14 the axemlnar Tunedy Metals 20 1017 21 room board ROOM AND board tor young gentelman Lunches packed light washing clone central location arkln Tele hone 7287568 ROOM AND BOARD gentleman preter red close to bus stop In Allandale dlslrlcit Call 7372927 23ottices stores tor ient MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloli OVER woo 52 FT Ottice space iér rEnt at 359 Beytleld Street Barrie 416 2217233 Benmor Construction OFFICE SPACES for rent downtown Barrie 2nd lloor Ideal tor dentist or other protessionals Parking and heat In cluded Available Immediately Call Mrs Robinson 7263338 OFFICE SPACE 1100 sq on main tloor overlooking watertront and mu nICIpaI parking modern decorating Call 8111 Sakeris National Trust Co 7209201 ALTERATIONS COMMERCIAL SPACE avï¬aï¬e at LADIES AND enllemans allerations 26 proximately 340 square teet includes Mary 51 TIIP 7373437 551 heat hydro 2piece washroom and air 7288446 ALUMINUM conditioning Ideal tor small oitlce Telephone 7370641 ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors sldIn Sollil Fascia and trough all colours year ML WA 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM instill ol siding Sollit Fascia and eavestrough Various 60000 sq it fully sprlnklered transport ors Free estimates 7269769 and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part ot large expanding industrial mall 7267130 F612 LEASE industriétsbacésnd GIBSON warehouse Telephone 7263400 ngeloft 6ERIY NICE IndustriaT blinding arr ALUMINUM 110 on op St West with large tenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 can db TON We 6350637 Doors Windows Awnings BUILDING Available 75 20 heated immediate occupancy ideal tor painting or retinishing business $150 monthly Also storage available 45 30 no heat 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing Sloomonthly7266474 order before April 30th ZELCFJEEXELULEILSELS BARRIE 7265609 FEMALE To share bedroom apt Lc WWW share expenses Grove and St Vincent area Call 726 4293 alter 930pm WANTED éusiness person to share sucrnocux Canada Ltd authorized sales 1379 fUIVIISIEIT 1101716 Tall TFGES and service 19 Alliance Blvd 7283392 Telephone 7265303 27 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese 1975 GREMLIN 23000 miles speed cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 standard cylinder radial tires 7265441 rustprooting Ming glazing excellent condition $2600 or best otter Telephone Need help listed Ore experts in their held and Will assure you 01 the lines lob posmblo ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Basin CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 737 1507 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Lo design art work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 23913912 CURTAINS HAVE THE lresh crisp look oi spring with Canadian Curtains tiebacks and liars polyester or muslin S20 to $40 per pair Call 7269667 7261949 or meted DISC JOCKEY Music By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7283808 DRESSMAKING 72613 PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 Highcrolt i974 ocos CUT LASS Supreme Ior sale Rd yummy 39 pm 50 your beauty needs728958 lots at extras In good condition Asking 53800 Telephone 728 4657 anytime ws BICYCLES 1975 HORNET Hatch Back 255 engine DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Speciallxing iIi punt surls gowns and oltero lions 42 Eugenia SI Phone 726 X30 DRYWALL DOWf steorn automatic radials gt WW DUCKLCI seats 953 000 or D051 otter BlKELAND9Gowan StBarrie Openlor ser BILOTTA DRYWALL and taping rosrdeiilrgl Telephone 424 0229 viceFastservice Phone726 7372 and commeirial no 013 100 59 mull WW 458 4233 was MERCURY MONTEGO in good BIRD HOUSE runn no condition uncertrtrort Also 1973 3mg 4m in good cortilillon I973 340 PultPLE MARTIN Houses lorsale Apply rqu Shnger dOUble mler 805 MeiraseAve Home or telephona7285283 4589149 