Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1977, p. 15

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Young Easy Cool BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as loan as possible we accept no the oxemlner Moriay Much as 1m 15 Two Eskimos CRMEN SPEIAL NOTICES HR res liability in respect of loss or Doom NoticesEngagememsmnhsI Printed Pattern damage alledged to arise mrough either more or delay maximum 40 wordsaddltlona words can per word di Card of Thanks 25 words $500 In OM WT 95 Additional words cents per word however otherwise In Memoriam no verse $500 78 tenders Verse per count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events $3 per co mn inch COUNTY OF SIMCOE 85 deaths CROWEFred at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday March 28 1977 Fred Crowe in his olst year dear Thursdays Child hastarto go father 0f BEVefleY Mrs William Fridays Child is loving and giving Jackson of London and Wayne Crowe of Saturdays Child works hard for its Toronto Survwed also by grand living children Dear son at Mrs Jones And child that is born on me gab and brother at Fraleigh and Delores bath Day Mrs Wray all at Barrie and Isiairandwiseand good andgay Marie Mrs Allan Jago of Midland Children hearing this verse by Counter goeagglgy gfrjefcgggrififgfilgr Cl liirtlis Mondays Child is lair of lace Tuesdays Child is full at grace Wednesdays Child istull olwoe who kicked the habit NOME Alaska AP Lin coln and Emily Milligrock are in their mid40$ own twobed room home and latemodel pickup truck have reasonably good health and take twowee annual vacation Statistically they come close to being average Americans after twoweek bout where couldnt remember anything and found that everything in the house was gonethe new washing machine all the kit chen appliances the ivory carving tools we needed to earn living everything we had Mrs Milligrock relates Cullen always wantto know which day ol Tuesday Complete service In me chapel Except that they are Eskimos HI Started drinking to keep BARRIE dude meawelellk merlblllrlrljlarenagfiri 25 Wednesday March 30 at pm who beat the bottle after 20 Lincoln company That day we RI 33w hifJsmu°rePA Barge Emminer Interment Barr Union goggjetery years of alcoholism stopped together and NOW we SUBURBAN ROADS COM air Announcemen ndude me UMnadsgrmgussgrigse mueéégfngian LEI1 They kicked the habit in stay sober to help each other It MISSION momnfhoérygygacpggbgpfhdegeommgega number 96 In Itieu of flowers memorial town where more than 40 per has been the hardest thing we donations may made to the Canadian TENoiRSDFSERRIIOQERIALs mggagznflannggrwné sermzm ancesocietry llth of then relatlves friends have ever had to do and the and neighbors have serious SEPARATE SEALED TENDERS record in Babys Book or Family drinking problems Where there thing we are proudest 0f Alb plainly marked as to contents Thenrsate tor Barrie Examiner Birth is no drug or aICOhOIism treat SPIgTAK ESKIMO Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words unera ome Opp ment centre and where drink uent Enghsh V9 Additionalwords9cents per word 127 BAYHELD ST grmks Speak the Yuplk Es dersigned until 1000 am on PHONE 723 24m 728 2530 mgfrmts tlte baiwdorthhe an kimo language at home and I20th 1977 soc1a ac lVl on ur for feltenTSIlgzvingpiihaterials and as deaths Friendlyr Courleous semice ches and the television set gggggfeggggg Sggozeal meat to services GRAYDON Russell Lawrence MWFTF Along the waytheylostoneof MATERIALS Prices quoted for materials are to include delivery to any point in the County and where applicable Federal and Provin cial Sales Taxes must be in dicated as included or extra Bituminous patching materials anionic and cationic emulsions fencing and steel posts wooden posts calcium chloride in bags and bulk ap plied signs and sign blanks snow fence corrugated steel culverts according to specific list available upon request standard steel beam guardrail Supply Crush and Spread 58 Crushed Maintenance Gravel Lawrence Avenue East Scarborough Russsuddenty