Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1977, p. 4

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Vvhhiv In WKQI 112 Ettore Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited SEVICK Advertising Manager ELlO AGOSTINI 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Publisher and General Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Mondav March 21 1977 Conservation the key in dealing with hydro Those people who keep telling us we must conserve energy are not kidding Barrie and area residents were again given the message when Dr Stevenson of the Ontario Energy Board and the Royal Com mission on Electrical Power Plann ing spoke at public forum at Georgian College We have already received our first taste of what is to come in the first Public Utilities Commission and Ontario Hydro bills of the new year And things will get worse Brownouts by the 1980s and even FOR ALL SEASONS higher electrical bills are in store In its trips around the province the commission has received cou ple of startling suggestions One is winter surcharge for large users of electricity Sound frightening Not really suggestion that radiooperated cutoff switches be installed to stop subscribers from using too much key electricity during peak demand periods smacks of 1984 In any event conservation is the If we do not save enough the Not farm pond but Lake Simcoe By TRAYNOR McFARINII We once drove into lake Oh not one of your farm pon ds so numerous in this area but the real McCoy Lake Simcoe Wed been visiting friends at their cottage in the rilliaOro area with our two youngsters whod be around and 11 years old at the time The plan was to stay overnight at the cottage About 130 am two relatives of our friends drove in from Toronto unexpectedly to spend the weekend As there was no room for our crew we decided to go home BIBLE THOUGHT When Jesus saw that the people came running together he rebuked the foul spirit saying unto him Thou dumb and deaf spirit charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him And the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him and he was as one dead insomucli that many said He is dead But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose Iark02327 Jesus is still in the business of healing and delivering the 0p pressed and possessed prayer of deliverance Jesus do what you have done before Restore physical and mental health to all who are in need now In your name Amen And Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints To execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him Jude 14 15 Rest assured that the one who is coming with His own is going to have the last word with the ones who are staying Turn ye turn ye for why will ye die 232 Ellie Barrie Exammrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 early Single copies 15 cents Mail Barrie 344$ yearly Simcoe Count $3400 yearly otor Throw git $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year Iv National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto M1710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for dama es arising out of err ors in vertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actuall occupied by that por tion the advertisement in which the error occurred who ther such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertise merit Co yright Registration Num r203815register61 We gathcrtxl up the sleepy youngsters and piled into the car and drove oft into the moon set along murky back roads heavy mist covered the area and seemed to get heavier as we drove along Having no knowledge of the area we drove slowly and cautiously peering ahead through the swirling mist We must hav misle turn somewhere for the next thing we knew we seemed to be on some sort of downward slopc We slowed to crawl and the headlights suddenly reflected on an expanse of water Damned big puddle we muttered squint ing ahead Suddenly we stood on the brakes Whats up sleepily dont know yet we replied stepping out of the car into six inches of frigid water Wed driven down one of those silly boat ramps The front wliccls of the car were in six mchcs of lake As we stood there the diiiikiiiss from the lzikc clawed at our face and slid insiduousig past llady asked our tcclh tilusplllg in our throat We expertly surveyed the Iwciityfivc years ago this month Iiriiiicli No H7 of the Royal aiiadiaii Legion at Bar ric played charity hockey game against No Ontario Provincial Police district head quarters staff and those on Harrie municipal duty The Rarric Arena was packed for the government will have to resort to drastic measures decided wcd and lizivctobackout What is it thoroughly awake IIlidv asked situation Were in the lake replied innocently dramatically The lake The lake Will you be quiet youll llpr set the children we hissed at Mindy through mercury stained dentures By this time we but the children were already upset and screaming things like We dont want to bc mermaids our shoes have holes in them and well drownl ind Weve got cxzims Monday lie quict ill of you Wt orr dcrcd starting up the car The wheels spun some us we tried hacking out and finally they caught and we were off We were back on the lllitill back road and heading for the highway Ihcic irc lights ahead we iiiiitttrcd Must be lilt high way Always the sarcastic one Mlidy said Its probably lake steamer With its navigation lightson We liiiiiiiiplicl and rcsolutcly turned onto Lake Siincoc Boulevard and sailed hoznc Remember when PARLIAMENT HILL Lunch with govt secretary reveals the real status symbol It SIII RI licllltll Ottawa lliircnii Ilioriison cws Scrv ici lltll wc talk about waste in govtiiiiiitiil we tend to convene tigitc on thosc iiiussivc throw aways such as iitits tor old aircraft niriicia the purchase of obsolete tanks thc leasing of lll iiillt spacc and ion udii ouncil grants for someone game In this photo onstiililc Alex ir Harry Partridge and licstcr Wake in ii skit Ilvcrybmly pays Harold II Wlicclcr identification sergeant with the OPP in Niagara Falls who took it while on duty in Barrie Photo courtesy