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor roanis renovations Oddltloris guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTER Specializing in roc rooms in tenor remodelling trim etc Please all 1973 PLYMOUTH Satellite stationwtiqon Ior sale in excnllentconrtrtion Company car $15001rrm Telephone 726 5711bet weune and 300 196 ALFA ROMEO AllEtTa 2000 I007 10 000 miles AM FM radio two snows and spare extra Excellent condrtron 37 000 or 3208 otter 726 3304 niewLoltewp OQD GALAXY 300 vinyl top CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc ad nts povmr brakes and 5109an arr Fully experienced 726 9002 7262609 COnOITIOnCLl Trptop condition wrll cer Erariff MAKEp rowan mde kn Askrnq 52000 Telephone 726 8020 or hens vanities Prira luiniiure renovations apply 298 Ba ytrelo Street Apt alterations Domestic Commutciul 726 92 CHALLENGER AM FM tape 2143 19 95 69 Wmels Vnvl LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes root low mileage very well kept In im Opalrs Salisloctiorl TTOClelTC Condition 52150 Telephone wwonhad Rondjconwumonnb by Kitchen rec lireplaras Cottages renovations ï¬ne work 726 33 or at home will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc Notabto small 7261271 76 IEGA Estate stiitronwnqon $3000 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters tor renovations additroris homes cottages Free OSYIHIUIOSV 435 4995 or pustotwr will taketracte Cirtrtiro Twlnphone 436 1728 or 435 4777 Wt renew roll bar radio you DFOOIErl less than 20 000 mugs In CARPENTER WILL do any 30 lob reliant condriron 31300 0y 09 OHM Specialitirgg lll rolynodehmg on WEB Cprhyyï¬d yrowphone 6403 tions one BI Jo nslon DGE DART CHM °Y Mi DO rTUTOmaTIC rust wooing mam 1000 SAVE MONEY Have experramed carpenters erect your prolab homo or at raga Call Jake Temple 726 8465 DON FLEMING Licenced carpentry c071 tracting renovations cabinets rec rooms conrtrtron cortrlied Askrnq $3 700 or best OttLl Teltiphone 487 3131 I973 TOYOTA stalronmtqon EICJIICDI condition 46000 rrirles radio Askrng $1900 or best otter Telephone aitnr EQLPBIIQQU 80l°1°° 726 3603 CARPENTRY all types rec rooms renova tions No lab to small Reasonable Sotrslac tion guargnteed AI 7281897 CAPENTRV shingles rec toortrs We welcome small tabs work guaranteed Phone Steve 726 7255 or Kenny 424 5690 I973 CRICKET automatic goon iondi trort Askinqél 200 certrtrud 510005435 Parke at and Arrow Highway rO near Tittin 424 6089 1965 CHE JELLE door cylinder When automatic radio reparntoo racial Errr Cabinet Maker Spetlullliï¬g in burIt rr Iur ill new connrtron S450 Telephon niture and Ilnlshing work Work guaranteed 728 725 Reasoriableiprices 69611737 2194 MUST SELL 1976 Malrbou dassrr powr Steerrng power brakesarr conditioning Telephone 726 2545 alter 51 YOUR mung wrung mqu I969 MUSTANG tastback V8 automatic power steering Dower brakes excellent condition one owner ladies car $1300 Will certin 436 3340 Ask tor Laurrr 197D CHRYSLER an Yorker equipped 64000 orrgrnal mlitS nrw paint IOI new radial tires AM FM triirk Exteltrnl cohorton $1500 or iii1 otter Certitinf Call 728 8387nttrm5 37 Revitalize your carpets wrth 1corpel steam was 69371 cum INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation Orpgt and vinyl lulIy guaranteed reasonable rate 458 4432 CERAMICS A7 DUNE BUGGY for sale $1300 or next at WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling Ier TelephOnn 728 9898 and repairs 7266263 1974 SPITFIRE rust prooted AM FM SIMCOE CERAMICS Floors wall eramrc radio snow IICS excellent nondiqun mosaic vinyl parquet Drywall and taping certrirnc Telephone728 I971 Accoustic ceilings Gord 456 2890 33cars wantedto buy CHAIR CANING TOP PRICE tor mp cars 10kt Motori ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING OvOIJSyaurS ax Ltd 119 Bradlmrlst Barrrr728811l penance Telephone Somers 436 2299 JU NV CAPS TE Hrthist primS CUSTOM mild IuIIy para same clay p2Ckun Holt Auto