The Barrie Examiner fThursday March 24 1977 Beach goes ahead By HELEi GILLIES Examiner Correspondent WASAGA BEACH The town of Wasaga Beach will own the Wasaga Stars Arena by the end of this week Ron Raynor town clerk told Council Tuesday night that the salewill be closed Thursday The sale can now be com pleted he said because the On tario Supreme Court March 10 dismissed an application by the former owners Wasaga Hockey Holdings Inc for an in junction to block the sale The arena purchase has been controversial topic in Wasaga Beach Council takes stab at cutting red tape WASAGA BEACH Town council Tuesday decided to take stab at cutting through the red tape of the Ontario Municipal Board OMB Clerk Ron Raynor was iii structed to inform the OMB that the town may seek board approval for debenture to pay for new public works building and new fire hall in the near future By giving the OMB advance notice of its intentions Raynor By IIll Il TOMPKI NS Trevor and Wayne Snow of Georgetown are visiting with their grandparents Mr and Mrs George Scott Mr and Mrs Wayne Jarvis of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank Fekette Mr and Mrs Art Rowe and grandchildren of Trenton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Oscar Rowe Mrs Rowe and children are remaining for the week Sorry to report that Mr Reeves Show is patient in 01 lingwood hospital We wish him speedy recovery Also sorry to report that Mrs Lizzie Darden is patient in Toronto hospital We wish her speedy recovery also Mr and Mrs Harold Scott and family of Brampton spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Bruce Thomas and all attended the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs harlie Scott in Stayner Mr and Mrs Andre VanSeverii and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson in Barrie Mrs Colena Gonneau is recuperating at her home after surgery in Toronto hospital We wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Mervyn Carter said council hopes that maybe the board will be prepared to give us ruling on the debcn titres about the same time as wer are ready to proceed We are trying to get the horse out on the track he said Raynor said council is con sidering debenture worth about $300000 but he said that figure is not definite sure wouldnt hang any liatson it headded and son of Lindsey spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Harry Presser Sympathy of the community to Mrs Dora Lamers in the loss of her mother Mrs VanBox meer Also sympathy goes to the family of the late Mr Nat Arnold former resident of this area who died Saturday in 01 lingwood hospital Mrs Reg Rowe Jimmie and Jayne of Iron Bridge are spen ding few days with Mr and Mrs scar Rowe Mr and Mrs Larry Hiltz at tended the reemorc Figure Skating Carnival in Honeywood on Saturday Night Mr and Mrs Ted Longley and children are home after three week visit to Haines City Fla Mrs Bess Mumberson returned home after four months visit in Hawaii Califor nia and Florida Mr and Mrs Robert Nixon and family and Mrs Mary Rawn all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Harvey Rawn Mrs Flo rence Micks and Mrs Viola Rawn all of reemorc and Mr Abijah Rawn all spent Sunday with Mrs Evelyn orbett Mr and Mrs Ivan Duff spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Brian Iqu in Angus Mr and Mrs Len Harrod Bell Ewart notes By GEORGINA MITCHELL The Bell Ewart Senior Citizens met March 15 with 24 members present Birthday celebrants at the meeting were Ina McKnight Ena Griffith and Jubert Preston Rose Newlove was thanked for arranging the clubs recent trip to the new Eatons Centre in Toronto Bill Ruffett recited the poem If God Should Go On Strike Ruffett also donated bird house for the door prize which was won by Eileen Johnston Gord and Debbie Mitchell and Ken and Neva Ferguson 4g BAYFIELD MALi as TRAILERAMA77 SHOW UNTIL Saturday March 26 ltvv uu PJF umini captured the trophies in this years Friendship Bonspiel sponsored by the Stroud and Lefroy