The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 24 1977 ISopts toroin BEDROOM apartment available Im medlately $200 monthly pay own hydro Bachelor apartment $145 monthly In cludes heat and hydro Telephone 7264881 or 7265011 BED SITTING ROOM kitchen bathroom furnished carpeted alr Condltloned all utilities parking clean Ing lady included Available April 15th 312520 References required Apply Box UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom self contained apt Stove fridge heat hydro and water Included Near factories No children or ts Phone anytime 7287956 Avalla le April 15 BEDROOM APT fridge stove park Ing heat and hydro included Close to bus stop centrally located $150 mon thly first and last months rent Call 71172139 after pm FURNISHED bedroom apt good residential area on bus route close to downtown attractively furnished broadloom fireplace and wet bar S205 monthly Parking Included available April 17266154 BEDROOM apartment living room kitchen Penetang Street 5180 month Telephone 4872412 BEDSITTING ROOM unfurnished $135 monthly pay own hydro Can be seen at 48 Codrlngton Apt Available April ONE BEDROOM unfurnished first floor broadloomed apt with private bathroom and entrance may share basement also furnished broadloomed bachelor apt on first floor with private bathroom and full kitchen Allandale Centre7370243 BEDROOM upper apartment In good residential area All utilities paid Fridge and stove Included $175 per month available April Ist Call Ian Rour 938 Representing Wiltson keel Estate Ltd ONE BEDROOM Apartment second floor available April east end on bus route Heated stove fridge parking Adults No pets References £165 mon thly Phone 7267855after ONE BEDROOM apartment 2nd floor rear entrance stove refrigerator and utilities $140 monthly No pets First and last months in advance April Suit middleaged couple 89 Worsley Street 7285049 evenings BEDROOM apartment for rent Well ington and Baffield Streets large bright rooms plus sunporch free parking Telephone 7283097 LARGE bedroom apt in modern plex Central location broadloom fridge stove heat hydro and parking in cluded Call7373745 I7houses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in formation call from to pm 7262361 Evenings 7289682 huwng 77 TWO BEDROOM house in downtown area available January S250 Fridge stove parking Call between and weekdays7284776 FOR RENT to professional people only bedroom fully furnished home Four appliances plus color television $400 monthly Available immediately Apply in writing to Box T38 The Barrie Ex aminer LARGE FOLDERWHome bedrooms fridge and stove Central location $300 monthly Deposit reouired7269418 BARRIE Ferris Park 5350drnonthly I59 Daphne Crescent bedrooms Telephone 41675311679 HOUSE FOR rent or sale Cedar bungalow with detached two car garage all broadloom drapes and light fixtures dishwasher and fireplace on V2 acre lot miles south of Barrie mile private beach rights $280 month plus utilities Telephone 726 7198 TOWNHOUSE FOR rent bedrooms baths appliances fully broadloom ed close to bus servrce shopping public school garage $300 per month 7264338 5295 PER MONTH bedroom storey ck At It Eccles Very clean Aailable immediately Paul Arbour Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Ltd 7284067 DARRIE Ferris Park S32Smonthly 159 Daphne Crescent bedrooms Telephonel 416 533 1679 BUNGALOW three bedroom lakefront on Highway 93 at Orr Lake All conveni ences $170 monthly No pets Phone 416 7310426 BEDROOM Back Split family room 12 baths double garage $375 monthly Painsmck area Available May 14 Tolephone726 5415 MOBILE HOME bedrooms 12 baths family room seniors only Sandy Cove Acres $225 monthly Telephone 456 2620 BEDROOM HOUSE centrally located on bus route also bedroom house needs painting and some repairs good for handyman 726 2551 or 7372699 EAST THREE Bedroom bungalow on North Park Road Broadloomed recrea tion room baths large lot 3320 mon thly Available now 728 981 20rooms tolet FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere S22 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 ALLANDALE Furnished room cook ing facilities available Gentleman pre ferred Phone 728 4268 daytime or 728 0810 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen Supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 7267186 FURNISHED large modern furnished rooms single or shared kitchen and recreation facilities Downtown area Telephone 7266392 ROOM OR room and board available Painswrck area Please telephone 728 l632for further informationm CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom for gentleman Linen supplied and changed weekly kitchen facilities free parking central 525 weekly 7282471 CLEAN BRIGHT furnished room for rent Close to downtown