110W countg Car went under at 704 Sunday The time of submersion for the Barrie Ys Mens lub Ice Out ir was in Su nday The winner of the $50 ii1 has not yet been determined Hydro offices closed today The area offices of Ontario Hydro will be closed today though the phones will be manned for emergency calls says Ted Johnson supervisor of public relations for Ontario Hydro Georgian Bay region Course starts on Wednesday The Goigiaii Bay Lung Association is sponsoring condi tioning exercise course for children and adults with breathing problems registered nurse will be on hand at each session to iii struct and conduct grouptherapy This is free corusc sponsored by Christmas Seals It will be held downstairs at the Barrie Public Library beginning Wednesdat pm The course will run for six consecutive weeks Anyone wishing further information may contact Mrs Dennis 7260565 Openings in dancing course The Barrie has still few openings in the adult dancing classes on Monday evenings from to 93tt pm Graham Wright who has taught dancing for many years will teach such dances as foxtrot waltzes polkas rumbas cha cha cha and the bust le For more information call the at 726642 or drop into the at 22 GroveStreet West Hike planned for Saturday ninemile hike on the Bruce Trail from Lavendar to Not tawasaga 1223will beheldSaturday This isoneof the fegulzii scheduled activities of the Blue Mountains Bruce lrail club Hikers are to meet at the Duntroon ommunitv entre at it an The leader is Jack loste of ollingwotxi HSEtitttil Remember your lunch and binoculars as manv spring birds are expected to appear on the trail New patrol car for Alliston ALLISTON Police will get new patrol car ouncil last week accepted the tender of llunter Motor Sales Ltd for 1977 Chevrolet Belair complete with stan dard police equipment for $5350 Reeve Peter Cameron said the Hunter tender was the lowest of three tenders submitted The other two tenders were for 1977 Ford LTD at $3640 and Pontiac Laurent ian at $3711 These are comparable cars he said but the Belair was the least expensive Tenders called for trees ALLISTUN in Alliston Council wants 13 Norway maple 13 Honey Locust and 12 Mountain Ash trees planted in Iltli0tlttpttl residential areas of town The town will supply top soil lcnders will be accept ed until April titat 12pm Tenders have been called for planting trees Taxi bylaw renewed for year ALLISTUN Town oLutcil last week renewed its taxi licensing bylaw tor another year The bylaw calls for licensing all taxi cabs taxi drivers and cabowncrs ll licences must be approved by the police chief and council All taxi cabs must meet provincial safety standards and are subject to random inspections bytlie chief ot police Licence tees are $24 for each taxi and each tai owner and $3 for each driver Represents board at briefing William Bolger recently appointed director of education for the Simcoc ounty Roman atholic Separate School Board will represent the board at briefing session on the education ministrys new French program in schools an nounced in the recent Throne Speech The meeting will be held April tttat Queens Park Outdoor education centre The provincial natural rcsourcts ministry has approved construction of 3398000 outdoor education centre by the South Lake Simcoe onservation Authority at Scanlon rcck Conservation area The Sitsacre conservation area is in West willimbury Township two miles north ot Bradford on Highway l1 Daylight saving starts on 24th Daylight Saving Time will take effect in Ontario at am Sunday Apri Residents are advised to set their clocks ONE Htth AHEAD Tourneys held this month Area schools of the Simcoe County will be holding junior floor hockey tournaments this month The junior girls will play Wednesday April 27 1977 from 930 to pm in the gymnasium at Tecumseth Beeton en tral School The junior boys will play Thursday April 28 I977 from 930 to 21topm at the same school Schools entered in the tournament are Bradford Adjala Central Tottenham Sir William slcr Alliston Union and Tecumscth Beeton Central Presentations will take place at 230 and 300pm Boomerangs meeting tonight The Barrie Boomerangs cthly meeting tonight in the Municipal Savings and Loan Corp Community Room at Owen St at pm Discussion will take place about the Spr ing Fling Dance to be held Saturday as well as future plans for future campouts Most from Ward Poll Fred Buemper one newest library board members has assessed the results of recent user maps survey which showed where library users lived The maps show that Ward Poll had the highest percentage of voters using the libary The differences according to area Were not great and it could be assumed that distance did not deter Barrie residents from coming to the library Two work projects submitted