pavement For awhile had closet that enjoyed more traffic than discount house on Mothers Day One day wandered in to see three kids picking and choosing May help you asked stiffly No Im just browsing said my son Wheres the lug gage Weve moved it to the annex snapped Will you get out of here Mom said my daughter youve got to learn to share Share You saw what happened to my car when shared What did do to your car asked my son Ill tell you what you did to it You left the radio up so loud that when got in and turned on the motor the noise struck the sterile still have swelling in my teeth Not only that the car smells like gym before showers You told me to bring my gym clothes home didnt tell you to keep the car windows rolled up when you did Mom asked my daughter can borrow this sweater You can borrow any of mine you like Then why dont you wear your own asked heyre all dirty Why would borrow dirty sweater You never go anyplace to wear clean one Ilold it said to my son What did you do with the bi noculars you borrowed for the game last week Theyre in my room Why dont you put them back where you got them Why he shrugged Why would you want to hang on to pair of broken binoculars They werent broken when you borrowed them You buy cheap Mom and you pay for it in the long run As slumped down in the closet heard my daughter say Miams so selfish Its hard to believe she wasnt an only chit Pollys pointers Garment has its own color DEAR POLLY Do you have any suggestions for getting perspiration odors out of clothing especially some types of synthetics They smell clean when wash ed but after wearing even for an hour the body warmth seems to bring out the perspiration odor again AB DEAR AB The odor you speak of may he in the fabric itself rather than perspiration We have had many letters from readers complaining about the odor in some synthetics even when new You might try rinsing the garments in white vinegarwater solution but test first to see its effects on the fabric strong solution of baking soda and water might also solve the problem POLLY DEAR IOLLY My Pet Peeve is with those unsolicited catalogs that come in the mail with notice that due to the high cost of postage they cannot send any more unless you order something immediately Who needs them lt MRS JF DEAR POLLY reader complained about her mattress slipping around and want to tell her and the others how solved this problem stretched fitted sheet an old one will do across the top of the box springs and then stretched another fitted sheet over the bottom side of the mattress No more slipping To remove stubborn water spots from windows especially outside ones use one tablespoon boric acid in quart of warm water to wash them iiut flowers seem to last longer when put teaspoon of salt in the water MRS EAR DEAR POLLY have few decorative curtain rods on small windows where the center supports are unnecessary These supports make great hangers for small planters They are adjustable they extend up to five inches from the wall and sometimes more depending on how they are made find them very attractive and handy in those places where just little greenery is needed MRS JMZ