area Shared kitchen with all facilities supplied Telephone 7373675 ROOM FORrent in private older home close to Westend Plala No smokers pre ferred Parking Telephone 7266376 BRIGHT CLEAN rooms south end of town Linen changed Shared kitchenand baths parking Bus stops at door Phone7370966 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Linen supplied 520 weekly Central location Telephone 7288484 or 7264882 FURNISHED BACHELORETTE in Barrie Close to Downtown 535 weekly Would suit single man or woman Telephone 7266271 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room to rent retired gentleman Apply 61 Mary 5319 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for IeaSe small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff OVER 6000 SQ FT Office space for rent at 359 Bayfield Street Barrie 416 2217233 Benmor Construction OFFICE SPACES for rent downtown Barrie 2nd floor Ideal for dentist or other professionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson 726 3338 OFFICE SPACE 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking waterfront and mu nicipal parking modern decorating Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 720 9201 GOMMERCIAL SPACE available To proximately 340 square feet includes heat hydro 2piece washroom andflair Ce conditioning ideal for small Telephone 7370641 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall7267I30 FOR LEASE industrial Epacé ond warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 BUILDING Available 75 20 heated immediate occupancy ideal for painting or refinishing business $150 monthly Also storage available 45 30 no heat $100 monthly 7266474 26accommodationsto Sha re WANTED Businessperson to share large furnished home Tall trees Call 7265303 WANTED Business girl to share modern bedroom apartment East end close to bus and shopping April Telephone 7260517 FEMALE To 35 normal share expenses Grove and St Vincent area Call 7264293after9230pm EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 ETLOOttogos to rent BEAUTIFUL WHITESTONE Lake and bedroom housekeeping cottages Private lake frontage for each cottage excellent swimming and fishing $85 to $100 weekly Call 7053892927 cars for sale 1975 GREMLIN 23000 miles speed standard cylinder radial tires rustprooflng Ming glazing excellent $26w or best offer Telephone 1974 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme for sale lots of extras In good condition Asking $3800 Telephone 7284657 anytime I966 VOLKSWAGON mini stock car Has rebuIIt1300 cc engine with many ex tras on engine Has racing tires plus street tires Many extra parts Including new piston and sleeves Asking $800 Telephone 7260987 1975 HORNET Hatch Back 258 engine power steering automatic radials bucket seats $3000 or best offer Telephone 4240229 V8 VEGA I971 Vega Hatchback 350 cu In with NT Specially made driveline big tires Mags about 90 per cent com pleted Sell for $900 witlt motor or $700 Without Phone 7371016 atter6 pm 1973 FORD Super Van V8 automatic chrome wheels G60 tires fully In sulated carpeted walls ceiling and floor Certified 53000 7372372 after pm 1972 CELICA Toyota No rust good tires AMFM clock rear defogger vehicle in good condition 52000 miles $1300 firm 7288002 ask for Doug or Taudie 1972 GMC van Iton heavy duty Chev Klngswood best offers As is Telephone 3222799 1m MONTE CARTO 13000 miles radial tires Owner leaving town must sell Telephone 7262334 after pm 1969 BEAUMONT hard top mint power steering and brakes radials freshly painted 2tone firemist greens on blocks past two winters 54000 miles certified 51200 7260142 after pm 1967 FORD Galaxie son smalia automatic transmission must sell 3365 7265963 ererer I972 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royale blue colour In good condition For sale as is Telephone Jlm 7260217 during businesshours ESTbELMONTSéï¬idérnobilé good running condition uncertified $200 or best offer Phone 7269879 1973 JEE CJ5 35000 miles canvas top roll bar steel half cab included 1015 Desert Dog tires $3500 or best offer Phone 4363055 Wu CLASSIC air conETtionT ed power steering power brakes radials Telephone 7262545 after5pm 1973 VOLVO owner 30000 miles Ouarts too light stereo FM cassette radio Excellent condition $3000 13251180 1969 MERCURY MONTEGO in good running condition uncertified Also 1973 Stinger 440 in good condition 1973 340 Stinger double trailer Best offer 4589149 1973 PLYMOUTH Satellite stationwagon for sale in excellent condition Company car $1500 firm Telephone 7265711 bet ween am and530pm I976 ALFA ROMEO Alfetta 2000 door 10000 miles AMFM radio two snows and spare extra Excellent condition $7000 or best offer 7263304 73 FORD GALAXY 500 vinyl top radials power brakes and steering air conditioned