entertainment Dies $13M facelitt for theatre PARIS AP The refur bished theatre of the Comedie Francaise has opened after $13 million worth of repairs and the event is being taken as an illus tration of how French culture has become hamsirung bet ween grandeur and poverty The 300yearold companys Salle Richelieu has comput erized light system that can put lighting effects for whole sea sons repertoire on tape cas and closedcircuit television system that allows drinkers to filter Moliere through the com fort of the allmarble bar show biz Scathing satire boxing tale dectective story top awards the examlnor Tuoodny March 29 1017 Actress Diana flyland star sette It has individual audio MM 44 of ttie new ABCTY series Eight Is Enough died in her Los Angeles home Sun day after brief illness mm TORONTO 11 HAMILTON 11 May Skywoy To Death 21 Hours Detiniton 19 Polka Dot Dear 25 Noivulles 79 Silos 630 22 Gong Show News 11 Part Game 19 aoaloro 25 Lituwl 645 ew 19 Matteo ilt Company 700 Contentrniion Muppet Shoe To Tell Tht irutti Boom Vinmn Acclabon wtame Ttoatrg 19 My 71mm 111 ti Hasntth 25 79 rm gm 730 22 843 Bviit Btu Shun Mum Show isltt at wouv HO Wsmm on Friar noon 915 55 Wow 700 10cm C555 Ivy3 Crinabi Good Horn of Anerc 11 etrwr prytf 47 gt S1CErl 15 30 on 07v47 fiit 745 Aer 00 vrmt Nor Arm PJVitin 19 but Dr Dow 79 gnu rim Inns 15 dtï¬qfu Fig1t rtl Ftrirti riii no1 Hump iri limpin Com Brow Adorn Bot can Di mo luv 711 lIttCitillrcn lt Cliir Duty mli Donorrow 130 Stor IUVHV Fletil 1cm Ill1c Jomoo puttï¬t Iivv IIilill 600 14 117 fluIs Mono we 111 Unit Pop 74 Hull ITIIIIYIUH Polk tml hour Nonc114 79 CI itioI ticr 30 Gong Show tic1 11 Party lilllf 19 pfllffflirll 75 Id tilel 045 19 Moore and IYI1ln 700 Odd nontr Btuting tor otlor Iinrintmtion Iorriltqr To tell the truth mod liiiit 11 IIIinnit ttic Zioni with Jonathan thlllr 17 Movn Ioppi Pitiirri Pt 11 25 Daniel Boom 79 My tinni Sons 730 17 $175100Question Sltfliflitio Home that tune Flrltl tor the top Ulrikcs irmrci Missc Blutt limo itiow turin form It lulc ItiiMiint Idol itmn ot Nilil VAN Ly es Bowling For Dollars rm rt rtt Ivtlt IEfr ImH0101 1w IN lttt lititll lHtii genius BUFFALO boosters for hardofhearing spectators seats sumptuous backstage rooms for actors awaiting cues fewer and wider BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGH BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL TUESDAY EVENING 1° Education of Mike McManus 79 Tattletalts 000 Hall of Fame Happy Days CBS Reports 11 Grizzly Adams 19 Native Americans 79 Movue iSame Cantu Runninql 25 Grand papa 830 Laverne and Shirley 16 King of Kciisington 51 Tee For Two ltt For the Record 35 cdcttcs cii dirch 900 Caught In The Act 711 Eignt is Enough 19 Ontario Scene 25 Rue des Ptgnons 930 Sports Probe Fifth Estote One Dar at time 25 Le 60 1000 Mitzi Gaynor Special Komk 11 Porn Iy 19 Fair Ev Detmre News 1030 35 Barney Miller 19 Hague and Company 25 Nouwtles WEDNESDAY MORNING 11 Ert iinu Etivti tout 30 re For Va gu 1ij De Ccrmor 74 Ivl tr mi FVgt34 61173 iv wt Frtr Dottiir Tor1 70 915 OOIvII Srhoot 1ft Ciepot Mrtrv 20 Nmifrilltti 930 mth ms QrNVLAr Quer lt Onttir Iv nillit 35 15 Fri 1Jrmrm 950 he NH Story 10 00 Dooulc Lire Otittirii rMINits Ptiil DOTOII1gt Print Viqtil ll Driltiini 19 horlrl Petitions no Hoo WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON qubt 215 want Out FIJYIYVM 12 iOiMIlroit 50 lv ptvlltlori 155 row 200 21 Opposin Senv ill to TticFomiI 51110041 lyioiiiiil Alan lliinc lt tiicumlici Tt lo4 toi liir Itfl 30 It 77 Guiding tutti Dori1r row at iitqm 111 ON titc lot we Gut3 What 1c temps on Jim Maoistriilws Court 740 19 Ontario 300 Bonnie Prorlvlcn Another World 15 take 10 II