14 the examiner Monday Aprll11 1977 mobllo homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleep rental or sale fully equipped Reserv now Barrie Tent and Awning Bayfield St 726 6438 16 apts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIRW Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington StreetWest and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Call leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 AND BEDROOM apartments available immediately $175 up Central location Depositreamroci 726 9418 FURNISHED Onc and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only Teliiohone7260988 BEDROOM apartments available close to i0ntown Rent gt130 and 5155 plis hydro nith ridge and stove Sun DIIVG TeluphoneUb 32W NEWLY DECORRTED filrnishidl bachelettis Barrie Also bedroomi apls Barrte and Angus 726 6771 alter SPACIOUS bedroom not with qu anii ifO£ heat ant water included in WM 2210 montth East end location AdiIt no pets Available May 776 7689 or 776 28 LARGE iciiroom In apartment budding Cartrinaton Laundry stove refrigerator neat parking initurlei No pets $250 monthly First and last mon ths Mayl 728 981 TWO 2BEDROOvt Apartment one available immet itel and one May Reverencus No pets 5230 monthly nlus hydro First and last infinths rwnt 77810350r 17 171 BEDRCOV apartment tar rent in tripva Heiitel parking rleQF17lT and stay aunory flClIlTIL rnhl iIe orater Ayaiiaole May $771 rnon lhly 26 0857 aftvror AND BEDROOM parltrnnt avail airli vlay rlttl bedroom June Stovv our parking in inctry ta cil tiw 70va counterm an roiitu First and laxt Itonthi TKTlf Nu pm 726 571Sateri BACHE OR Anartrntnt Ill monthly inIIICIS tri iQw loyr anii all ulna5 Downtown arila iIphnne 776 2910 ONE BEDROOM Apartment tlowntOan arva fille stove anriutilltigs prioryrt 117imonthly iluptxonhho 7910 BEDROOM Apartment 86 Street Avanianlr April 416 8845191 BEDROOM inliirnisnid apartment Clï¬lï¬lly iOiTI Onseconltioor Park ing and heat included Ayaiiaole Ma TelephOni737 2617 APARTMENTS for rent aviilanlv Mar 1st 5183 and S3Smonthly pa own hydro Can be seen at 48 Codrnqton Street TWO BEDROOM apt 7J Shiney 3250 monthly plus nyrjro Everythmiri iricliirl Sanford Diionr ea No pets Available May From 72687330r7261817 ONET BEDROOM apt furnished availaole Apru 15 and bedroom Apt avadaolr Mayl MOTOVTMJUC vnh tridgr and slovn On Ridge Road in Oro Phone 487 271 FURN SHED APARTMENT Bedroom bed siting rorrr Lt hrn Ivhhlndgeanl stove Bathroom parking private en trance No hillin no pets Availablel immediately 3160 First and last month 728 6550 SUBLET Roomy rleiroorn apart ment triage stow and utilities includ ed Adults only 527 Available April 15th TelephmemcaItmrs 726 7228 37BEDPOOM apt east end Barrr ali utilities paid $325 monthly Call 322 251 alters BEDROOM Apartment in triplet Heat stove and refrigerator parking washing facalitiizs supplied Queen and St Vincent area Mayl Brit T100 The Examiner MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartments Colored apl DlldnCfSdFaD€SSUDIIIEOKIEITIOSTITICOCI Plaza 7371877 FURNISHED bachelor apartment Downtowniocaton Cill778i1ri SUBLET bedroom apartment adults only 3270 inrludrrs all utilities discount of sso on first month Ayaitaolm April 15 726 7728 l7houses to rent FOR REM to professional people only bedroom fully furnished borne Four appliances plus color tIlvvision $4001 monthly Available immediately Applyi in writing to Box T38 Thi Barrie Ext aminer LARGE OLDER Home bedroomsa fridge and stove Central location $3001 monthly Depositrerwircd 726 9418 TWO Bedroom houses centrally lora ted on bus route One needs painting andI some repairs good for handyman and large family Phone 726 2551 or 737 2699 HOUSE bedroom livmo room vvr large kitc hen large basement beautiful trees all around Larqr front and park Yards Phone 728 mu BARRIE Ferris ParkS100morlltily 15 Daphne Crescent bedrooms Tele phone 1416 533 1679 Available im mediatiiy 0R0 STATION bedroom minqaiowl Living room dining room broadloomird rer