Tiptop condition will cer tify Asking $2000 Telephone 726 8020 or apply 298 Bayfield Street Apt 1971 DATSUN 510 wagon radial tires radio Asking 5700 Telephone 436 2105 I972 GRAN Torino door hardtop top shape automatic power brakes and steering and radio Telephone 7269678 after pm 1973 DATSUN 24oz 39000 miles speed standard AMFM radials mag wheels silver with black interior will certify Telephone 7373937 after 30 pm 1966 FORD door hardtop no rust owner white interior bucket seats floor shift automatic very low mileage V8 uncertified 5300 or bestoffer 728 8655 I973 MUSTANG Fastback power steer ing power brakes rear defogger low mileage 112 engine tape deck and radio As is Must be seen and sold Ex cellent condition $2650 7264634 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback for sale with automatic transmission in running condition Asking $100 as is Telephone 424 0596 1972 CHALLENGER AM FM tape deck Michelin tires mag wheels vinyl roof low mileage very well kept In im maculate condition $2150 Telephone John at work 726 9433 or at home 7371935 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARSWANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wantedtop orlEes paid free immediate pickUp anytime 4362900 COLE BROS Cars and truicksl wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 After pm 424 5949 WANTEDTCIean used cars Barrie Hon LE Auto Sales 17 Gowan 511772676488 Iers 34trucks and tr 1972 24 FOOT CENTURIAN Highllner motor home with 24000 miles 402 V8 Chevrolet truck motor Reburlt automatic transmission one roof air conditioner new 4000 watt Krolher generation twin 25 gallon gas tanks totally self contained New Michelin tires $14500 Telephone 726 0987 1974 FORD RANGER XLT F100 wheel drive 360 V8 speed dual bet teries hydraulic plow foot power steering power brakes low mileage on factory engine $4800 4240229 1968 FORD N1000 Tandem tractor 534 engine with iob Telephone 7054354272 after 730 pm Mon to Fri all day dur ing the weekend WANTED LATE model V2 ton automatic pick up truck Certified 1974 Plymouth Duster to trade will consider cash difference Telephone 728 1913 after 530pm CHEVROLET PICKUP truck with radials body and engine in good shape runs well 55000 miles certified $1200 Telephone 7370933 1976 COSAIR TRAILER size 20 sleeps fully selfcontained contains $400 worth of extras used only for one trip spotless inside and out Cost $6000 will take $4700 7269633 1974 JEEP Hon wheel drive low mileage many extras must sell $3000 72626090r7 9002 74 GMC IzTon pickup 350 CID Stan dard transmission Sale price $2400 No down payment 135 bank terms $2344 weekly over 30 months Lic No 051885 Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 7282220 1971 BRONCO wheel drive new tires low mileage good condition Asking $3550 Telephoneorlllla 3250212 1971 FORD SUPERVAN 302 CID vs certified Full price $1395 Licence number J27 2T8 Bank rates available Bay City Motors 45 Bradford Street 7282220 1968 CHEV ton rebuilt V8 motor speed transmission dual rear wheels power brakes spare tire completely enclosed box 10 ft long 69 wide 66 highS9501irm7286298 ITS POOTTRAVE AIR travei trailer fully equipped excellent condition Telephone 3221226 after pm 35 auto servlce repairs SIMCOE HOSE HYDRAULICS 141 TIFFIN STREET 7371730 Moblle hose service Hydroulic equipment repairs Repairs for all makes of hydraulic locks M30 British Car Owners Youre Not Stranded We have foctory riotiiod Eiiglili rrluliiiiilu Kitchen Motor Em load 7282287 37motorcycles 90 KAWASAKI with luggage rack Street bike 2237 miles S450 Phone 7286613 1976 KANAN 125 TNT approximately 1200 miles Includes sets of tires in ex cellent condition 900 Telephone 4361658 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND ntlamans olforotlom 26 Mary St Tolap one 7373432 or residence mam ALUMINUM ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors Ildln Sofflt Fosclo ond trough all colours your Eorontoa 4246073 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM lmtollan of Sldin Soffit Fascia ond oovutrough Various co on Free estimates 7269769 GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Mean Siding Sofflt Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April 30th BARRIE 7265609 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized soles md service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 Auto ItEPATItS WE REPAIR Brltlsh Euro port and Japanese cars Coronation Auto um 17 Mary St 7265441 BEAUTICIAN PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 Highcroft Rd Allondolo Heights Perms $1250 All your beauty needs 7288658 lilCtCLES BIKELAND Gowon SI Dorrie Open for ser vice Fost service Phgne 7267372 81110 HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply 0192 Melton Av Dorrie