firg Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trUrks tor wrecking and parts top DVICFS porn Free pickup Telephonrno 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES Jrinlrzl IOD pricis paid trier rmrnnrtrntn prclr up anytrmi 436 7900 COLE 8903 Chain Link Gal or Vinyl Regulation Pool Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Cars and trurks wimprt tor wrrckina Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Alter 4215949 WANT ED Ciran used cars Barric Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 34trucks and trailers 1974 FORD RANGER XLT F100 whrrel rIr vr 360 spotd dual hat torns nlydrarrlrr plan 1001 power xlWBFIHQ power hmkls low 11qu rm tartory Inqme $4800 424 0229 POI Free ESTIMOTE 1975 FORD tori good condition bust ca Otter Telephonn 728 549107 778 50719 1970 FORD 14 ton truck shop llYlifl 31500 456 2822 nttrrr 1965 MAC MODEL 873 compltIiIy renurII motor transmission rtr With or Without nirrelllmt rontract in Toronto hf Peel Fence EAVESTROUGHINGW GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughiiig installed Call 728 6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spat Iulrsts 16 and snow removal lrciivi tools LIIly Fine 0in mates Co1424 1956 Now Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBIE Elwtiii CUIVIIIHHLiui Resident Oi liirluuirnl liislcilttlritrs mid vice 726 4996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial vReSidentiol Eaves Commercial Forms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 ELECTRICAL WIRING piotcyssroiial wurh reasonable rains Also aerrnl towns rrsrrill ed Wanted 737 OOoSrtr 436 2387 gt EXCAVATING ROBERT Boycuorr ctmmrrrrq haul1 seplrc systems tiorrrliiiig lufldlt wcrrk gravel 4361558 436125 BULLDOZING small ald Ilrgn yih Liv ti and Sons RR Mlllgsitlg 776 7638 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 53 FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom boilt and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF STONEWORK and Irtnplnios spatially vi Watson lrrr ltou asirrrrrriex 728 1599 FLOOR RtriNisuINo HARDWOOD FLOOR Itistuliutirr Islld raltrirsliiiig 01d rirrrl tini guriirirrtmirt 1101 try chip or peril 2125 8341 iiiiNIitMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm HOME AND COTTAGI Mirirrrmrrrrryn ting Plumbing Rout riird txrrrrirny iqplirrs 436 4105 SPRING CLEAN UP Storm windows removed and cleaned General lawn care clean Systems Inc 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET 8981361 $5400 or heat otter 436 4811 1976 FOPD F150 for 19000 minS loader Taitphone John 435 6562 1976 FORD viin trir xrll in urinii rrmrlr Gale supIr CrlDr IIlh options ton automatic cylinder radio 3500 Telephone737 158 iiltIrbp Collec I966 CHEVROLET pick up rehurll motor $500 or heat otter rrliptinni Barrie 726 3865 alter 197 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT whetI drive 27500 original mrlcn in ported condition ccrlrhud TlllfDllOll 487 2639 lactore my MC ton triirk tor Srtl in good running Oftllr rIrirls body wrirlx £500 unuurtrirnrl Tellphant 2811 71264702 40 orIICIes tor sole 35 um swrMMrIir iOOI ri rrlir irrtrrr iiiiriiliitlr Irinrliilni tilrir illlll ilrlr rlriiIIrI lldr VIIUTTIITIUm piml IItt tryir 170111 1776 suntan rtrrri xllrlritrlllltl riitrllrtrtrii rllltl Ilrrrrt C411 111111 1r1r1 iytrlirirl 1416 2714840 SIMCOE HOSE HYDRAULICS 141TIFFN STREET 7371730 up and spring fertilizing Garages and basemenls VELLINGA PAINTING and dammit cleaned Refuse removed 7370065 4362387 40 articles for sale fIIING erMVtrllr llrtrl ertrli IIII rilill IIr Iltrl 11 1976 ril rlllllllllillll yrrrrrl iri Itr Ir izllllIittINIlllirllilr11ilIII irirrtiii Irri Irry 1iitrrrrr llll rlllltllillll ryrrlk il Vtllllll lit Irll lrrrrrril lll IIlr trIIii tiir rllli Ir riiiiIIy lrirtil 1irI in Moble hose 591 UNCLAIMED IA yiywiy iIl rIiirrr VT flitK 43 IiIIIllItllllr iIi Hydraulic equipment repairs iniurn iNlmtnllll print 111 77 IIIIlllll MW iiirkiriit