an dm Labapozuu ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemans alterations 26 Mary St Telephone 7378432 or residence Need help listed are experts in their field and thl assure you of the lines lob possible LL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE ess SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words $$ cents per word the examiner Monday Aprll1 1977 15 debated forum at Geor gion Card of Thanks 25 words $500 0011 Buglness DI rectflry Additional words9cents per word Two wellknown energy director of the Science Council contribution to the countrys In Memoriam no verse $500 spokesmen will support nuclear Ol Canada energy balance Nuclear power CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 737 HANDYMAN FREE Just look Over the ads below The adverlisers LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing Verse per count line extra 2t cents per line Coming Events Bilengagements BORLAND CAIRNCROSS Rev and Mrs Borland of Burlington 0nt are pleased to announce the engagement at their daughter Karen Elaine to Mr Bruce Cnirncross son of Mr and Mrs James Cairncross of Barrie Tho wed ding will take place April 73 I977 nt Col Iicr Strcct Unitcd Church 5122 per column inch 87in memoriams CRYER In loving memory of dear husband lather and grandfather Samuel who passed away April II I976 We cannot have the old days back When we were all together But secret tears and loving thoughts Will be with us forever Sadly missed always remembered by wile Vera and family power development at free public forum on Energy Development Present and Future to be held Wednesday April 20 at pm at Georgian College Theatre Barrie Robertson assistant to vicepresident Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd will speak on Nuclear Energy and the Public and Morison Cosponsored by the Simcoe County Chapter Association of Professional Engineers of On tario and Georgian College as part of its Tenth Anniversary Program the forum will be largely nontechnical in content and is designed to acquaint the public with current energy issues Archie Robertson has been employed as scien alrcady provides more than 15 per cent of Ontarios electrici ty he observes and by the end of the century could supply up to 50 per cent of all Canadas electricity Morison who has held various engineering and ex ecutive positions with Ontario llydro and Atomic Energy since 1949 points out that if the population in Canada grows as 85dc1ths 72s 849 Aevr 1507 VF°T151977977 allcoming events director design and develop St at Chalk lilver for the past expected in the next 25 years ALUMINUM Gamges Clemed H5533 gnFY3I mcnt division engineering 20 years during WhICIh tlme he and Ontario is to remain as the 05h hOUIEd OWOY MASONRY April 84977 Elwood Robert Jennnii of You are invited to on branch Ontario Hydro will and his family have lived in the industrial cnetrc both thrifty GIBSON JUST GIVE US IISILfIIï¬Igï¬ discuss Electrical Power nearby community of Deep utilization and substantial addi MASONRY black and brick fireplaces Development in Ontario River He has worked on the tional supplies of energy will be YOUR CASTOFFS Mrs Lawson of Barrie Ivar No II bl In honor of cnamlmkealorvunyl °° l5sszlxglxasI$°2ti12t Wrcanoxpedsomwp Velma 16s and other tried Alcon siding Soffit Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing WE REPAIR British European and Japanese ORegulaliun Pool Fence °WOUtl 0r Metal Privacy Wrought Iron HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Poi ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs 5305 4875525 72634 between 10 and 530 prn STAN KNICELY MASONRY and stone work Free estimate 705 4245i 58 Brick black Fireplaces specialty Mung ENTERTAINMENT OATES 82 Duulnp St East Custom Biivnrlv ngstinq it the Jennctt Funch Homo I57 Bradford St Barril Visiuta tion from Sunday It SCTVKI In the ctmpvl on Monday April It at In In IIIITItnl Ltirist Cliurt ti Ccmclory Ivy In llcu of flowers donation to hdlllV MR MRS MORROW of Holly celebrating their 62nd Wedding An position however from other panel participants Sean Casey coordinator of Energy Piobc will discuss the development of renewable energy resources with continuity of instruction materials for nuclear power plants is the author of book Irradiation Effects in Nuclear Fuels and edited the interna tional Journal of Nuclear Brennan wanted the board to Executive Director of the Scicncc Council of Canada sincc 1975 national advisory body on science policy Mr dqu program in our system can your llt would bc Irlf at order bglure Apnl 30m It Oursefl or WARREN BROWN MWE tor people who CWIII IIIIIIIII LOIqu SIIIvaII NON IW and mlemalmnal envrronmen Matertalsfrom 1966t01971 she men is raduate of the liketo dance Goodrntos72879545 7265D09 SPRING CLEANUP PIANIsr AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP mum mowWWW mp lal Cn51llal ICCIUTCTI and LL01 mg RObmlsmv UHWCFSIIY 0f LOHdIm England l0 BSSILIla St ONS DINNER mus Col7265730e MUNDELL mm Peer WHY SotAprII16 I977 author Dr Fred Knclman Canada 15 at present Overly and of McMastcr University Orm WIndOWS removed pcmclully It hrr home in Hamilton on de de dl ll GEORGIAN Installed 51mm Aim 1977 Born Am From2pm to7pm Will spwk MW of mm Onrdpl WW mg With masters degree In and cleaned MUSIC msmucflom bLIovvd wife of llic Iatl Front Mucmiuil GI I2 Oran Blvd nuclear energy future for fosstl fuels lie believes nuclear Political Science From 1961 to BUILDING For Free Estimate General lawn care cleon GUIIAR IISSON Cf SIgIIIrnI JIIIZIII2332ï¬Ig W11 BOIIIe Canada energy together with certain 1975 he served as president and PRODUCTS call up and spring fertilizing Moycelpown Gvo5if7248°p smith iludyi Compllu nnzl Jack I3 I5 lhc forum moderator WlllIl3 Other WOVEN SOUFCCS 21ml CQII chairman of the board of Leigh ACCORDION guntor iono or on be Inner NM flint WWI John Shcnhcrd cxccntivo SOFVHlIOD illt make 11 major lnstrumcnts which he founded Guru es and baselnents Main look tliwri for rvr on Tlil imd afVIuKIIl WIIIU ISSIURQ Ilypiil Iit1riiii lTIllrnltlll lrIItity VVWOOW MO WA mom or omo proc Ice Ilia Ian III II oSldlng EOVESIIOUgh Rclï¬aned deniy olMuslc I21 Baylleld 7281799 lYJlly IIIIVILII Ztiarllymlnolilvl III Im Sottit Windows tems Inc use remove pm tanlt1 St John Vionne Hall FOCIO Doors ROBE TSON JIIITIII lJllItttIy on rl wrh day April IWI JIIITII Rotnrtslinlil it Shutters Awnings VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In Print in mg yrI Itll nun Ul IdIIlIy tenor exterior Work guaranteed Establish and TIII titi clll PIIIIIIIXOII annill AddlllonSROOIIng edJOyeors 726 2609 7269002 brottirr oi Votun ot Illli Hay Point inlt JOCkPOl Porch EnclosuresStonework 98 WAYNE FOLEY Ptolessmrial pantieS Colinrim min BulbI if rum OH NIT For free eSIImOIe IEIIO and Ham Fm WIIIIIIIIUS W0 tIirirIiI IiimIIIf 4m IiII MrI tJLIIiIIiItIIII CO eCT guaranteed 7389 IIIIIIII rill YIllI iiiI isIIl kitr FIIIItrIIl lumrnl HUIIII It collpmlspummc HILLSDALE DECORAIING Interior ex II WLIrIJII Iimt Imirll IiltltillII ir II 7266907 30 IIï¬Ã©Imfngï¬gf3IIIgeggyggï¬ofgI5 