Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1977, p. 1

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wfv RCMP use axes tear gas in motel eviction RICHIBUCTO NB CP RCMP officers using axes and tear gas evicted Jackie Vau tour his family and several other persons from motel here early today The Vautours had barricaded themselves in the motel for several months to protest expropriation of their property for national park Three RCMP officers re ceived superficial face cuts from flying glass during the am raid Vautour 48 and several of his sons were taken to Moncton NB where they were expected to appear in court later today Vautour was dragged kicking and struggling from his room by five Mounties after they smashed down the door with an axe When he was wrestled out side Vautour squirmed out of his shirt and fell struggling to the ground sixth Mountie placed leg irons on him Vautour was put in station wagon with steelmesh fence inside its rear section and driven away FORCED OUT BY GAS The RCMP staged the raid roombyroom and had their greatest difficulty with three young men who refused to leave until teargas cannister was fired through smashed pic turewindow Staff Sgt Ron Smith in charge of the raiding party stood beside the window and warned the occupants that tear gas would be used if they did not come out One of the men replied that they were afraid of being beaten by the police and apparently did not accept police assurances to the con trary proectile was flung from the insi striking the window casement near where the RC MP officer was standing Bits of flying glass khocked his hat off and gave him slight cut over the left ear The tear gas was then fired inside the room Reporters said that as each of the three men came out they ste ped on the low window sill and jumped on the officers out side Scuffles ensued but police had little further trouble sub duing the three REMOVED FROM ROOMS Motel owner Elzear Thebeau said about eight members of the Vautour family and at least six other persons were removed from several rooms The Vautours had been in the motel since Nov and had vowed to remain until they won what they considered adequate compensation for their 100acre groperty expropriated last year the rovincial government for near yKouchibouguac Na tional Par Sheriffs officials tried on Friday to serve Vautour with an eviction order authorized by the New Brunswick Supreme Court Vautour did not answer knocks on his door and the or der was attached to the door handle Vautour had refused gov ernment offer of $20000 for his house and property He said he wants $150000 for the land and lost fishing and hunting rights The family was brought to the motel last November after RCMP evicted them from the park property The provincial government paid the motel bill or month but Thebeau said he has not been paid since About $12300 was owed on the motel bill not including dam ages done during the raid to day Thebeau said earlier he will launch civil action to se cure the back rent EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Clossdied Advertising 72824 All Other Departments 7266537 llSih year No67 Maple syrup Michelle iervais takes the maple syrup refinery at look for some sap at the Tif Tiffin the weekend liob fin Conservation area Satur Patton Works superinten day Michelle of Angus dent tor the Nottaiiasaga was one of more than 200 area residents who visited Valley Conservation Authori ty which runs Riffiii said CAPSULE NE WS Soviet leader to southern Africa MOSCOW tAPt President Nikolai Podgorny left Moscow today on major Soviet diplomatic mission to southern Africa where he will meet leaders of black political and guerrilla movements fighting white regimes diplomatic sources said Podgoniy flew first to Tanzania Cuban President Fidel Castro had left Tanzania hours before on his way to Zambia and Mozambique and there was no indication the two men would meet From Tanzania Podgorny is also scheduled to go to 2am bia and Mozambique two more of the socalled trontrline black states supporting blacknationalist movements in Rhodesia SouthWest Africa and South Africa The Soviet leader was expected to warn the Africans to be suspicious of US and British attempts to foster gradual transfer of power to the black majorities in southern Africa Moscow has called for the immediate transfer of power by the most effective means and African diplomats say there have been promises of military aid for the guerrillas at Tiffin Conservation Area Castro arrives in Mozambique MAPUTO Renter Cuban leader Fidel Castro arrived in Mozambique to day on previously unan nounced visit The official Mozambique news agency said President Samora Machel welcomed the Cuban leader at the air port in Beira Mozambiques second largest city Castro flew in after five day visit to Tanzania 0f ficials in his party refused to disclose his destination on departure and Mozambique authorities did not announc ed his visit in advance He was scheduled to have talks with President Machel later today Foreign Minister Joaquim Chissano and other Mozambique government ministers are also in Beira Castros visit comes eight da before Soviet President Ni olai Podgorny is due to visit Mozambique In Dar es Salaam earlier today Castro denied that Cuban troops are involved in the current invasion of southern Zaire FIDEI ASTRU to Africa Panamanian tanker breaks in twe PORTSMOUTH Va AP ti76foot Panamanian tanker has broken in two about 140 miles off the coast of North Carolina the US Coast Guard said today The tanker tenativcly was identified as the laiidc on way built 20 years ago in Japan The coast guard said it received report from merchant vessel the Moss Point that attempt was being made to rescue two men from the bow of the stricken ship The coast guard said the Moss Point reported that no other crew members were sighted tanker that size normally would carry from 20 to 35 crew the coast guard said An oil slick was reported at the scene but the coast guard said it had no information on its size Seas were reported calm in the area Two coast guard cutters were on route to the scene There was no immediate information available on the ex pected destination of the Claude Conway The 42000ton