wwvr7wvj fwv 14 The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 24 195 WIN AT BRIDGE LDAILY CROSSWORD REMEMBER ME TELLIN MY WORD ACROSS Poetic Answerto Previous Puzzle TELEVISION GUIDE £131 gsyggogegm Interference at high level de masts nmua Baum Yellow BEBE Gamma For Friday March 25 1977 43 Summers Fr ROBESPIERRE U7 WELL CAREFUL id to NORTH lg on Isuown sa pigment 44 Vermilion mmnfl BUFFALO 3BARRIE BUFFALO ARIES mm 2149 As 1ch WA 1qu My Art KQ32 himself My Partner has Tenth month 45 Went before ACTUALLY ened the on abbf 47 Ideal as TORONTO BUFFALO TORONFO Ion as ou rel on our com 963 WA5 GATHERING 12 Povert war condition an mon sense today you ll do all MATERIAL 072 one ace an oes no wan mm HAMILTON Painonouc right Ignore hunches or TERM PAPERIM ut discourage me He must have 13 3995 lab 49 Ilfbb mats BEE wo qu BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL premomtuons WEST Em gignyghfl tgggegglgstgo 333 14 Author of 52 Handkerchief Hg TIIURSDAYEVENING uunus April 20May 20 Be The Haven 56 Kind of pastry Em 00 800 no may wth sma moms lg belatrit interesting to note that 15 fiidhsm 57 53am 2+71122News zaAlrce 33579Nm and steady gains Reach too far Wests des era te bid 16 Donkeys 61 Exclamation aMovre MyGLoveS altFantastic Journey nMary Hartman for the brass ring and you may 62 52411095 ssCaml Burnett 79Clty Lights come back with ristiul or air 10 boomeranged against him Nev ea bb 63 LWenf Nam 38 ht Kbï¬mï¬gï¬t Door ram =05 SOUTH Left to themselves it is doubt we 93 elcome Back Kotter asMesdames et GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Your 18 Shade tree on the fairway exudation 40 An lover zNouvelles 9inwa Messwm ful if North and South would 20 64 Ch 79crry News FExpeï¬ence Music 15 appraisal today Is more on the have gone past six ap Wl in 65 00 10 oolses 46 Piano place am 79Movie Change of titUnderstanding the mark than that of one you re 22 $cï¬mical uni regime 11 48 One of the ï¬ï¬mgflgw 3°Mind Earth closely involved with whos fol varsity abbr 66 72er away 19 Firsple Kettles much dreamer ou shou measure orth South vulnerable Lagt alogléne wWhats Happenlngl ogiNews have na say $3333 67 Sgirfltpass 21 gasymman liraalllakn zsLactuel mSee dCt 22 It 133 Selle 33 we CANCER Im 24 22 Y° we Em South Continuing yesterdaYS 28 fawn oowu 23 Named 9mm FME mp 3m°s Mes Hum CW 3W 9° V° may ass answer the Texas convention 30 Gended l0 24 ms bird FT 4News to aid one who Is willing to try Pass Pass 00 ea 25 nOdd Couple sWaison Report 7Mary Hartman LONG is the first of the transfer pt Soak through my 53 Meridian zBowling for Dollars llBamey Miller nLarry Solway hard conversely Shun those SENTENCE ass bids In res onse to one or 34 Corrida cheer Touch 26 093 999 54 Persian ruler econcentratton lgCope 79M0ney Game who let you do all the work Lu Pass PaSS 27 Volunteer 5My Name Is any mm 35 I97IDVNIAJHC IM Re us Pal on Opening lead twonotrump opening bld the 35 Dry 0VIng state abbr 55 Jam The Tram 5Â¥1Allilasketball 590 Minutes Live LEO July 23Aug 22 Some un jump to four diamonds asks 36 Mgafglem $112 Fr 29 Fish sperm 58 Title 111° killd things regarding someone partner to bid four hearts The 59 9Grand Old Country 7Th Hi The 37 bl da Au la verb 31 OverlGerl 6° °° 11Makrm and Chaney 9Ma355r mm Blgtlieerhood Y0 re °d may be V9Ced By Oswald James Jacoby Jump to four hearts asks 39 Yggnglandy Colloarsys 32 Antiquity 60 Object of I9Mowe The League ol nMixed Doubles Fumble wrnnm your presence today ltwrll be up partner to bid four spades Fr abbr point 33 Caraway wmhi 1301 and to you to set the record straight What happens when typical Texas transfer in 8W5 lose wMy Three Sons sShowblz stronslae VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You someone really lerferes response to one notrump zzScience Inlemational 5Upstairs Downstairs 7Westside Medical IlMovie Husbands flMovie Under may be bit