wt II in mm tin iiiwi April Ilic Simcoe County Iliomdn he voted not against French can cliinc up Will lust as many II II III IlitcinnItt it lvlllltltlllry II In LocolFamify Business PAINTING PAPER HANGING exIJcIlCltctI IIIttIJII Mnmmml llliniltilillt to mm While every endeavor Will be ih1$lfsh XL dIrJ kmdergIdlu hm 1de LInlxm mdyl more tree Alumna Jock manilth 7262012 Wm aimiv MIMI it mode Io Iorwmd I9 es Io box intends to stdrI Irench numbers Much hC mnwicrcd MaIUIlm and he found the dsuchlgmlijrllgvllzgchwsolljocodlosldrgbsogd HAULAGE 175688 th ve tiser as IIIEIIIIRO IIISIIUCIIUH ill ll insufficient There was no motion too IoosclV put guarantee 4246097 APICK up and drlvet tor hire Any Iobltonl IIIIIIIII jIIIILIIfWIIII ARNOLD mm bIe one no kindergarten IILVCII 41 Sl 30 assutance that as many as 11 together and feared that it PAINSWICK ALUMINUM Installers at Siding dyed 9eph°T°2 63 Sundowngummumd 776 6806 30° Im we iiard sSchtIIoI intlrillia pupils would be registered IlIr would sct bad precedent II IIILIQZIeIIggg egéifgfélggh Venous col CURTAINS HOME IMPROVEMENTS ROY DOIRON up milm pullttitlg new Home 0P9 lublIY 259 °55 I° committee was formed at the kindergarten he said Mrs Quilty said she con II IIIAVE IIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIII III III IIWIIImmmw and paph1iqi mom lamina i27 BAYFIELD sr damage olledged 059 the last board nicctingtnstudy He added that his iiiforinlr sirlcrcd l0al valuable guaranteed 4J6 3691 IANCES Ir CorItodipn CurtmnsI nigger mt memo II RIEIMODELIIIIINIIEBI xImmIInSO IROIISSIONAI IAINIING UI 7282530 through Wit °°Y tbc pussmlv Instituth of tion was that only two of thc stcp trustee Llovd LaPIumc Iers sor Imsm rooms ELECTROLUX lCanodaIUd authorized sales per pgiryeColl 0m 967 726 me or Referencesovdï¬zble pm Wm 30 mm expeww stimulus Fnendly Courteous Seivice IOWOVdW Isuï¬l mph iLnLliIanguugt kindttIgdltCn puicnts who cxpicsscd intIcicst said hc Loullln agi cc more and service lBAIIunceï¬lvd 7293392 writeBox833 II NEED MORE mg Spam eI mom IHIIOI PhOIWW 195077866 on however otherWIse program aftcr palcnts group in the establishment of the that it should start in bedroom lo wont lamtdr otlice no btdsuggcstcdlincbccrcaltll kindcriirtcn wcrc scmmlc klmlor Ion II an Ills BC agrariIéxIlaschgon mg wollpopellng Murray 777777 lhc paiciits wcrc conccrncd school ratcpaycrs lillllHl Marlhand fclt thc cars Coronation Auto Serv 7265441 l7 Mary St BEAurIctAN PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 HighcrottI Rd AIlondole Heights Perms SI2SO All yourIbeauy needs 72878658 BICYCLES DISC JOCKEY MUSIC By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete baselnunt planning and decorating privacy scrnensl and patios aluminum door The number lor all your needs 728 8906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting thIIirieys woterproollng hrik and stone oulkmgwirl dows and expansion mints Work guaron teed 458 9346 CONsrRucnON How ralSIlIg Ioun 5lVl0Tl Foal xtlvtlt 71f 1II1 728 8631 ovunliiq lrnining Ql rill type We Tltll iiILiIIy sins Phone 728 327i ARrIrRAM chum piiiuil training with FLEMING NEW WORK and reports drum and sewer Governm ent gre blamed by Stevens Youngstcrs zit lcntling Ilcnch laiiguligc nurscry had only the option of English kindcrgarctcn bcflirc ciitcring lhc boards lltcnch program at Bernards which starts in Gradc lrllstcc AIIS Mary Jo Quilty establish firm guidclincs for registration before endorsing the program so that wc know where were going Ilc notcd that there had been cnrulmctit