room View of bay Acre tot RI frigerator stove garage $300 monthly References 728 2794 BEDROOM side split Aiiandaie Heights family room garage two baths $350 monthly Telephone 726 0220 BEDROOM 17 storey available May 15 1977 Garage large lot city limits $250 monthly Tellphone 726 2720 after pm 1V STOREY HOME bedrooms at tached garage $325 monthly plus util ities Call Shea Real Estate 726 2611 from arn to or 728 6358 after ALLANOALE large bedroom house fridge and stove available May Phone 737 0097 20roorhs to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park Ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 ROOM OR room and board available Painswick area Please telephone 7281632 for further information BRIGHT CLEAN rooms south end of town Linen changed Shared kitchen and baths Parking Bus stops at door Phone 7370966 cw LARGE BRICK bldg like new large lot ColetTllY 7211 2631 itd IIr Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 iimv CARS WANTED iIrrrying anti partS Frrr pickup Telephone 726 8487 CRIAP VEHICLES wanted COLE BROS Cars and truks wanted for NFICVITTQ Fast pickup Days 133 6122 Allir60 424 5949 NANTED Clean used rars Barrio Hon da Auto Sales I7Gowan St 716 6488 SHAKELS 20rooms 10 let CLEAN furnished rooms central kit chen and living room Downtown Bus stop atdoor 728 7311 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown loco tion clean bright modern rooms um tral kitchen bath and living room park ing Immediate occupancy Apply Ham ilton Real Estate 72 Maple Ave 737 1000 ROOM OR room and board in new home bright and cheery room very clean home Good home looked meals linen changed weekly abstainirs 726 51117 LOVELY CLEAN homo Large bright furnished bebroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weakly Kitchen facilities free parking central Gen tleman preferred 7280598 or 728 2471 ROOM AND BOARD for young gentleman Lunches packed light wash ing done central location parking Telephone 728 7568 22119991 wanted FEMALE STUDENT working at Spring water Park requires room with or without board lrom May to August Please write Box T96 The Examiner 23oftices7stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACES for rent downtown Barrie 2nd floor Ideal for dentist or other professionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson 726 3338 COMMERCIAL SPACE available ap proximately 340 square feet includes heat hydro piece washroom and air conditioning Ideal for small office Telephone 737 0641 BUSINESS OFFICE Complete ground floor of residence Dunlop St East one block from downtown opposite promi nent restaurant Ideal for Lawyer Real Estate Insurance or Professional office 487 3916 local call evenings or Satur day 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 so it fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloft VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in property Phone 728 7014 or 416 635 0637 fenced in includes office plus storage or space for any small busu ness Phone 728 7044 267accommodationsto sha re WANTED Busmess person to share large furnished home Tall Trees Telephone 726 5303 28cottagesfor sale MUST BE Moved insulated finished small collage Located Innisiii Best of fer Telephone 436 3019 32cars for sale 1972 GRAN Torino door hardtop top shape automatic power brakes and steirina and radio Telephone 726 96781 attero SCARCE MODEL 1974 Dart Sport loldt down seat 318 motor sharp car auto matic 51000 miles 52495 Will certify 1961 MERCEDES BENZ 190 magii ex crllinf motor Needs body wark $300 Telephonel7051456 7545 1974 JAVELIN AMX fully loaded power steering power brakes 360V Juarrel Asking $2250 or Will tradii tor good ton TCIEDhOntJaO 5630 1972 CELICA all options including speed radials AM FM radio and bucket seats Certified $1500 Phone 728 6807 1970 OLDSMOBILE 98 convertiblel certified new top new paint 600001 miles Telephone 726 5058 1973 MAVERICK automatic6r rl blue rnctio radials new Dmnt ion Asking 31 575 Phone 73713914 1970 COUGAR Al shapi