shaky in com with Blackwood by sticking in defensive bid at the six or would be four heart bid 2Hollywood Squares 9New Aven ers mom petitive situations today Act with Svtrilkes8arllzlizses £51m irlelinie Prism omhe Game brave lm sure your insecurity polsistbly the seven levtil AQXXXXXX xxxdx Home er on ays es 1205 will vanish ere on can use ou 7Bobby ymton armors 54a my miraculeuse ble to Sgow no aces the ass Responder wants to play tilEggs 2312st gJElbbsvule maze LIBRA SOPl 23Oct 23 N0r to show one and the big to four spades and also wants his 19 mmuni ue lDEducation of Mike 3Faces of Small Places lsz many your diplomacy does the Cramer Show more because there are partner to be deClarer McManus 5Cinema Vivre et ISMagee and Company 25Nc cites 2Tomorrow 9Movie Mickey One job for you but not so today You may have to hammer your points lots of hands where responder laissermourir 1045 105 home hard will hold two aces and he TBTattletales grmlfllelpmgChildren 5Fugltlve scoaplo om 24May 22 wont be sure that they are enough for slam FRIDAY momma Smnwgys 73303 mOthS In Closet Here we recommend that ru 555 85 IID beat H°° Hahmms 32 £13333 alriérlteyoihiéil By Polly Cramer 33333 Zaire $323132 600 830 ï¬You ou 33 the Air De Cerr canwnim V°e being Sh°°ha99d DEAR POLLY Please tell me how to get moths out Till £3155 say Partner 80 tFarrn Report tour 25Virginle SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec of my closet as they are eating up all my clothes They L05 ANGEI ES AP Th And the bid sa Partner Laws mmhanmlm 32100qu Squares 21 Today you see things as must have been in the apartment whenlmoved here and cause of ulcers conunues to 7Wlndow on the World 62 2Not For Women Only 3Friendly Giant IiiPins and Needles 855 35Mr Dressup 4Price Is Right 9Iirst Impressions they are However you may lack the courage to act in your own would like to use something to kill them while away on trip really like my hand North didnt want to bid six elude medical scientists but new drug that promises to heal FSumse Semester 5News 191nsgdeRevolution behalf Also would like to know good polish for brass if thgnggllyloggig agedgmmï¬g them faster may soon be avail 9Cartoon Playhouse 900 zsConsell Express CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 1a anyone knows one ETHEL On th did ablelnthe United States 2555 Bangaeaum tafflkmi mamansmw Be singular of purpose today DEAR ETHEL think you should remove er aver That is the word from the ZLMission Employment Fuoetdy goody 22 Allen Time Keep things in order of priority if everything from your closet wash it thoroughly with Id 55 5P1 0d Centre for Ulcer Research and 7Employment File 51T°°h 2Whe310IF0rlune YOU vacillale YOU cut YOUr disinfectant and when dry spray well witha moth killer Just one acev Educallon CURL Whose 11 700 7Dialing For Dollars 35Sesame Street productivity in half therefore passed to show this rector says the average doc 2Today 9Tommo Today Page Of Night and then close tightly If infected clothes are returned to 4CBS News 915 9Pots And Pans the closet the same thing will be repeated Wash €00 hdfd For kWWledg 0f thendlswse 30 ta Sch ls 11 AQUARUS eh Now South did little think lsterrlbl anti uatcd aria 3A 0° 99 my 9W8 sensitive friends feelings will be everything washable and if posmble send everything Good Morning America 19 Report Metrlc 19Colargol llPaulBemardA 920 zsLes Trouvailles De wounded it shes not included in else to the cleaner good sunning would help too nlsptlycgiatlitsll EReadalong YOUr 5003 plans today She would also spray the clothes before returning them to 715 un 50 as tLratiletales 15 Should be gel nViia the closet even if they are clean When the closet seems sEnjoy Being Beautiful 9Romper Room 19Jongeries Mathematie clear of the moths buy something at the hardware store iiitontaflo sums IEXOU and Your En Jgues Pisces Fen 20Mach 20 to wrd them