problems whcn thc board in iii linlv lclill to something better Marchaiid wasrfl impressed by tlic argument against the school on the grounds of thc possible low it Icndzlncc lll sznd numbers were low at dollotts renovations additions Phom itiatcd FrenchIan llil scvcrlil of the kinder artcns BIKEIANMGOWGI5 Some OPEIIIOISH COUIIW DISCO 436 2955 Dr436475 ulturb £33330ifï¬jï¬ni gIIIIfIII PINNIIHI lmillllt lIIl lt Illl chairman of the boards rillia strutlion in rillia ifwuiycars prcscntlv operated lily the 9° 553 72 7377 Weddlngs Dances Banquets ENSVIAIIONSI BAISEMLNIS LlugI blurk ami £58 4233 Sinclair Slcvciis It York Illll klllltlL£lltlIl commltlct said ago and thc board had conic board so dont tliinkwverc BIRD HOUSE 929isiymgouyliigï¬gga 2235Lliifii PUBLIC ADDRESS mm 51 III INIII HP IM IIIIIIINHHIIHIEI that lIlc iiursciy haszi total of 28 under criticism ziszi icsult scttinga prcccdcnt pURPIEIIIARIIN HDUIII IIIIIIIIQ AIIIIIIIIIW SDBCIBI DTICBS MGRFit 1746073 SYSIEM LIIItlIIIIItIII gIclll and luck of LIIIIlIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII yliuiigstcrs liiiIillcd and thc lhcrc had bIcii original tollrd chairman Vincent MelroseAve Barrie or telephone72BA5283 igflgzliafllglilï¬n Séditfilfi311 GCEIIEI IIlIIII III IIIII II ltitttltls III II Ittttttlltls 0l llN cslimatcsol classcsof 30 or 40 llliigcn nulll that if the BOOKKEEPING 015 FOC7lt9 7761710 let LE3LE1jjfII II WIN II II II II nuiscry giliduatlng Class ltitd but actual clzisscsIhad totalled ullnibcis wcrc lfll low well IRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IISI ItlIIItIIIIIIIII LI IHI cxprcssIrl thc dcsnc that it cigbtormnchcsaid havc to tukc another up EIP BOOKIKIEIEPYINGI all busmgsse 62 DRESSMAKING RENTALS III lI 57 Wm UNI MIMI III IJIHHIE Ilciich lainglillgc kindcrgartcn lllltlfllZI prolich cuocv ass cu Iceorows INCOMEIAXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AIIIIUI IIIII fllll lttlllill spcnlling has III IIIml Ill bcisttlblishcll lllxlgins said he was disapr lhc board wont know until char 00 or weekends DRESSES FIT ll mode by JOSIE AQUINOI no urea $5 up Donsun 471 5910 oft tltl7ltl I31 pcr tlll ihnlist Ilil Icllst possiblc tlivitiliii llntl IttllltlllltlSIC pointed that thc motion did not aftcr thc registration deadline Spemolizinq in pant suits gawnrand alters II CARPENTRYM wnéuggugem St Phonu726m I5N°Cgxdw IIII IIIIII III IIII lIlIANy Rally Ill IIIll IIll lilsl lllc gciicrlil in IIIIIIIIIII IIIILIniInliiiliiii of ill llt ll TIIII IIIIIIIII OIIIIINIIII III SpecIII whmhm IIII CIIISIIIS IIIII IIIINHIIIIIIIIUIS WI bCI ult stir AND Gevea Contractor Kitchen rec ALTERAIJIOthS AND zussoInIIfewrIteI AIIppIIlrI MAM IIIIII and MW MIIIIIIIII BIIIII EIerIhIIIqFOI EIIIIIIIOIIIIIIg iii III III niiliinj VII II II II Iltlttl Illt tlllllllllltt tttlim would bt hold on halfAtlnys It raorns reIc730tpgtOs7 additions tircpIGCES ygIIIwW 73 heepltIgStrlHb 726 ram III II xiiilc III lilIlIlII gnuiii MI iiiInlliilioii tli tllTlIIHlKl Iltc lull lays lrniisportation costs Qcars Ir III 99°W 39 rAx RETURNS Dmvurwl pltsowiI Wait 0559 lIItlIl sliliil II flIlltlil cm hmm Ilm lll lllncb kintlcrgillll In would be lIlthtl ifth lllllrtllV CARPENTER Spettalirlttq Icr rooms in bowie tum warilIlluhlt CII728 JblIIt In Ilic llllt cltlir Illlll ew QTQGPIIH please miiI 58 qInIIIIIIIIIIII We DIIIIIIIII RIII IIIvII NIW lulliliiml ptlIIItllt Il hits SIptllltlxl illlltliuglt lllt mt system was usrII and costs lrc 7288884 atterép DRYWALL ltll IIIIIIIH1 IlI ttlll ltt li It mm II Eml ttl Ul II 737 I388 II II