Also I969 Carinr0 in good shapi $3001nr both Telephone 416 2288 ask or Gar 1974 BOBCAT wauon automatic 17100 miles Original owner iertfieii $1850 Tolepnonv 158 9394 197i iAMARO 350 L1 210 itiiIis onri ovynnr Iaprwie radio crnlientroniti lion Curtitiwrl Siliflii lirm Telephone 4246129 1216 VALiANr ylirtrtir autornatii in doort conrltipn new tartire $150 as is Trlophonw 728 6131 19 CUTLASS Swornmi DOWlT lery clean ariaring and lTr1Kl 47000 miles 376 or Igtit oftbr At mealtimisl tellprom 776 7278 Im hoping 500 Power steerino power brakes 1475 ur best offer NirvuTiODf 424 1616 I969 FORD Custom Ti good second cir1gtritid 2410 iIrphonr7761184 CAR AUCTION Open to the Public SAT APRIL 16 atl pm Over 30 units Time allowed to arrange financing Sale held in doors THE AUCTION HOUSE Hwy No 11 15 miles north of Barrie 7054872044 or 487 3226 A13 1971 FORD MA JERICK good for parts Illilrfllt ii Trl7 oflrr Phone 726 4946 Pun sinsring powrr brakes spare res umrl running order $400 as or antr 71 3168 127 PONTIAC SAFAR slatiori wagon 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top Lars Toki Motors Highest priClrs paid Saint lay pirlruri Holt Auto Nrrrkms 726 811 TRACY NANTS cars and truiks for top pricis paid ton prices paid trel Immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 WRECKING anti Towmg scrari metal cars nought Over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 34trucks and trailers LATE 1975 Ford van power steering poww brakes automatic insulated radio captains chairs chateau glamor paintcarpet7tires 7371295 1974 LAND ROVER excellent condition certified Bestoflor accepted Telephone 726 4374 1976 GMC Rally Sports Van Paradise Motor Home loaded With 15000 miles $10000 or best offer Telephone 3221713 or 361 1507 I970 TANDEM Louisville dump cellent condition Call alter 361 2200 1970 72 ton pick up V8 automatic foot box topper and boat rack positraction new ixhaust and live nearly new tires recently 1650 Oak Sher1728 7707 1970 WHITE FREIGHTLINER sleeper V903 Cummins 15 speed 44000 lbs rears $5500 Also 1966 F800 Ford Detroit Dicsel lull tandem 5x4 trans mission 32000 Good runners Tole phone 737 0393 27 FOOT TRAVELINER Trailer for sale Excellent condition well equipped Contact Jim Campsall at the Bank of Montreal 728 5949 1974 FORD F350 complete with 12 foot van body rear roll up door and side door speed power steering and brakes Telephone 737 0127 38snowmobiles 1975 ALLOUETTE mint $400 or best of fer Owner must sell Telephone 726 5969 I972 MERCURY 292 cc new belt plus paint lob replaced track and spare drive assembly cowl gas tank etc Asking 92 Phone 726 4824 after ex 705 inooore mommav riqulation on rt one two or thriv var TICTIT6F63ISIOKIU Call rolli it anylirni gt iiw 53911Pï¬pï¬oiï¬mliZP9111137$ 73 Yonge Street 113157 £233WYIICJJUSZG 71 Barre 231231321313117taint Fantastic savings to for Imrly instaldlgjtéon Call tollict on mm 626 TH I976 boats and motors Color ionsolr TV Now rust 56 Oil wrikly pa merit JSsorvlce and repairs 40 articles for sale 60feedseedgrain REGISTERED Scott Oats cleaned and car own FREEZER15cubIc feet with racks and ggaged lg seed Faor pigfesk phone sa ety ligh 6000 running condition 2688 er8pm ruce ar mm 2112 agelinearly59129991382107 HAY Fawn me good quail We have fectOry cigeerIRFiiin SUIITIE gafaemore Telephone rannos be 99 yo vet rown ng ee and mm min wind end table piece Mediterranean dining 64farm machinery Kath 00 room suite cane back chairs gold velvet 1llud seatosmall months Sacrifice moving BROWN AND BELL 726 7182237 WW svraniazmrrieiy 1723 F°rm DWY Equment A23 tainers from one pint to one gallon DELAVAL Shanty Bay Golf Course on Golf Course SALES AND SERVCE 37motorcycles 1975 KAWASAKI 100 In excellent condi tion New rear tire recently certified S485 728 1035 1976 HONDA 750 showroom condi tion complete with wlndlnmmer III fairing backrest carrier and other ac cessories Ideal touring bike Adult driven Full list S3295 Asking S2295 Rd Concession mile north of Highway 11 miles north