1T help wanted Corporation of the City of Driliia Engineering Department Applications will be received by the undersigned until March T977 for the position of SENIOR CIVIL TECHNICIAN or CIVIL TECHNOLOGIST In The successful applicant shall be certified or certifiable as Technologist or Senior Technician with the OACETT having minimum of five years of Municipally related qualified experience Duties and responsibilities shall include all aspects of municipal engineering work under the direction of the City Engineer Salary commensurate with ex perience and qualifications Normal employee benefits available MEADLEY PEng City Engineer M2I EXPERIENCED TRAILER MECHANIC vrequired in Orillia telephone 3257484 DEALERPLANW CLERK Fulltime dealerplan clerk required Ex cellent opportunity Previous credit and collection experience an asset Position includes some clerical duties Bill Thompson Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce also rt Please contact Mr 7282459 if Occupational Therapist The Royal Victoria Hospital invites ap plications for an occupational therapist Psychiatric Inpatient Service in Good company benefits wages to be negotiated Please dynamicallyoriented service maintain ing close links with university medical centre Contact Dr James Henderson Director ol Psychiatric Services 7259807 extension 1407 $1000 TO $5000 weekly Alaska and McKenzie Valley Pipelines needs workers Men women skilled unskilled For exciting details write Northern Employment Box 27 Ol terson ontario POB IMO TRUCK DRIVER for sod ranii perience required Must be 25 years old References required Cant4164397022 DRAPERY SALES person required Send resume to Ron Lofthouse Irvine Dcorating Centre PO Box 681 Barrie RECEPTiONIST FOP RealEslate of rice Typing essential Saturdays only responses we GARDENERW Mature person over 40 Experienced to maintain shrubs and lawns in Lefroy Mr Dennis 2944 Toronto or telephone area Write or call Yonge Street irdlo 487AI55 72569 PEEK onrnrreroi Person required to ser vice Barrie and surroun for promotional advertising This is good opportunity for mature and motivated person seeking an above average income Send resume and phone to Advertising Pays 49 On tario St St Catharines eat ices Engagements maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Additional words cents per word Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Card of Thanks 25 words $500 In Memoriam no verse $500 Coming Events ll births Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child hasfarto go Fridays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that Is born on the Sab bath Day ls fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 72824 85 deaths BOWEN Violet Ann At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Sunday March 20 1977 Violet Ann Bowen daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Charles Bowen sister of Fred of Barrie Charles and Preston both predeceased Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Battle after pm Monday Complete service in the chapel on Wednesday March 23 at 130 pm ln ferment Barrie Union Cemetery BRENT Clifford At the Royal Vice toria Hospital Barrie on Saturday March i977 beloved husband of the late Francesca dear father of Ted and Mary of Barrie Lovingly remembered by his granddaughters Mary Mrs Don Harvey of Chathem Anne Mrs Jim Lane and Jane Funeral service will be held from the Trull Funeral Home at 2704 Yonge Street Toronto on Monday afternoon at 230 pm lnr terment Prospect Cemetery In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the gharity of your choice ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE for ALLANDALE LUMBER COMPANY SATURDAY MARCH 26 T977 at l000 am sharp to be held at their premises 49 ESSA ROAD BARRIE the following stock FLOOR COVERING Cushion floor Carpet Underlay Tile etc TOOLS Hammers saws drill bits crescent wrenches pliers tin snips cement finishing tools screw drivers chisels measuring tapes levels squares nail pullers files shovels miter boxes sand paper etc CARPENTER SUPPLIES Counter tops ceramic tiles weather stripping all types of glue hinges screws vinyl baseboard and accessories mops brooms panelling wood trim interior and exterior shutters shelving Nutop decorative coating 88 coming events BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF Simcoe County VDN Branch ANNUAL MEETING March 31 I977 at 800 oclock pm in Board room Royal Victoria Hospital 76 Ross St Barrie Public Welcome M21 28 THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE LADIES ASSOC will hold RUMMAGE SALE AND BAKE TABLE Saturday March 26 am TRINITY PARISH HALL For pickup call 7263874 728 5240 7282730 M2l 23 24 25 Budworm the target QUEBEC CP An inter national grou headed by New foundlands eputy minister of lands and forests has been created to coordinate efforts aimed at controlling spruce budworm losses in the forests of eastern North America The Eastern Spruce Bud worm Council set up following meetings here this week in cludes Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prin ce Edward Island Newfoun dland the state of Maine and rgpresentatives from the eral governments of Canada and the United States statement from the Quebec lands and forests department said the council was formed to create permanent channel of communication and con sultation between senior gover nment officials in the US and Canada on the spruce budworm and related problems The council plans to form special committees to stan dardize procedures in the areas of health protection aerial