and sex in the United States ardson regularly ANAHEIM Calif tCP porters sights three parkofficials glamor and the sights mitting SINCLAIR STEVENS should ciid PORT DOVER nl lCVi Eric the ice started to move don Ont problems with ice it dent dent occurred news rounduE Mass boycott of television is called for CLEVELAND Tenn AP Officials of the Church of God Say they expect one million of their followers to turn off their television sets next week to protest televised violence The networks may not know it yet but theyre about to be hit by revolution said church spokesman Carl Rich This is the first stage of what believe will be ground swell of positive public protest he said The Clevelandbased Church of God is the oldest US Pen tecostal church founded in 1886 It claims 350000 actual me members and more than one million who attend church Trudeau in Disneyland Trudeau on today vacation toured Disneyland on Sunday and said it was great experience To be able to see the world through the eyes of children is to be able to live the sense of marvellous again he told re Trudeau walked miles through Tomorrow Land Fantasy Land and Adventure Land He went on the rides met some Canadians shook lot of hands and appeared to enjoy the spokesman for Disneyland said Trudeau was ac companied on fourhour tour of the park by two aides and Trudeau refused to answer questions about his wife Mar garet who spent the weekend in Ottawa He said he probably will take his children to Disney World near Orlando Fla now that he has had taste of the The prime minister spent Sunday night in Los Angeles and aides say he wants to go skiing in Utah today weather per Controls an illusion Ice hurts perch season Area fishermen say ice is hampering the start of the perch fishing season on Lake Robert Mummery of Port Dover said trawlers which cat ch smclt went out on the lake late last week and perch fishermen now are going out to lay their lines and nets Frank Williams one of the first fishermen out on the lake said most equipment laid last week has been lost because He said icebergs he saw were as big as any hotcl in Lon Fishermen westward along the lake to Port Stanley to miles southwest of St Thomas also complain about Port Dover is 10 miles southeast of Simcoe Helicopter pilot is safe OTTAWA tCPi Details of the circumstances surroun ding the kidnap and release of Canadian helicopter pilot by insurgents in Ethiopia still are sketchy but news of his safety brought relief to his family in Calgary and Simcoc Ont during the Easter weekend William Waugh 42 and an Ethiopian health worker were kidnapped last Thursday while visiting village near Code 300 miles southeast of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa They were released unharmed Saturday The external affairs department said Waugh whosc wife and three children live in Calgary and whose parents live in Simcoc was missing only his wallet His abductors also rc turned the helicopter and the two men flew back to Code in An external afl airs spokesman said the insurgents were at first demanding ransom but to my knowledge no tran saction was made to obtain their release Her chute did not Open ST ANDRE AVELLIN Que tCPi Ar Shelly Benjamin 24 daughter of Les Benjamin New Democratic MP for Regina Lake Centre was killed here Sunday in parachuting acci Miss Benjamin was attempting freefall when the acci Policc said her parachute failed to open Miss Benjamin worked as an interior decorator in Ottawa and was an experienced parachulist St Andre Avellin is 42 miles northeast of Ottawa Prime Minister Pierre OTTAWA CP Sinclair Stevens Progressive Con servative finance spokesman has reiterated his partys position that priceandwagc controls should end as soon pos sible lie said Finance Minister Donald Macdonalds budget showed the controls are an illusion because the Trudeau government has failed to solve inflation and unemployment problems Speaking on the CTV tele vision networks Question Period program Stevens said that despite the con trols average wages in manufacturing in anada in creased by about 15 per cciit both in 1975 and 1976 com pared witli an average of nine pcr cent in the United States He said governmcnt spen ding in Canada accounts for 13 per cent of the gross national product whereas in the US 35 per cent of the Queens first grandchild Sixteen Bluc lay fans from Barrie schools were happy Thursday wlicn the Barrie city police Dicbold ompany of anada Ltd and the Barric Kiwanis luh anangcd to get them to the seasons opcning game John lmmcls third City pupils off to see the Blue Jays from right purchasing agent for Dicbold gavc the tickets to hicf Earl Smdcr second from right whilc Kcrry olumbus far right brought the hits the Kiwanis donated Ixaiiiincr lhotoi British challenge to Roots bad journalism says Haley LONDON AP Author Alex Haley hereto promotchis bestseller Roots defended the book Sunday and called Brit ish newspapers challcngc to its factual