of Barrie 7261922 SKI SAWS and 312 Inch and 212 inch ar dock steel nails Wooden work benches 12 8352107 alter 6pm DARK SOLID wood nearly new Spanish bedroom suite Not ornate ex ellent condition Telephone 4283415 Stayner alters pm Financing available Collin Nelles 72614050r7265203 LL EXAMINER 194 Iaucu Honda 2700 mies Just broken insi000 Telephone 424 6229 WANT ADS 7282414 TITSFairies for san STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Can easily be enioyed by you with any one of these fantastic colour television buys If you phone tonight you can take free delivery and set up tonight Put no money down and make no payments til June long after the playoffs are over 20 ZENITH CHROMACOLOR Slightlymarked 20RCA Xl100 COLOR Newincrates 25 MOTOROLA OUASAR Worksinadrawer 593 26 RCA XL 00 COLOUR Spanishtothefloor $638m 19 GENERAL ELECTRIC s393 Portable 100 solid state KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371192 7371182 MTThFvTF F488 3449 THE EXAMINER Available Daily Al These Simcoe County Merchants Hawkestone General Store Fudas Foods Hwy 11 Oro Station General Store Shanty Bay General Store Ridge Road Texaco Sun Valley Restaurant Hwy 11 River Garden Restaurant Hwy 11 Lor Lee Texaco Hwy 11 Banbury Food Market Hwy 11 Hillsdale General Store and Post Office Al 1H motors 40 orticles for sale b0 FT ittflltif iiialiixlany hiiat SWIMMING POOL Sairifiri Luailimi IfQUllll Illll IlnlltV tir yslir Iiitxiaril Canadian manufartiirvr aan listriliiitrir TIIUIOT iriiililirin fkiillll lllil has aluminum pools left over from 1976 ITIIIKIIITHTH IS llialtir 10 11 sIaori priri luririintimrt installation ME UpY Jthrldpyl Ilti nnl terms Call Illrr days or yhnimls rmmm mm 500 piirtiil rindlion 27 tiirrmmi 77 7768 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 196 all aluminum pnol OUlbOOFd in stock Siltflfle priri for despirittily nIeitmi laitory wanhum spari Brand Molor sale nlW swmimirtq pools irir liidi liltir walk round dirk tome and warranty 15 HP JOhflson 5699 site 15 27 It $1358 ash or terms Call Prrr iollert days or evenings 1416 4818807 HP Johnson $389 HP Johnson $279 iiuiisirmi pools Allnew limited quantity Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrio Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWFTF 67fruitsvegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES GOOD quality Kennebec also some small seed W111 deliver No Telephone 7289378 or 7287677 68personals England Sod Wales Free Fllm Presentation April 12830 pm IConsumers Gas Blue Flame Refreshments Dont miss this chance to take free trip by film HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 M31 A2679Ii FREE TRAVEL PLANNING Lot one of our five fulltime counsellors discuss your travel program HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 A71113H Spring Summer Fall Bus Tours We will be pleased to provide free transportation to and from your departure point on all tours booked of over days duration HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 gt A71113H TELECARE Why light your problem alonej Let triend hllp Call Telecarr 716 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICSANONVMOUS 72B 6581M you drink that your businis If you want loriuit that our Call any time llNWANTID HAIR rlmcivorl safely pirittiinqltlly nmdually iplirovid Ly tia tirinitiulv Cirlitivil FIICTFOIFXIIT 737 671 RIDING lNTTltUCTlON indoor irinii Horses leilrlllll Barrie livi lninutr Windy ltauiit Farm 716 019 WHY SLIPle agony wrth Corns and 7T liolp wanted 71 help wanted MOLDEX lIMlTED Medium size rapidly axpanding Canadian manufacturing company located In Barrio requires an Experienced Controller Responsible for all financial costing and computer functions Staff of seven Report directly to President Excellent opportunity for an aggressive person who can develop and maintain standard cost system has some computer ex perience and is experienced In financial reporting budgeting and other controllershlp functions Preference given to those who