IIIII II III III IIIIII IIII lIIII pm Is impui taut it mp ILlIt In EceerzlEIaIlllE Lilith BILOTM DRYWALL Md mpmg esdmmm LlIcil lllhlllt llll llltlll lIiis ll lfllï¬ MM In rvmrllnco the ulterotlocs Domedi CDmmeKIOI 725 IfIIII5IIID0 Iob 00 hi9 small TeIephone 248 Tlffm SlI Borne If Ilmt IIH pct llut III II lailliiill lull Malcolm Jlihli daml pltlIlttllUllSI he said hc mg for up oInImenI tItJtM hc zull no pm ttlll IIMII IIII II ItrcnnuiilliillWilliam Illidgiiis suspects that or 1le UCENCED CARPEMERS CW homes EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING has IIIlii It lhl lltlllill Lmcrn lllll£llltl cinlibzlstHl that municipalitics in this county lilSMAIiLK NI API If cottages rcnomtlons repatrs Satisfaction or lust drOp lnI IIIHII III Illttltlt IIIII tlIiIIlIIllltlll Ittl guaranteed RondJCcnstruction 726 746i uni allotw NW Axpm llilqlvs IIIIN II Hq II mII 51 cu one llfc CARPENTER wt GRAHAM AVESIROUGHINC 50 BENEFCAL NANCE minim qurttoltcud with My ï¬llWm illll lllt Ittii lttltllll 11 IL ch1 mm says he rec rooms renovations remoueibiq NoIobto small 726127I CONSTRUCTION Ilcent ed carpenters troughing Installed Call 728 6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Speunllsts In by people WI Lila Reasonable 895 7535 lIrIt AND ROOTING tlIw it It ILI RIpnii tltlltll $72 billion grcahr lllilll llillll tcdctul spciitllng in kccp lIifllilllIiI In IIlIllIIlIIllII IIilill hc IlllLIlltl thc Diabetics protesting liiltllfllHlS towpokc of his citi cn band radio activities dsnow revnovoltrom roots onl Free estv for renommns additions homes Otoges 317 WWII lttlctul lnclunicnt should FIeIIeIIIMIIIII I35 was motes CoIIAZA I956 Newlowell 75 Bayfteld St 7285931 STAI llllrl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II III helped IUIIC II f9 CARPENTER WILL do any small lob ELECTRICAL PERSONAL INCOME iAx uncut WWWM II III IIII III IIIIIIIIII IIII poliplc out of itlbclow weather 500qu emodeIIms 0nd retom Fast and atrurull mum Crill sIAIRs av IIl Lm mil llIIII tll lllUl ltSttltunits tothcm nous Phone atll Johnston 726 8708 Fun GAMBLE Elem CommsICIQI Shunmwny yomqi5WWW 9mm MI MIIIIMIIII WW II III limpIm IS nilllii ItllllIttllllIt llll ilitclnll TI anytime Residmmal Itidustrlol Installations and set lhc Icllcrlll Lllllllllltlll an lldwml l0k INCOME IAx MW your him In Iv IIIIII in Vlllltll baiiiicll cltinmtcs in SAVE MON HIM eIpeIIenmd vice 77¢ 49 50ml Imull hm Viztrtp my up ll IIIL lllllt II IIIIIIIII IIIIII II IIIINIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II SIIWIIIIII WI IIIIIIII IIIISIIIII lAiniiic whcn hc not on the Carpenters erect rw wetuh home °l ELECTRIC Idï¬lworv Miami 5m 436 mm SEWING MACHINES IIIIIllI lmlllilll IllI be liziliiicd lll zinarlll has drawn itlt blczunc legally blind in loge CoIIJake Temple 726 8465 SAusaI SERVICE IIIIIII IIIII MINI thc ti lttlltltll Ill lllt ltlllt III lhI unlnltunulp Inn1 II IIIIIIIIKI I973 IIIII II II DON FLEMING Llcenced Carpentry Con LIndusyriOI Commercial INSULATION IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIHIIIIII mum IIIIH hm pio ls ltITI1 tlIt its Lint who mun IS IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIII tracmg reriomtlons cabinets rec rooms Re sz AW min lmn 35 IVNIHHII II cm II II IIIIIII1 Illltlh UT 1115 Ill05 Ml gmInIIIIQIIIIIIII gI IN Ill DlelllUlb OLD PM 705 ZWIOWM en arms INNISHL INS IAn spinning mums ml MIN lingual Itll IDII 34 ltIlIlllltlllllill lict Liskcd that his last namc CAPPENTRV DII types rec rooms renovo Lighlmg design and MW mm my ma mmII mm llthIlIllllltlll Ililtl