lllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllIllllllllllllIlllllllllllllll The weather has provided school children with an opjmrtunity to take their pick of spring or winter activities during the spring break What began as cold blustery day often turned into shirt Take your choice is it winter or spring Blame the heavy snow for noparking rules Stories on new parking restrictions have been regular features in The Examiner this year on the days following city council or general committee meetings Since the current council took office in January bylaws and motions have been passed to outlaw parking on parts of eight different streets in every ward of the city Actions have ranged from removing two metered spots on Ross Street next to the Royal Victoria Hospitals emergency entrance to banning all parking on Wellington Street West bet ween Maple and Toronto streets Measures to restrict parking come up with some regularlity says Don Kirkpatrick deputy Jubilee grants worth $5 000 BARCLAYr lnnisfil township council learned Wednesday night that special Wintario grants are available for celebrations of Queen Elix abethsSilverJubilee Grants up to $5000 are available to municipalities planning special celebrations All grants much be matched through municipal or private funding sources in the same manner as regular Wintario grants The money can be used for arts or heritage events which focus on the Queens anniver sary and will help pay for all facets of the event except food and beverages Council decided to forward the Ontario information to the lnnisfil Chamber of Commerce which is planning special celebrations during Canada Week in June DUN KIRKPATRHK city engineer but there have been few more than usual this year because heavy snow fall has made problems caused by parked cars more evident Accumulated snow pushes parked vehicles father out on the road and slippery driving lanes increase the danger of collision between moving cars and stationary ones or btthtlt cars moving in oppositi dircc tions pushed closer by the need to avoid parked vehicles COMPLAINTS Most new parking restric tions result from complaints by aldermen city police or the general public Kirkpatrick says Since parking restrictions in convenience residents in some measure the engineering department is reluctant to come to council on its own with recommendations to ban park ing on street where parked cars seem to be causing tron ble he If nobody complains about it maybe it isnt problem IitthVtl the department will act on its own if the pro blcm clearly warrants it he says Once complaint is received the department investigates the problem and recommends solution to city councils general committee The investigation takcs into account the need to kecp traffic moving access to various areas for emergency vehicles safety hazards created by parkr ing on narrow roads or in other dangerous locations and the need especially in residential areas to leave some parking for visitors to nearby homes The solution is not always an outright ban on parking on givcn street The department tries to limit no parking mites to one side of the street in residential areas Restrictions covering only specified hours or twohour parking limits to keep employees from parking all lay on residential streets are among other techniques us ed by the city ItIISNIfll One need not take into ac count in deciding on no park ing zones is snow removal city bylaw prohibiting onstrcct parking anywhere in Barrie bctvwcn it and ti am 12 months ycar is supposwl to take carcof that It really is only enforced by the police in the winter Kirkpatrick notes echpt for downtown areas where street sweepers replace snowplows during he snowfree months Not all council action on parking puts new restrictions on parking in the city Last year council agreed to allow free parking in metered spaces Friday nights and all day Saturdays and the policy was extended earlier this year to the end of June sleeve weather as the sun rose in the sky Wednesday afternoon was fine example of the inclement wcalhcr as two Barrie lads David Graham 11 with the hat and Peter Truman 10 lllllllllllllllllillIllIllllllllllllllllllIllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll could go skateboarding near the same hill that lary litlong could go tobogganing The long range weather forecast is call ing for sunny and mild weather to hold iiiilil the children go back to school on Monday lIaniincr Photos by ltolf Kraikcrt lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlllIllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll barrie today Succeeds in his defence against assault charge 17rycarrold former liarric resident dcfcndcd himself on charges of assault causing bodi ly harm in provincial criminal court Wednesday and the charges were dropped Judge John Anjo dismissed charges against William Patrick Robillard on grounds of reasonable doubt Robillard took the stand and contradicted the testimony of two frown witncsscs lie was charged Dec 10 in connection with an icidcnt at Lount Strcct house involving Robert Norrciia 23 Norrcna said Robillard who boarded with the Norrcnas for month earlier last year camc to his house and during an argur iiiciit bit Norrcna on the nose He testified he went to hospital to have the injury treated and returned home Robillard returned to the hoiisc later to get his coat and the two became involved in another argument he said Norrcna said he pushed him back and ltolizllaid l71lt bit liitii onthctbtiiiib Noircna said he left lilt room to ltttit lilt wotttiti iiitl llilll tint to find lllgt till your old liililtl on 10 ltd He was later treated for the cut and given tetanus shot John Norrcna tostilttd ht tricd to liltttk ltobillaid from lca ing the house during the coiid iigumtiit oy blocking his way with his in ilkiin Jiitl The lift your old man lcst llllti Robillard kiiockcd illllt over by butting him with his illltfi in tin stomach The man ttstil icd ht tlfftl crack right rib and biolacn left ribduring illt tall and later said Ilt also had Ilillh injury He took the stand on crutches Robillard said he hit oi rcnas nosc during It friciidly wrestling match that got otit of hand and said orrtna was drunk ltobcrt Noirciia 1ctified ho Another family wants Barrie water hookup BARtLAY fourth rcsi dent from the Patterson Road area has asked lnnisfil Township to ask Rarric to let her book up to the citys water system Margaret Lawrence 208 It was certificate night Wednesday for 7H partic ipants in the first fur harvest management and conservation course at Georgian College The course is the only one of its kind at First graduation for new program community college in an ada and is result of the combined efforts of the tario lrappcrs Association ministry of natural resources and Georgian ollcgc Stu dent indy nlwau ol Kcsr wick holds the carcass of mink for perusal by from left Milan Novak of the ministry Dennis Schafcr from the ministry student Mark onicr of Severn Bridge Pierre development officer at Georgian student Robert Stanton of Severn liridgc and student Arnold Knoll of ol lingwood Examiner Ilioto Sargent lhillips St told lnnisfil council Wednesday night that lni wcll failed shortly after woik litgun on city scwer project on lat tcrsoii Road last January At the iiioiiicnl she said there is seven feet of water in her well but the level has liccn down toonly ilii niches We Iiavcnt had bath lit 10 days slitsaid adding that she and her husband have tl1itI flushing the toilct at times to keep thcr tltl lcvcl as high as possible Mrs Itlttt said she is trying to sell hcr house and move iiilo llairit bccaiisioflicr husbands health biil lllt watcr problem has prevented the sale There is no way can sell my property without water shesaid Since the township has acted on behalf of three ollicr lattcr son ltoadarca toch city water service Mrs Lawrence said She feels the township should be willingtodotlicsauiclorhir Shc gave council letter from her lawyer laul Wes scngcr backing up her rcqiicst ltccvc William iibbiiis told Mrs Lawrence that her request Would be considered at the next committee of the whole mccting Mrs Lawrences house is located about gt100 fcct west ol latterson Road The nearest cir ty water main runs down the middlcof lattcrsoii Road ouiicil also referred to coin Inittcc of the wholc letter from Sinclair Nevils Arthur Marlowe and Leo Vaiidchooy all of lattcrson Road asking lhc township to negotiate with the city on their behalf for satisfactory hook up agrcc incnt had drunk tllliii bottles of beer to bottlc ot Il1t and half to tilllltt bottle of whisky ltobillard had ll Itltl and tllltlilhwil lllt IllSttltI ltoliillaid iltti he rctttriicd to gt Ill against the idvicc of police whom he had culld carlnr to complain about the illd llltltitlli llt said oritiia attacked liiiii at the door forting litiii to bitchithutiib IIt tIl ititlltl IIt iiltiliitiltltli lolin Not rcniis tcsltiiioiiy saying it was Hit and not cane the older illitll hcld iiid that Ilt knocked Apartment rejected by About half dozen objectors appeared at the coiiinitttccs hearing last week to protest the If of lilt itqinstcd variances and