degree RIA CGA CA Challenging work with working conditions possess recognized accounting Apply in Writing only stating experience and salary expectation to CALDWELL Moldox limited 316 Bayvloyr Drive BARRIE Ontario 1411 A11 Dental Nurse Trainee good salary potential congenial atmosphere attractive hours excellent Please reply to Box T97 co The Examiner A=ll PARTTIME TELLER Previous experience preferred Apply in person to Mr Leo Schmid Branch Administrator STERLING TRUST CORPORATION 16 Dunlop Street East 7266495 A12 LEADING NORTHERN ON TARIO FIRM IN IN DUSTRIAL CHEMICALS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES REQUIRED Salesperson BENEFITS Salary and bonus car allowance OHIP unlimited ear nings REQUIREMENTS Desire to earn better than average salaries Willingness to provide the effort to do so deter mination and patience BALANCE Security progress equal to effort APPLY IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING TO PERIGORD CO LTD 826 KINGSWAY SUDBURY ONTARIO SPARE TIME If you wont to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age Apass medical Callriuso7 pflllf now is yours from Enqliinit Carnation Corn Ciip havi IDicri split for OVI Vivntury With ffl Iliw results rl ltiiirlii rllltl tail that Ilrllly lams thi 1111 nrrt laps or Callous Calls now available at iirlin Shoppers Di iirl Mat and all ilruullvst ARI YOU tirid at your old look7 Liarn new riiakr iii liiliniduls in your own T101710 For more itilnrliialinn Ottom Mrirl Norman 776 498 TRFf INSPECTION iii l11UffIlt haunt and llti Iti Muffler Shop 1P ltTiiiItil il fJlrtiiv 776 NH MUNFi fr71ll iiiil lard rui lint filillilllllll Ila mrl irrlitiiv Mon Tllll71llriy plflll 728 817611 1A1 TIT lilivlv tarpariit personal or small IIITlts aIO ii mailing payroll for small liiisiiiisw Ir Onllilffllr no 1881 WOUL ANY unsatisfied Jnlaru WYTITi pitas rotttar 77 41102 or 424 69114 Onlll01d Come in today or all 716 46116 for frei 12 page tooinl uf ingrounci and SPORTHAVEN MARIN mile East of Barrie ahow ground pools Promer Pools Bayrnart Plaza on shonyy Bay Rd SWIMMING POOL lri lfi wull least and install for homeowners tarnin I1i 726 100 aluminum swanminq pool lytll patio MWFltAU3 Chain of styles mnlTan all Iinriiiil MacDONALDS MARINE wrth option in own Try Call 7282940 Open days weekly A18 or $649 tshlias1s Trike drlivrr tonith and start payments in June Nith nodown Where else Krazy KIPII Barrie Shopping Plaza 797 1182 20 SOLID STATE color portable TV Now in arlon Now only 5443 or rust $4 00 weikly Put l42Â¥articies wanvthdd CASH OH ulii liiriiiliiii tirinh dishis Iolii iiirturv lixk Ollff and ends Pri Irwioiiurria 7288714 no money down and take frei Ilrliyrry tonight Start your T211n10nl an hm iAriel Aitl for tiltl fllflltlllfl Iii turns brzfore lune Kraly Kellys Barrie WSW Piaa7371182 BOAT TRAILER or 11 horsepower oulboard motor and Rrilu tiller wanted iTrlrphonnflA 6010 INCUBAIOR WANTED Must he in good onrtitiuii Tllillllffllll 726 1767 44dogs and pets BARRIE 26 Color TV Now onl 3399 or just $4 00 wrikly no momy down no payment til June Phone tonight delivery tonight Kraly Kellys Barrie Shopping Plrira 717 1182 POODLF Salon Shampouinu and clipping of all llrfLflS Sophia 20 rotor portable TV Aummmc up StrctrtEastJM 4141 nlngi ComplelPIY 50id Statri Now only POODLIE TRIMMINr professional grooming all broods pirk up and di livery 716 H798 Pvt Studio RMAN StlF Piic no female yiarj old and male pup months old to sale thml 127 T151 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Prolrs sional rlipping and groomintli reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 TROPICAL FISH $449 00 or pay rust $4 00 weekly No money down and no payments til June Phone tonight delivered tonight Kraly Kellys Barrii Shopping Piaa 717 118 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in Best selertion CCTlllm CODUIIO ASKINI $550 town Aquariums all silesal unbiatabl 7263435 prices Evenings and weekends Edgehill Atiiiaria 143 Arilnqh Road 20TOSHIBA 7760094 