trriir liltir IiIIir ririrt mill1y Repairs for all makes of mm mm mm ilrlylirnlryritli illltl 17 ii III vytlll hydrauliciacks 11 $177r iill rIiIiI liilllillllr DillII Ilmtl Ii ltlltllydlrt rryy lrlSOFVTIITITI141il771111140 1111 Vlll Imril Vllll irtrir 77 Mjo IIN IllI uIrt lirrilirirtirl Itlllllll fllluyltlv yIIllll LucyZznlindyll1211221 rillrl tor ï¬ninginitrii lirirlily iilri iii 1111 my Mm afï¬lth Cor DWIIZISd Illyllt1fl9 iIlIi Jim rtriiily 2223 Uli Inn uï¬lllrv Youre Not Stran mm mm We have factory 4° 9193 10 5°19 40 articles for sale Trained English Mechanics THE EXAMINER I78 Essa Road 7282281 A23 Available Daily at These Sirncoe County Merchants 37motorc cles HILLTOP SUNOCO HWY 27 1974 HARLFY Dnvrdxm Sprtrlslir 1000M Rllml original miIis irxriIlint condition Telephone 445 5771 Coll ingwriurl litlwrriri If it In and too KAWASAKI brim 1775 rn IXttrlltnl 303 MILK COOKSTOWN condition NIPW rear tire riintly Cr titiirt AskrngSH 718 IOIS SIBsnowmobiles ALLSTON SMOKE SHOP TALL TREES CAMPGROUND HWY 27 I971 ARTIC CAT Fl igri iriqine very last machine in wait rarirlilinii $900 Telephone114 0729 190 BOMBARDIER Skidoo Iym 017 in IX1elltnI rindition I977 Motu Ski 340 good condition Miiriy household and Mle shop illms Trrliipnoni 716 203 evenings Just look over the ads below The odverlisers Directory HAULAGE PAINTING HAVE halltan pickup Will clean garages DON SIESLING Prolessianal painting in ditmn basements remove iron or any letter toilet paper honglng custom obs Call John 7267m7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 prn Relerencas available workfsoltlactjerrszez£l°689v ROY DOIRONINTERIOR EXTERIOR PAIN TING and paper hanging Customers satislaction guaranteed 4363691 WW PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom training at all types We stock many sizes Tingle 7283270 MED MORE living ace rec room OTCIIO bedroom play room aundry ollice storage space Also pointing wallpaperin Murra 5011 7288906 cUstom Ric RooMsic ba planning and decoratingfmgrizgcy and patios aluminum door The number lor CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING allyout needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN riicii pointing chimneys woterprooling brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work quaran tsd 09946 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 436 29550r 4364175 alter RENOVATIONS aAssMcNfs dug block and brick laying lireplaces painting interior exterior Guaranteed workmanship 42746073 INCOME TAX RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTTFRAMWE VEuiiam Henryiianiaa selections Fast service Hall price 7288633 evenings PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom INCOME IAX mm WONde an renovations ceramic tile Bilatta rie area SS up Dobson4245 10 alter is Sand weekends CENTRAL DATA STEM LICENCED MOBILE address system available lot commercial or music lor all occasions Reosanobiei 728772155 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Year and Financial Statements T4s etc Olncome Tax returns we Denver csneserve Now For an appointment 7371388 Y° °°°° 248 rttIin St Barrie PHONE 4364952 Rooriilc TThSTF INCOME TAX valuing prepared nr iiroll business term and home Mitchells Bonk koopilig 5mm 726 2973 rAx RETURNS prepared Oddiiirod permuted liea estimates low rates Coil Sirvipsclri 728 2336 726 7801 TAX RETURNS prepared personal sinoll b0ln7h liiiiir Rnosiiiroble o11728 4634 or 458 9172urrylriiia INCOME IAx returns do Itoltl your homo Personal small business prompt reason ulna tti 111 to in 436 4828 TAX RETURNS Telephone for appointment or iust drop in BENEFICIAL FINANCE by people who cart 75 Baytield St 7285931 and Rooting New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 1416 673 7533collacl wANo RooriNc NM and old Reports Free esiimotes 3722 alter LAUHILH SHEET METAL Flat tooling Tar Gravel New and Repairs Eavestrtiughing Commercial ReSIdontial For estimates call 