No response from Soviets on Aarms MOSCOW AP The Soviet Union failed to respond to American nuclear arms control proposals today as talks re sumed between US State Secretary Cyrus Vance and Sowet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko Vance went into the morning round prepared to discuss proposals he outlined Monday for anew Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty SALT Sov1et representatives asked to go overother matters iii stead US spokesman Hodding Carter said after the talks recessed at midday Carter would not say which subjects were discussed but they were likely to have included arms sales and troop cuts in Central Europe Carter described the talks only as businesslike Vance had indicated he expected response to his SALT proposals although Carter said there had been no set agen da for todays talks The talks are scheduled to end Wednesday afternoon and Vance wants to leave Moscow Thursday morning with at least framework for more detailed negotiations on limiting and reducing nuclear arms Hospital tests for Hess BERLIN AP Former Nazi leader Rudolf Iless was taken to West Berlin military hospital for sixhour medical examination Monday and then returned to his Span dau prison cell British spokesman said Asked to elaborate the spokesman replied Thats all The Hess family issued statement in Munich repeating its demand that West German doctor be called in to treat the elder Hess and that family member be given im mediate permission to visit him Hess will be 83 on April 26 Last month Hess tried to commit suicide in Spandau by slashing wrist and leg with table knife His sort Wolf Ruediger Hess 39 said later his father told him that he in despondent state because of failing health and the ap parent hopelessness of his wish to be freed The elder Hess is serving life term handed him by the Al lied tribunal in Nuernberg after the Second World War on conviction of carrying out aggressive war Terms media ban ridiculous TORONTO CPIOpposition Leader Stephen Lewis says provincial government decision to keep the news media out of six hearings on proposed occupational health and safe ty legislation is ridiculous Why in Gods name would they do it the NDI leader said The public needs to know whats going on That knowledge could save lives The labor ministry said news conferences will be held following each of the twoday hearings which begin in Sud bury April and end in Toronto April 2728 Lewis said the hearings are an educational process the public should have access to labor ministry spokesman said it will be up to in dividuals and organizations presenting briefs to decide whether they want them made public Other hearings will be in Thunder Bay April 67 London April 1314 Hamilton April 1819 and Ottawa April 3i Pay heating bills or else NEW YORK tAPiThousands of persons in the tnitcd States unable to pay higher heating bills during the unusu ally cold winter are being threatened with loss of service if they dont pay soon Many utilities allowing grace period because of the cold winter postponed service shutoffs until the end of the heating season But the end of the season is at hand and an Associated Press survey found that notices warning of electric and gas shutoffs are in the mail to thousands of persons The number of overdue bills ranged from three per cent to 20 per cent more than last year the utilities reported Some utilities and state agencies are trying to find solutions short of cutoff for those who cant pay In number of states utilities had to comply with state imposed moratoriums against cutting off heat to households But by March 31 generally considered the end of the heat ing season most will have ended and service cutoffs can be enforced Compassion for servicemen WASHINGTON AP On orders of President taitei the US defence department will consider upgrading un desirable and general discharges for 432630 Vietnam era servicemen Among them is Jack Carter eldest son of the president The defence department announced Monday that artcr has approved its plans to review in the spirit of forgiveness and compassion discharges given for dcsertion drug abuse and other canses between Aug 1904 and March 28 1973 The announcement marked the second step in Carters cf fort to heal the divisiveness of the Vietnam war But unlike his blanket pardon on Jan 21 for thousands of Vietnameera draft evaders the discharge review will be handled on casebycase basis Weeps for Lebanese war dead Ezabel ElSaycgli weeps during memorial service at Ottawas Sts Peter and Paul Church for the famin of two Ottawa men whose 63yearold mother Zakie iantous and two brothers Kaliil t7 and Albert 33 were killed near Moukhtara Lebanon last week by Moslems aveiiging the assassination of Kainal Jumblatt leftist Druze leader Nearly 350 people at tended the scrvicc licltl Sunday hc two men file and Michel iantous are waiting for anadiaii immigration officials to offer their brotliers