FOXHOUND PUPS From registered stock months old Phone 728 8075 IRISH SETTER Pups weeks old Telephone 424 0737 BARRIE KENNEL Club Meeting Wed April 13 1977 at the old Sunnidalr Golf Course Club HOUSf at Guest Speaker Public Welcome Color portable TV is yours for the ask ing Pay iust $299 cash or 12 50 weekly with no money and no payments tit June Phone tonight for free dirt ivory and setup tonight Whereelsel Kraty Kellys Bar rie Shopping Plaza 737 1182 LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number of steel inground pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in ground $3495 installed Other sites sogarden su lies comparably priced Call Polynesian FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Furndaln Dr 7262951 51trees and shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant white spruce ft high Free delivery 7211 9404 Pools 18002616121 Ask for Operath 603 PRIVATE SALE full rooms of quality furniture mostly rock maple some modern appliances TV IV ton Carrier air conditioner unit No appointment necessary Daily between pm to pm 67 Cumberland $1 Barrie CEDAR POSTS all sizes anchors and braces Rosecomb bantams cocks and hens also ducks 728 1637 MOFFATT REFRIGERATOR white in perfect condition 3150 Phone 737 2585 after 5pm LIVING ROOM furniture one piece stero component set 3100 two com mode and tables $40 00 each one swivel éérsamcing equipment I970 HARDTOP CAMP Tclephone456 3209 ER EliIYPENEI sale TITLE SFAlJllllTI Ivgiil chair $4000 one pine lloor lamp s30 one pine table lamp 515 If interester telephone 728 7876 FURNITURE Jacques and Hayes chairs arm chair platform rocker one love seat all matching Wood is in Immaculate condition 7372491 RADIO RECORD player and track with speakers 5150 Phoni 728 5443 after 5pm TYPEWRITER Olivetti electric modiI Lexikon 805 green 14 carriage in ex colicn1 condition 165 or best offer Phone 717 1639 REGISTEREDHUNTERJenrold It throughbred more soundY16 hands started in trainin show 1500 3188 year 9fP°UW9hlsks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg pullets available April and June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 LIVE LEGHORN owl for sale Weight ODDFOXINIGIIIY pounds each Availabil April Ioth Telephone Craig Hunter Poultry Farm 436 18 PFMALC TRAVELLING iompanion wantirl liy iWI Canadian lrll1flr 41 for month all supinsiv paid iampiiio and flKIlUVrlflUn trip to northwestern riniiti illiil all tliiity at 416 71148 attii Ht In WOMAN li Tiwitll lllllfif1 asi rimlia niiiti lrir untitlvitian inititry liinri flfiiit wrili Ilii 871 taynir0ntariii Al All 11011 rmun It the iiitlii Sat April 1611 at in The Aurtion Housi Hwy 11 lgt11I north of Barrii lTIl 7115 48 ldilrll 487 1276 bitinstructions ENGLISH RIDING instrul linn Wrll si hooliiii hmsis Inittkir arinii ittinlili from Edffll 71611192 370Iost and found LOST Niar Edgar female lilaik adult Newfoundland doil With lirriwri at Iar Name pllllf Reward TIIIDIIOIII lli 5141 71help wanted pllir Phone 776 9021 BARer AND SURROUNDING area Company has three part time and full litlnf Tubman tiltii openings for ambitious persons truth ar for day or iVillinq Can earn up to 36 Oil or more an hour lllOnl 416 8956512 REQUIRED lininiitialtly Short order ook for busy ristaur ant Must llt neat in IDINilTlntl tidy and illTllllIIOUi Good salary and liilllflli Apply in person to 11s Big Ilny Restaurant Georgian Mall Barrie FX PI IE NCE HOUSEHOLD goods parkrrs to work on commission basis rl iiirtivr May Vfhl la and materials supplied all 726 655 WE ARE looking for lirnnsiiit itruquist to tlirirt new rlruqstort in Illl Perritang Vlllrqu Squari in Penetanriiiishinn We 01le good undilions and ivvnluitl Dos ailiility of participation Please rfDlY to Box T99 the Examiner stating lfl ences and asking salary NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER Required for September mornings weekly in Barrie Please reply with detailed resume to Box T98 The Ex aminer WILLOW CREEK C0 operative Nursiry school flnc