of to write thrcc part history on lcruvianfliitcs But perhaps we are missing the rczilrlayAlodny aste Got to thinking about this when the tcloplionc rang and pleasant secretary said Just moment please Ii MucKtn icwintstospcik toyou said okay and continued working with the phone pressed between shoulder and car few moments later she came back on the line am sorry Mr MacKcnic is tied up for tcw moments Would you mindliangingmf Not it ill 1llli£llt iiiiiiutcs passcil am really sorry but he shouldnt lt much longer Something unexpected came up kay llllll lcw minutes am really embarrassed about this she said Why dont Just tell Mr MaiKciixic that you arc out and that you will call back later have better idea siig gcstcd Why dont youtcll Ii MzicKiiizic that IlitVt hccn dangling on phone line for five minutes that had to lt turn to work and that if he won is to talk with me he can call himself would really appreciate it if you could call back instead she said It would certainly make it easier for me HAPPENSHTIIN By this time two telephones had been tied up for 10 min Lites one government line the other business line and absolutely nothing had been ac complished with the possible exception of rising blood pressure This happens ill the time said lllt swrctary becoming slightly cxasixratcd lo soothe the situation vol unteered to call back with my own fingers providing she would meet me for lunch and explain what she meant by this happens till the time Providing her identity was pro lcctcd she agreed Its just unbelievable she said later When you guys write about status symbols in the public service all you talk about is office equipment the thickiicssof the rug parking fa cilitics and cxpciiseaccount lunclics The real status symbol as far as am concerned is that damned tclcphonc And it all boils down to the question of who is kept waiting At the ministerial level of course there is no argument minister tells his secretary to get StiIlldSt on the line and that soziiidrso waits until the minister is buzzed back on the intercom And when the prime minister plumes minister he follows the same procedure But when ministcr phones the prime minister according to magnificent inside sources they dial themselves and ex plain to one of Mr Irudcaus JANAIAS STO German offensive nearly won war Ry BUR BOWMAN After more than three years of stalemate on the western front Germany nearly won the First World War with an offen sive that began March21 I018 The collapse of the Russians to the cast made it possible for the Germans to increase their strength 25 per cent on the western front while British and French strength had decreased by the same mount The United States had cn tcrcd the war in April 1917 but their presence was not fully cf fcctive The Germans realized that this was the time to launch an allltout attack and 0000 artil lery guns were placed in posi tion to help the infantry Their commanding general was named Durchbruchmullcr which in translation means Breakthrough Muller He was aptly named The Germans advanced 40 miles on the first day of the offensive Until this time an advance of 40 yards month had been considered significant They kept going past Arras Cambrai and the Fomine until they became locked in the sec ond battle of the Marne Paris was in danger and British and French troops were ordered to stand totliclast man Then the mircalc happened Somehow the Gcrman attack petcred out War historians have never been able to agree why Perhaps the Germans felt so confident that they had won the war that they lost the desire to fight They were enjoying C10 BACK WE HAVE TOO MANY PEOPLE ALREADY tlltinlA lllt secretaries they have lots of time to wait Everything is clear cut at this level But when you get into the bowels of the bureaucracy there is often constant war fare over who gets on the line first And when you consider there are more than 41000 gov ernment telephones in the capi tal its not difficult to see how fair amount of time can be wasted Sometimes it reaches ridiculous proportions said this secretary There will be two of us on the line with our bosses both waiting in their of ficcs and we will be arguing over which one should pick up the phone first Just the other day my boss told me to get certain individ ual on the line and happened to remember that this man had just received promotion ex plained this to my boss who didnt know the extent of the promotion and rather than get caught in an embarrassing situ ation he walked down to the other office just wish our bosses real ized the agonies some of us go through before buzzing them to say now have Mr Smith on thcline If the government would de cree that everyone place their own calls it would save the tax payers millions of dollars each year Why dont you write that Okay lady Ijust did themselva too much eating French chickens and drinking some of the worlds best wines Canadian troops were not in volved in the German advance They were held in reserve and led the counterattack that be gan Aug8 and ended the war 100dayslater Berrys World letters to the editor Movie Macbeth hardly offensive Dear Sir Re Nude Macbeth offends am surprised to say the least that The Barrie Examiner would vent such narrow minded views as those illus trated by James Cotter in the above mentioned article of March 17 His charges against Polan skis version of Macbeth were at best exaggerated Having seen the movie as part of my Grade 12 English course feel can safely say that any nudity in the film was negligible and hardly offen sive The film itself lends the stu dent an insight into the characters and workings of the Shakespearean play which can not be gained through classroom study The excessive gore and bloodshed to which Cotter refers is necessary means of portraying the way of life in Macbeths day In any case if the violence is excessive we should consider that the events in the movie adhere only to what is in the actual play Perhaps we should ban the study of Macbeth in our school system simply must assume that since Polanskis version of Macbeth is being shown at theatre there is an element