or telephone CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchur rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces Eoronloed 71171507 CARPENTER Spocidlixlrlg in roc rdoms In torlor remodelllng trim otc Plaoso coll 7208884 offer 6pm CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc uflyoxparioncod 7269W2 7262609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chons vonitias Pine furniture renovations alterations DomuIIc Commorciol 726 2948 LICENCEDERPENTEAS c065 ism cottages renovations ropoirs Satisfaction 10202191 and C°1°717€L QRPENTER will do roc rooms renovations remodelling etc Nope torsimclll 726 l771 CONSTRUCTION licenced carponfofs for renovation additions homes cottages Free estimotu 4354995 CARPENTER WILLWdo non lob Specializing in remodelling and renova tions Phone Bill Johnston 726B708 SAVE Ho oxpdtiencbd carpenters erect your prefab home or cot 122 so we Tom 7769565 DON FLEMING Licenced carpentry COT trocting renovations cabinets tac rooms atc Phone 70577322t2806lor BlVIVOYVOV CARPENTRY all types rgc rooms renOvo lions No lab to small Reasonable Solilfoc tion guarantood Al 7781897 CAPENTRY Ihlnglos rec rooms We wolcorrlo small iobs work guaranteed Pihonoistove 7267255 or Xgnnyr4245690 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR Spllng cloomng today Ravltolixe your carpets erh corpot steam docmute CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL Installation carpet and vinyl MHHPWDSEJBPPWL 4594 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 7266263 SIMCOE CERAMICS n5 mills gum mosaic vinyl parquet Drywall and taping Accoultic ceilings Gord 45612890 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 your ex purionco Tolophono Settlers 2299 FENCE Chain Link Gal or Vinyl Ollegulation Pool Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate call Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET 8981361 Collect Barrie 7264702 38 snowmobilesi 1972 CAPRI 292 Moto ski Hardly used and in good shape Asking $250 Tele phone 726 0987 1973 ARTIC CAT El Tigre 400 engine very last machine in good condition S900 Telephone 424 0229 I971 SIlt IDOO new track S350 or best of fer Telephone 726 0792 before pm or 7260330 after pm 40 orticlo for sale Buying door to door cost too much money Try Advance Vacuum 1416 Mulcoster for fair deal We repair and supply ports for Hoover Eureka and Con tlnentol Royol We also rebuild and repair hoses stock bogs and bolts for most makes Ad vance Vacuum Is an authorized solos and service depot for Eureka as well as distributor for Continental Royal Someone you can trust Advance Vacuum 1416 Mulcoster 7268643 M24 SALVAGE HEAT lost up your chimney Install heat miser on your furnace CSA approved Used $20 ea Electric fan 7280755 Need help ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory CURTAINS HAVE THE fresh crlep look of springl with Canadian Curtoinl tlabocka tiers polyester or mualln $20 to S40 per pair Coll 7269667 7261949 or write Box333 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Place col collect 416 9362631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Choln link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 I507 DISC JOCREY Music By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7283808 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Spoclollllng In pantSuits gown and ailero tiom 42 Eugonio 51 Phone 7266M DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL ond taping rosidenliï¬l lg or strip and commercial no job too Tolephono4584233 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughing Installed 620417206628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialist and snow removal from roofs only Free moles Coll New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric tie 1794976 lndustriol eResidentiol Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters LiC 118 7288234 ELECTRICAL WIRINGV professional work reasonable rate Also oorlcll lowers Itllfull odrlicernced 7370065 or 4362387 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage loader septic SySfOlTIS trenching gravel 4363550 436 1257 BULLDOCING small and large yobs Eoson SE and Sons RR Miriosing 726 7636 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 EliEPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed 737287 PETER HENSTRA Wotson for Iron osfimoles 7281599 tLOOItltEEINISlIINO SIMCOEELECTRIC Eaves Commercial Rasldgntiol Industrial InSIOllOIIOHS and sor Commercio Forms fix RETURNS pupa pandnol smbll work STONEWORK and flroplocas spocwiolty Vlc HARDWOOD FLOOR SIJPPKP Mil83 EOAKLIETS USED FORKLIFTS Stove Bis freelance lift truck broker will locate the exact forklift you require Coll tittows HANDYMAN TC SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and