lliillcll llI Ihc IIIIIIk my whole mtllcr his WINV by UV NIVilnts lllltllll In uwd now No obtostnoll Reasonable Sotlsloc 737 IOII um IIllf it sit Ini lttllll III consultations IIOIIQUOIQINIIEd 728897 EleclflcalconsIUltlng RENOVAHONS It Inn III IIIIIlIIl It at ijIII Ilttll blown out of proportion by IIII1III III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIï¬I Ill Illt is tbc greatest CAPENTRV smngIes rec rooms WEI C20Yr5r eXPeftence SNOWPLOWING 33 llI II IIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII mp unwrnnypmg Spl ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIJ 1n tbc world hcsaid in welcome small mm work guaranteed it Masters Lic IIB Imus mlll tc cm lclc ihlinc intcrvi ahgngsimensnssoixennyn 5690 PAUIS snowruime moimil WI IHUI my MU 10m In would lilivc llllIHtl In lliwcr IMII moml ml wclfurc lnothcrwords larliu don 728 8234 Blown cellUIOSe Fbre We IIIv hinicoc rillintt him tiinc tII fccl surly for my Cabinet LApkerhsperiglikrinIgl bmlt nI NI n0 IWW my IIIIIIIIN IIIIIINH IIIIIIM MI wagl liciiiiiill and It iiiipimc IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III IIISIIIIIIIIIIIMII Incnf wascomplclclyIgiiotcd mt re on mm in war rr uoron ee Rezsonableprlcesgoeoll73712I9 ELECTRICAL WIRING protessional work at FREE ESTIMATES WRIOIIIs SNOWPLOWING Slimilf onmim lilinzilll lIlIcgt nothing to ico ilc lll Wll tlic world Ilth reasonable rates Also aerial towels install ll mid tmltlntiril Ftuuum itb NHL II CARPET CLEANING ed Wanted 737 00650r436 7387 wwfww WWII Debwltllll I26 7757 INIIn using sliccliliiiii wiIth no PARRY ELECTRICAL srucco IM WW 54 START YOUR sprtng leaning today If RecieuWWWimWUHMmI vLOW II Mlth lhm has nucl born cleaning 72s 6321 andUSrcl comrnerclm IBOTTING PROPERTY Stern Sptliigi IIfIIIlILIIï¬I IIIIIII UI tlllt cusc of cunccr discovered lt II CAIIRIIIET SHAMPOOIING IIIImIElrsge GStItnuleSl Ofm ReSdenIIOI Igleuwpv nIunIIIrIq low IiIJdm Ira iimv Quippmmi Mum IIIIIIMIIIIII Ill pmplc who lillvc tlscd sac It to oy Orevenmg or enorth II sraplnq stirring Inc CARP INSTALLATION Electric Heat IIIIIMI 776 4536 hill in on tllll lll Iii othci Dr ers 77 Ron es wisc Roof De icing GREAVES lANDSCAPmG TREE REMOVAL Ihc ltlll1llllll Itltlttl WALL TO WALL nstnt otton carpet on 1le lullyguorortteed reasonablnrote 458 4437 QUALITY SINCE I949 AND TREE SERVICE eris RrMIrIaon IIi lumwi in pmn Sincc IEITlI sacchlirin hasbccii or Till rgrimnriic Iritnu Iully lTIvIIllII II CERAMICS RR BARRIE IIQIMIIIIIIIII 3de ll Illl out IEIIC ICEIIHGCI II II II 7283896 TREE REMOVAL IIIwo WAY RAD chilling ttsts cuntlllclctl at thc Hours om pm Mon lhn WIN AMI Golan wo It mg MIMI IIij GROUNDS MAINIENANCE I0 Iililiiiill inlIl IIiistitulc Tbcy 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 SIMCOE CEMMICS no MIMI WWII LANDSCAPE DESIGN lIIllIt itl tilt mu hat in Member Demuris SocIer mosaic urlyl parquet Olywoll ond taping EXCAVATING II jUMMIHI lliils nut coiistitlltc illlttl AOUII elllngz Gld 56 gï¬ï¬miAAgtHWwVgtVigtï¬ RanRi sovcuorr Etovrtiriq haulage Iway radio louder work CHAIR CANING septic systems trenching It Is also pIlIvcn lhul slic Sol and Service ANTIQUECrtAFCztIING 078771octrs gravel 36 1558 m7 Lawn carégorden Prermion clillrin is not nictubuliml perlerlre TelephoneJBSomers 436 7299 2335225 533132 7723435 Emu 2010 llllttlg EveIIrygrLIeens 3m ON pREMISES that it Is not brokcn down In Ihc HE 995 Iling tl lllill it is cx lll as LCLOMEBSLEIZCRIME WEST GROVE And Patio Repair DOCksde fllcc This in itslilf should COMMERCIAL ARrIsr Logo design mt CONSTRUCTION TI ATES