spraying assessment of en 3322 per column Inch room dividers PAINTERS SUPPLIES Brushes rollers trays trimmers stirrers etc Numerous colors of paint quarts and gallons PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Too numerous to list vironmental damage forest resource inventories and research documentation BOX REPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES While every endeavor will be Garden tools garden hose mode to forward replies to box sprinklers smrsoyl water numbers to the advertiser as Ont Ml9 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company rfipeds dependable person who can work Earn $14000 per Contact customers without supervision year plus bonus around Barrie We train Write Bramptonï¬nt LoT 2J6 HIISELIJJJ L3V6K3 74 opportunity for men In women FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL plied Low monthly payments phone number to United In iiiiiilmï¬w2 Toronto Ontario MSN 224 76employment wanted AA7 work Will do anything 7261923 FXEPAERIEENCEDV TYPIST vim do typing mown home Low rates Will pick up and tteliver Telephone 436 2832 after pm 77 Iogol NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of ELIZABETH AGNES McLAUGHLIN late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died on or about March lst I977 are requested to send par ticulars of their claims to the un dersigned on or before the 8th day of April I977 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims which if they shall then have notice DATED this 16th day of March T977 WILSON BURNS MENZIES CARROLL PALMER BUM STEAD TlBCollier Street Box 60f BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 1TI M2l24 NUTle deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum SALES REPS wanted for the finest home water purifiers made Must have car Excellentcommissions Choose own hours Callorwrite Allan MunroJOAL ENTERPRISES PO Box 843 Oritlia Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup Write for Free Booklet including otitute PO Box l52 Station TF DRIVER with l976 Maxi van needs Telephone sprinkler toilet seats shepherd casters carpet layers trim flashlight batteries lamps various size circulation fans filing cabinet office desk nails bolts nuts hundreds of items too numerous to list Ladies and Gentlemen Con tractors and Jobbers Plan to at tend this sale Many items of in terest for everyone Some items will be sold in job lots ACCIDENTS Neither the management nor the auc tioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss day of sale TERMS Cash cheques accepted with proper lD GRAHAM ALLEN Auctioneer 7265055 737249I Sale to be held indoors M2I 2325 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Clauified advertisement and notice for thou pages must be received by day preceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display od wrtisomonts which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words ct per word CARD OE THANKS 75 worth 55 00 additional words ct per word iN MEMORIAM NOTICES No vOflO $500 With verso pet count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 72 per column inch WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Coth Dll count Rates apply if paid within day One or two insertions per word in union Three consecutive insertions and one half cents per word inurlian fatal $6 Six consecutive insertions 8c per word per insertion total SH 52 Multiple lnurlians may be ordered subject to con cellation when oatislaclory ruulll ob tainod Method of counting fewer than 24 words count at word Each initial obe breviation not of numben otc count or separate word ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone IllI0 orders are accepted convenience to the advertiser Therefore the Claulfiod Advertising Department requiru ad advertisers to kin dly rochacll their advertisement im mediately after full insertion in order that any error or orniuion may be reported bofora am in order that some may be ratified for the following day publication The Barn hammer is responsible for only venisonlent are not eligible for correc ions by make goodo The lame Examiner OIOVVO the right to lollify ravlla or and any want ads PHONE 72624 soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 PUBLIC NOTICE THE CITY OF BARRIE will be ap pointing local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee and interested citizens wishing to be appointed to ser ve on it are invited to submit letter of application with brief resume to the City Clerk before March 23 I977 STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 M9Ill4l6l82l PUBLIC NOTICE BARRIE CITY COUNCIL will be holding public meeting to discuss the Conceptual Plan for the development of the Lakeshore between Boyfield and Mulcaster Streets The meeting will be held on Tuesday March 22 T977 at 730 pm in the Council Chambers of the City Hall 84 Collier Street All Interested persons are in vited to attend or write to Coun cil to express their opinion Copies of the Conceptual Plan are available for inspection in the City Clerks Office STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 M9lll4l6l82l causes Controversy LONDON CP To the as tonishment of the Grand Prix fraternity the new sixwheeled Tyrrell finished third in the world championship last year behind Ferrari and McLaren Was this because of its extra pair of wheels or despite them Some rival organizations be gan design studies on sixwheel ers as soon as Tyrrells Project 34 was announced just in case it proved an immediate suc cess But despite Grand Prix victory