Three staff members of the Barrie Public Library will at tend video workshop with all expenses paid at the Ontario government staff development centre Kempcnfelt Bay Barrie on April 2t and 22 The library has been wanting to make video tape so Dianne Auguslson Ev llarrison anti Margaret Worth will attend the workshop to team how On May 25 lxiuise Campbell Ayla Demirary Phyllis Gaskin and Marjorie Kcarns will take oneday session on govern ment services to be held at the Nottawasaga Inn Dianne August son is one of the instructors for this regional course ms in PRESENTATION ENGLAND SCOTLAND WALES APRIL 1211 TUESDAY 830 pm NO OBLIGATIONS WHATSOEVER Refreshment wlll In noted at CONSUMERS GAS BLUE FLAME ROOM mats lANE HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 65 OUNLOP 51 BARRIE CALL 7204700 Last in of series People not involved seminar panelists say By SUE BOUTLIFFE Examiner Staff Reporter People arent getting in volved in local government in Barrie say some volunteers who sit on boards in the city The speaking at the last local government seminar Thursday night panel agreed people arent speaking up enough What they couldnt agree on was why Bill Straughan Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education trustee says public response to the board is minimal dont get what feel is enough input on the school board he said got far more as an alderman on City council Straughan says general con cent is expressed over taxes but says he is never sure what the individual feels and wan ts John Brennan trustee on Simcoe Countys separate school board agreed There is very sparse feeling expressed he said There is considerable input when the bills go out and there is an increase in the mill rate but our meetings are sparsely attended llCONFIDENCE People lack confidence both in their ability to speak out and in government said Don ltuggles landscape architect with ltossltuggles Inc in Barrie The system of local govern ment is wrong in the sense that it doesnt happen as it should he said Historically there was great deal of public par ticipation Ruggles said people who want to talk to council are inhibited by the formal situation of government Theyre inexperienced and theyre selfconscious he said Governments need to do much better public relations job he added The whole for mat needs an overhaul Much more could be done to give people little more con fidence Donna Douglas editor of The Barrie Banner says ap pearances before council are awkward for people They dont have chance to really say what they want Council in way sets itself apart Bob Dennis president of the Barrie and District Labor Council says people can work with local government if they persist and approach people the right way FRLSIRAIING It is frustrating to be on an advisory committee to make deputatitm to council he said You may think you have particularly valid point but council has to sit down and look at the idea in terms of what it means and what it will cost He said city staff is helpful to anyone preparing deputation provided you dont come walt zing in saying want and demand Groups like to be asked he said Take it easy and feel your way around It can be very frustrating but you cant give up on it he added If youve got valid point youll be heard Ald ltoss Stephens came out in defense of council and made suggestion as to the reason for lack of response Its probably very valid to say people are intimidated he saidbut it really shouldnt be that way The ple sitting around counci table are their representatives Stephens said he feels he doesnt have enough contact with people in his ward or in the city They seem little reticent to approach me he said PEOPLE ARE IIAPPY He sug ested people dont speak out ecause they are hap py with government as it is Les Cooke former Barrie mayor and comoderator of the program with Barbara Mar shall said councils must retain some sense of formal rules In crackerbarrel society said Cooke its easier to ap proach elected representatives But once city has grown to certain size control and more sophisticated form of govern ment is necessary Ruggles who suggested government must be more ap proachable said small ad vertisements in newspapers are not going to get people involved in local boards and com missions lts not sufficient to put lit tle advertisement in the paper with big badge on top of the city and expect people to come foivvard he said You wouldnt do that if you wanted to sell cars Stephens said he lid not feel the process is bad one We have to have some degree of control in our council meetings he said Our function is to inform people who have elected he said and were doing that Series worth trips say new residents The fivepart local govern ment series seminar organized by the ircatcr