vwfl AWA WW the examiner Thuniday March 31 1971 nes roundup Twoman patrols urged by QPP following slaying MONTREAL Pi The Quebec provincial policemens association demanded an end to the use of oneman patrols Wednesday as more than 200 police with helicopters and tracking dogs searched for the killers of young officer Constable Robert Rrabant 13 was ambushed by three burglars and killed in hail of bullets on fogshrouded country road 00 miles north of here early Wednesday mor ning Theyre going to shoot me lm finished were his last words heard over the police radio before he was drowned out by the sounds of gunfire The constable who is survived by his pregnant wife is the third member of the provincial force to be shot to death in the last year while riding alone in patrol car Raymond Richard president of the forces association wants twoman patrols started by Friday tttherwise he said he will call special membership meeting before Easter to let the 4000 membersdecide what action should be taken The contract for the force expires today and abolislinieiit of oneman patrols has been under negotiation since last April Quebec figures false Andras USIIAWA Ont Ii Robert Andras federal treasury board president ac eased the Quebec govern ment Wednesday of using false figures to hack recent claim the province is suf fering financially by being in tonfederation Ile told 200 Liberal party members he believes the Iarti Quebecois under lremier Rene Levesque may have purposely twisted Ii formation to show that Quebec pays more in federal taxes than the tllltt of ser vices received in return The figures are not correct he said nd there ill be rebuttal lle criticised Qtiebec for trying to debate national unity in financial terms RUIHIRI Ilt rehiittal 15 in Mexican prisons tlll tli lhe goyeriiiiient knows of IS anadians in Mexican peiiitentaries and is negotiating to get them back lotanada Stliltlllllrlitlltlttl Francis Iox said Wednesday Itl thctommoiis box told lIldon Woolliains It algary ortlii that an ada is negotiating with 1ex1can authorities to sign prisiinerexchange agreement similar to the accord recently signedwiththelnitedï¬tates lnder the agreement tanadians serying terms ltl niericin tails can return home to seie the rest of their time in lanadian prisons and the same applies to mericans seiying terms in anada Spray ingredient hazard lttltt iNltt tli team of researchers has found new evidence indicating that the principal ingredient in deodorant sprays may be health hazard conference on toyicology as told luesday Rats exposed to concenrat ions of aluminum hlorhydrate oyer Utlt year period deyelopcd chronic lung in flammation And rats exposed to curtnier high concentrations also showed signs of pneumonia high leyels or aluminum in the lungs and loss of eight The findings were released by Ilr tayeiider and ill Iilliain Buscy ho conducted the tests for the govern ments National Institiitcot liniroiinicntal lltlllli15tlltly the examiner gir Chris Lucas 20yearold Georgian ollege student lists music riding horses and garden ing among Iicr hobbies After her schooling hris hopes to design clothes and at some point in her career she would like to teach people to driye Iiris has 1l ed in Itarrie for the past years and attended North oIIegiate prior to going to Georgian tIIaininer Ihotoi Hondlemon says Cont predict rent ceiling ltllfthlI lt The fill tario government has no way of knowing what the ttlllIIL will he on rent increases after July ill Sidney llaiidleinan con sumer and commercial relations iiiinislei said Wed nesday Ilandleman was responding to published report quoting Queens Park sources as saying the ceiling now eight percent may be reduced to per cent afterJiily The current rent control pro gram expires Iiily il but the government indicated in the speech from the throne Tuesday that controls will be extended until December lull when the federal wage and price control piograiii is due to end The minister said in in inter control ill be ready for pieseii ltllltlll toctihitiel next week tiice caliinet establishes he new legislation then well wrestle with lllt figure he said He said the current figure of eight per cent was annonnced last pril and the new figuri likely will he made public sometimethispril Leader ttiiptisitiim current piies rent control law ex lhciycai old Vliisltv in our blend brings through the Stephen Lewis says per cent is the ceilingthelilwanlswlienthe Ottawa sabotaging programs on bilingualism says Spicer TIAWA CP Many of the federal governments lan guage policies have been suc cessful despite failure to ex plain them adequately to all Canadians Keith Spicer 0f ficial languages commissioner says in his annual report The report tabled in the Commons on Wednesday ac cuses the government of sabo taging its bilingualism pro grams through bankrupt infor mation programs If it persists in ignoring the peoples needs to believe or even to understand the govern ments reckless squandcring of goodwill may sooner or later cost our language reform its vi to and newly fragile popular support the report said At news conference Spicer criticized the government for always apologizing for its bili ngualism policies Instead of assuring Cana dians especially in the West that French will not be rammed down their throats people should be taught that learning second language is an op portunity to better job op portunities and understanding of the nation Spiccrs term officially ends today although he will remain on the job for four months until replacement is found Ilis fu7 ture endeavors likely will be in journalism and lecturing SIItlIIIliEI The report stresses the need for anadians to get to know one another better This could be achieved by increased travel within the country and by stir xx dent and family exchanges across provincial borders Other recommendations in cluded establishing ministry of language equality increased simultaneous translation facil ities at courts and public