7263492 residential and roles LANDSCAPING 6312074 raN mm esrgnssup plied Tron imitde Custom tardyer rr SALES Br SERVICE Iilrror InsertIda Helbrrlde 437 340i WA 728 9369 SEW EASY CO Service calls lrom SS eoiriNo PROPTRIY Spring mflxL magna SikLJQdglï¬ lqoirupg plullith lawn and Old main 62 Igrrnnra luridyrrtprrrg sot itrng lrea mumm 724 4516 SNOWPLOWING uc gliAwN CARE PAULS SNOWPLOWINO continental reasonable tree esir motes call Paul 737 3064 WRIGHIS SNOWPIOWING Small rotirnier 101 and resideniiul Roosortoblu rain Doperidabla 726 7757 DE SNOWPLOWING Residerilral Reasonable TERIILIZING WEEDspInyrrig ririwrig hedqu orrrl irriuh lrirttilirl AIri iwgh rtiowillg TVIVIIEITU 72 027 M$°RY MASONRY blodl and brick Irreplnres Commercial roles Phone Nu lob tori srrroll Reosririahla rules 726 7365 Bartr Mittsltlg Ariterr Mills 3357 SNOW PLOWINC residenlral commeiiral MASONRY BRICK otd blmh wol also general mriiruitrnq Cruwlnid mist Frispiriins rhirrrirnys eti Rnrhey Ltd 7266167 728 5380 STAN kNicrIi MASONRy Brirh blotli STUCCO and 17 trey 07h 1110KQ5 11 AiVVEVV gt777 77 gt77 gt hmwflflwfqm mg RUSSELL rsxruiir SPRAY Extriot sluco interior textured walls and ceilings Fiae estimates Dole Russell Midliurst telephone 77 mï¬ 728 4392 THE TAILOR SHOP Rtld Grant St Chamber at Commeiie Building Custom inrlnrriig and alterations rm REMOVAL TREES REMOVED and leaned up Experienr 0d men Raosonablo rates luliy insured Free estimates 322 3134 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Farms Industry Specialuiiig rii Cnitcrala Tile Steal reiiilorred concrete tiln Services Amana Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Soles Amana Sanyo 100 year warranty on Amana Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 7days MUSICJMERTIINMENT WARREN BROWN Music lat people who like In dairy Good rules 728 9545 PIANISI AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES 011726 5213 allot It Music INSTRUCTIONS lengths lai sale GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Diameter 21 48 Mriirnl Potviri Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guilrlr piano organ beginner and whatnot months trial Ilisliumaiil ï¬n vvr loniinil lot linme prmtice Canadian Acn 101in 01 Musii 121 Bayliold 728 1799 vw 77 DRUM LESSONS Starter oqutpmenl provided waer 60911111875 and advanced at 72 Dunlop Lloyd Gabriel My Thurs Sal 7264723 Well Drilling PAINTING Forms Homes LL In Cottages tailor exterior Work guaranteed Esln lisli adCJOyomrs 726 260 726W WAYNE FOLEY Ptrilessioiial painters tenor and Interior Fine estimates FREE ESTIMATES Ex WM 10 years experience guaranteed 726 7389 HILLSDAIE DECORATING Interior ex tenor wallpnpming custom textured walls and railings Telephone 705 835 5387 iornl PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced Iran intimates Jiitli Richardson 726 2012 1756 8874 521 40 articles tar sale 40 articles for sale 1171 II II 11214 Iiit LIIIII iJiliIitiII YAMAHA IIHJMIIUNI Iiiyirly IllWr irlrrxi rtri at trri ir lllW iritiitilirtll nllltltillllllllklilll1rl1i 76 ll ru liIiIrtiiiiiv 7714 IrI iiltil It III itltl Iiir 14 wliiiI Si 1111 VNIMAAIWIPUM wIndpluï¬hum wliili lirilliintilii tixliiri Aiiiiri lttllll If Hlmhml mwmr Ul Wm Iiiiwl illlll till illililliliIIii WiItlllnLl IriIIIirl irtiiiliiti vyilll pump motor NM Hmwnfhm 11 WlllWW Rod tlinir Ctiroitii lltllllt illllt illtltltWIHI 1111 WW 519 Wmllh fillillriiirl vacuum rliitnir IIIsill iit Jlili1illlltlllllill til Slllll tII tllll WOW any lhonlr All IXlll1 417 Illliltlilitllllll iII 1011 0111111011 Cnhinit riirlio and round WW1 11 player tieiiutitul toni Olit styli lJUlllfl 101 WWW tour and lower Slltil ZENITH 7054364431 Iiiltil llllirlill IV Now l1 $6111 Wilkly iir Sir17 ilrll Iiiiw liiki lllllvtll triiiililit 34LTILNSUUE fl 0x1 ling Im illltirliltltilIllllll Ill IIiIiiwrlliliiiitiiwn fly tilIIIIIII Wliiti ilir KIiIy killy vmnlnfl WW liiirrii rtiitiliiiiii Pliirt 17 11117 810V ANT 1611le iuitisiili