Barrie liambci of ommcrcc is over And Len and Donna Boyko say they know Barrie and the way it ttlttltgt lllllt better The couple who moved to Midliurst week ago lroni loronto committed to Barrie lorthctirst lourscminars Thcy cami bccausc want to get involved We have been coming up to tariic for years to cottage on Lakc Simcoc in the summer and to kl in thc wmtciy Donna 27 We have just moycd in the community alter deciding to establish our lives here sht said and we arc cry anxious to get involved in community aftairs hcrc She says they saw the seminars as way to had out more about Barrie and way to meet people feel Ive got better ap preciation now about how one can participate she added Weve become lot more aware ol the different areas where we can participate INVOLVEDIVIUIUINIU Len Boyko 28 has bccn iii volvcd in local government in Ward in Toronto working on they summer projch for cor operative housing What began as an Up poitunitics for Youth project grew into housing project sponsored by the local ratepayers association llt says Boyko is setting up his own architectural practice in Barrie after Working for different firr ms in Toronto and has applied for seat on the Architectural Advisory Board in Barrie We first came here because we saw something in the paper about the seminar and my husband wanted to get iii volvcd said Donna Both came to Barrie to become involved in city where they could make them selves heard me of the reasons moved away is that the city was just too big for me savs Len Len and Donna Boyko think its easier to get iii volved in the working of local government in city this size be added think you have greater say Donna says in the short time they have been Ill Barrie they have begun to see some familiar faces leoplc are much more accessible here she says ttNtIlltNlIl lIS Boyko is concerned over his chances for the advisory board because he is new to town and because he doesnt live right in Barrie Id like to become part of Barrie and hope Im ac cepted he said His wife also intends to get in volved on smaller level want to do something in the community SlltSttltl guess the place to start is in ouriinmcdiate area Barbara Marshall mmlcrator for all five of the seminars organized by the Civic Affairs Committee of the Chamber praised the Boykos as regular visitors interested in local government She says reaction to the seminars which have been videotajwd and are available at the Barrie Public library has been good although not as good as she had hoped think it was Worthwhile tllt CHAN FLYING TRAINING Private Commercial Collingwood Air Training Back in Full Operation Instrument Twin iATl Flight Simulator April 23 and 24 Night Endorsement Instrument Time Audiovisual training aids rlntensivc ground school course April 30 and May lmprovc your skills with FLYER OR NON FLYER COME AND SAY HELLO Sightseeing rides day or night COLLINGWOOD AIR 4451 616 she said alter the last sciniiiar lllllSlItl The students who came got lot out of it think shcsaid She says she cant say how well the seminars did over able where they were telecast IIARIIIHtiï¬lCIC Its really hard to gauge the response to television really dont know how many people watched she said She said the last series was run three years ago and she says she can see another one being run in two or three years It really an important sub ject slitsaid Municipal World municipal government magazine has congratulated the Barrie hainber of Com mercc on the series says Mar shall Its amazing to think they would have heard of it she said For Car You cant go wrong here because when it comes to daily rentals or long term leasing you come fir st All sizes of cars and trucks are available for daily or weekly rentals and if leasing is your requirement we can get you any make or model new car or truck of terms to fit your budget For the best in rental or leasing service callus at 726 Ald Janice Lakiiig gave Steele Street School students Tim Boultoii centre and Mike Thompson right help with question during break in Thursday nights final local government seminar The last in the series sponsored by the Getting seats on board isnt easy Getting seat on local board or commission in Barrie isnt easy say four board mem bers who have made it Speaking at local govern ment seminar Thursday night the four said there are more people than seats available in the growing city and its causing problems lot of people dont realize how you get on some of the boards like the hospital board says Ald Janice Laking who has served on number of boards The city docs advertise their places very well but there are other groups who need people and who dont advertise as well Bill Straughan school board trustee and an elected board member of the Childrens Aid Society says