In The Pomil 14 SourI t11v Ir Fr optc in ontlivi 21 oininoridir tom 11 cncrtil Hospital 3t 17 ttl Woman 15 ï¬ilfiftl Citilt Noitv ti nitric WEDNESDAY EVENING MrMunm 79 Tottlvtnlc 800 Monty Pythons Flying Cirrus Mowc twivo and Lovers 11 Sr onu Mooninr Good Times Bionic Woman N1 Hockey 11 Hawaii Five 151 Vivre Toininc ilii Mondc 25 lai Aii Iac 79 Movie llriiia lii ltoucci 830 TI Dirk chry TI VII11V travail to home 900 PO ititilko Search tor The Western Sea Mowc lti11111 11 Hart 11 LI Viri 930 lll71111pttll 1000 14 monton Ital Horrch to Ctmqotl II Ctlrlrlllflb Angola Pill E1 Fate News onwuunatiur over 10 30 porttcot ItlfIIII1 1045 19 Olympic Protile 1100 22 Mary Hartman 23457911 News 79 City Lights 1105 25 Rencontres 1115 19 World Religions 1120 News 1130 2277 Opposite Sexes ZiJohnny Carson McMillan And Wife Mary Hartman 11 Larry Sotwar 79 Money Game 1135 90 Minutes Live 25 Propos et Con tidenccs 1105 19 Communique 1200 32 Mowe tThc House 01 Seven Hawksl Movo Calling Norttisinu 771 IFOOSIUI 11 Man Chitin PT Club 1205 Js Cttitld Ooezt ti or IM147111 Alive 00 lotttorroh Mew Blinrvtnqt 79 IL Clut 79 ttntuinuuvvv 10 15 virtuoso 1030 HtilI Who N7 Dre Pr FIYY 14 YIJIIIV slot witt 25 four Nlt 10 45 Oov gt 011an Io Itttivl Show 11 00 rt thyv 14ml thml 0t Fortnrio Sesame Ctririt EIIQI WUN Fnr no Doom 11 Celttjit Voyae COquol Cantidicts Crinrllllt Camico Ct Show 11 15 iv tiritp A5ttivvjji Jo howlv mon to Shoot For Ttw Starr Yoono 2an ttic Plinthgr Hopp DJI ydan Vt 14 Lonqow Et liitiwte Lc Comet Iflflir flun LHonriior 1145 Al About You lflovtimitiot Mike iltitiit 400 ittlc Vim 411 Itvvtc ltw Buster witon itnr otrti Hoot Itlcr yritlin 11 our tion Star trek ll Yoiiritj nrirl Ito Pesttin 11 Colorio Boumo 77 on tytc 15 Ionitcric fï¬dtlltvlvliltit on 1141 J1 tilligaii Island 17 Magi 71 Iikt llouglns 11 ltiiiah ltt IIlci lttt tonipziiiy 23 11 tirciiici 500 71 Doris Lory tior Ni owl Pu mIriicro 11 Scoitni itrrct 75 Hot In 1011 ii ifirioi gs stltwfiIIYI Adam New Odd nupti Room 77 Lttilt It Beaver 11 Hot Hood tHllth tii Pointi 19 Marine and oiripan IS Nouvellcs 1045 nlrlrlflnt 1100 Mary Hartman 11 News City Lights 1105 RctlIts diin pos 1110 News 11 10 1915 1130 Opposite Senn Johnny Carson MarI Hartman 11 Larry Solwo Money Game 1135 10 Minutes Live 1140 Movie tNorwuml 1145 Communion 1200 TI Movw Port irI Movie tttoodniii Rookic Iroountc ll MtYyIrlfltll 15 memo to Noiriouc 100 tomorrow MtNic Lush Mi Call P11 11111 110 MrdttottlilWick Deotti to Sister Mar1 News JUNCTION CITY Kan AP Band leader Woody Herman was in stable condition with iii juries received in an auto acci dent Sunday while he was on his way to concert at Kansas State University Herman 63 suffered bro ken right leg facial lacerations and other injuries when his car collided hcadon with another vehicle on Kansas 18 inside the Fort Riley military reser vation The driver of the other car Barbara Racek 37 of Junction City was treated for cuts and bruises at the military hospital MIAMI Ila tAll Actor Burt Reynolds says hes proved his versatility in 21 years as an actor but still has problem All get is scripts 111 the truth tion of James Bond or about good 01 Southern boy he said If have to play one more rch neck may commit harikari Reynolds was here filming SemiTough 111tilt based on the popular book about football players whosc successes and failurcs arc not tltttSSttttl lim ited to the football field need to stretch little bit as an actor Reynolds said But no one wants to otter me anything but jumping around in car and doing donuts around the courthouse Since no one else is ottciiiig him the kind of rolcs he wants Reynolds said he soon will both act in and dirch black com