basis bad jour nalism stand by and defend my work llalcy told rctmrtcrs on his arrival from New York took more than nine years to write my book but think that this rcportcr took lcss than ninc days copyright article by Mark Ottaway in the Sunday Times said ltoots has littlc basis in provable fact and that in its climatic sccnc iii thc iambian villagc of liiflurc llalcy rchcd on the word of an oral historian who was notoriously imrcliablc The book is bascd on tho trac mg of llalcys anccstry back through slavcry in thc lnitcd States to Vcst African illagc in the lib cnlury llalcy callcd Otlaways ar ticlc sensationalism and dclibcratc attempt to tarnish and to undo all thc good that has bccn done lhc author said hi and Otto way had long talk bcforc thc articlc was piiblishcd but tlicir convcisation stcins to havi bccn misrcprcsciitcd llalcys flight to London coinr cidcd Wltfl lhc showing on liril ish lclcvision of thc sixrparl film adaptation of ltoots lhc first thrcc iiislalmcnts Some prisoners at Mimico get alcoholism treatment lOltONlO tfi In an cx perimcnt startcd last fall sonic Mimico Correctional cntrc prisoncrs have bccn allole to participatc in 28day program for alcoholics at Lakcshorc Psychiatric Hospital Dr Neil Maharaj llltttlil of the alcoholic service program at thc hospital said thc pro gram designed mainly for ini paired drivers invole indi vidual and group lhclapy dict exercise famin counsclling medical evaluation and iisc of Antabiisc or Tcmposil Anlabusc or thc anadiairdc clopcd lcmposil can causc varying degrees of adverse physical reactions if person drinks alcohol The experiment began when Dr Maharaj studying case his tories of paliciits in the three yearold program at Lakcshorc found many had been convicted of impaircd driving found out none of them had ever rcccivcd any kind of treat ment he said It is unfair that they becomc jailbirds lts treatment they nccd not cclls FINDSOHEltAllON The doctor called the provin cial correctional centre and found the staff and many of thc prisoners eager to coopcratc Antabusc or the Canadiando vclopcd Tcmposil are used to help persons in the program make it through the ycar lls ingrained bchavior pat terns that havc to bc changed Dr Maharaj said lcoplc arcnl liktsnakcs ablc to shed behavior easily likc skins All but six of llic original 21 from Mcniico succcssfully havc passed through thc program Fifteen morc arc rcady to bc screened for possiblc acctpl ancc in the next group Princess expecting baby LONDON AP Princess Anne is expecting baby in No vember Buckingham Palace announced Friday The baby would be the first grandchild for the Queen and special family event to top off her sil ver jubilee celebrations this year The 26yearold princess is fourth in line to the throne When the official an nouncement was made she was spending the Easter weekend with her husband army Capt Mark Phillips 28 at the Brigstock horse trials near the English Midlands village of Brigstock palace spokesman said brief visit that Princess Anne plans to make to the United States in June will go ahead as scheduled Corrosion costs $l billion EDMONTON tCP Corro sion costs Canada an estimated $1 billion year Its an increasingly signifi cant cost in todays society more than some people real ize says Dennis Dutton of Ca roco Corrosion Prevention Lt Corrosion is big and ugly menace that rears its head at all industry Dutton said He said an increasingly con yearly servationminded society is growing more concerned about the high wastage and replace ment costs caused by corrosion Onethird of the capital cost of many projects such as oil refineries or chemical plants was due to the need to cope with corrosion Instead of iron for example stainless steel and other costlier lesscorrosive materials must be used He said the princess will be in the US two or three days to unveil statue of Quccn Anne in Centrevillc Md lunc lit The Queens planned tour of Canada in the middle of cto her is not expected to bc af fected but palace spokesman said am sure that the Queen will want to be at home for the birth Princess Anne and Phillips were married Nov 14 1973 The Queen will be 51 on April 21 but she will celebrate her of fccial birthday June ll with parade to coincide with gala celebrations marking her 25th year on the throne First in line for the throne is lrinccss Annts cldcr brothcr Prince Charles Prince of Walcs The prince is 28 still un married and considered one of the worlds most cligiblc bach clors The Queen also has two other sons lrincc Andrew l7 and Prince Edward lit The baby would be fifth in line for the throne bchind lrin ccss Annc who turns 27 on Aug 15 and her brothers lhcy arc llllttl in with tht 3f iiipalicnts and lhc 13o day paliciits who comc to thc psy Tlllillllt ccnlrt Ill lhc avcragc wcck llll llX lin rcally but about that having thcni lllthtl lift or diiiar piopli iltilllti that waylr Mahala said loscph litllll truck tllitl convictcd scviral timcs