trtr itil timi lltIllIllT Alaniirliyii iiliiiiiiiltnit ll 7O ittliiiii liIiptiiiiii 726 2l7lliltiii lilii iii Irrluipititiilili IV NIWIniIliITlUIl nyfl it lRIL 0111 MM only $441 iii lust Sit I10 Witkl Put iiiiiIIIy lllW11 and who Illt IlllVlTV triitirltil rliirt yiiiIi lilYITIlllli Iiiy IlTTt IiiIriri liltll Kriily lIlly Ililrrii lIilIiI I7 llltl ELECT ROHOME moiiil Liixiknii HUT tiriiiii erltr WW iirriiitli S21 iIitxitilIiIllOllitilioii11 Ilirini 717 10119 Usiit rill tiiritiiu tor 5611 91001 11111 and 143000 BTU cilpiirily ltmd UIIIII lion Call 7711 9728 17 11 IV annnly uni ORGAN HAMMOND M107 wiiliiiil wiikly iiii Iiiiiiliy iliiwn 1iytnlyi tilllttlllmtilry IlltttIil Iiiiylinrtrtl Jiiiii lllillll Innirim lilypry tumylm rltnwronm 101111111011 Iiniititiil Itiiii liiily killy 11irri mmmmm plum IlllViIIl siili115110ir riiiisntirilili 111107 II 1111 3721311 11 BASI 111011110 smiill kilitiiii plirIIItIs sorkIt iI lonl lmx 01111 7H HI Hy IV tiIII Illlt lnlfltilfllltlllt itiins ltlltlllll lllLIIIIIIIIII iiIIrl llllTJ IHI MM 1449 III or my ll1 ti till wriklvyv 11in Wk rnilur il 20 Sinair xt0F1iITI Miill Iliirriil WASHE SPIN DRYER IIRI new $125 also Elirtroliix viiciium cleaner Willi all attachments in good condition $75 Telephone 7211 361 llilllllY llllVltl illlll liii llilVlllttll Ill liiiii mmmy llltllli triilitllii lllilViltl ltiiiiqlil kriily holly lliIiIi tllripiiinu lliilii 71711112 UNI lil ril 1N illlll 1111011 011011 illllliltllllllrVrlilliiiiIIIIIIHIIK11S1ISII tiiil 1111 ii iiill ll lilililiriiti 737 01121 10 £fllclos for sale 97179Exile 71help wanted 40 articles for sale UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALES LTD 202 DUNIOP JUST wrsr or kill ARENA PHONE 62900 APPLES Apply Koala and Son Con cesston Oro 72 1907 cm Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES FOR SALE No scream EVEN IF YOURE OVER 40 YOU 75 lb begs Charles Ellsmere Phone CAN START NEW SUSINESSI 4954 FOTMOESI GOOD WNW Kenmbm Let AVON help you bUIId and run it YouI control your own alsosomitsmatlseed WIIIdcIlvor No Telephone 728 9178 or 728 767 hours Your Own income To ï¬nd out about this challenging ear allpersonals PLANT SIUNG SERVICE ning opportunity call 7285809 am to pm or write to PO Going on trip or vacation Leave with an easy mind 30 485r8°1° BENCH SAW drillprcss and wood lathe tor sale All In good condition Telephone 458 9100 STAMPS COLLECTIONV plus 1000s loose mint and used Sacrltlce Telephone 711711181 ask tor Tod QUEEN SIZE bed with allergy tree rnrit tress $50 speed girls bicycle 24 Inch like new $40 Telephone 4872412 f93159°5 MacDONALDS MARINE LTD OPEN 60 RS WEEK 73 Yonge Street knowing your plants are being MTA19 Barrie competently cared for For In PA TIME formation coll Barbara 726 FURNITURE Fantastic savings er mo BARTENDER on WM AA A21 Required IOr prestige loungein 1976 boats and motors TELECARE WM gm mm mower active hotel Rotating evening TO FIT alone Let triean help Call Talccare and day shifts Apply in person 726 7977 anytime POCKET 0P9 days Weele ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS I28 6581 it A18 you drink thats your business It you wonttoquitthiitsours Cailanytimi 10w 27 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat UNWANTED HAIR rcmOVId sariiy °° Drwe double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard permanently medically approved Ly Ontario motor Al condition Asking 2500 din Hririrhuk Certrlrrnl EIrclrnlogist M28 29 30 Telephone435 4245 alter 30 pm 737 2671 RIDING INSTRUCIION Indoor arcnit 42 arlcles wanted lIlvorsrrHhrmrrlIl Bayryrécbltiyb minutes CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes in Rug Mm old pictures clocks odds and ends Prc You Want 10 work ap WHY SUFFER agony with Corn and I9501tcms 728 8234 Callousez Rriirel now is yours trorn proximately hrs daily days ALL CASH for old lurnlture ictures England Carnation Corn Cap have chairs etc etc 487 5389 been sold tor