12 the oxamlnor and M28 1971 05 Big splash created by Teresa Deal of lrvine alif also tnade snapped her picture Stephen Deals actioti photo is on displ tioiial Photograph Exhibition iii Washington Along forvthe ride Rex Stinsons cat discovers that even passenger on ataglance surefooted Rex 10 of Romulus lich may have the hang of it htit for the cat the first unicycle ride is likely to be the last splash for her brother who ay with other winners at the Na unicycle has to be The doctor says Permanent cure difficult here By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson had bladder examination and my doctor told me have trigonitis Will you explain it was given medicine and the symptoms disappeared shortly They reappeared in three weeks Now for six months have had gainful urination and soreness ut medicines or stretching of the urethra wont help Can you suggest anythingMrs MS The urinary bladder has three openingstwo to receive urine from the pair of tubes ureters that lead from the kidneys and third that allows urine to move downward to the urethra urinary outlet These points form an upsidedOWn triangle and so the area is called the trigon Trigonitis is infection in this triangle form of cystitis bladder in fection The area can be in flamed whiie the rest of the bladder is free of infection The medicines you took prob ably were antibiotics and sulfa drugs which are effective in combating the infection But because of the area involved permanent cure of trigonitis is difficult Treatment can be lengthy if the inflammation has caused obstruction at the open ing to the urethra there could be chronic pooling of urine This can set the scene for re curring infections Sagging oi the bladder cystocele likewise can cause puddling and further infection The dilation expanding oi the urethra tube is to dis courage the puddling it may have to be repeated Surgical correction of cys toccle may be considered if that is the cause You should discuss this with your physician Trigrr nitis is more common in women who have shorter urethras than males making them more susceptible to blad der infection by outside organ isms Dear Dr Thosteson am regular reader and ap preciate the way you write iii being words layman can un derstand Two questions am 65 and have had several congestive heart attacks am on nosalt diet Will have to stay on this diet the rest of my life Second is there any research done to arrest hardening of the arteries or to reverse the hardeningFC To the first question the answer is very probably yes the diet will have to be con tinued indefinitely To the second some research has been done with drugs to re verse atherosclerosis plaque formation in laboratory ani mals but there is no indication yet that it works With humans Other medicines are available to lessen production of blood cholesterol factor in hard ening but that is not reversing the situation only preventing it from getting worse Reducing cholesterolrich foods can ac complish the same thing Dear Dr Thosteson Ive heard that night blindness can be symptom of retinitis pig mentosa Is this trueJII It can be but usually the causes of night blindness in volve other factorslack of vitamin poor vision stress such as night fear and fa tigue child exhibiting night blindness should be checked nevertheless to rule out reti nitis pigmentosa Dear Thosteson Does chocolate added to milk make it harder for the body to absorb the calcium in the milk lam 62 and about five pounds under weight drink glass or two of skimmed milk daily but would drink more if could have it with chocolateJC have heard this tale but have never seen it verified You have done pretty well calcium wise for 62 so why not enjoy the chocolate milk it supplies few more calories as well If you drank whole milk you might be able to put on few of the pounds you lack Quick dirty does it NORTH 28 54 843 WEST EAST 54 it 10 SOUTH it l0 l0 NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass pening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Oswald Last week we dis cussed some problems of Blackwood bidders This week we ought to discuss when to invite or bid slam without using Blackwood on the way up Jim Todays North hand is good example North should jump right to six spades in response to his partners onespade opening it South is looking at three aces and the king of spades this jump to six wont keep South from bidding seven it is easy to construct North hand with two aces and cou ple of small hearts where six wont make it is just as easy to figure out North hand with one ace where the slam may be lay down Oswald The great advan tage of this type of bid is that it tells the defenders nothing about your hand Thus West has natural diamond lead against the slam He makes it and South rattles off thirteen tricks while heart lead Would have beaten the hand ASK 5367 £90022 bf Rhode island reader wants to know the significance of Souths double in the sequence