loi im paired driving said llt has le ree Stalin lriid tolighl his licmydrmkiiig by atttnding Alcoholics Anonymous Mfssllllls lll tails biil WllllllllltlltttS was liki tit pit ttlll ol lhc guys at Mllllltti antiit lo tnlllt lltlt lll to go oiil of Mimico cwry ili and to lw iblt to tt title llltllt of tcn Wivis and husbands ol paliciils illt urged to partch patc in parts of Hit program CUSTOM MADE DBAPEBIES and BEDSPBEADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone iois ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrio Sears New Custom Draperies Let Sears give your home that fashion look with unique styling in wide choice of It is so easy to have light lovely refreshing new look in your room fashion fabrics Come in and consult our experienced decorators Let them show you many window treatments in choice of prints solids Sheers or easements Get whole new outlook Furniture available at Sears Ext4 SimpsonsSears Ltd Hot and Was mltrlo ilrtiflKlli Sthll to pores Reupholstering now Call 7264451 Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St were prcscnlcd by the British Broadcasting Corp on Friday Saturday and Sunday and thc rcmaiiiing thrcc cpisodcs will bc shown on siicccssivc Stilt days lhc author said hc would stay in Britain about lourdays and lhcii travcl to Gambia llalcy has conccdcd that thcrc arc downs of trrors in thc book btil said nonc was madc knowingly and that his in tciilion was to write symbolic history convcymg ccnlriil truth of thc history of black Amcricans lll ltoots llalcy dcscribcs tracing his lillllll hack to liif liirc and thc abduction thtrc in Ho of his iinctslor Kimla Kinr tc by Brillish slawrs in challciigmg llalcy llar way urotc llii from bclng rcinotc lItlcn untouchcd by whilc civilialion tho rcal llll fure was white trading post surrounded by white colonialization He said that insofar as the inliabitants of lulfurc Wcrc inr volvcd in slavc trading it was not as victims but as collalmras tors with thc whites the examiner Monday Aprll 1977 Aluminum wiring class action suit is being prepared TORONTO CP The Aluminum Wiring Home Own ers Association said Saturday that it is preparing $750mil lion class action on behalf of about 500000 Canadian home owners whose houses have aluminum wiring The suit will name all organ izations involved from manu facturers of outlets to hydro companies class action is type of lawsuit in which the court al lows one action to represent all persons affected by the alleged fault In February housing con sultant filed two lawsuits in the Ontario Supreme Court on be half of more than 1000 con dominium owners in Metropoli tan Toronto secking damages for what they consider deficient and unsafe aluminum wiring connections in their homes Sidney liandleman Ontario minister of consumer and com mmercial relations said Wed nesday that an inquiry will be Russian ship seized by US BOSTON AP Russian trawler steamed toward Boston harbor under US Coast Guard escort today the first foreign fishing vessel to be seized for violating the United States new 20trmile fishinglimit The 275foot Taras Shev chcnko carrying crew of 93 was seized soutlicast of here Saturday and ordered to port in an apparent crackdown on ships violating the fishing restriction The coast guard has issued more than 60 citations and war nings to Russian fishing vessels since the Zoomilc limit went in to effect March Ncw iltslylc A5 ra Box 2060 OrilliaOntario New from Babethe clutch compact envelope bag that tucks neatly under your arm PurchasewithPurchase With any purchase of Babe pro ducts purchase tan clutch bag for only $4 Babe Moisturizing Body Lotion 114 ml $650 Babe Soap in Dish 113 $4 Babe Spray Eau de Cologne SlmpsonsSears Ltd Rog and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Soars Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield Street North Croat 7033237100 Soars hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm held into the reliabilitv and safety of aluminum wiring for residential use Gary Heighington southern Ontario assistant director of the Aluminum Wiring Home Owners Association said Saturday that the association hopes the Ontario inquiry will bring about action to ensure that all homes with aluminum wiring will be brought up to safe standard Heighington said the federal government has abdicated its responsibility in the issue He said it is national dis grace that the Canadian Stand ards Association is answerable to no government department and has no power to recall de fective materials Jim Murphy regional direc tor of southern Ontario for the homeowners association said Handleman told CBC radio in teviewer there is no real safety problem with aluminum wiring and the inquiry is intended to reassure the public of this Cathie Mucey For All Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town BRISTOW Travel Servlce II pMIOI of trout 73141440 73703 29 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