over century with utter week 5°1Ud0ys or live 705141181Mkdicitltdpadtllatrrï¬tlly Holidays does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Cirpr now aviiilahlr at Cusdens Drug Marts and all drugqists 44759995 31 9915 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooirig and clippinq at all breeds Sophia hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs 01 age Shoppers $188 INTERNATIONAL invosirqairorr Ser ossamedicol SmmEaflnbuu vices civil criminal JIVOFC Th tY II AMmu Pu POODLE TRIMMING protessronal wewan 051 anywmym en wewan 0U grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio GERMAN SHEPHERD tomato years old and male pup months old tor sale Phone 322 2351 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles stonal clipping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgehill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 737 297 ARE YOU tired at your old Iook Learn new make up torhniuues in your own home For more intormdtion phone Merle Nor man 726 4982 FREE INSPECTION at mutllers ex naust and sharks The Multinr Shop 180 Innistil St Barric 726 7282 MONFCA psychic and card rrarlinq counselling Day and evenings Mon with 10 da ys or evenings Carl earn through Friday Phone 718 8868 $600 more an hour Phone TAX RETURNS prepared personal or 416 895 6532 Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 RECORD PLAYER TF BARRIE AND SURROUNDINEEKa Company has three part time and lull time openings tor ambitious persons PC KITCHEN small business also accountin 7ra roll PUREBRED POODLE PUPS CKC tor small businesses or corilrdclrirs FULLY LCECE7Sernmced Slyls reqislered needles dewormed grey 776 1388 1Or modem 011 Ears salary plus commission to Qualiï¬ed person 726 4451 NEED RIDE trom Barrie to OaVVille to ext 221 or 227 Ford Plant days weekly Arrrvr tor pART TIME cook requrpt for abo ut38 Plrzactrltphone737 3395 how shins per week Enher am males 11 weeks old $75 each Phone anytimeJ24 5997 COCKER SPANIEL pups tor sale Males only ready to 90 special clearance HIGHBACK CHAIRS ONLY pm orlpmto9pm Agoodgeneral iigsï¬rsngoKTgxglsrggnaggz anomer mu knowledge of commermal cooking and ILan orderly worlr habits are re uired AMERICAN COCKER Spaniels SCH EDU LES App In person Bwokdayg Park timale blonde 12 weeks old CKC would you like to know how much 01 Inn 70111510706 Champion 010061109 your payment is interest What the Tilnphone4361052 balance at your mortgage Apply at 7253195 help8991115 Sigmatics Corporation Ltd 30 Owen Street Barrie or telephoni 737 2011 after Basic 05152 ANYONE INVOLVED In arts and traits who would like to torm club in hopes oi selling their products please contart Stir at 726 7675 This an opportunity to meet people and earn extra money 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING Instructimi Well Schooled lIOFSt Indoor arrha minutes trom Barrio 7260192 70Iost and found LOST Llllli girls 18 karate gold DVrtCIlll in thr Stroutt Community Con Iri on Saturday Marrh 19 0t suntrmrn Till value Reward Telephone436 4927 259 VALUE COLONIAL 39 BEDS sogardren supplies FER TILIZER manure grass seed Get ready tor spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 51trees andrshrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and bLaUIIlUI Plant white Spruce it hrth Freedclivery 728 9404 AGENTS Parttime agents required this summer to promote new garden and swimming privacy concept Apply Simplex Partition Systems Limited PO Box 11440 Station Ottawa On tario K2H 7V1 56campingrequiprment I965 RAMBLER trailer lstoot sleeps iropitnv stow propane light 110 and 12 volt quht Sink electric heat Good con Milton $1500 Telephone456 2703 NOMAD IOlellfly equrppnd sleeps tour Diet hathlr31tVIsion aerial rear iiidroorri well kept $2850 Telephone MB 9060 57Iivestock for sale A2 EXPlNDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without superyrsion Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Bramptonom