widows new home in nada lhoto Why not ban on arsenic pollution Indian leader OIIAWA tll The federal government banned saccharin because it causes cancer in rats but will not ban arsenic pollution that causes Iiumaii cancers Noel Starblanket Na tional Indian Brotherhood president said Monday Not one case of human cancer has been attributed to the arti ficial sweetener yet Ottawa banned it as precaution Star blanket told the second round of hearings into arsenic pollution at Yellowknife suggest that if we are will ing in this country to take the responsible step and ban sub stance that causes cancer Ill rats then we should also be willing to ban industrial activi ties that expose innocent people to substance that we know causes cancer If this meant closing gold mines in Yellow knife then they should be closed he added We are not interested iii playing guessing games about safe or acceptable levels of ex posure No amount of poison is good for the body The arsenic inquiry was or dered in January by Health Minister Marc Lalonde after the Indian brotherhood released study which said ar senic levels in the NWI capital are dangerously high MORE Nlll DEATHS The study done by the broth erhood the United Steelworkers of America ISWAr and the University of Ioroiilo also said the cancer death rate in Yellowknife is higher than the national average and blamed arsenic exposure Tons of arsenic dust Iiavc sct tlcrl over the Yellowknife area since the late 19le when gold miningandsmeltingoperations began there No one denies the existence of the arsenic but there has been raging con troversy for years over whether Advertising charge costs GM heavv fine IOItONIO tfIi General Motors of anada Ltd was fined SJoooo in county court Monday after pleading guilton inserting misleading adver tiscmcnt in The Star on March 24 Ill The advertisement referred to tour liiina cars that find travelled coast to coast for evaluation of their per formance under severe weather conditions It said in part 4079 miles and threeliglit bulbs later But the company admitted Ill court that during the test drive onc car had minor smoulderr ing fire two needed booster battery to get started in cold weather two required motor welding on the exhaust system changes were made in the car buietors windshield was damaged by rockslide and two parking light bulbs dome bulb four headlights and two diIviiiglightsneededreplacing liftoid Stiles rown prose clitoi said he was not question ing the durability and ovcrall quality ol the cars but said the general iiiiprission left by the iltllllgtfllltlll was misleading llll IY IlIl litfence counsel ltobin cttc asked that the company be given two weeks to pay The re quest was granted by Judge William ltogcrs Nick Hall the companys manager of news relations said in an interview later that the charge made no reference to any intent to mislead by the company MB Next day delivery between TorontoHamilton Montreal Our Rapidex Route service is doortodoor CALL and COMPARE Customer Service and Rates 7282417 Pickup 7285505 Out5ide Barrie phone numbers listed under Canadian Nationat CN exp IESS business as well as responsibility it is harming human health and damaging the environment The three man inquiry ap pointed by the anadiaii Public Health Association is to an swer that question It held hearings earlier this month in Yellowknife and is to make preliminary report public by midMay lhc inquiry has collected evir dencc that Yellowkncfcs two gold mines on and iiant Yel Iowknife have cleaned up their operations substantially But the Indian brotherhtmd says ilr ant Yellowknife in particular is stillemittingtoomuch arsenic Starblaiikct recommended that coinpieheiisivc health survey be conducted in Yel Iowknife The study should in cludc persons who once lived there but have moved away The hearings int inue today Awards for three who saved girl from grizzly HAMILTON CP Three persons who helped rescue girl being eaten alive by griz zly bear last summer were among 43 persons recently given awards for heroism and life saving by the Royal Cana dian Humane Association FI Keen secretarytreas urer of the association de scribed the incident in an inter view Monday He said two girls Geri Lynn Binks of St Thomas Ont and Jacoba Floris of the Whitehorse area in the Yukon encountered the bear while walking in the woods near Whitehorse The girls tried to photograph the bear which reared up on its hind legs before attacking Keen said Miss Binks managed to scramble up tree but Miss Floris was caught and the bear began to tear the flesh of her back and buttocks Binks then left the tree ran to nearby highway and stopped car Brian George Harris of Dawson Yukon and Clifford Russell Smith of Haines Junction Yukon came to the girls aid attacking the bear with sticks until men from lodge in the area arrived with guns and killed the animal Miss Floris was taken by heli copter to Whitehorse where she received hundreds of