requires one fully qualified pro hoot ffat lIll superVisor Tllfl mornings piir week duties to iotnmenr September 1977 For further information please telephone 726 1609 or 726 8369 CASHIER Friday Sales Accurate typlst reports accounts riulvalilh collvc lions pleasant telephoni voice Bon dnble Hours Monday till 30 pm weekdays 830 to 500 pm 3500 per month Preference to car owner and willing to work Saturdays 3525 Day off during week Please write to Cashier PO Box 96813arrle RELIABLE experienced babysitter to comi Into my home for year old and 10 month old on part fllnf basis Phone 7280997 SALES CAREER Part time male or female or couple If you own car and can work minimum of two evenings and Saturdays can show you how to earn $5000 or more yearly Free training No Investment Interesting challenging Please write co PartTime Sales Career PO Box 968 Barrie DCS ANTIQUES COOKSTOWN We are looking for very versillle per son approx 10 years experience who is wanting year round employment in an interesting lob Position entails sorting of imported furniture assembling minor repairs and readying for show rooms Must have own hand tools Phone 458 9116or 458 9682 ex PER IENCED coox required for 310 shifts weekly at the Brookdate Inn Must bl clean and reliable Apply in per son GirlBoy perienctd Ex Sales Office PXDITIPFNIII for Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF TOWNWHIP OF ESSA requires an employee for the combined position of Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector and Bylaw Enforcement Officer This is fulltime position available immediately Salary is negotiable Applications in writing together with personal resume stating previous experience and other pertinent information will be accepted by the undersigned until 500 pm Friday April 29 I977 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer PO Box 10 ANGUS Ontario LOM iBO A611132025 THE EXAMINER ITelplione 5EEu AS ROUTE OPENINGS AVON EVEN IF YOURE OVER 40 YOU CAN START NEW BUSINESS Lot AVON help you build and run it Youll control your own hours your own income To find out about this challenging ear ning opportunity call 7285809 am to pm or write to PO Box 485 Barrie MTA19 ENJOY SEWING Ptafl Sewing Machine Company requires persons part and full time sales representatives Complete training given Sales ex perience preferred Hourly wage plus car allowance plus commission Car essential Telephone Mary Fusedale 726 3273 Road Construction Superintendent Should be familiar with highway work Appiy Allan Cook Ltd PO Box 1500 Barrie 705 726 6424 FULL TIME PAY for parttime work Showing iewellery and home decor items Training No restricted ter ritories Management position also available For information 424 5246 72saleshelp7 ents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton0nt L6T 2J6 76employment wanted RELIABLE MOTHER will babysit from age Highway 90 outskirts of Barrie Large yard Other playmates Refer ences supplied $20 weekly Telephone 726 3158 MATURE RELIABLE lady would like to do babysitting or work as companion to home bound person Phone 728 7347 ANY WORK that can be danc at my name ie stuffing envelopes serving assembling fixtures making small ar tirles etc Will work for low rates Call 726 7972anytime 76em ploy merit wanted RELIABLE MOTHER will babysit from age Highway 90 outskirts of Barric Large yard other playmates Refer onces supplied S20 weekly Telephone 726 3158 MATURE RELIABLE lady would like to do babysitting or work companion to tame hound person Phone 728 7347 ANY WORK that ran be dom at my home in stuffing envelopes serving assembling fixtures making small ar tirles Will work for low rates Call 726 79726nytime SEMI RETIRED Acmuntanl wishes part time work up to five hours daily Solid background of experience through to monthly finaniial statement Apply Box U2 The Examiner LADY 63 would like companion housekreping work Dont drive Hard working Please WFIII Box U1 The Ex TmJtlr HAN DYMAN No too too small House and Garden ton lrur Roto tiller