L6T2J6 74 opportunity for men 3149 199 VAL ZIPWP amt Salesperson HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equrp Si women inint repairs saddles and tack Hendir $250 urrns Saddlery 722C Yongc St Pains raw per wee 99 FREE moi 717 7982 son accustomed to executive in ri LLINGOUT Arab stallion quarter come who preferably has LESSON irnrn rrlallion brood mares and toals Dolrrirt omr Farm Days 4245359 background In direct sales Ex HIGH WIMPr 776 096 perience in TVturniture rrALF MORGAN mare chestnut business preferred Grades 913 Finish at home in yinirs old 14 hands good breeding tiirnrtly disposition Morgan tilly Apply Farmer Jacks Box 2163 Your spare time backs sup lllr1711110 months goon ronlormation l6 7362 or 728 7844 58Iivestock wanted riowsrs BOARDED minims piled Low monthly payments Write tor Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station RR Orillio Ontario or call Mr Franklin 4873605 $139 M29 erlTt sistancii WOldtrS Semi rosumii Rii ruit mint 195 Bettiriitqv Roan Rixrtale On tariOM9W 1N4 72 soles help agents Ilnrr qttTVItl trr inorou hbreds and MANAGER qmw 900 Myyyloml 575 mmwymdl mzmg 74 hour sliov retail or retail manngrment preter Toronto Ontario MSN 22 40an 705 7895 red Apply Belinda and Brother TF BRAND NEW Georgian Mailbarrri 7761955 SqpounrYChmks TITLE SEARCHER LXDEIHIICQU tor BEDROOM 1101 irriri UlilTS availiihln April and Jllnt 18 Alan iiirm lrosh egos Craig Hunter MAINTENANCE MECHANIC WTIT dead mekyc OSSUOd lII11ry Farms Strrur14361811 several ylarr ODIVIPTTCI in ripilir and word OdS marnltnancii or Rixdale Shert Metal 60teedseedgrain Plant thh hIavy machiniry and re 3p previous do noon Saturday iI HISTE WED Stall Oats Irantic uniit tor scio For prirps 17 076k attera Bruce Clark 0011 BALES OF HAY FOR SALE itltIrlOTH 487 5204 QUANTITY OF hay straw and oats Islfll horse hny Tilriphono 487 2040 or 917 Ilil2 Ask tor Ernie MOD HAY and wtiirat straw tor sale I0i iI 10100110710 728 5470 and phone 72 sales help agents $299 399 VALUE TIIiIE TELEPIHIOINIE STORE ILII IMIIIITED irror SEED OATS orown Irom selling IS WIIBL YOU 10 best 1iili117 Stid good straw and Vllld WW glve I5 all 1001 QUALITY hay Ior sale large IIIVTOIIY mom rm 913 1111 TiIiIiliiriii Sriiii iirtiriii 1L1 Iiiir 11111L111li Whl are looking tor IiIillorw 435 7837 noon or ivinrngn SANYO irl41wwlll lillltl rrr iIlrriii iilil rIrrrri Iii isuk tor above average lilllllllilk 2° b3pasure wanted You ll Iri silliriii iiliipliiini llsllillil sssIrrrs ditliiririri rmiipmont com YLI WASTURFI Wan shun and 1111l111iilllllll rliltl rril trir 1111Ittl Irrritliils illl 1r in good ripiitr Reply Box T53 Itii willh lirIIiiiiiriiu rirrt tlILlllN You It In limited bx prulessronall ller ri xIIiImir 11111Lih i1IIt mitt iiiirlyii rJrii iri ltJllllS rn Iii irilil 400 ANTFD sanity land to 1iISl tor lirr ihl trut vllit rI mi Ir rarxli us LIlr IiiIan tir sm rt yiru ill1ltCIITIJHIBsITIOxIO 10 war per rrtii IIiit In Gently rolling prolcrrid l1lflllT1UlT1rIrli120i1CFlW1Tl1111 23 miles iitilllt nl Alltslon CriQnIDTt Holdings rmilIit Alliston Onlitrin 415 6258 tiilnri 64 tarm machinery iliirilrli st il bus ness trye 111 11 you liril yiiii illl iliinlttv send your ttSlIllll LU 49220 Inluolo rim HUrqt while John Dttrt ylrnrtir wrth lronl end loader hydraulic pump $600 or best 01111 TPIQDIIOnl 36 MONTH ACTORY WARRANTY use NO ONEY DOWN mm tic DOLLAR VALUE BED CHESTERFI lD $249 329 VALUE and Win Prizes LEFRDY WASAGA BEACH OWENNORTH AREA GROVEDAVIES AREA TORONTOHIGH AREA HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA ST VINCENTGROVE AREA DUNLDP WPERRY AREA LEEBUSHEYTARBUSH AREA ANGUS Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 FAMOUS BRAND NATIONAL ADVERT MATTRESSES ETHE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS PCE LIVING ROOM SU TES BRAND NEW DELIVERED $269 2199 VALUE TF FREE DELIVERY NO MONEY DOWN IN STOREFINANCING WE ACCEPT CNARGEX MASTERCHARGE is ao egp A91 um