two spades by South forcing pass two notrump four hearts double South is saying that he thinks he can score more points by defending against four hearts doubled than by trying for game daily crossword ACROSS 52 Hairy man 53 Military Jail Brit school abbr Unusual 55 Cisalpine land Festival 57 Gulllike bird 12 Fiddling 58 Few Fr emperor 59 Parasites 13 Shooily 60 Eagles nest 14 Yesterday Fr 61 Compass Answer to Prewous Puzzle AStrQG raph Bernice Bede Osol For Tuesday March 29 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 it anything comes up early in the day where you can turn profit jump on it it may not be available it you procrastinate TAURUS April 20May 20 Work on projects that spur your enthusiasm today Your Inner sell ls trying to tell you thats where the action ls GEMINI May 21Juno 20 pleasant surprise is In store for you today favor you did willingly and forgot may be repaid on far larger scale CANCER June 21July 22 This Is day when it pays to mix with BARRIE PLAZA Barrie WINTHROP HEY sues WHATS TH COMPUTER READOUT ON FTOPAYE Your CLiFfNT CHAPéED BC MEN CN Complete Office Outfitters DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS means Whllfleld OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn ti bore room into com office Call 7370201 to consul TODAY THE 754G452 AéKED ME WHAT CAU5E6 UN EM PLOYMENT THE WIZARD OF ID KNOW HOW YOU TURN DOSE BEEN WALHW FRANK AND ERNEST the group Something lucky could happen if youre where the crowd ls LEO July 23Aug 22 For best results be very secretive it youre working on something big today Conilde in no one unless theyre directly involved VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Seek out new interests today to buoy your hopes and excite your Im agination good time to strike outon uncharted paths LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre shade or two luckier than your competitors today so think win The right attitude is necessary for victory pleter decanted and furnished ti Professional Office Planner 737 CALESES OF LNEAAPLOYMEN i6 TOO AAANY PwPLE BEiNG OUT OF WOZK your family today It will be worth it All will be appreciative PISCES Fob 20Morch 20 You make good impression today so go where you can be seen Those of the opposite sex are especially attracted to you Birthday March 29 1977 Before disposing of something that has already given you good return look more closely at it this year New profits are possible from old resources SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Early in the day youre at your best in bargaining situations It you have tough negotiating to do put it on the agenda SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If you volunteeryour services and skills to those who need them this could turn out to be very profitable day for you CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Accept any invitations to an event at which you could meet an important person You could win an influential new ally AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Even though you may have to put yourself out bit to please 020 THATBTHE FIQSF TlME AIVE EVER 6Eaxl LETé esou vivri SORTA LKE 1f as Mv YOU WiboLE Your was WHEN YCt iVAilt TENNIS SHOES VER COMPETENT LEVELHEADED BUSINESSMAN WITH GREAT MASTJUNE THAT COM TER THiNK WE CAN 5H 29 YO ewere TO TELL n+5 mum THE WHOLE 72ng AND NOTHING THE MATNe Ohm OF THE NlLD BUSH H09 DONT BI SitLY Foot Farmre ARE VERY COMMON BY THE WAy WHERE oiD you GET THOSE Nem 15 Canvass pomt 16 Little devil 62 Large deer THAVES 17 Common pl ancestor 18 Dress material DOWN 20 Oinck lunch place Gross 23 40 PI 22 Medicmal National ams stale plant Product SYmbO abbr HiTHERE FLCMD HOWZA 80H lJNIT HE RATHER BAH HE NEVER 6ET fswarma Sighi tam 24 Haggad 41 Plant seed gt low mus Vast period of 0V3 With kiss for luck and happiness Alfred loirier 77 and Mrs Alisini loirier x2 tie the 32 Phonogaph me ged one gmmiaien knot Friday in lioneer Manors first wedding ceremony for two of its residents The bride macmne Pans alum somerh we and groom will move from their separate rooms into the homes new married quarters Zamhe afkabom Cams 45 words They plan to take their honeymoon trip sometime in June llioto Fgrlhgrress Mlsrlly 27 Storyy derstanding 36 Ceylon moss Fall hack on fabricate wds 37 Pilots Mountain 29 Chew 46 Young salmon 41 Took oath pass in India 30 Shakes 47 Feehle 42 Sound Assnstant equment of 10 Regans father TV 11 Host 44 Garment 19 CIA fastener predecessor 21 Auto club pcarean Villain 31 Persian poet 3d Sooner than 38 Actress West 39 Comment 49 State 50 Wading bird 51 Mallard 54 These Fr 56 The Fr SHE lSNT DEAF SHE JUST CANT HEAR lT TOO OFTEN IVE GOT some NEWS FOR You MOTHER ANDYS LEFT ME nun Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 At least one of the girls here wont have sunburned back as these fotir join with thousands of college students to soak up the sun on Fort Lauderdale beach luring the Easter recesses AP Photo