22 The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 21 $1777 0n the other Slde the Golden Vigom SoGreen Super Fence 1263 Lawn Food 30lb All Purpose 1477 333lb Contains ureaform Nitrogen plus organic base for Contains 25 milorganite for healthy deep 99 quickacting longlasting results Apply every green lawn nitrogen for thick green grass Glendale weeks from early spring until fall for maximum phosphate for strong roots potash for benefit 30le covers up to 4000 square feet hardy stems and blades Feeds about 5000 sq ft Grass Seed 5lbs 2lb Bag covers 400 sq ft $249 Youre yard ahead Develops quick lushgreen growth on large areas requiring an economical per manent weedfree grass Hillview PatchNGrow SIbs Specially formulated mixture of composted organic Lawn Patch 777 plus Canada No Lawn Seed Mix ture to resseed patches of lawn that are bare and thin Safe nonburning Organic PFOduct repairs 50 Sq Maytime 212qt Vermiculite Maytime 212qt Potting Soil Peat Pot Planter Green thumbers aid ideal for Sanitary balanced soil mixture Plastictray holds 12 109 Whlrlyblrd Spreader starting seeds African 66c gives your potted plants 49c square pots Vl0let cuttings good head start Ma time Peat Pots cjsst uunsiformag tontgfteswarthaof Ma time 21 PB LLt at Pot Flame th Ld 214 square pots of peat and seed or fertilizer wood fibresfor starting 89c Pistolgrip handle with SpeCIal blend of peat moss and Keeps plants from drying out seeds Pack of 11 trigger release Selec vermiculite for starting 77 Plastic tray holds 24 square 359 214 Round Pots pkg of f4 89¢ tor knob Holds 3lbs seeds and cuttings 2V4 peat pots Round Pots pkg 0f 89¢ Tire Card AM II ee aSt Ion Reinforced Rubber Vin IHose 27l on Prunln Shears Sturd CurvedTooth Rake Spm Lawn 499 599 Heavy duty green hose has 1449 Aluminum handles with grips Rakes up soil efficiently Spreader Boner brass couplings 100ft to Good Quality 27 Lapping Shears Long Handle Shovel Cycone features tough plastic ro Helps develop velvety lawn Uses Economical 15 Hose Reel Precisionground carbonsteel 879 handy tool forthe garden 99 tary agitator diecast gears 4olo water or sand ballast Heavy gauge Water flow type holds 125 1199 blades Serrated hook Quajtymade capacgy hopper wrth pushplill steel with bevel edges to prevent feet of 12 hose 5ie rims shuto in handle lugtread vinyl tearing sod 18 24 drum Mastercraft Spading Fork qg tires Enamel finish 14 20 drum as above $2095 28 Power Lever Lapping Shears 4tine mode hits paydirt women Round spasm shove Dual pivot action increases swirlstyle BrtShmade ghtwegm mm 199 blade and 36 handle cutting power 50 Adjustable 1299 TOD qualliy 22 Lawn Bake 649 anvil Nonstick blade finish Tempered springsteel tines 6lb Pick Head 59 nnnnmn 8h long Tree Pruner 799 Economical CurvedTooth Rake399 Breaks new ground easily Cuts branches easily Helps keep your lawn neat Handle forabove pick head $419 Fl Barrie to hone Mew We Get extra savmgs With Cash and Carry Bonus Coupons Store Hours 930 to pm Mon Tues Sat 930 to pm Wed Thurs Fri