tanker is owned by Cosmopolitan Shipping Co of Panama Its agent is Cosmopolitan Shipping Co Inc of New York China faces drought emergency PEKING Reutert hinu has called an emergency cori ference on its worsening drought situation and appealed for an allout effort to save the vital summer harvest The Peoples Daily says the state council organimd an emergency telephone conference to discuss antidrought measures an the future of the north China wheat crop state council circular called for immediate action against the drought the official newspaper says adding The present drought is extremely severe in areas along the Yellow and Hum Rivers and in number of places in nor them China the sap was not running Sun day because of the cold weather but enough sap was collected Saturday to keep the refinery going The Tiffin refinery will be open the next three weekends to the public It is located on oncession ti Essa three miles south of Highway 90 Examiner Photo Brezhnev has plan for Middle Ens MOSCOW Renter Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev set out detailed Kremlin plan for peace in the Middle East today including stzigcAbystage Israeli Withdrawals from occupied ter ritories and demilitarized zones along future borders He also suggested the Soviet lnion the Initcd States and other countries supplying weapons to the Middle East should study ways of ending the arms race there In general the problem of the international arms trade seems to merit an exchange of views irezhnev said in speech to the Soviet Congress of Trade Inions Brczlinevs peace plan iii corporated several ideas that the Soviet Union long has sugr gestcd should be on the agenda at the lencva peace conference oncc it resumes But it also introduced new de tails among them an agreed schedule allowing for Israeli withdrawals by stages in the course say of several monr ths Another new proposal was for demilitarized zones to be created on both sides of borders established by settlement provided the countries involved gave their consent PLACE lN TROOPS United Nations emergency force or observers might be sta tioned within the zones for clearlydefined period after the settlement he suggested Ilc repeated earlier sugges tions that the Soviet Union the US France and Britain act as guarantors of an eventual set tlement Alternatively if the signatories preferred the peace agreement could be guaranteed by the IN Security ouncil Brezhnev stressed that final peace document or documents should outlaw the acquisition of territory by war and ensure the rights of all Middle East states to independence and security as well as guaranteeing the Palestinians rights to create their own state As part of an eventual settle ment the Soviet scenario fore saw lsraels withdrawal from all territories it occttpied in 1907 US should reudjust thinking about energy WASHINGTON MP The lnitcd States should change its otticial thinking about nuclear energy and realize it is unlikely to become crurinl power sour ce until well into the 21st cen tury committee of leading scientists and economists said today In major new nuclear power study financed by the Ford Foundation the independ ent committee urged deem phasis on civilian use of pluto nium and said the US should realize that the world is not runningout of energy In its 418page report the Nu clear Energy Policy Study Group said Presilent Carter should postpone indefinitely plans for reprocessing plutonium from spent reactor fuel because the material can be diverted too easily for use in atomic weap ons Devclopment of the con trovcrsial $l2billion plutonium breederreactor program should be postponed and prototype model to be con structed at Clinch River Tenn should be abandoned entirely Strengthened security is necessary at nuclear power plants because current safeguards do not appear ade quate to meet the potential threats of terrorism Ihe government should re tain control of uraniunrenricli ment technology rather than sharing it with private in dustry as former ad ministrations have advocated Because supplies of ura nium and other energy sources are greater than is realized the government should drop plans for recyclin spent nuclear fuel and should ury waste in per manent deepstorage sites Palestinians stand tough but door open CAIRO Router The Pale stinians parliamentinexile has taken tougher stand on ef forts to bring peace to the Mid dle East but left the door open to negotiations The lalestinc National Coun cil adopted by an overwhelming majority Sunday night 15 point program calling for the establishment of an in dependent Palestinian state and reaffirming the strategic aim of dismantling the Jewish state The program compromise between moderate and hard line positions reflected distinct hardenin of the Palestinian slant on in ternational peace efforts delegates said he titanic Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Monday March 21 1977 WEATHER FORECAST for Mrs Gandhi NEW DELHI AP Prime Minister Indira Gandhi prob ably will resign today following the loss of her seat in Parlia ment and reverses suffered by her Congress party in the ln dian general election official sources reported Mrs Gandhis foes already have begun talks to try to put toget her govcrnmctit With returns in for 283 of the 542 seats in the lower house of Parliament the new lanata Peoplest party had I35 and could count on the support of nine more Mrs Gandhis on gress party which won two third of the seats in the l071 election had only 103 Inde pendents regional groups and handful of minor parties ac counted for the rest Hours after the an nouncement that she had lost her own seat the Sityearold prime minister ordered the end of the state of emergency un der which she imprisoned thousands of her opponents and the restoration of all civil liberties ALSHD EVOLI Proclaimcd in June 1975 to keep her in office after her con viction on charge of cani paign irregularities the emergency led to voter revolt that contributed to her doan fall the defeat of her son Sanr jay in his first bid for office fiatsilks Are there any questions and the eclipse of the dynasty her father the late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru established 30 years ago The chief