cleaned General lawn care clean up and spring fertilizing Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts In their field and Will assure you of the finest iob possrble HANDYMAN ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 4364105 NAULAGE HAVE halfton pickup Will clean gorogu dnimnoyl basements remove Iran or any Coll John 7267N7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kltchgns rec rooms Call Run 4363681 after 630 pm References available MED MORE living upon rec room oxtro bedroom ploy room oundry office Storage space AIIO pointing wollpoperlng Murray Boll 7298906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete base planning and decorating prlvocy scream and patios aluminum door The number for all our noods72BB906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck polntlrtg chlmnoyl waterproofing brick and Stone coulklng win we and oxponslon lolntS Work guaran teed4589346 CONSTRUCTION House rolring foun dotions renovations additionl Phone 4362955 or 4364175 after RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick laying firplaces pointing Interior oxtorior Guaranteed workmanhi 4246073 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prapotod Angus Bor rlo oroo SS up Dobwn 4245 10 offer Sond weekends CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Yeor and Financial Statements T4s Olncome Tox returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 INCOME TAX roturnl prepared for small business form and home Mitchells Book keeping Service 7262973 WWW TAX RETURNS prepared Quollf ex perienced free estimates low roles Coll Simjson 7782386 of bullnlu form Roaaonoblo Coll 7284634 or 458 9177727onyllmgt INCOME TAX returnsrdbnfla from your Porlonul small businlu prompt rloSDn oblo 9101 pmilto7 pm 4364828 TAX RETURNS for pointment or iust drop in BENEFICIAL FINANCE by people who care 7285931 LANDSCAPINO PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING doalgns sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying For Illiur InsocIICIdo Herbicide 4073401 7289369 BOTTING PROPERTY Sarvlco IOOnups pruning lawn and ap 35m tdan maln tononco landscaping ding Free ILIMWOYOSW LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge aid shrub trlmmilngi Also rough mowing VIC Trigmstro 77604 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No job too small Reasonable rota 7173357 MASONRY BRICK and block work Eiroplocos chimnoys etc Rochy 7285 STAN kNIcELv MASONRY ailcli SKA and Stone work Fireplaces specialty Fl°llZ°lfl MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amano Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sonyo Soles Amano Sonyo 100 year warranty on Amano Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 Zdoys MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ MuIic for poopla who like to dance Good roles 7269545 Garages and basements FiXNTsrTAvAILAaiEEon wEoomosnECEr cleaned Refuse removed 7370065 74362387 Goroges cleaned Trash hauled owcly JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 tun and 530 pm 40 orticles forjsole UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY all lock days or eveninqs416 221 4840 FREEZER 17v cubir feet Blue Ribbon Deluxe chest type as new condition 5250 Telephone 728 6227 after pm 40 article for sole alum Inium swimming pool 18 27 includes decking fence filter liner and safety upstairs Sell for balance owing of 51775 Call Credit Manager collect TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after 9pm MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Cloulcol and Marcel Potvln Guitor Studio7261 pulor ACCORDION uitor piano or beginner and advance months trio Instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aco gmyof Milk 121 BOLfiold 728I799 DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment provided Beginners and advanced at 72 Dunlop LloydprirloLMony Thure Sot7264723 VELLINGA PAINTING and docorgtln In torior exterior Work guaranteed Elto ligh d991107i7872626m7729m rrrrr WAYNE FOLEY ProfenloOOI palnlorsTEii forlor and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267309 DON SIESLING Professional pointing In forlor extorlor paper hanging custom work soil ocll uoronlaid 7266m 40 articles for solo MINK COAT Natural dark ranch mink New length and Styling slim lines Size 1112 Only worn one year Will sell for $420000 Call 728 8345 for further particulars SINGER SALE THON zlg zag sewing machlnges from 5111 Vacuum cleaners from S48 See Singers new knit machine Call for free home demonstration Singers Georgian Mall 7287960 40 articles for solo THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCDE COUNTY MERCHANTS IN BARRIE Lokeview Restaurant Dunlop St Boyshore Motel Dunlop St Cusdens Pharmacy Collier St