at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday March 24th W77 Russell beloved husband of Ruth Lorraine Ayre Dear lather of Judi Mrs Robert Henwood Jill Mrs Joseph de Bruiin Janet Michael and Patti Mrs Allan Norris Dear grand father of Shawn Leitha Jaymie Chris tain Genieve and Dylin Resting at the Paul OConnor Funeral Home I939 86 card of thanks GRAHAM er and Mrs Wm Graham and lamin Wish to thank lriendsandneighborsioralitheir actsoi kindness during our recent bereave ment Your sympathy was deeply ap preciated Eva and Bill Graham 88 coming events Slmcoe County VON Branch ANNUAL MEETING March 3i 1977 at 800 oclock pm in Board room Royal Victoria Hospital Funeral mass on Monday afternoon at pm in St Boniface Church Markham Rd near Kingston Road Cremation McEACHERN Margaret Kathleenmat the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Ont on Thursday March 74 1977 Margaret Robson beloved wife of Robert McEachern No Angus Ont and the late Aubrey Wood Loving mother of William Catherine Mrs Kent Terry and Roger Wood Daughter of Ethel and the late Edwin Robson Iov ing sister of Norman Ralph Bruce Louise Earl Ronald Roy and the late Victoria Street Aurora Ont Service in the Chapel Monday March YB at l30 Public Welcome Interment lng City Cemetery en SIZES 3450 Prlrlted Pattern 4797 Wom Sues are 34 38thh hlp 40 44 bust 46 lllp 42 46 bust 48 hip 44 48 bust ii Smiling enemies SMILING REBEL SOLDIER right walks with Government soldier to whom he sur on th th be SERVICES Gewge and Les R°b$° ls° SUVV 76 bus Wm 40 mm rcndcrcd Saturday following an abortive coup that attempted to overthrow Thailands five en mi m0 er ep ecause ey ave en on Contract No 770i igllbztstlle Tgsgbgghgbsnefgleggrsngjgs 305 bus 42 mp 38 gybugldg monthold niiliturybuckcd Government The leaders of the coup were flown out of the coun them alive by spoonfeeding the wagon for seven years they try the ilivrrllmlllt announced AP Photo their six children to crib death Another son was found dead at the age of 22 floating in Fair banks Chena River for reasons which still have not been deter mined MENTALLY RETARDED daughter is mentally re tarded and lives with foster parents in Anchorage and the Milligrocks spend their vacation visiting her During those two fuzzy dec ades when they lived from one bottle to the next they hocked several households worth of furniture piece at time to pay for liquor them soup as they lay abed too hung over and sick to fend for They married in their teens like most of their contempo raries and find themselves in the generation caught between the old village ways of their an cestors and the new ways of the white men who founded this ramshackle town during the turnofthecentury gold rush Their children cannot speak Eskimo and do not know how to carve or sail the walrushide skinboats which dominate Lin colnslife Most of their friends still founder in the crosscurrents of the changing culture which al most drowned the Milligrocks are viewed with contempt by many companions of their CaerLiifrizi cheque of is gSliréoelfrmogosgtisswégyomggg lépgbttitlfifz ballsé50hlrgid SIT Spent days Xh°$ilillilésil$ 20mm No 7703 lzgeloégngussglllénlflgyzu Eggpagdhoértge bust 56 mm And then woke up one day strangled by them Sinatras 353 SrJothionnevHo £355oration 622 Henderson of Vancouver and the fiifiémhelliliiti°°° éli2it22tiitito tram $200 Jackpot 32 till tiillulié 33 OT Cl lest COW NO 770 rOTrterltueTgiTHlyMCJrncitedq €353 Cng MTF Swen ml Supply and Apply Bituminous Primer and Sand Cover Cer tified cheque of is required County Tender Forms and En velopes must be used for item Services Further information and ten der forms may be secured from the office of the undersigned The lowest or any tender not CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and names for than pages must be reconed by day pdlng publlronon with the ingwood In lieu or flowers donations to your favorite charity would be ap preciated ANNETTSv Arthur George at Kempenielt Manor Barrie on Saturday March 26 I977 Arthur George Annetts in his 88th year beloved husband of the late Edith Hayter dear