ECTIOIIICS Its cll illlV tItlIlI tht Ihttl sztcv Pin II loci no FREE ES $321763OU rr co BackherxCGII WpHSI IIIWIIIIIIIIV IS ll lllltlrlv ilIISlllll TrenChlng II LinnI III MHorizontolAugering il lsilin mnsall ILllIll wmoow CLEANING will no doubt llcslrliy Ihc food gt Industry which nccds saccharin Icahn AlLtN BROTHERS Wittllow IIWm Amn so badly Iii lhc li vhf ii lliinsl Custom Screen REPLACES mum Slotm Holt01 rulinmn Rurluill MM mgNI in Iunvlcuws WI Process Crests Irl7 II giiiiiilitcll sugir he Cresting On Garments wfll we =3 DRI isscllcll ErebnlllekCrIeIsts rc II Ir cant IiprIhinkingthut Ihc ac thbert Water wholc thing is ll witch hunt ROSE 728 6338 SpeCIalizing In natural stone COmplete Kl en ERNIE on brick Well Drilling tlic Sitllll kind of witch Iiliiit MWFJyll Remodelllng Servtces II Custom built and designed arms omes All workmanship guaranteed COlloges mm mm 7372371 PLANNED KITCHENS FREE ESTIMATES II III 49 If OUR EZOWROOM IO years experience STONEWORK and lireploces specialty Vic orrow II Barrie Watson Ior free estimates 728 IS PHONE 728 24I4 FLOOR REFINISIIING MonFri 930t0530 HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and 5° refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chlpor peel 32583 we Ih NIIISJiIIUIttiIL HOIXI lIighI hymn books wcrl tlttlltitltfl ill thc IlllSltl lliziiikliffciuitl Inclting lit Itulit IIll Iltltl It llll IilIIIIc of Mr flung KllttSlliIW If iiiciiibcis linswciid tlic roll call with Vcrsc containing tlic word cross llic prcsidlnt Mrs ll Evans Ulltllftltfl thc business assistctl by sccrctary Mrs Scull An invdatilin was ltttplttl to litlcnll tlic lCasIti lhllnkuffciiiig inclting of tonight Stroud lW at 730 in IIIS ti IlSIlI and Mrs It Mziltby gzivc intcrcsting rcports on thc Annual Prcsbytcrial which was held Ill Tollingwood The eight Iiymii books which wcrr lctlicatcrl had bccn prcscntcd to thc lrinity Unitcd Thurch by Mrs Maymc lor tIous Illiiryi in mcmory of Mrs lcaii Ilcniy Maunsclls former incniblr of tlic lliorn ton church Ihc program and dcvotions wcrc prcscntcdin Ihc form of skit An lntcrvicw Willi St lctcr enacted by Mrs ll Block and Mrs lcnncs Mrs Sandcr sang group If llnstcr solos lccotnpluiilIl by guitar Itcfrcshnicnts wcrc scrvcll by thc hostcss lissisfcd by Mrs ti ill and Mrs Scott MIIIIIINGS Inccting of tlic Fricnllship lub lltltl at St llltlcs thuich Hall on April was illltlltlttl by 23 incinbcrs if thc cighl lncnibcrs who at tcnlIlII thc Illltlllt Iouriizinicnt zit lirallfortl on April thrcl brought piics Illllllt IliIIv wcrc SitIla Mctilzidrcy for most ltlllt hands Iltllllil Iichrlinc fllltl Millicl Jilllibs both for ItIcky draws Aftcr Mciricll Mctulchcoii gavc iii cxplilnzitilin of IIIt origin ll tlic Happy Birthday Ili You htIIlLï¬litlIIl1tlltilI wi Iiltstlllttl tiIIi piixc as lhc only birthday llsltc for April thc slunc tlillt ls llccn IIIlJllltlllh birthllziy Aflci singsong crcrylinc cnjliycll colorful slillcs of thc Maritinics by lilltlllt Iicnticc uill Iivc gatncs of bingo IIic winncrs wlrc IIrclclt llitnus lcn lIIIilItI Mzuy Illllllll lillct IIcIIlIn illltl Ipill Inlllltllltl Sluillwichls lull clIlIkics wcic scixcll filnn flll Illistcrllcckcll lilllt EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Ilmklls tlluittiinci IIIIItIII Put on your Easter bonnet Arthur limits luul out of thc IInslcr Iltllllltl it rcccnt Innstcr pilrnllc ilII titmc lurk llutnc Itlllltlls of tlII llly litlrl tllib IIItiVItIttI piics for IIIst bliniict illltl ltfl iiitl You too 7372020 What youyhear may change your life