firemen successful bake sale was held March by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal anar dian Legion branch 54 quilt draw held during the sale was won by Art lack of Lefroy Another bake sale will be held April Orville Mitchell and Ron Smith captured the mens high scores at the euchre held at the Bell Ewart Community Centre March 13 Smith also had the most lone hands of the men who attended PRESENTS Come and see store for you this year If you are interested in big or small luxury or economy trailers they are all here at BAYFIELD MALL PARTICIPATING DEALERS RUSS CHURCH MOBILE HOMES LTD LEISURECRAFT CAMPERS BAYFIELD MALL VISIT WITH US AT SIMCOE COUNTYS LARGEST INDOOR SHOPPING MALL WITH CLIMATE CONTROLLED COMFORT OVER 60 STORES TO SERVE YOU with buying arena The town had sought to buy the arena two years ago for about $500000 However the sale was blocked by the Wasaga Beach Ratepayers Associa tion which opposed the towns application to the Ontario Municipal Board OMB for ap proval of debenture for the entire purchase price Last year the OMB approved $200000 debenture to buy the arena The cost of the arena was then set at $415000 After the debenture was ap proved the former owners asks ed for court injunction to block the sale alleging that the receivers Roynat Ltd of Toronto had not accepted the highest bid The application was dismiss ed by the Ontario Supreme Court two weeks ago Raynor said this morning that the final amount of the towns debenture may be less than $200000 depending on the amount of money raised through provincial grants and public subscript ions New Lowell notes and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ralph Bellamy and family in Stayner Jennifer Bellamy returning home for visit with Harrods Mr and Mrs Ken Duff spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Allen ole in Barrie Tom Mansbridge is vacation ing with Mr and Mrs Jim Tem leton and family at Mc rac ens Landing Katharine Wallace of Mines ingis visiting with iiidyluff Mr and Mrs Murray Mac Donald and family of Kingston are visiting with Mr and Mrs Norris Hope Mr and Mrs Harry Hope of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norris Hope Mr and Mrs Demp Snow Mr and Mrs Bill Patton and Todd Mrs Frances Patton along with Mr and Mrs Jim Forbes and Vicki of reemorc spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bob Patton and family in Avening to celebrate all the March Birthdays FULNI pair of boys skates were found at the Sunnidale Wintcrama They are small size and owner may claim same at Longlcys store in New Lowell Concentration camp led him to Christ MlltllIRSl Bert Schul ii lutch architectural artist who was converted to hrist while an inmate of German conr ccntratioii camps during World War II will spcak at St lauls Anglican hurch March 37 it in Schul left his home at agr 22 to tom the Dutch rcsistaiicc in two He was wounded and cap turcd by the Germans and was subjected to bcatiiigs and medical exiwrimcnts He spent four and half years as an minute of Lot Ainersfoort and iuchcnwald concentration camps and through his expcricnces bccunicii convert to Christ what is in MALL HOURS OPEN toAl train new to Ian at illl PAIIIR Sherry Lloyd is big fan of Bess fiveweek old heavy draught pony owned by llll grandfather Amos Lloyd of Shanty Bay Sherry and Iicr Bess and friend three brothers dropped by their grandfathers place Iuesday to see how Bess was making out The colt was born on alcntincs Day Mr Lloyd plans to enter Bess in pony shows this spring Ex aminer IIioto Crown Hill news By Il lilNSMURIC Sympathy is extended to Mrs Vernon uldwell in the recent death of her biothtt Mc lean ol olliiigwood Also to Mrs Lornc Handy Sr and family in their bereaVeincnt in the dath on the late Mr Handy Mr and Mrs Handy were for mer residents oIrown llill Douglas Partridge is attenr ding at iuclpb lmvcrsity tak ing the Farm Machinery Me chanics otirsc Mr and Mrs Miles Ilickling and daughter Fern illltlltlttl he Simcot lurnscy