growth in Barrie has created problems The bigger the city gets the greater the problem becomes hcsaid If to people apply in small town theres always the chance someone on the council will know them he said But planning board had so ap plications this year lhc final decision comes down to someone saying hcll vouch for one applicant he Lots of questions for panel members Students from Stcclt Strcct Public School and ltltYlSlIlt icwcrs qucstioncd panel nicm hers at lhursdaj nights local government seminar on cvcrytliltig lioiii watcrlront plans to advisory boards and how they work And thcy had SlltlthSlllilis ot tlicirowntomake lHtlllY HUIDS Advisory ltoaids are too frustrating an ttitl ltlitt to tcicst sonic ptoplc said llill Straughan dzicttor ol illt thlldrcns v1d Socictf Iti Sim ttutotltll Its an tlttllltl frustrating cpciicncc lll said You ll spcnd How on plans that you tccl tlt woillivliilt he said and you gttlttl thcin to tlllltll only to stt llittil lllttl away llc said llt dotsir want seat on any advisory board want to letl that oncc lvc tlonc job tiioic consultration is giycn toit I5 IlIIIl Slltlllil Barrie hopcs to buy land for an access road to shopping ccn tres on Bayficltl Strcct north ol undlcs ltoad it llltltitlltlt is approved says lanicc Laking Answering question by studcnt Mike lliompson she said an access road would help alleviateIbcproblcni tayficld Strch hasnt been very well planned she said It we could go back to years It would be Illtt to have that ac ccss street built She said there are also hopes to extend Toronto st rcct across Highway too but said the ox pciiscattsasadetcrrcnt ltltllSIRICIII The of making concept 6474 BARBIE DRIVE CAR 43 Essa Rd Barrie tollicr and Diiiilop Streets one way strccts running in oppositc directions has potential says lilltlttipt architect Don ltugglts iiit youd have to take burly major look at the iii tcrscctions that would be al tcctcdlirstlicsaid He said ltarrics bent around problem There is no par ticiilar rationale to the way tlttlgt irciioyy arranged location bay IS Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce was on local boards and commissions and working amiiier Photo knows and that sways the others who dont know the ap plicants WIIOKNOWS WIIO Its question of who knows who said Alderman Laking She said she has suggested in terviews be done with each of the applicants Its an onerous job but someone who is new and wants to get on the board could have better chance She also said people applying for seats on board should make the efforts to make them selves known to members of the striking committee responsible for fillingthosc seats Straughan didnt agree with the concept of interviews You could blow it in five minutes hcsaid All four agreed people who serve on boards needed interest and dedication because the pay is poor earn about 34000 year only small fraction of the minimum wage said Alder man Laking so you dont do it for the nioncy involved She is member of planning board and the fireball conr mittec John Brennan separate school trustee says he got in volle with the school board as hobby ILIIST POSSIBLE want the best possible education at the best possible cost for taxpayers he said Its break from my CANVAS SUNSHADES so pretty so practica letscnalllc your patio Willi olorlol invas so fashionable beautiful litt ltt at Call til tOtttt by lOI new design idcas and iftt estimates BARRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD 34 Bayfield St 7266437 ith local government Ex daytime work and enjoy get ting involved in education he said Brennan receives $200 mon th Straughan says the demand of meetings means volunteers have to enjoy what the re doing You have to be sold on theidea Les Cooke former Barrie mayor and comoderator of the seminar with Barbara Marj shalt said dedication is essen tial Whether they get remuneration or not they have to be really dedicated he said They put in long hours CAUSED BY EXTREMES The tree line in the Canadianj North above which trees dont grow is created by extremes of wind and temperature If theres El in Your Future Welcome Wagon planning Special Party for bridestobe Monday March at the Blue Flame Room Barrie For your in vitation culltlie iititiomflititot m5 7261454 Youll be glad you did BOAT SHOW AT BAYFIELD MALL show on until April lb 1000 AM 930 PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY TO SERVE YOU WITN OVER 60 STORES LIMCOI 001 ILAIGISY INDOOR ROWING INIIt WIIII IIMAII CONIIDIIID OMIORI PARTICIPATING DEALERS SANDY COVE MARINE MACDONALDS MARINE GULL ROCK MARINE SPORT HAVEN MARINE BE SURE AND VISIT WITH BAYFIELD MALL DURING OUR BOAT SHOW ON TILL SATURDAY APRIL 16th EVERYTHING NEW IN BOATS WILL BE ON DISPLAY FROM LUXURY CRAFTS TO SMALL RUNABOUTS ultilin lull is on