father oi Eaton of Oro Station grandfather of Carol Mrs Don Clemmens at South Hemp ton brother of Percy in England Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Complete ser vice in the chapel on Tuesday March Prlrlt Idliily her your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept ANSWIR to Inflation dvc dramatic rlolldrs Send for NthSPRING SIIMMIR iAlIIRN Size Style Num lhc Barrie Examiner 60 Progress borough Ontario Miilli Avenue Scar sew nu LAiiR West Germany ICP We need rangcof weapons to counter the threat wc facc and the threat we face is predominantly threat from heavy tanks MaiGen Ramsey Withers commander of Canadas forces in Europc and himself once tanker holds in his hands one of highly professional and proficient body Gen Withch said in an interview Gen Alcxandcr Haig Su prcmc Allied Commander in Europe and former chief of staff in the White House of President Nixon agrees with both points made by Gen With crs Gen iiaig said he was pleased with decisions by the Canadian government in up grading Canadian forces The first evidence of dra matic improvement he said was here in Lahr with the Ca nadian forces Gen Withers whose com CANVAS SUNSHADES gt is elilc counters to that mand is in the recess of swit 29m Imermem Gum option of Classllled Display ud an inspcc loll our rc necessanly accepted Cemeyery vertlumenrs which must be ln by Elm Louljopon ml 18 throat lht faslrmovlng 4lh Gen he for ching from the Old descrt Engineers Office WiLKINSON Ida passed away at the M0 duvizgggogzigémms 36W Agelijddslfés l755¢ nadian Mechanized Brigade cos in Europe have found their desigiialtd CenturiOn tanks to to Home Barrie on Saturday event re County Admlnlstratlon Bulldlng March 26 W7 Ida Hooper wue me MAmG DEATH Mom 11mm Sewino Book 3100 iloup traditional cushion of warning lh newer erman produced Personallze your palm wrlh colorful canvas so MIDHURST Ontario LOL IXU late Thomas Wilkinson and dear 4owoyd 3500 mother of Evelyn Mrs Andrew Hlltonl Addflwnal wow pa Wmd oi Alliston and Ross of Richmond Hill Sew Knit Book Instant Money Crafts 5100 Sl25 With only 2800 men the group is inc ll the smallest in time diminishing as Warsaw Pact countries improve their Leopards said The tank still is the primary fashionable beautiful practical Call or come by for new design ideas and free estimates LECOII L°V9° 98m° gandtt CARD MAN 75 Mm 00 Instant Fashion Book St 00 armws but ton Ha CtiprlbllllleS weapon on any European bat Sc En dren and live great grandchildren 04d°°w°d° POWOd Karl Schlltll when he retired rcnmrkabhg Restlng at John Thomas Funeral MEMORIAM NOTICES in ssoo mmmmdpr of Allied mum Th tlcflcl it IS mo llc protec County ofSlmcoe Home Allislon for scrvrce in the chapel With mm per aunt line 21 rents pet Md mmt AT must Itd gun platform Engineer Monday March mm at 30 to spring rm In hurripc HmOUntt it il increase the readlness if 34 St M28 mtermcntAnqus Unlon Cemetery COMING Um nadmn Drawhonest thespot units which hum But he stresses the tan IS mefikw $3 much ml The brigade group is very sort the first muws not thconly weapon 78 tenders 78 tenders 24 wono MINIMUM r¥irwrrw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cclh Dis 0F Bq count Rates apply if paid within days one or two lineman word in than Th000n5fivl4e msomonsBorld one half ens per word insertion total i2 Sui consecutive insertom per 1E word par lnertlon total 3H 57 Multiple 0a insertions may be ordered sublerl to can TOBAVPO anchor when taililolluly resulls ob tamed Molhod of counting fewer than 21 words counl as 74 words Each inlllol ob brevlollon set of numbers Olt count as separclle wards PUBLIC WORKS TENDERS will be received in the envelope supplied until pm Wed nesday April 1977 at the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 9510515 ANNORRKHONS Collier St Barrie Ont for the following Construction Materials phone memoir orders our custom CONTRACT No 77 Granular Yhmijgvrmgff LWJ fifxfw CONTRACT No 773 Granular Wm OLfj CONTRACT No 774 Crushed Stone dly rheciw mm ammuwnum CONTRACT No 775 Concrete °°°Y he comm No Topsoil $222 nonrzgzsztu CONTRACT No 777 Screened Winter Sand recllllau for tho lollowmg do plmural CONTRACT No 778 Equipment Rental The Barrio hummer tespSItlle for only LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED STRAUGHAN If you drive small car you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Datsun Small cars are our business and well do the iob correctly the first time one mmllmllv prlrllerf nmlllgn at any ad yirllicmnfil arid illml mil to llln enlarll ol portion of ad that lvlugluus lilo muplml Clerk Errors whlrll do not gnarl the valor of tho advertisement are not ellglble for onm tlons by make goods The Bollr Falnlnol 84 Collier St yggorves tho gm In trawl with or BARRIE Ontario reluctany wnrilods UM 4T5 Just callus anytime 24 hrs day and say you re looking for friend 549 Bayfield sr 7370254 M2830Al PHONE no 74 HR Black has seventeen reasons why you should let them prepare your income tax return Reason Number Seven The long road back llclrli llIvallis Pcnnikct with hcr husband John is back iii Miami Fla three and half years iiftcr slil was beaten to physical plllp and into mental fog ill Miami bus station lhc British girl llllltllllNlS nothing about tllilt trip to Miami AP Photo ATTENTION All rono OWNERS Douglas Lincoln Mercury invites all Ford customers requiring service to phone for an appointment We have hired additional staff to ensure prompt attention to your service needs Call BOB RENNICK NOW or fiatGm Iorrl the movement to cam frrer Ilvulg wrth thls filiii pant riversl Count on It for golf Illnlllllilg walking working what you Will Iauy lcw irlrltcd Pattern 4723 Hall Sill 102 12 142 16 1811207227 24 SIIC l4 bust 37 takes yds 60 5125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 250 each pattern for IllSl class mail dllll handling our residents add 94 sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept LEFROY BIG BAY PT AREA WASAGA BEACH STAYNER HURONIALITTLE AREA OUNLOP WPERRY AREA PARKSIDE ST THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS HIS religion Block has offices open all year long Preparing Income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help whatever time of year that help is needed You can know that Black will be there HaR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 15 Dunlop St Open IJII pm weekdays 95 Sat Phone 7263822 OPEN TONITI NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Georgian Mall ancient one TORONTO Tl NJ0hn lcmplin says he is afraid to speak publicly about the carc moniul rites of his ancient Vik ing religion llc fears Christian church leaders will call him the an tichrisl personal enemy of Jesus Christ whom religious prophets have said will appear on earth just before llie world ends lem lin 30 is lhc founder of the ivcycurold ltunic Society7n modern North American version of roll ion called Iinism practiscr in Scundunilviu Germany and England lictwccn 150 BC and BOOll He said Thursday that he came to this city from his Mil waukee headquarters to meet mmsnusssn an anal local followers and to officiatc at secret ceremony He said on ed 00 MP Tiles LTllurs 800 nmto900 pm many of tho rilcs at the secret ccrcmnny are mmmversial All Malor Credit Card Familial Cheques Accepted to make public Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept l6 Bayfleld St Barrie or Phone 7266539 The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario MIP4P7 use our convenient 24 hour answering ser vice to make an appointment or for emergency road Service OUGLAS uncom MERCURY SALES lTD Your authoriqu FORD of Canada dealer for all parts Service accessories TF ANSWER to IlillalIOII sew and save dramnllc llollars Send lor NiW SPRING SUMMER PAiiiRN CATALOG Clip coupon for Iron pattern Separates lurrlpsurls lay evening dresses Send 75d Instant Sowing Book 310 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Monay Crafts $100 DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS ALSO IN CANADA TRUST IV APPOINTMENT OUNLOP ST 7285558 na Instant Fashion Book $100 Telphone f9£

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