the parking problem iiiiiltiplctlwtllliiigmight crcatc iiitlicaica in its IttiSlttll datcd lucs day the coiiiiiiitlcc said thc proposed vir1iiiccs cannot IMttillSiIItltti minor nor desir able for the appropriati development of thcsitc The applicant has 21 days from the date of mailing of thc ittlSittll to appeal the refusal to thcttntario Municipal lloard the man ovcr accidciulv lltll hcgrabbulthciiflc llolh acting iown ittoiiic lohn vlcxmdtr and Judge cy ptosstti ttllitlllttl ovcr the lSt It went ahead titSltIlt ltoliillirds rcqiicst for an ad jouriiiiiciit to get lawyer llc had been 111llltIllll to Ltl tIIIt Robert Not rcna faces cliargcs stemming from the same lli will be had April 10 iii provincial criminal Ittllll on charges oi Rtilllitilltt with in ltlll totiiaiiii proposal committee tarrics coiiiiiiittoc ol adjust lucnt IIIIgt refused an applica tioii for minor arianccs Il1ll would have permitted construc tion of llilltllltli apurtiiictit building on acaiit lot just west of To Icnctaiig St llic application Iiti Itawn ltcalty Ltd of ltarric asked for variances from tllllltl rc quircmciits which call for minimum lot itltit of 30 000 squarc feel with minimum flolittigcof lfltlltcl The lot in qiicstioi has an area of H001 square feet and fioiitagcof 100 feet lnnisfil trustee wants school busing revised ltAlttLAY lnnisfil town ship has received 320400 grant from the lltritilllltl Local IllfillitS lrograiu Lilt to hirc maintenance crew for Illllleli lark ltour township residents tharlcs Walton Alan liiilioff ltavid Spring and John llaui iiioiid have been hired for thc to week lnnisfil lark Improve nicnt lrojcct iiorgc Novakovich town ship treasurer said this morn ing that lnnisfil applied for grant last September but was turned down by the federal govciiiiiiciit However he said the fcdcial govcriiiiicnt athiscd the town IilSI month that Iiiiiitcd funds were still available under the lll program and thc lnnisfil lurk projch could bc appiov cd The project which starts next Monday includes cleaning and maintaining swimming and picnic areas clcariiig brush and repairing and fluid taining grass in the park Barrie PUC chairman named to finance post ltlrnic Alexander chairman of the llarric Public Utilities oinmissioiL has been named finance chairman for the in tario Municipal Electric ASStitllitll Alcxaiidcr former MlIA president said today his main task will be balancing the associations $200000lnidgct The MIIA represents more than itttt municipal utilities across the province in dealings with the nlario ltIiicrgy Board nlario llydro and other bodies Alexander said about quarter of the associations budget the largest single aniount goes toward legal fees and appearances before the energy board Mcnibcr utilities scrc two million residential coiiinicr cial and industrial customers who consume torthirds of the elcctiic power used in liifario Alcxandci is in his tllth year on the public utilities commisr sion and has spent about half that linieaschairman The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 241977 11 lnnisfil get$20400 to hire park workers Stewart Fisher lnnisfil trustee on the Simcoe County Board of Education would like to see students from that township attending high school in Barrie together in one building when boundaries are drawn up for the fourth Barrie high school ltisher says that its hard for the parents and students from lnnisfil to devclop scnsctof af filiation when some students are attending all Barrie high schools He estimated there will be about 1000 high school students from lnnisfil by the fall of 1978 when the fourth high school is scheduled to open At Wednesdays board meeting Fisher also vented criticism of the school busing system He said there seems to be pro blems in the timing of routes which siirlacc particularly at exam timc Students dont need the add ed frustration of missing or waiting an extra halfhour for bus he remarked Ilc added he hopes to see Icviscd transportation runs when the new high sclioo beginsoperation There is he contends con tinuing problem with comr mutcr buses making connec tions between the high schools and he sees connec tion between irregularities in bus timing and discipline pro blems on the buses Jack Ramsay director of education said the current bus ing system is as efficient as it can be madeits hard to transport 11000 pupils every day anddoiteffectively Suggestions on how it can be improved are always welcom edhe added Ramsay said bus schedules are not changed during exam week Buses may move little faster with fewer pickups he said but think the