dycallcdlhc ICnd lllttlll it man who believes be dy mg NASIIVIIJJI lciiii Al Country ltllll stnr Loritin Lynns iiitobioginphy toiil Miners Daughter may bc madc into l11ti ic Mooncy Lynn llll husband said negotiations Itl lttitltl way fora lIltitt bustd on the book ItltK IIII likc life Muhammad Ali left Sylvester Stallone spar at awards night Even in death Peter Finch steals show at Academy Awards LOS ANGIIHIS tAli scathing sat irc on the television industry cindeiclla tale of sccondrate loxeisreach tor the top and Watergate detec live story took most of the cars at the 4911i Academy Awar ds but Peter Finch stole the show Finch was posthumously hon orcd with the best actor Oscar for his portrayal of mad broadcaster in Network In the most poignant moniciit ot loii day nights awards show liy lllintm opened the ltcst Actor envelope iiid rend lctci Im ch for Network The crowd at the packed Mu sic ciitrc roared its approval as Finch who died ot llttllt illitltk 1iii 11 Ittttllt tlic first zictoi ever to win the IlWJlttl Xistliuinously Iliyc lluniiway won the best actress award toi hci pcrforiiir tltltt as the hard driving ct work executive who saciiticctl ill Ior success lhc 1scir Ilit thc bcst pictuic went to Rocky Illtll its madc for it cheap $1 million and featured tticnunkiiowii leading man Sylvester Stallone The story of tltthI lite iiidout tightens shot at Vi heavyweight title also won directors Oscar for John Avild scii and another for best film editing NOBHQWINNER liilikc last year when One Flew Over the Cuckoos Next swept all the major categories this years homage by the film industry to itself lacked big winner Network and All the Iicsidcnts Men each with four statucttcs won the most Stal lones Rocky took tlircc Oscars It was classic case of tim mg man and material Stat loiic said in backstage assess iiiciit of the film that at one time nobody wanted if hewas to be part of the deal Stallone who wrotc Rocky concealed whatever disappointment he may have felt at losing in the best actor category Asked whether it was true that he wrote the filiii in three days thc Itttycaiold actor plied wrote it in two days but tttidnt want to seem like prodigy Snappy work for it man whod never seen fight until hcwas 29 Jason Robards won an Oscar for his portrayal in All The lrcsidciits Men of Ben Bradlcc the Washington Posts lll1t14111tl we arent them Hollywood hotline Things are better now for Captain Tenille II IIIIS 0le News Sciwicc HOLLYWOOD Toni lcn nillc says shc and the taptaiii were so unhappy with their first 13 television shows that tlicy went to New York to beg Altt TV boss lrcd Silvciman to let them leave the air But now she says things are better because they have new produccr and iicw writers and her favoritcdicssdesigner till Bellew is back on Ilicjob Toni dcsciibcs thc producer who madc her so miserable as lovely man but he didnt know what to do with iis We iiciit llip Wilson and we arent Itiiiah Sliorc Yet wc lllttl to do stupid comedy that made liaiyl look like an idiot and that made me look like an idiot lot We wantcd to coinc out and say lli and wclcomc to our showf and just be ourselves first we didnt vciitlirc our own opinions because we were new But things got so had that my drcssdcsigiicr quit Wc wcrc iniscrablc So fir nally Wc put foot down and madesoiiicrcijiicsts We begged to have coin edy regular or regulars on the show and now wc haw John Byncr and Don KttillS We wanch lIlltlll rc cording act for each sow and 110W we have that And now finally are doing our shows ilmost straight throuin from op to bottom with the mistakes oft in which was what we want 9d todo in the first placc Our formci