Lamp Shades Taffeta shade osmrec or white oic r3 Gorge tw OurReg 53 79 11 297 Boiler no srme White pm eiioui yet Our Reg $1 o9Sole Decorator Light Fixture rteerr Ours Screw Our Reg $399 Sale PetalTop Hassock Made of easy care Vinyl 1512 151 11 high Sturdy on srrucrion Not OVOIIObh in our Brampton store Ourleg 09 Plastic Table Sturdy to square bunching table Iri green yellow or orange 388 90 Not available in our Brampton store ua i4 09 03 JE I83 10 ivvlrWi1r room size nylon rugs rrrir lute ourer up 4VJiHitHi 148 eriwm iiw 15 iti hrrlrryjirrii Nitti Duh 3159 DirAim firinvv iiie Nnr IV nririrtriri iii1 610 ea 06890 Marry itltl Mlill 27 Vinyl Runner tl tutti ioitti lJ kcrl protrzr utilr rt nor UUfllpififl Hririg tour or goint lr grimrt ZtiOIlLS NU Nilutflfl it rout irornptori story up 44 ft ers Show off plants books knick knocks and more with this handsome spindle shelving llir shelf lJrllli rririlse irltetil livnler HflJlillCfS 0r lisploy areas sure to not ilrrrii rit Jtly rr Ulll All circ finished iii rich WOlflut shrirle StirI ms orc 11 Wide iris to osserrihle Not riIJf titlittl ll ilf Shelf Unit 52 36 not in too Illll Corner Unit 70 Jot Roi SAW mlr OShelf Unit 36 72 lirl tio HA 3on tor Sol 999 4988 4688 49883488 38 36 Brighten every room with smart table lamps high and each comes Crmiplete With shade Not OVOlObIC in our Brampton Door Mirror full Ien Great reer gth mirror dOITYOUrS bathroom Finish the wood frame to match your decor 12 48 Our Reg $7 99 5297 12 squo Ovoiloble in Coloured Vet files Pcnk tit 12 square Shelf Unit Rug 86 Mirror Scenes it tries ilfli size Graphic Mi patterns 22 All prices in effect until closing time Saturday April Illll Choose several from this large collection of handsome decorator styles and colours All are oporcmmorely 32 for the bedroom or Plain lites Pack of Antique or Gold Assorted stylish 28 48906 the oxamlner Wednesday March 30 1977 23 Bearing up Heavy should he the head under this burden but housewife in thc Republic of the Gambia hears it with laugh Thr Gambia is the homeland of Kunta Kittie the ancestor whose story Alcx Haley tells in Roots Share data managers urged WINNIllCG iCii Man agers must share more infor mation with employees if they want to operate effectively says program director for the Manitoba institute of Manage ment Inc IA Ncyille who retired year ago from commu nications position with Great West liifr Assurancc Co said managers can improve job sat isfaction by crcating an atmos phere whcrc the employer feels involved Financial security is no longer an employees sole priority and managers cannot expect automatic dedication in return for thc workers pay cheque He has to know why hes doing it if thcrcs no commu nication an uneasiness sets in lie wants to be involved He wants to know whch it fits in With the tendency to reject rigid discipline and authority peoplc arc lcss 301 of slaves anrl morc cohorts or colleagues in anorganization TICHlMMlNltATlUNS Effectch communication of reasons for management deci sions is onc of the skills taught at thc institute nonprofit or ganization supportcd by busi ness and catering to senior and junior managcrs supervisors artd fotctncri The institute which uscs five staff dircctors and North Amer ican business cxpcrts markets its consulting scniccs in all provinccs scwral American states and in thc Caribbean chillc said managers of large organizations should try to rcturn to the closer em ployer cmploycc relationship once found in tlic typical family business but without the type of paternalism that was com tnon to that association llc said managcrs may worry that if employees are given complctc hackground on busi nch plans thc information will lcak to the competition llowcycr thc competition likely will find out anyway and lot mori trouble is caused by not tclling your own pcoplc Neville said an employee at soft drink firm for example may be wondcring whether ban on sacchariri will aflcct his job in such cases hc said the worker should have casy access to complctc information large problem with many companies is that they dont care But if management is open with cmployccs the worker is motc likely to takc an under standing attitude if he hears ru mors that tltc company is hold ing back major ncws coordinating TOtE ctions with elf mirror tiles Our Reg 35 99 Sale Our Reg 512 99 O1 Sale Pack Our Reg 513 99 sited 50 pkg TOTS Our Reg 329 99 Sale re Deprogram fry blocked SAN FRANCISCO Al California appeals court has blocked at least tctttporziiilyu efforts by parents to lepr ograin their five children from the teachings of Rev Sun Myung Moon The state ourt of Appeal ruled Monday that the parents can continue to havc temporary custody of the five but that nding decision on an appeal Moons Unification hurch they cannot usc thc scrviccs of arty pcrson or organization in an at lcrnpt to altcr thc religious bclicfs of the young people in any way The court said the young people whosc ages rangc from 21 lo 25 will bc allowed to mctt All sale prices adernscd this week are in effect until mm with pmfmsmml dthwmw clOStng time this Saturday April 197 llllllllllllllllllllllllllll incrsonly ifthcy ztgrcc