off again There are several things on the RléHT HOIA DO IUE FEEL ml 79Portugal Today merit 22Unlversily Toronto Look around today for you mar ct OM acmelom zghmllgrghfséarsl could turn nifty little profit asa There are good commercial brass cleaners on the pLETE SET OF UIMTAGEI lFégmenllmique 253 Mouvemem tits orrlysl 65 middleman Its possible YOU market buy one at the supermarket that is most PURPLE pHAMT COMIC ms 9Kamens Yoga COUd WW buyer and 59 satisfactory However if you prefer making your own As COLLATEEAL ï¬mflgmm 37009 EA my igcï¬fxglyï¬grf logeher you can make paste with lemon juice and salt rub it 7Rocketship l9rPolka Dot Door 79Greek Horizons l2l vNamc That Tune klmave It To Beaver +722News 5Crown Court 9Uncle Bobby IlMldday 4Double Dare SOntario Schools 7Phil Donohue 9Price Is Right FRIDAY AFTERNOON WCity Lights l35 19 Chlld Life in Canada ZfVFemme Daujourd hul 150 l9Readalong I55 Bien LHonneur 1145 19All About You +79Malch Game 19Mike McManus 400 Little Rascals Monkey Business 3AMolra Hunt 4Mcrv Griffin March 25 1977 persons you Several thought had left your He Will be reunited on with very fine steel wool Repeat if badly tarnished Be sure all the salt and lemon juice is rinsed off or you may have some green spots that look worse than the tar nish If higher gloss is desired rub again with the finest of steel wool alone POLLY DEAR POLLY Next time you buy canned ham save the cover off the tin as it will make good rest for your iron Things in my dresser drawers are kept neat and arranged lieAlister Rogers oNews relt Your Chmce gt 590 15 9Slar Trek glh 10 if garlestï¬ separately by putting them in shoe boxes 333 Tayl 33 EAlllpï¬ï¬mifgmy 713253 The mindsiggy use small crochet hook to remove the lint that gets next 2Magazine 7420000 Pyramid iscolargol to the buttonholes on shirts 3News 9Alan Hamel bvBoblnoenfunts tSearch For Tomorrow 57Ryans Hope 9Flintstones 19 Big Blue Marble 79 Doctors Diary 225 79lwe American Style IS 19Aulonomlc HORSE COURSE SUCCESS KIRKLAND LAKE Ont CP new course in horse Ironon tape can be ironed on back of buttonhole and then folded in half and new buttonholc cut also use this tape where button pulls out of the material Put patch of it un 19Commu iruc 3N 5495 coqflefuchps Lfcmlgansmand management at New llskeard der the tear and then sew the button bark on 124 Hzgoguidmglligm 35in college of Agriculture Each year when start to use new calendarbl write on it oviel te oung tors 77sAMllrt Douglas da es mu em er suc as Men HiEdngNigm Dmah Technology has been successful in the prptr pla st rem ISMagee and Company 7IlOne Life To Live 12 Electric Company this year says principal John birthdays anniversaries club meetings medical ap l200 lsMedla 77 BSolelGobelel Butler The course trains pointments when insurance policies are to be paid when ncada Valad 54W 90 51 StUdenls OI Gilly hOISO credit cards expire and also my drivers license No chance of 2Gong Show Quichotte flvDorls Day husband but in related sub 4Adaml2 79 Maglstrates Court Lucy r3 forgetting frwBob McLean 300 folnday After School Jecls SUCh 35 5°Sv 095 When bath towel is worn out cut out the good part and 7IIAII My Children mBonnre Prudden kEmergcncy agriculture engineering nutri 9Dick Van Dyke litSte Marie Among The Hurons 7977Another World 35r Take Thirty 4All In The Family 19Scsame Street BMadame lIt Son Fan tome tion animal health farm busi ness management and commu make hand towel or even wash cloth whatever the size allows The worn parts are good to save for shining shoes no in so bail out van to at II l230 19Quebcc in Transition 530 nication LIIIIAN dnnk champagne z5 For The Money MPeople In Conflict JNews zI1Days Of Our Lives l5 DAdam 12 PAS The World Turns 7Commander Tom kOdd Couple 7Family Feud llGcneral Hospital 5Rioom 222 9Joyce Davidson I9TBA Li THE YOURE VERY Zr ouvellcs 33 Celebrity ooks €3BUJSI8 THANKS Foa