stitches She survived Harris and Smith were awar ded the associations silver medal Miss Binks won bron ze medal for risking her own safety to get help Four persons who rescued others from burning houses re ceived bronze medals They were Philip Stewart and Alphie Gaskin both of Richibucto NB Maris Zvejnieks of Toronto and Darrell Webb of Fort Frances Ont Also receiving bronze medals were Claude Charles Landry of Montreal who tried to rescue youth drowning in the Yukon River Oscar Brauer of Winni peg who rescued fellow worker from gasfilled man hole and Allen Roy Best of To ronto who saved man from helicopter which had crashed in Lake Ontario Threeyear sentence in conspiracy case LONDON Ont Cli To ronto man one of 22 defendants in fraud and conspiracy case pleaded guilty to charge of conspiracy on Monday and was sentenced to three years in prison David Ieter Itosenbciger 48 originally was charged with conspiracy ninc counts of fraud and two counts of at tempted fraud arising from sales contracts for housesiding aiirl repairs in number of Ori tario communities count of conspiracy ap peared on new information pre sented to the court Monday Allan tiuthric assistant rown attorney told the court that Itosenbergcr Iiad been charged jointly with other do fendants in the case involving lievlcn Building Products but that the new charge allowed the rown to proceed separately against ltosenbcrgcr Iet Sgt James Simmons ot Ontario Provincial Iolicc testi fied that ltosenlwrgcr travelch with other ltevlen salesmen and that the company formed in 1971 to sell vinyl siding llOtlI New Lo Charter Class 12 vlt aged elderly people to buy its products DefSgt Simmons said the company set costandprofit margin that it required from each job and allowed its sales men to keep as commission anything above the require ment lllil£l$l2tit In one case job contracted for $1264 cost the company iii cluding its required profit $357 he said Guthrie said Itoscnberger was sentenced in county court last April to two years in prison on fraud conviction arising from circumstances similar to the charges involving Bcvlen He said ltosenbergcr worked for another firm at the time of the earlier offence Judge IIIIA arson ruled that the threeyear sentenci given Monday should be served concurrently with the earlier sentence Another Ilevlen defendant Max Morenstein of Montreal was in court on Monday on four chaigesot fraud and eight ofat tempted fraud Airborne ltogcr rane of Brampton Ont has to stretch little to get his mail from the box outside his home The Illfoot high mailbox wasnt intended as reflection of the mail service but only as novelty tl Photo 98 Marshall Sign lighting Maintenance New Plastic Illuminated Signs OFIuorescent and Incandescent Lamps Fixtures OAnnual Cleaning of Fixtures Signs Monlhly Inspections Fast Reliable Service 0Reasonable Rates If you have sign or lighting problem give us call OFFICES STORES BANKS HOMES FACTORY BARRIE 7289534 fag Fares to Amsterdam You can now fly on regular KLM or Air clicdulcd flight at special low cliartci class farcsl No need to fly charter aiiyiiiorcl etc are the advantages of these new fares You can leave any day of the week on An or KLM flight to Amsterdam from convcnicnt terminal it Maltoii airport fly in widebody aircraft ciioyiiig worldrcnow iicd cn ice You can depend on KLMs and Airs flights to leave whcthcr thcrc departure are many or few passengers for itl No risk that thc flight will be cancelled through lack of passengers You can save compared to olhcr air fares for instance thcrc is no wcckcnd surcharch You save even more when travelling with children family with two children between and II years old travelling betwccn Ioronto and Amsterdam in July could smc no lcss than SIb per child total of $l96coniparcd to paying chartcr farcs to Amsterdam And children under travel frce I445 days 2245 days 2245 days 2245 days 2245 days 2245 days 1445 days 41 Have good look at thcsc I5 farcs Callus Apr May In May Il June June June 22 June 23 July 30 July Aug 27 Aug 28 ct Oct May IX 1978 29 Owen St Barrie Ont approval lhcsc Stipci hartcr lass Fares apply oiin to Amsterdam return Booking must be at least months prior to your departure date with $50 nonrefundable deposit Full payment required 45 days prior to departure after which there is SIM cancellation fee The duration of your trip tllAIS or 2245 days excludes the day of Canadian Air Iraiisportaiion la tma Sb per person not included But please book early Seating is limited so call lraycl Agent in your area and make your arrangements SUUII Advaiicc Purchase fares are subject to iovcrnnicnt llascd on comparison between 50 of 245 day cwursion return fare 533 $359 34 it $439 540 335 533 The Best In Town HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St 14 Dunlop Maple Ave and charter rate projected for July W7 KLM CPAirE BRISTOW TRAVEL SERVICE 7370340 or 73703 7284700 Johnson Travel arrie 7266525 ventaria