ssociution dinner and lance iit Nobleton recently Mr Tom Kenny has returned to his home here from Royal Victoria Hospital Harrie Blake Iaitridgc is attending an accounting course at the lnivcrsily of Guelph llunsinorc journeyed to Ittawa to visit with their son and diitiglitcr lll law Mr and Mrs llugli Dunsmore and made the acquaintance of thcii new grandson David toss lunsinorc Mi and Mrs Norman luck were hosts at It birthday dinner for the latters mother Mrs Roy Iartridge ot Harrie Al VJ EWAhT Guests at the dinner were the guest of honor and husband ltoy and Gary luck and Mix and Mrs Iony Keen and larence Partridge Later in tlic evening other incinbers of the cclebrants family Mr and Mrs lloward Partridge and Mr and Mrs Maurice lar tridgc with their families gathered at the luck home to extend their lclicitations to Mrs Inrtiidge The Womens Study iroup of rown llill Initcd hurch will inch on March ill at Lilo in in the home of Mrs Sandra Kennedy Mr hiis ioodic of the Food and Agriculture lepirlincnt was guest speaker at the March WI meeting at the home of Mrs Paul IIplett He touched on the future of agriculture and gavc the history of 4H llllts He said there were about Goodwill people in the world who are involved in Ill work He showed slides on HI lubs and told the group what thc have to offer otir young coplc discussion period was held tollowing this interesting topic and Mr ioodit was graciously thanked by Mrs Bruce liiip pcll onvtncr of Food and 411321skintslate Agriculture The business ses sion was conducted by Iiesi dent Mrs lton outts and as sisted by SecretaryTreasurer Mrs George Wright The roll call hangcs in dining since my Grandmothers day was answered by IT nicinbcrs Mclnbcrs having used stamps for donation were asked to hand tlicni in at the April meeting or May at the latest Needlepoint work done by members and Iriends was handed in for the Summary Day Display at the Guthrie oinmtinity Hall on March to lhc Ieadcrs for this intcrcstiiigcoursi wercMrs Turk and Mrs Quinlan Business cottcllillctl lunch was served by thc hostesses Mrs IIplclt tiners Iluycr itlfdlti MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 1975 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING IAN ttltfr itfV bitsi at Meeting tI Itw io Hoard Ontario tl be mud at Mt tttikt ytiut ltd WOPSLEV lHTil BAMiit HIMH onTittFJStJAV APRIL fir 11H WI ttr an 10 00 tev it tintre iiiyd ItN im er icg ltib Im mi iiiwa lit Id iiiii Mi ill oxwvnwtuviv 4v In Bayitaus Steak House Restaurant Innixlil Tugnship 204 White Oaks Road Barrie Dining Lounge Licence Nut tittiiifn In ï¬x it ti per wtw In and ii wl tte tt time mt ogti on ii on iv mummiu et vector IIIdIti euth Lint Itiwiitifl Ullldfil Mji 1A4 SCHOOL Ix Li Crossland news By MRS ALLEN New Flos 4H clubs One and Two held St Patricks Da party in Crossland Hall March 17 with Jane Jills home economist as the guest speaker Parents of the girls and New Flos Womens Institute members and their husbands attended the party planned by thetwo clubs Guests were welcomed at the door by girl from each club Because their beltsare on right straight dead centre and they fit endtoend with no overlap to cause The program led Lucy de Groot included rea ings con tests games and singing Irish songs were led by Mrs James Kenney with Mrs Finley at the piano The Knox Ladies Aid group held quilting at Mrs Cline Mintys recently Mr and Mrs Wendall McEl wain Mrs Don Livingston and son Miss Joan McElwain and John Miller visited recently uneven tread wear An exclusive uniroyal patented process that delivers smooth running tire and long tire lite Thats value SIZE 155 SR12 SIDEWALL yléSSRIS TO Bradford St BREAK 155 SR 12 If Imam1m 7285965 with Mr and Mrs Bruce Wat chom and family in Strathroy Mr and Mrs Alex Sheppard visited with Mr Lumerrie recently OFTEN THREATENED Inthe 305 Sir Herbert Holt possmly the richest Canadian ever was threatened so often that he daily walked to work through downtown Montreal guarded by four men carrying rifles