Cusdens Health and Beauty Aids Dunlop St Julies Store Dunlop St Jocobys Restaurant Dunlop St Jacksons Grill Dunlop St Ice Cream Unlimited Dunlop St M815 Variety Duckworth Plaza M24H HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Poln FILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex 40 articles for sole SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season 12 price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 14162214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools In stock sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools Include filter walkaround deck fence and warranty size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 4818802 SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 1416 395 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight ly scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available 202 DUNLOP WEST torior wollpoporlng custom textured wo at oreseason special of $1288 Call not orIdcoIllrI LTOIO hono7050355307locol for early Installatlon Call collect PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced PC anyimi°395°° rm altimotos Jock Richardson 7262012 26 STANDARD SIZE Otaco Judo mats KITCHEN all in excellent condition asking $40 PICTURE FRAMING iIIG BACK CHAIRS each Telephone 7260987 11 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom ONLY MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR UNCLAIMED PAINTING ALUMWUMOR carï¬as awnings fromln of all types We Stock mony alzu Phone 283270 custom made tarpaulins or tents for sale or rent Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Battlielilél 77616139 MEL ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE ZENITH Color console TV Now iust $600 weekly or $649 cash basis Take delivery tonight and start payments in June with no down payment Where else Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaga73771718727 77 7370832 2o SOLID STATE See our ad in the Yellow Pages GE color portable Tv New in carton 231321133i°i°lii uloctlonl Foot urvlco Holf price 7288631 tonight Start your payments any time mï¬ before June Krazy Kellys Barrie PLUMBING 259 VALUE Plaza 1374 ELECTROHOAIE 26 Color TV Now only S399 or iust $400 NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom BRAND NEW renovations coromlc Illa BIIotIo weekly no money down no payment til 4584233 June Phone tonight delivery tonight Kraz Kellys Barrie Sho in Plaza BEDROOM SYSTEM MAG WHEELS Maverick or Mustang studs14lnch at $35 each or best offer Also truck cap for V2 ton in sulated wired with cupboards and louvred windows 5325 or offer Phone LICENCED MOBILE address system available for commercial or music for all occasions Reasonable 7262155 SUITES $299 728 4268 or 7280810 RENTALS BOARD ROOM table with Chairs brand new modern chesterfield suitable for home or Office Telephone 776129 7263990 RADIAL ARM SAW table saw 42 and 40 aluminum extension ladders Everything For Entertaining Tables choirs dishes glosses etc and alumiglgrn stepljadclers Several boxes an ar oc steel nails We DeliverReserve Now s399 VALUE 835 7W7 allefï¬ PIANO SMALL upright Mendelsohn reconditioned with bench Also tool sh 248 Tffm St Barrie Pct 28ml 77710396brand new Asking $150 WT IT 77 250 000 gas poo heater also horsepower pool filter Used one season Telephone after5pm7370791 H7777 23 CUBIC FOOTlreezerlorsalé years old 5225 Telephone 7268023 RCA XL Acucolor 26 television por table Crome kitchen table Stair elevator Chesterfield and vanity irresser Telephone 7260032 evenings USED SEWING machine sale Singer and other makes reconditioned and guaranteed from $1995 Singer Georgian Mall 728 7960 315 AND 130 gallon aquariiums StandS and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guoronl ad quality work Reasonable 14168 533collact ANTS ROOFING New and old Repairs Fr Itimolu 3221897 offer pm MLAUHIEH SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar SUITES BRAND NEW DELIVERED $269 vael filters hoods fish and all accessories Telephone 7370821 LL New and Repairs VAL CHAIN SAW Pioneer 550 in good condi tion 595 Electric lawnmower 535 Al Eavestroughlng Telephonenmflél YAMAHA TROMBONE nearly new CGmmerCal FANTASTIC Blue leather like jacket size 16 26 10 Speed bicycle wheels 55 each pc Resdemlal IJTIITC bathroom fixtures Aqua toilet bowl and tub automatic washing For eshmcnes ca machine Phone726 6365 OFFICE EQUIPMENT blueprint ralnnet desks file cabinets drafting table SCM electric typewriter bluray Tg white printer arm chairs swivel nrmchairs various side chairs lCP photocopier solid oak board room table adding machines and electronic WEASY co Mu mm om $5 calrulators AdairVolumeSales21 Mary Specialists rapoirt all makes Industrial 737 2721 Lbs and house mochtner New used sales