8A The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 26 1977 By ROSEANNE McCABE Examiner Staff Reporter 15 Mr Jones there asks the voice on the telephone Geez Idont think hes back from lunch yet the secretary answers Exit secretary lm afraid Mr Jones isnt available at the moment her 001 PAT NEIL left is assistant product manager at General Tire and Batty Akers is an The Barrie Junior Hotkc Club is just one of main groups ranging from the Kinettes kids hristnias 3r 37 22 GSerZltIIZICCTZ successor says someone else help you Now thats class In the past theres been no importance attached to secretarial work says Pat Neil former secretary Not many secretaries took pride in their work The Sally Secretary image May rd executive at leilbiss St ll was nurtured in school she said Why dont you take four year commercial course her teachers coaxed her as her marks sunk lower and lower Low marks low profile low pay That was your secretary of 1966 the year Pat Neil started as junior stenographer in Toronto The offices maintained that image black phones gray desk gray filing cabinets But bosses are realizing secretary represents management says Pat She knows She was recently promoted from secretary for advertising to assistant product manger at General Iire Professionalism Pride Pat is member of the National Secretaries Association group which aims at promoting professionalism among secretaries and pride Management is changing Executives are just beginning to delegate authority She has long history of secretarial jobs for one reason went as far as could go with each job kept meeting dead ends she said From being steiiographer in 1966 she gained executive secretarial status and worked for firms in Toronto After three jobs and the Municipols community room is busy part to the hamber of oniinerce board meeting which use the Municipal Sin ings and Loan corporations GENERAL TIRE community room at tit lint lop St Ii Her night of the week The Littll squarefoot room is provided free of lt VHf frustration of dead ends she quit the profession became therapeutic parent for Browndale en joyed working with pie and best of all was al owed to think she said But she was back again in secretarial work the next year She joined company in Barrie fell into the same rut At that time they werent prepared to let women take on management Her persistence paid off when she joined General Tire She moved from secretary of ad vertising to assistant product manager Asked for more Two things changed for me began to ask for more work And they gave it to me Secretaries have to start speaking up for themselves Many times management doesnt know they want more work Frankly think its good sign when secretary gets aggravated when her boss ex pects her to get coffee all the time Betty Akcrs 28 is an executive secretary at IleVilbiss lint her route to her present position has been relatively easier She joined le1lbiss after taking com mercial courses and was clerktypist That was to years charge to an nonprofit or fraternal group Iiillllilltl lhotm JN ago She too is member of theNSA Whenever wanted to get ahead there seemed to be an opening Despite the gray personality which accompanied the gray of fices at that time Betty had one reason she chose to be secretary took the job because liked working with people secretary has to work with people not paper My job is largely liaison position work with all management she said Although their past ex periences differ Betty and Pat agree on one thing secretary can make or break management Letting bosses know The problem is letting people know it including their bosses The term secretary is vague said Pat Even the Oxford Dictionary describes secretary as per son hired to deal with paper or correspondcncc But people To be good you need ex perience the kind you need to intercept calls nicely but firr ml The inexperienced secretary may wind up dragging her boss out of the washroom for call that could have waited says lat An inexperienced secretary GENRAL TIRE rZZIZSIZZITrL1fJZIiivifZIZZi22gti ally secretary out Secretaries move into management Betty Akers says secretary works with people more than paper gets flustcred when she asks May lask whos calling and the reply isNo you may not You get that Xcasioiially says Betty While the secretary is the liaisontypist clcrk she is also expected to be walking information centre Wheres the best place to entertain What time does the next bus leave for Toronto Do you have nail clipper in your desk And sometimes used to think was post office laughs lat Bosses are always askingforstamps But management is changing lat said again his is evident in the numbtr of courses for secretaries Sally Secretary is graduating to executive assistant Bosses arent necessarily mister anymore ood rule of thumb is to call tem mister and let them go from there If they dont say call me Joe then you available Soon there will be th0usarids of students looking for summer work Student workers have proven themselves to be capable workers They can offer wide variety of talents and skills and many students have received opech training that can be applied in your business Your local Canada Manpower Centre can help you find the students you need fast Weve sorted out those skills and talents All it takes 18 phone call to tell us what kind of work you want to get accomplished thrs summer and well take it from there Well make Sure you get the capable workers you need its good business Iv blc continue with mister Betty Gray is out Color is in Along with sleek dictaphones which practically eliminate shor says thand and modern filing systems Says Betty People will always think things But its up to the secretary to set her own standards ire student this summer our new summer location 28A Dunlop St West 7264240 JWWWMflQWJYyJLVXZltTK1lt13x3eee CÂ¥mmwmzsgï¬zve rungijuurx Canada Centre de Manpower Maindoeuvre Centre du Canada Minister Bud Cullen ltlt 51ktzy Arrrnr THE GENERAL TIRE EI RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA LTD QUALITY TIRES SINCE 1915 Sooner or la ter you own Generals TX1C1ZJ ya gt ya CAT2