WELCOME ANY 1rng ysflgNoNï¬gmaoggzDEYET FRIDAY EVENING ASKIN ME IN FOR 600 357Mary Tyler Moore Sexes Cup or TEA 247ll22News 3Soldier In The Rain 330 nLivcly Woman 4Movic The Way West Donny and Mane IlHot Hands Zr Lheure de pointc 2Johnny Carson 4Movle Revenge is My WINTHROP Th v7e FAIRFIELD 777E HEREï¬ ONE For MRS ANDY CAPP lT wAS VERY NICE DONT BE SlLLY DEAR CAPP SHES THE LONELIEST Well want the nosmokers section and do we HAVE to 524 Hours lIvIhe Merrymen Mtinyi OF You 9Definition 19 Fall of Eagles 7Mowe The Mummy lSPolka Dot Door 797M0Vie The Jolson Curse bNouvellcs Story llLarry Solway 79City Show News 30 ISAIterimage 630 2llBob Hope Special flMoney Game 2Gong Show 35 Dawson Patrol 35 2479 News 25119 Pour et le contre Minutes Live IlPart Game 900 wRearllalong ssï¬Tommy Hunter kmogie Call Me ki imv 5LActue Fr unlcr am 650 7Movle Future Cop Movie Fireball For NO ONE WltLTElLR 19Magee and Company 9Rockford Files ward lm lymph cmr WE WE krÂ¥ SUSPECT LA THE 7oo IQClassics Dark and IlMovie You Cant Win 010w WHEMEQ 17 NW LLr Many Miles 7AM THE VARIOth 220 WW Dangemus are cmmlur wrra rare rpm EE ED from me zoo CONTRACTS are ALL our AND ONLY ONE 2Bowling for Dollars 930 22Movie Beirut Con IF YOU COULD NU ON HANK BALLPARK auxWAY True Blue 54 mateym 4Concentratlnn IiiGoodies tract You 5BBITIEI Reef 25Scenari0 79Movic Unknown 7To Tell The Truth gorld oFish 0c or les 12 llsmw Biz 3Starsky and Hutch ECinema LExploslon 19Tlle League of SPollce Story mo gt Gentlemcn Concl 9Delvecchio ZMidnight Special flrWrcstling llHunter 105 130 l9HeIen 5Movic The Grapes of In Busting Loose flNews Wrath Zrhlatch Game PM rtScienceRealitc ms 4Strikes Spares l030 4Movle Julius Coalr ll Misses 4rilot Bravo Two 2oo sRyans Fancy ENouvelles 11Merv Griffin 7Break the Bank ll 00 22I5 Stars on lcr DiMary Hartman FMUVIC Tobruk ll 55157122 of Mike hiifrZiiisrim iï¬ovie Flight To Mona em our wedding mmtatwns 25Marcus Welby was 45 800 ZCinemu Banacek 3Movie Three Faces no zMOVlC mans was ts dq as cos register toi ore to your usiness Ange MfgNews 500 Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control 2Sanforll and Son 9Iron5lde femurs pPOSl pposlte ll 29 Dunlop SW prom oanou service om BARR mu THE DOCTOR SAYS 7373860 IVhl leld ourrlmlis mom Whale seal fat less saturated By LC TIIOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson If you ful less saturated thus less harm doctors think you are so smart anSWer this how come so much is written about cholesterol being so bad yet Eskimos live on blubber WM Some of us doctors are smart some of us like to think we are others of us just wish we were went to Dr FJ Stare pro fessor of nutrition at Harvards School of Public Health for an answer to this one He would take issue with your statement that Eskimos live on blub her In fact he says the live largely on the whale an seal meat which is relatively low in fat unlike the doc ly marbled steaks we relish en too the fat in whale and seal meat is The fat intake of Eskimos is about 35 per cent of their diet that in the average Americans diet 40 per cent or more Studies have shown that the blood cholesterol level of the Eskimo is about the same as that of an average American You must take into account that the modern Eskimo gets staple foods bread cereals canned fruits and vegetables from trading posts and he eats berries in season that are rich in Vitamin He also is great fisherman and can also hunt birds for sustenance In fact most of the Eskimos blubber is used to make soa and lighting oil also do foo Some is simply discard BORN LOSER BUGS 60 SEE WHY WOVEKS BUGS BUNNY THORUAPVLE IALREADI HAVE THREESOME will MA un hr ll lat Ill BEEN GONE LONG TIMEI WONDER lF SOMETHING HALPENEDIL HE WANTED see TH LATE SHOW WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST You CAN TAKE THE PRINCE our OF THE Lcolcme GLASS ruRE MAKE 101 MORE SENSE THAN THIS SiDE