eight second places and an overall finish just three points behind James Hunts McLaren no other sixwheelers have appeared The rainchild of Ken Tyrrell and his designer Derek Gard ner challenged for the world title right up to the Canadian Grand Prix three races before the end of the 16race series South African Jody Scheckter its principal driver finished third with 49 points to Hunts 69 and Nikki Laudas 68 Patrick Depailler in the teams second car was fourth with 39 OWNER CONFIDENT Tyrrell ex ressed confidence about the uture of the six wheeler It is only at the start of its development while all the four wheeled cars are at the limits of theirs he said We are pressing forward with team of sixwheeled cars for this sea son He has recruited Ronnie Pe terson the 32yearold Swedish driver to replace Scheckter on the 1977 team The new cars small front wheels were expected to help the streamlining or more spe cificaliy the air penetration at speed by presenting less resist ance to the air at the front where it mattered most Gardner reasoned that this would give his drivers few yards advantage on the straight improving their chan ces of overtaking rival on corner The cars were expected to do well on tracks with long straights where the advantage would be deiminslralcd best 011 the other hand while the designer envisaged that the ad ditional grip of two extra tires would improve roadholding ca pabilities he predicted that steering would be heavier than normal STEERING NORMAL But after modifications fol lowing thv cars prescnsrin test program drivers said the six whcclcd racer showed little diflt fcrencc in steering from four wheelers The cars racing debut in the Spanish Grand Irix lust May was inauspicious Setting the braking balance between front and rear before the race Dc paillcr applied too much effort at the rear In the race the rear wheels locked sending the car backwards into crash barrier But Depailler had been lying third behind Ilunt and Lauda when the mishap occurred onu third of the way through the race Showing that DO car was competitive In the Belgian Grand Irix Depailler blow on engine but Scheckter driving the second car in its first race became the first driver to gain world cham pionship points with six whcclcr when he finished four th the winding Monaco coure se where the sixwheelers were not expected to do well they finished second and third behind Laudas Ferrari as the superior braking and gripping power of the four little wheels at the front helped them negotiate the tight corners WON IN SWEDIth Final vindication came in the Swedish Grand Irix won by Scheckter with Depailler finish ing second It was also the oc casion when one of the cars safety features was proved In Scheckters practice run one of the stub nxlcs broke and wheel came off The tandem steering was operating three wheels and one brake disc If it had been conventional founwhcclcd car Id have been off into the bushes before Britain serious on solar energy LONDON CP Prospects for exploiting the sun in Britain are brighter than many people imagine says Science corrc spondent Roy Herbert com menting 0n the fouryear pro gram of research and develop ment of solar energy to be car ried out in this country Herbert wrote in recent re port that by the end of this century solar energy could be making significant contribu tion to Britains power require ments aboul two per cent In the long run it could be 10 times that figure The only source of energy that is not provider by the sun is nuclear Coal oil wind tides are all stored forms of solar energy In spite of Britains dismal reputation for weather it gets lots of sun said Herbert Few places in the world re ceive more than twice its solar input He said the trouble with ex ploiting it is that it is spread over large area it varies widely from place to place and season to season EXPLOITATION SLOW As Britain is highly popu lated there is not lot of space that could be used for solar energy collectors he added For these reasons and others such as methods for extracting power from solar energy ex ploitation will be slow knew what was heppening Scheckter said Instead drove around to the its amazed at the control stil had over the car The cars continued to pick up places for the rest of the year with Depailler nearly winning in Canada leading in the United States before finishin second again and briefly lea ing the Japanese Grand Prix before dropping out with pun cture Scheckter was second in the German Grand Prix and third in the British Rival designers while sus pecting similar engineering might have produced equally good results in fourwheeled cars praised the sixwheelers erformance radical new esign proving itself within one season was major achievement and to do it with something as fundamen tally different as car with six wheels was little short of mira culous that Safely standards fire chiefs call TORONTO CP Sid Oxen ham chief of the fire services section of the Ontario mar shals office says that while firefighting is the most hazar dous profession in the world the equi ment firefighters wear is le to the discretion of the manufacturer In any position where man has to risk his life he shouldnt have to risk it because of the equipment hes wearing Oxenham said in recent in terview We are asking for bravery not stupidity Doubts about inadequate gear and unsafe materials have rompted calls by Canadian ire chiefs and firemens associ ations for national safety stand ards Next month the inter national Firefighters Associ ation will hold