mulihrr masonry carpentry painting etc You need it we doit Call anytime 322 1176 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 MEADOWLAND BROADMORE AREA MOUNTBATTEN CODRINGTON AREA OWEN NORTH AREA GROVE DAVIES AREA PEEL EAST AREA THE EXAMINER or Phone 7285539 ST VINCENT GROVE AREA DUNLOP PERRY AREA LEE BUSHEY TARBUSH AREA ANGUS AMELIA EUGENIA BERCZY AFIEA Please fill out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 16 BayPd St Barrie 78 tenders 18 tenders DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA Will Receive Tenders for the Supply Supply Haul and Supply Haul and Place of Granular on various District Roads under the following Tan der Numbers and estimated quantities as listed TENDER NO 197705 1800 Tons TENDER NO 1977 06 4500 Tons TENDER NO 197707 4900 Tons Sealed Tenders will be received until 1200 noon EST THUR SDAY APRIL 28th 1977 Tender documents may be obtained upon payment of $1000 non refundable deposit at the office of the undersigned All tenders must be submitted on the District Tondor Form Tenders received after the closing tlmo as listed shall be con sidered an Improper bid and shall be returned unopened The tenders will be opened publicly at 130 pm EST Thurpdgyjl April 28th 1977 in the District Administration Building Pine Street Bracebrldge Ontario The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted MR WILSON ENG DISTRICT ENGINEER DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF MUSKOKA PO BOX 1720 PINE STREET BRACEBRIDGE ONTARIO POBTCO A11 Ontario Government Tender MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Renovations to the Heating System at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont 67043 Installation of Dust Collector Equipment in the Woodworking Shop at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont 828251 ROAD CONSTRUCTION Grading and Resurfacing Main Entrance Road at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp LONGFORD MILLS Ont 67071 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Tuesday May 1977 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257400 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted All13 Ministry of Government Services Ontario 80 public notices 80 public notices THE BARRIE PLANNING BOARD will be holding PUBLIC MEETING to discuss an application to rezone lands located north of Edgehill Drive west of Anne Street from Residential Hold to Residential RAT to permit approximately 131 high rise rental apartment units The property is comprised of approximately 27 acres Plans of the proposal may be viewed at the Planning and Develop ment Department on the third floor of City Hall during regular working hours The meeting will be held in THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL on WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1977 at 700 pm and interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their opinion JONES SecretaryTreasurer BARRIE PLANNING BOARD A13 WILLOW CREEK WATERSHED STUDY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA PUBLIC MEETING NUMBER MINESING COMMUNITY CEN TRE Thursday April 14 1977 pm Interested citizens of the Willow Creek region are invited to at day previous tend this public meeting to review and discuss remedial measures for land drainage and sedimentation problems In the lower Willow Creek watershed as proposed by the consultants Draft copies of the report will be available April 1977 for public viewing at Vespro Town ship office 17 Owen Street Barrie and also Nottawosaga Valley Conservation Authority offices in Angus For further Information please contact Township of Vespra 7284784 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately 17 Is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel It when you got results After many years of ex parlance with millions of want ads we know tomorrow Is the best day to start your ad and ovary day is the best day to ad vortiui in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414