of choice involved as to whether or not student views the film In view of this Cotters com parison of the movie to CBCs advertising edit policy and Miss LaMarshs study on media violence both of which the public is exposed to with vir tually no choice is completely offbase hesitat to ask how the film is presented in such way that the students even if they do feel little squeamish would go Is Mrs Cotter insinuating that there is some type of coer sion involved am sincerely curious as to whether or not the Cotters have considered that the students they are so selfrighteously protecting are youn adults In fact many of the stu ents are of age to see any pornographic film on the market am sure that many of the students who do see the film will be sorely disappointed The movie is rather tame in view of Cotters gross exaggerations In any case as am sure the schools have made apparent the parents have the option of banning their child from view ing the film In my opinion this would be shame as it is really very artistic and classic film Yours truly Sandra Furzecott WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject aI letter Sorry Councillor ans withdrew her motion Dear Sir was very disturbed after reading the report of the ln nisfil Township council meeting in your paper March 10 highly commend Councillor Jans for her courage in making motion to ban smoking during council meetings It is already known fact that smokers not only harm their own health but that of those around them was really appalled by the low morals that Councillor Tipple revealed in his reply to Coun Jans Whatever people say and do make them what they are so am surprised it was printed BQO CORNER what Tipple had to say about his rights What degradation Where was the reeve If this is an example of what goes on at our local level of government God have mercy on our nation Im sorry Coun Jans withdrew her motion Non smokers have rights too Maybe her motion did sound little harsh concerning fine but these days it takes plain forceful language for some peo pie to recognize that other peo ple have rights too Carsson Phelpston 1900 The Generation Before the Great War By KIIIARE HOBBS In an age when knowledge of all kinds is becoming frag mented among myriads of spe cialists one is more than ever grateful to the scholar who re fused to rend the seamless gar ment of truth Such scholar is Edward Tannenbaum New York Uni versity historian who has writ ten an encyclopedic study of the social convulsionsand their causesthat overtook Eu ropeans in the period around the tum of our century The book is 1900 The Gener ation Before the Great War Doubleday 446 pages $1150 and it brings together in read able and intelligible way all sorts of information about poli tics culture and social change along with the history of ideas The controlling idea of the book is that of modernization the process that occurs when masses of people are rooted from their traditional Ii estyles and are thrown together in new societies that live or try to live by the light of reason Modernization is continuing process with no clear starting point one Canadian scholar considers the Middle Ages modernizing period and no end It brings secularization rationalization bureaucratizat ion industrialization ur banization structural dif fereiitiation consolidation of policymaking and the elimination of political and social inequalities TO THE ITIES In Tannenbaums period Eu ropeans were leaving villages and farms for cities where im mcmorial traditions were re placed by compulsory school ing newspapers automobiles public transportation movies telephones and all sorts of agi tations for personal and politi cal liberty The most important change was cultural Culture says Tannenbaum gives people their view of reality It includes what the know and how they know an express it as well as their values and standards of behavior One of the results of modern ization was to make people both more nationalistic and more in ternationalminded than ever before Another result was to release both revolutionary and reactionary forces as social classes responded to social change either with rising ex pectations or with resistance All this is familiar ground though expressed with more clarity than in most studies of the kind What is less familiar is the way in which Tannebaum draws on an enormous mass of evidence not only from scholar ship but from popular art to show in detail what was hap pening POINT OF VIEW One may question some of the details For instance when hes discussing population shifts he suggests that the Irish began their habit of marrying late af ter the famines of the 18408 Ac cording to study by Keeper admittedly unpub lished late marriages had be come the rule much earlier than this Again in his use of popular art as evidence he sometimes expects too much of it as when he cites the French film Grand Illusion 1937 as authority on how European aristocrats viewed nationalism But these are quibbles small mistakes are forgiveable in book that covers so much ground Tannenbaum can il luminate anything from the ideas of Nietsche Freud Weber and Durckheim to the school stories on which British workingclass boys were brought up from the precise ranking of British peers to the poetry of Mallarme and the aintings of cubists and uturists Nor does he merely describe these things he has point of view and this in the end is what makes his book profoun dly interesting as well as in formative ART AND CULTURE Many recent studies in the history of culture get bo ed down in the attempt to Fer entiate high art from popular culture Some of them cut the knot by pretending that there is in fact no difference there is only art that you happen to like and art that other people like Tannenbaum concentrates on the way people use art The new mass media he says encouraged consumer mentality that began to regard all cultural products in terms of like it and what it means to me Kildare Dobbs currently Is working on book about the Iriin in Canada IIiomson News Service

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