special sym posium an occupational safety in Washington DC About 100 firefighters year lose their lives in the line of duty in North Ainericaevan avy eragc of 90 deaths per 100000 firefighters Within the last 12 years at Actress has least two Toronto firefighters were killed because their air supply ran out too quickly EQUIPMENT DIFFERS Fire officials and researchers say the lack of uniform safety standards create situation where dozens of different vari eties of equipment some dating to the early 19505 are used across Canada Bernard Bonser acting chief of Torontos 1200man fire de partment said firefighters know they cannot eliminate all hazards but we all agree that there appears to be lack of research done towards improv ing the quality of the equipment we use However companies in To ronto insist they continually keep abreast of the latest ad vances in firercsistant tech nology We sell to the specifics of the municipality said Archie Malcolm product manager of Scythes and Co Ltd in To ronto one of the countrys ma jor suppliers of firemcns coats Dont forget you tax payer have to pay for it two ages depending on her role LOS ANGELIIS AP My agc have TWO answers to that question 31 if Im an actress 41 if Im director That was Joan Darlings wry commentary on her dual ca rccr Ms Darling came out of the famed improvisation group The Premise which spanned such talents as Gene Hackman George Sigal Buck Ilcnry Ron Licbmzm and George Firth played an existential vil lain in Kansas City Bomber but my scenes were cut because of an existential bosom shc remarked referring to the films star Raquel Welch Other Darling films included The Trouble Maker The Presi dents Analyst and Three in Collar and she has appeared in such TV series as The Defend ers Marcus Welby MD Harry and Police Woman Her career took turn when she tried to interest Norman Lear in starring her in TV film on the life of Golda Meir former Israeli prime minister got Mary Hartman in stead she said IIOSIVIN AS DIRECTOR Lear chose her to direct the offbeat soap opera and she did the ilot and first six weeks of pro uclion It was exciting but it was also like being encapsulated in tomb She left the Show to direct such series as Rhoda Phyllis Doc MASH and Rich Man Poor Man Book II Shc wun honors for her direction of pole gnnnt Chuckles Bites the Dust segment of The Mary Tyler erm Show And now First Love Its her first movie full scalc film for Paramount Pic tures produced by Lawrence Turman The Graduate and David Foster The Drowning Pool Iortraying the romantic couple are William Knit the high school here of Carrie and Susan Dcy late of The Far tridgc Family Some leave ghetto they move back in CHICAGO AP Most blacks who can afford to are moving out of the ghetto Charles and Incz McCord moved backin The retired couple both in their early 60s gave up their $390amonth apartment in predominantly white neighbor hood and moved into battered black neighborhood on the citys South Side For $8500 McCord bought the house where his family first lived when it moved to Chicago in 1925 It takes vision minimum of money and guts but you can go home again McCord said Im home and Im happy Part of the trouble with the black community is that too many people who could help to im prove it want to leave The McCords sank their life savings into refurbishing the old twostorey brick rowhousc on oncefashionable boulevard now blighted by years of change and decay McCord said the decision was chiefly motivated by need to come back to our roots For years Id been living in high rent middleclass apartments in areas with mostly whites felt was losing my identity as black individual RETIRED LAST YEAR McCord operated janitorial service unti his retirement last year His wife was college li brary director He has four grown daughters by previous marriage The couple moved into their new home last December fol lowing ninemonth remodell ing job that brought their total investment to around $50000 The house now almost fully re stored is neighborhood show piece It used to be the worstlook ing house on the block Mc Cord said call it damn good investment now Where else could you get 12inch walls and 9afoot ceilings for $50000 The house sits only about block south of mammoth highrise public housing project plagued by crime but the couple say they feel less threat ened in the ghetto than in their old neighborhood in south western Chicago the scene of last summers openhousing marches that erupted into bit tcr racial fighting TAKE PRECAUTIONS Still they take precautions The grillwork over the front windows for instance is protective as well as decorative The McCords were forced to pay the housing rehabilitation costs out of their own pocket af ter two financial institutions including one in which they said the had $10000 in savings tur down their loan requests Quebec legislature often lilce schoolyard MONTREAL CP Lise Payette the television person ality turned cabinet minister says male members of the Que bec national assembly often act like childish showoffs who spend too much time having fun and not enough time working In an interview in Le Devoir the minister of consumers co operatives and financial in stitutions told journalist Rene Rowan that the male dominated legislature is little likea schoolyard attimes meeting of women is much more serious believe me attend both the out spoken advocate of womens rights said They male mem bers could save half their time if they stopped all the foolishness they do for the benefit of the gallery She described