FLOWER POTS large diSCOlIIIISI large 737167 variety large supply Adair Volume HEM Sales 21 Mary St 7372221 SNOWPLOWING CAMPER ACCESSORIES roof vents Interior lights decals gas stove gas fur hare wheel covers tire mounts and more all discounted Adair Volume Salt $21Mary St 737 222i TELEVISION black andwhite nos model in perfect condition Telephone 726 0183 gt 7W MENS DOWNHILL Skis metal 210 cm long Tyrol bindings size 10 Sanoiorgio boots poles and boot press $50 Call 726 5963 DOUBLE Keyboard Organ full ac companiment in new condition Asking 5900 Telephone 7263895 BED CHESTERFIELD red and gold with matching chair separate red hair Chrome dinette suite Shetland vacuum cleaner Bisscll sweeper and 329 VALUE COLONIAL I39 BEDS $I49 PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable mot collPoul7373m4 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWINC Smoll commot clol and residential Roosonobla roles Dependable 7267757 JO SNOWPLOWINO Conimorsiul Rostdontiol Reasonable totes Phone Antn we residential and roles fro ostr residential commor of naval contracting Crawford Conn STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and collings Free estimates Dole Russell Mldltursf telephone 7234397 smmpoonr All excellent condition AT Cabinet radio and record player DLOUTlfUl lone Old style buffet top drawer doors and lower shelf THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber M15 436 4431 of Commerce Building Custom tailoring and pm NO Up ight He zman baby alterations urnnd approx 85 years old excellent iondtion 1971 Meteor power steering brakes Running order As is 5300 716 2079 after PIN BALL used professional models Ilal for wholesome family fun In the home On display in Little Joes Family Lnsnlo Call 726 4082 41boats and motors TREE REMOVAL TREES REMOVED and cleaned up Experienc 0d men Rootonobla roles fully Insured cessation 377326 Will DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD NATIONAL ADVERT MATTRESSES $48 MacDDNALDS MARINE LTD Mochan dug walls YongeStreet Homes Cottogu Forms Indrstry Borne Specializing In Concrete Tl Steal reinforced concro tile FarOSle savings offer lengths for cold on Diameter 214B 4364359 SANYO 20 1976 boots and motors Call 7282940 mm COLOIIII tELEVISIOII Open days weekYA18 00 WEEKLY 6mm Wm F1 SHEPHERD mahogany boat WU ilouble hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking 2500 Warmmome 20 IIII ts an COIIOQGS Force $1495 New boats with warran ly Telephone 737 3993 ter pm FREE ESTIMATES tAx INCLuOEo 197152 LOADER 1200 lb boat trailer Reasonable 726 2084 42a rticles wanted 10 years experience ANGUS 4245651 El MONTHLY PAYMENTS 36 MONTH FACTORY WARRANTY NO MONEY DOWN CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre I9501terns 728 8234 ALL CASH for old furniture pictures chairs etc etc 4875389 AUCTION SALE every Tues night Beginning March every Sunday at pm Consigned merchandise wel corned Old Canada Bread Building Hwy No II at 10th Conc of Oro For in lormatidn phone 487 2044 or 4873226 COAL AND wood range with oven war ming Closet and reservoir Must be in uoori condllion Also any good pieces of blur glass Telephone 726 8740 TWO PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE $I39 BRAND NEW STEREO CONSOLES $188 Allim tAPE PLAtEA mono PLAYER 40 articles fOr sole CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 38 Bayfield 7282843 PREEASTER SALE pc Chesterfield Suite $26900 pc Kitchen Set $6995 Duncon Phyfe Toble $7995 chairs $l7995 Save $24000 Coffee Tables $3495 Lamp Tables $1395 Swivel Rockers $6995 pc Bedroom Sulfa $25995 44dogs and pets DARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING profeSsional grooming all breeds pickup and de IIVLTY 726 8798 Pet Studio GERMAN SHEPHERD female years old and male pup months old for sale Phone3222351 MAYS POODLE PARLORProies iona clipping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 7260061 COCKER SPANIEL puppies for sale Order now Boskma Kennels Telephone 728 3634 7h PEKINGESE PUPPIES pure bred stock American and Canadian registry Will be ready for Easter Telephone 737 1243 FOUR PUREBRED Poodle pups miniature males $40 One purebred female apricot poodle 18 mos Old 565 Onetoy365 726 2056 PUREBRED LOVEABLE Dachshund for sale good with children Telephone 737 3984 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums ail sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Ellgcltill Aquaria I43 Ardagh Road 776 0094 IUREBRED POODLE pups CKC registered needles dewormed grey M24H RCAXLIOO 20 Color portable TV Automatic fine tuning completely Solid State Now only $44900 or pay lust $400 weekly No money down and no payments til June Phone tonight delivered tonight Krazy KellysBarrle Shopping Plaza 7371182 CASSETTE STEREO tape deck