pltttlttttl was into being perfect so that one ime when Jack Albcitsoii as guest on the show and was ad itibiiig such funny things tears were coming into my eyes all hcadrlibs werccut out loiii says she and ltttl gct icuvy fan mail from botli iitll and youngsters The letters from the older people arc gcins she thinks biit thc lcttcrs trom the children are terribly touching because so many write and say We wish you two were our parents Or Ilcasc dont vcr gct divorce They can tell that we care iboiit cach other So to tlicin wc rcpicsciit good iiiiiriiagc Tlic iltltllttl count on us To counteract the cop shows Altt tclcvrsioii aircd pilot which it its wcll icccivcd oltld spin into charming writs iicxt tall tallcd Right is liiiougli its from the company that brought us The Waltoiis but itlcr scciiig It reviewer cried int lthaltons it aint ltc was wrong bccaiisc llic Waltons it is gciicratioii and half later with loliii Boy all grown up and middle aged with iicwspapcr job and eight kids of hisown No the character John ltoy docsiit appcar under that name bill the Walton boy of the Ittis who wanted to work on paper might well have grown up to be the harassed news papcriiian of the 70s Dick Van Patten plays the tltWStiMptttllilll and Diana Ilyi land his wife in show filch with characters you can care about Buystuirs Steak House Buy your first meal at regular price and pay only PRICE for your second meal Phone 7285198 for reservations executive editor It was Rob ards first Oscar nomination Beatrice Straight who lost husband William Holden to Faye Dunaway in Network was named best supporting acA tress Miss Straight who spent years on Broadway and did stint in the television show Beacon Hill won the Academys honor on the basis of only two brief scenes in the film IRICSS STlNNICD was stunned the Amcri canborn Eiiglishcducated acr tress said backstage must have looked like an idiot up there Network also won an Oscar for taddy hayevsky who wrote the original screenplay In accepting the best actor award for Finch Paddy haycvsky stepped to the mi crophone and said Theres only one person who should ac ccpt this Mrs Peter Finch Amid standiiigovation Fin clis widow Illctha walked to the stage With tears in her eyes she rclaycd message she said her husband had wanted to givctothc Academy Ilc said ltarling if win want to say thanks to my fellow actors who have given me cn couragcmcnt through the years to Iaddy who gave me this part and most of all to you darling for sending me the right Vibes Evergreen Barbra Strei sxinds lovcsongto Kris Kristof tcisoii in Star is Born won an iscar for Miss Streisand who Awardwinner Jason Robards with Tatum Oneal wrote the music and Paul Williams who wrote the lyrics FIRST TRY WINS Miss Streisands award came for what she said after the show was my really first try at writing song felt totally insecure ter ribly inadequate because people like Joni Mitchell write their own songs as well as sing Cher spends bundle to fool Mother Nature ByllK MAURICE opley News Sery icc When it comes to fooling Mother Nature television stars have done bangup job IAC Majors remodeled profile with nose job tbcr had herself completely rebuilt she had the hair under her arms taken care of and an operation to firm up her breasts She spends about 3101111 week to firm up her breasts She spends about 51000 week to have her toenails finger nails cycbrows and hair put in top shape hers the female equivalent of counterfeit $2o bill Martin Milncr turned himself over to the attentions of plastic surgeon to have the bags under his eyes removed Toupee wcarcrs include William Sbatncr Howard Co sell ar Rciiicr Iohii Wayiic and Burt