hear ings and increased government financing of secondlanguage courses for both adults and chil dren Recalling his report last year Spicer said trying to teach French to Stiyearold public servants is largely waste of money Language in struction was most useful when geared toward students Spicer also noted that larger number of FrenchCana dians are working within the public service However there are still fewer FrenchTana dians holding executive posi tions that their percentage of the total population Although government at tempts to keep the FrenchCa nadian culture alive outside of Quebec were encouraging fed eral services in French in the other provinces were still frag mentary FRENCH LACKING Spicer criticized the govern ments of Ontario and New Brunswick which have the largest collection of FrenchCa nadians outside Quebec for not always providing Frenchlair guage health and education sen vices He recommended the federal government encourage in creased discussion between the two linguistic groups living in community Marshall Sign lighting Maintenance Neon Plastic Illuminated Signs Fluorescent and Incandescent Lamps Fixtures OAnnuol Cleaning of Fixtures Signs OMonthly Inspections OFost Reliable Service ORoosonoble Rate It you have sign or lighting problem give us coil OFFICES STORES BANKS HOMES FACTORY BARRI 7289534 Spicer also renewed his criti cism of Air Canada for being tardy in giving equal language rights to its Englishand Fren chspeaking employees From the start the corpo rations approach to language has been fearful defensive and negative The report praised govern ment attempts to increase the use and dignity of Canadas two Industrial and official languages aLL NEW ISY mt triltllrÂ¥l montht products onqmeered by Chrysler twat uxtnnicI pith up and return semia Eionomtrul inley willt insurance included In AIIITlon 4356336 In Ionic 7267474 I16 Brodtord St Bradford holiday RentrA rCaI System BUSINESS SEMINARS IF YOU OWN AND OPERATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS PLAN TO OWN AND OPERATE BUSINESS ARE MANAGER SUPERVISOR FOREMAN OR WOULD LIKE TO BE WILL INVEST ONE EVENING WEEK FOR 10 WEEKS THEN THESE SEMINARS ARE FOR YOU Innvruunnunnnuuun Starting Tuesday April BUSINESS LAW Instructor Robert Carson BA LLB Starting Wednesday April ORETAIL SELLING Instructor Bruce Parker SUCCESSFULLY OPERATING YOUR BUSINESS Instructor Reg Wilson FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL Georgian College Extension Services 705 7281951 Carpeting 305 Blake St Simcoe Plozo 7372860 view that legislation tltlltltlL 85 $41 of insulating yum OIIt With ollultiu ltiJIf lUl the month taste of rye when you Illl itllic8ycar old addition makes it smooth and mellow when you dont lliicc Feathers he lightly priced anadiaii Whisky Children diphtheria COlIIelS tlAKVILLII tint Three children at the taklaiids Regional entrc for the men tally retarded have been diag nosed as diphtheria carriers Halter Regions medical of ficer of health said Wednesday llr Joseph thamherlaiii said the children were discovered to be carriers after throat swabs were ordered when teaching assistant in this community about 20 miles east of Hamilton was discovered to have mild caseof thedisease ltr liainberlain said none of the children is ill but two boys and girl between lo and years of age are Itl qtiaiaiitiiie in the hospital sttlllill of the ceiilre lr thaiiiberlani said the case began March ll when the teaching assistant young woman saw her doctor about respiratory ailment and given throat swab The woman worked at public school where retarded children are integrated ith iegiilai sill dents He said he received the lt stills of the swab March 21 and imiiiedialely ordered swabs from the public school lliltiltls This ad wxll save you l5°a oil the out of Morriioiily Jock Duffy Joe Harrodine Discount CALL TODAY NNISFIL NSULATIGN Pimoiii lill5 ml 01 tom of frm momma Jack and Joe are proud to announce the opening of their new carpet store at the above address and welcome all their old and new customers in for free coffee and to see what we have to offer AS AN OPENING SPECIAL WE OFFER 100 REMNANTS AT Up to 60 SAVINGS 4364899 MARGL HR Block has seventeen reasons why you should let them prepare your income tax return rlltzatkm fljjtflltjll lvll jury mtivlil¢ 12 12 Rubber back shag tritone beige Reg $14388 SALE $8984 It uum Irma members were called back Wmnun from litlllllll ttlllltill to tati l1lltliltiltl Ihedoctoi silltl no upeci if it inunialion piogiaiii is planned bill people who hate not liteii iinniunied for diphtheria oi have not received bootier shots Within the last lfl yeart should take test to deleriinne then resistance to the disease FOR SALE WORK 45TH ALCV 12 10 Jute back coffee color hiIow shag Reg $21314 SALE $11499 12 13 Jute back rust color splush Reg 27710 SALE $16299 12 Rubber back tritone browns short shag Reg $13188 SALE $6998 12 69 Rubber back two tone green shog Reg $8091 SALE $1998 12 10 Jute back two tone blue splush Reg $19998 SALE $10998 Reason Number Seven Fl Block has offices open all year long Preparing income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help whatever time of year that help is needed You can know that Block will be there H8R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE We have good assortment of 12 45 ot terrific savings TOO MANY TO LIST Savings on wall to wall installations Twists Shogs Splushes Plushes Patterns Loops HiLows and Vinyl Floorings CLOTHms Dunlap 51 FREE ESTIMATES YOUR HOME GUARANTEED INSTALLATIONS 333 2izmitt 176 611 All types of commercial carpet Armstrong Coronet Richmond Ozite Peerless Celonese colors whose time Pants $9 Georgian Moll Shirts come DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS ALSO IN CANADA TRUST IY APPOINTMENT DUNLOP ST Adair Volume Sales Mary St 737222i Industrial Home Carpeting 305 BLAKE ST SIMCOE PLAZA 95 llilll loitliii vllltltltillllllilllilli1tItllliilltltlltlllllllllII1llltdlillIlHl Itth 7372860