youngsters know that at exam time STEWART FISHER Straughan is puzzled by resale of school till Straughan Simcoe Coun ty Board of Education trustee is puzzled by recent devel opineiits with the Lefioy School and said so at Wednes days board meeting The board sold the school to lnnisfil lownship in 1070 for $1 lnnisfil council agreed this month to sell it to the Parent Action Lcagtic of Toronto for 8100000 to hoiisc school for dyslexic children understand it was given to llllll ll ltill them for community use said Straughan of the sale to lnnisfil council sure the board wouldnt give away school for $1 if theyre going to sell it for $100000 lack Ramsay education said there was nothing in the deed which would restrict the sale llc addtd however that the negative grant on the sale has been waived by the province on the understanding that the school and property would be torcoinmunityuse The negative grant is por tion of the original grant on school and property which is returned to the ministry after itssale Ramsay said the negative grant on Lelroy School would probably have amounted to few thousand dollars Straughan suggested that in future sales the board seek some kind of stipulation from the purchaser as to use Ramsay said that the board would be notifying the ministry of thc dcvclopiiicnts at Lefroy to Stt whether it has any in torcst in the matter tliethcr they will have any interest or not dont know hesaid The Parent Action League has put $5000 down payment on the school with the balance diicbyJiinc17 director of Fined $400 on LIC charges liiirric man has been fined Slot iltcr being found guilty of three counts of false iiciiiploynniit Insurance Commis lttlt statements liidgc loii Iittlt filttti him 31400 or days and gave him 60 day to pay the fine in provincial ct 111 ml court this week tharlos Adams of RR Harrie charged in connection with the week period in May ilti larch oi 1076 He work od for St atlmrinos tirni earning S1 ttto but claimed VIC bcnct its and received Soon The Shoo in bcncfits has been repaid Butchered remains of cow found llic trcshlybutclicrcd remains of cow were found in the bush area of Tiny Township near chnda IrovinCial Park Monday Iolicc piii say Midland tll said today park officials found the remains near Police are investigating the possibility the animal was stolen and then killed Tommittce allows milk store tity councils gciicrai tiltlltltlitt rcvcrscd itself Monday and voted to approve an application to rezone land at 11 iindlcs Road West to permit milk store as part of small commercial development The committee had previously rejected the rezoning which had bccu approved by planning board spokcsman for the developer told council last week the milk store will create fewer problems in the area than would many uses permitted under present zoning Mondays committee action will go before council next week for final approval Tax reductions approved ity council meeting in special session Monday approved 73 in tax reductions cancellations and writcroffs and tom in additions Most of the additions involved the addi tion of the citys ccdcutting and snow removal costs to tax bills whcrc property owners did not perform these taks as required by law Largest single write off was $65145 for an iincollcctablc bill to business no longer in operation Largest addition was $710 to developer for weed cutting on varicty of properties Biologist speaks to naturalists llic chreton Field Naturalists tlub will meet Friday at 730 pm at undlcs Heights School Speaker will be biologist Mike Singleton executive assistant to the presi dent of thc Itcdcratiou of nlario Naturalists He will speak on tackling coiiscrvat ion and ecology issues at the provincial and local levels North student youth of the month lciiiscadcau 17 Grade 12 student at Barrie North Col lcgiatc has been named youth of the month by the Barrie Kiwanis lub first class honor student she is president of tlic Girls Athlctic Association and represented tier school last year at the Ontario Athletic Leadership onfcrcnce at akcouchichiiig She will be honored by the club Monday ork lift competition May 14 The Industrial Accident Prevention Association lAIAt Simcochuskoka division is sponsoring thc 1977 Fork Lift Truck competition Saturday May It in the ro Township Arena in Guthrie Registration and walk through the course will begin at in while competition begins at St There is no written test this ycar lhosc iiitcrcstcd in entering thc competition should coit tact their local lAlA representative llarries lAlA chair man is ltoii Young of The toopcr Tool Group