Reynolds Burt cvcii adds to his height with elevator shoes And you thought your favorite TV stars were perfect ly created beings who fell out of bed looking absolutely gorgeous Vanilla ice cream hip lltilt boy Bobby inton strangely enough prefcrs baths to showers Whats strange is that he puts towel down on the bot tom of the tub Sometimes in strange bathtubs if dont know them too well like to put towcl down because dont know who was there You dont know who was doing what to whom and where If Bobby were deserted on an island what two women olhci than his wife would he choose to be lost with Well if were lost long enough really wouldnt be too particular Its really hard to say what two women would choose guess two women who his 8041112111000 CINEMA 7209944 ItttltlIY VINIUN strangc baths would turn inc on Two women who like to take baths sitting on towels hiick Burris creator of the wacky long Show is work ing on another show called irccd The idea is to see how much money it would take to get contestants to do things which normally they would thinkdeplorable Getting someone to kick the crutches out from under an 112 ycarold arthritic would be little too startling but sonic thing almost as bad could be lone You could make fool out 1fSt111111 And who said the level of television programming was improving Well whats the new trip in show bil After Zen psychiatry scien tology astrology ESP Esalen and primal therapyw theres Evenings At 605 In 915 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS mcwomc BEST PICTURE REDFOBDIIIFFMAN ALLTIIE PRESIIENTS MEN WARNING CERTAIN LANGUAGE IN THIS FILM MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME PEOPLE liftlffmlfl minivans mutt IIIIIMNIIII as One Showing Each Evening at 730 only lltthltttItlttN ItcttiuWiltiIbJ new wrinkle the TV stars are using to find out about life and themselves Its called the Dr Lilly Isolation Tank where you lie in this coffinlike tank half filled with bodytempera lure water and get in touch with our inner self And guess who gets up every morning at 400 to do it None IIII than Good Morning America host David IIartlt man Theres rumor that the FCC is about to investigate the game shows again The payola scare still hangs in the air Theres an awful lot of money being given out once again which makes some government people suspicous of hanky panky ARKUCI gggg OGDUNLOP STW 7280681 IMPERIAL CINEMA them So thought Id take crack atit Leonard Rosenman won an Oscar for his scoring adap tation of Bound For Glory while Jerry Goldsmiths score for The Omen won for original score William Goldmans screen adaptation of Robert Wood ward and Carl Bernsteins All The Presidents Men won honors for best screenplay adapted from another medium sleeper Black And White In Color won the Oscar for best foreignlanguage film The Ivory Coast picture won over such highlytouted foreign mov ics as Cousin Cousine and Seven Beauties DESIGNED IN ANADA Brian Jackson recently cele brated 20 years of designing for theatre and opera in Canada including the design for 21 Stratford Festival productions DISC JOCKEY OWeddings Ounces Parties Bruce Laffin iuiszow cuiqu DAILY AT 700 900 pm REWARD AMI TERI IIIE Held Over 3rd Week 905 pm His whole life was milliontoone shot Adult Entertainment ltflllllll Elllllllllll IRWIN WNItllll Ith llllllSlN mu Al ustnuu tonal rages on vll SltllUNlflllIlltl no 11131 ltlll 31 11111111 Ylllthtt ltittiitntttiss 1101011 11191113111111 Now Playing 110 900 pm It ixhl titan MUST FOREVER II GUARDIAN AT THE GATE FROM HELL THE SENIINII CHRIS WDON gtCN51INA MINES MARTIN UALSAM IOHN AMADINI it Will AVA GARDNER ARTHURKENNIUYOURGESSMENDITNSYIVIAMIIESIXDOKANWIN EttWMtAtN