recorder with Dolby In excellent condl tion 8150 Telephone 4362249 after pm DRYER SIMPLICITY works perfect ly Owner ls moving Telephone 728 4863 WRINGER WASHER years Sold Cost S240 Will sell for $160 or best offer only used months In storage for remainder Telephone 4362927 anytime PIANO UPRIGHT excellenthndltlon 5700 or best Offer Telephone 72827114 WESTINGHOUSE fridge and stdve har vest gold In new condition 5700 or best offerLTelephotte7261648 after pm FREE DELIVERY NO MONEY DOWN IN STORE FINANCING VII Accm CNAIOEII NASTEACNAIOE 14182224 Inyliltie 424 5997 LAHASA APSO for sale male with papers and shots Telephone 728 1076 or 726 1731 or686 7815 males 11 weeks old $75 each Phone 50 garden supplies FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 51trees and shrubs MAKE YOUR roperty more valuable and beautiful lant white spruce ft high Free delivery 7289404 57Iivestock for sale HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick 7372982 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg pullets available April and June 18 Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 60feedseedgrain REGISTERED Scott Oats cleaned and treated for seed For prices phone 71170268 after pm Bruce Clark HAY 40 acres for rent to be cut hay Bales of hay also for sale Tele hone 4875204 63pasture wanted CATTLE PASTURE water shade and fences in good repair Reply Box T53 Barrie Examiner 64farm machinery FOR SALE Corn planter John Deere 494 row levelling fingers rubber packer wheels and herbicide at tachment in good condition Tele hon 4873131 67fruitsvegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Mow containers POTATOES FOR SALE No Sebago 75 lb bags Charles Ellsmere Phone 7284956 68personals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 IOBth Av Treasure Vlslond St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from April on ward when prices ore low Ef ficiency Units S75 CI week for two persons Owners from Barrie WThFAu17 PLANT SITTING SERVICE Going on trip or vacation Leave with on easy mind knowing your plants are being competently cared for For in formation call Borboro 726 3020 A21 TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 If you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologlst 7372671 RIDINGTNSIRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugglsts INTERNATIONAL Investigation vices civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet confidential 7372972 REDUCE THE easy Slendor Reducing Plan way Eat three satisfying meals day Two sizes weeks and weeks supply Available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugglsts AMAZINGLY QUICK relief for discom fort of mouth sores white canker spots dental plate sores tender gums with Fletchers SoreMouth Medicine Available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists ARE YOU tired of your old look Learn new make up techniques in your own home For more information phone Merle Norman 7264982 FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex haust and shocks The Muffler Shop 180 Innisfil St Barrie E2282 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon thrgugh Friday Phone 7288868 TAX RETURNS prepared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 7261888 MO RATGAGE SCHEDULES Would you like to know how much of your payment is interest What is the balance of your mortgage Apply at Sigmatics Corporation Ltd 20 Owen Street Barrie or telephone 7372011 after 1pm Basic costS2 BANISH CORNS callouses Carnation Corn Caps highly effective medicated pad results guaranteed Englands largest selling remedy for over cen tury Now available in Canada Why suf fer One trial will convince you Corn Caps now available at Cusdens Shop pers Drug Marts and all drugglsts NEED RIDE from Barrie to Oakville to Ford Plant days weekly Arrive for am Please telephone 7373395 6Finstructions ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 7260192 279129 round LOST in Ivy area German short hair pointer offwhite with liver spots brown head Name is Lance REWARD Telephone 4241948 71 help wanted SPARE TIME If you wont to work op proximotely hrs daily days week no Soturdoys or Holidays hod volid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Coll Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 728594 Soles Clerk For Hardware and Appliance Store Applicants should have experience in selling op plionces Steady job with good benefits TF fringe and op portunities for growth and development Apply giving details of education ax perlence etc to Box T85 Dorrie Examiner M24 Barrie Raceway Invites applications for °Barfenders Snack Bar Waitresses Licensed Lounge Waitresses IIIPIt Barrio Raceway 400 End Road 7269400 M24 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 451