contenders to suc ceed her are two former leaders of the Congress party who broke with her Morarji Desai and Jagjivan Ram Desat now 81 was Mrs lan dliis deputy prime minister in 1960 when she split the party in struggle for power with con servative leaders He and other conservatives formed the ppo sition Congress and in January it merged with three other op position parties to form the lzr nata Ram the fittycarold leader of Indias Untouchable caste was agriculture minister in Mrs Gandhis last cabinet He broke with her last month and formed the Congress for lemocracy which won seven seats in the early returns There was speculation that Mrs Gandhis defeat would produce more defectors from her ongress who would rally behind Desai or Rani Although separate parties the Janata and Rams ongrcss cam paigntd together and pledged to work together in the new Parliament NUIllll3llflS No major shift iti foreign pol icy is expected slow the Ja natas manifesto pledged adhe rencc to lndias traditional pol icy ol nonalignincnt free from any attachment to any power liloc The party also pledged to restore all civil liberties and repeal the legislation Mrs tiziiidhi put through hiring the emergency restricting freedom of the rpress and the independence llit judiciary lesai retained his seat in central Gujarat state by oiin 21000 votes but Ram was re elected from his district of eastern liliai by more than 300000 otcs one of the biggest marginsforanycaiididatt Mrs tiandln came to power Ill January 1900 alter tlic death of Prime Minister la Bahiidiii Shastri ongrcss party lllttll hers ol Parliament elected her prime minister over litsat 333 to 100 BARRIE COUPLE WINS $100000 St Patricks Day was lucky day for John and Mary Films of Barrie They held ticket 532M in Series 37 iii the Wintario draw and that was worth 3100000 Elms picked up his 00000 cheque this morning iii Toronto Its the first time Ive ever ion anything said libos tiiilf Oil of tanada employee in loroiito Well put it away he said when asked what he plans to do with the 00000 liaii three children lary Rose ti lelanie and John II months pg Form ii linistci litsai Kl Iltx his ttlll in filttlllilt fitlctice cotii ttlr Deputy til IUI ltidia his It PM me oiarji Peoples elilr ltanaio party Women party results of the Indian iational flttIItllI begin coming in Sun day lhsai chairman of the that is coalition of ploynient insurance program the parties opposing Indira dhis Congress Party tional emergency dec by Mrs Gandhi tAP Ph Ms Parent said officia Gan had btcn jailed during the na lared oto Women plan campaign for more jobs wages is who plan to campaign on larlia mcnt llll today tor inoii ttli higher wages in ttll to unitc controls tougher price ltlll trols lwttcr family law and full tithate in the tomnions on abortion lhisii among dcninitlu agreed upon Sunday by tltlt gattw to lllt annual comcntioti of the aiional tllirt toni mittic on the Status ot Women who were rtllttllllttl to HIV it small groups will tllttttl Vllltl lslitsdtttl IIgt lttilrty io cap the tlt ntl sessxoii of workshops on employment llt come family law and min services committee lltlitll Lorna Marsilcii said anyone who believes the iomciis movement is dcad is fair game We sneak up on them and change the law Among the laws delegates want changed are anti inflation legislation the proposed human rights bill the uncut manpower training regulations the income tax act ptnsion rules the divorce act and criminal 0th sections on rapcandabortion in resolution calling for full employment lllt National Ac tion toniniittcc criticized the tttltllltlll for suggesting recently that unemployment among women is less than serious hcciiUsc women are re ii led as secondary earners ItiSlI iINIPl UYICI Latest figures show nearly one million unemployed ana dinos with highest rates among women aged 25 and older and men between 15 and 23 years Madeleine Parent executive secretary of the Canadian Tex tile and Chemical Union and Grace Hartman president of the aiiadian Union of Public IIniployecs both told the con tcrcncc that women are the fir st victiinsof layoffs lo compound the difficulty 1P Peterborougli woman who was passenger in this car died Saturday night in hos Peterborough woman dies after crash pital of injuries suffered that morning when the car was in with collision am gaffmt tractor driver of the trailer on iasoline Alley in tro lownsliip lltl husband vehicle was illliilltl Photo released from Royal Victoria Hospital Sunday Story Page run the unemployment insur ance program often suspect women of asking employers to lay them off first and require women to search more actively for jobs than men Opposition joins ranks on jobless OTTAWA CP With the national jobless rolls now swol len to nearly one million Cana dians the opposition parties have joined ranks to demand jobAcieating budget March 31 Statistics Canada said last week that February figures showed 932000 Canadians were jobless but added that there are more titan one million who want work including those who have dropped out of the labor market in discouragnicnt Finance Minister Donald Macdonald would say only that substantial attention will be paid to the unemployed The New Democratic Party has made unemployment the key issue in Commons for mon ths But this week the Pro gressive Conservatives joined in the call for unemployment to be the key target in the for thcoming budget The united and strident de mand for action to create jobs which is sure to continue as the budget nears throws strong challenge to Macdonald FALLEN SHORT The government has already fallen far short of the target of 250000 new jobs that it pro posed in the last budget on May 25 last year And $350 million makework programs announced last fall has appar ently done little to stop the job less spiral Manpower Minister Bud Cul len infuriated the opposition Friday by stating that fortu nately the government an nounced back in October 1976 that we were aware there would be high unemployment this winter He said the govern ment had set aside $350 million then for jobs and accused the opposition of using misleading statistics to make the unem ployment rate seem worse it

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