the first session of the national assem bly following the Parti Quebecois election victory Nov 15 as perfectly tedious Ion laborious male and infantile NATURE WILL CHANGE Mrs Payette predicted that the nature of the national as sembly will change when there are 15 or more female members instead of the current five but The Barrie Examiner Monday March 21 1977 17 In Cyprus many songbirds end lives in pickling jars NICOSIA Cyprus AP Many small songbirds that land in Cyprus to rest during migra tions between Europe and Af rica end up on restaurant tables or in pickling jars Catching and eating the small migratory birds is cen turiesold practice in Cyprus and other Mediterranean coun tries inciuding Southern Italy France Greece Lebanon and Syria Cypriot law forbids capturing birds by nets or lime sticks the traditional apparatus for snaring the tasty little song birds But to date the law has been ineffective wildlife protection societies complain CATCH COLOSSAL Although no official records are kept the annual catch in Cyprus during the spring and autumn migrations is colos sal according to an official of one of the islands two ornitholo gical societies Lime sticks are strips of wood coated with sticky substance made of tree resin and honey They are placed in trees and bushes to catch the birds as theyland Hunting ambelopoulia or birds of the vine trees is centred in the southeast region of Cyprus Most of the catch be longs to the blackcapwarbler species In Ayios Theodhoros vil lagc of 2200 near the southeast coast of Cyprus local grocer defends killing ambelopoulia We like the birds they are beautiful but its better to eat Garbage study launched by Metro TORONTO CP The min istry of the environment soon will begin to process and analyse up to 300 tons of gar bage day at the only fullscale resource recovery plant of its kind in the world Ministry officials say the $135miilion plant which opened March is the first stage of 15year project to find new ways to dispose of more than two million tons of garbage produced annually by the city If successful it will be prototype for others across the province Ian McKcrracher the citys director of waste disposal said in an interview that the city is committed to resource recovery because it is more ac ceptable than landfill and technology required is not new although its application to gar bage is novel Torontos landfill sites will be filled by 1982 and environmen talists oppose construction of more incinerators despite stri ngent pollution controls McKcrrachcr said the plant is equipped to handle paper glass metals plastics rubber and food wastes and some other materials but not pathological chemical or demolition wastes It will be capable of handling up to 800 tons day about one tcnth the citys daily waste reducing it in tiny particles for recyclingorlandfill WEAR EASY LOOK NEW YORK CP Theres new ease this summer as de signers mix playful shapes breezy fabrics and details with whimsy Evelyn deJonge quilts her beige polyester and cotton baseball jacket and adds airy not shorts for Sport them says Xenofon Pafitis throughout the island for 70 $24000 STOP ARE YOU BONAFIDE CUSTOMER Do you belong to One of these groups RETAIL oRooEnv STORE RETAI VARIETY STORE RETAIL HARDWARE STORE RETAIL onuo STORE Restaurant Hotel Motel Caterer Church Organization Fraternal Organization Service Station Service Club Manufacturing Firm Business Office The ambelopoulia season for this villa lasts for month between ptember and Octo ber Last fall the villagers esti mate they caught 48000 birds and sold them to groceries SERVE WITH WINE We never have trouble sell ing the birds Pafitis said They make good meze ap tizers eaten with wine or randy 500th anniversary for diamond ring NEW YORK AP This year marks the 500th anni versary of the diamond engage ment ring It all started in 1477 the Jew elry Industry Council says when the dashing young Arch duke Maximilian of Austria wooed and won comely Mary of Burgundy and sealed the pact with handsome diamond ring Heeding his adviser who wrote At the betrothal Your Grace must have ring set with diamond and also gold ring Maximilian had an im posinglookin gold one fash ioned and his beloved Mary within 24 hours of the betrothal ceremony The actual ring with large of them be there If your answer is yes then check out the advantages of shopping at NATIONAL GROCERS CASH AND CARRY 25 Lorena Street Barrie PLEASE N0 CONSUMER SHOPPING HR Bloc has seventeen reasons why you should prepare your income tax return Reason Number Seven Block has offices open all year long Preparing income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help whatever time of year that help is needed You can know that Block will IllaR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE TS Dunlap St Open am pm weekdays 95 Sat Phone 1263822 OPEN TONITE NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Georgian Mall DURING REGULAR STORE NOURS ALSO IN CANADA TR IV APPOINTMENT 9T OUNLOP ST cutout for Maxrmilian high lighted with diamonds and smaller stylized for Mary done in smaller diamonds still is in existence The ring now is in the Museum of Fine Arts in Vienna the Jewelry Industry Council learned during resear ch in connection with the anni versary celebration TRADITION DATES BACK Althou the tradition mf the diamon as the bethrothal stone began 500 years ago evidence of the engagement tradition dates back as far as the caveman The pharaohs of Egypt are believed to have originated the ring or circle as symbol of eternity UST