Elite titanic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 defield Street Barrie Ontario ELlO AGOSTINI Publisher and General Manager LIP SEVICK Advertising Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Saturdav March 19 1977 Our community college has come long way Happy 10th Georgian college And continued success during your second decade The community college started 10 years ago in rented stores in Bar ries west end plaza and has ex panded to campuses Orillia and Owen Sound It now serves Simcoe Grey Bruce and Dufferin counties and the districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound From 112 fulltime students in extension courses Georgian last year had grown to fulltime student population of 1600 with another 1500 in adult training IT SAYS HERE The mayors raise should be larger wv its ï¬wf By RICHARD IllNSTAN As City Hall reporter for The Examiner usually try to avoid taking stands in print on the controversial issues cover since am supposed to spend the rest of my week writing im partial news stories about those same issues You wont for example read my opinion on the Collier Street firehall in this space or my thoughts on sheetsteel piling for the proposed lakeshore park However couple of things happened at Wednesdays general committee meeting that cant resist commenting on One is the rejectiontem porary hopcveof move to let the general public attend the committees debates the other is the vote to raise Mayor Ross Archers salary to $11000 year from 510000 with aldermen getting lesser raises Though like most jour nalists have kneejerk reac tion in favor of publicizing everything must admit usually have no strong objec tion to closing committee meetings so long as all council measures are properly aired in public debate before final passage But in Barrie this year most of the airing gets done in general committee before select audience of city staff members and reporters Walk into regular public council meeting and for the most part you wont be able to tell whats going on Except for few cases tthe abortive at tempt to establish third swim ming beach is one that comes to mind aldermen have already said all they have to say about the issues discussed in commit tee and committee recommen dations are voted on but not really debated And though it burst to hear it have to agree with Ald Alex Arthur that press coverage is no substitute for personal atten dance as way of keeping track of what your elected represen ixd Gilt Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 gearly Single copies 15 cents Mail Barrie 344$ yearly Simcoe County 33400 yearly otor Throw Off $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8544710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for dama es arising out of err ors in vertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that por tion of the advertisement in which the error occurred who ther such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertise ment yright Registration Num r203815register61 grams in Barrie programs and 12000 others in variety of continuing education pro Crawford college president the board of directors headed this year by William Caldwell and staff recognized long ago that parttime learning is equally as important as traditional ulltime education This philosophy has been carried through in the wide variety of pro grams offered Georgian has played an important and 247 MAYOR ARCHER better case tatives are doing with your tax money We cant print everything because time and space are limited and there are other things to write about which are of more interest to our readers than your average city council motion But even if most of our subscribers dont care who got the sewer contract or what col or the street lights are it doesnt necessarily follow that you dont care It would be nice if you could come along and hear those topics dcbated if you happen to be interested in them GOOD IDEA As for Mayor Archers salary Im glad it was raised but wish tge raise could have been bigger It may do him credit as an in dividual to turn down the sug gestion by Ald Ed Thompson and Ald Janice Laking that he be given an extra $1000 at the expense of the 12 aldermen but it was good idea all the same Without minimizing the amount of work done by the aldermen the fact is that the mayor has better case for substantial raise than they do The mayoralty is fulltime YO 1R BUSINESS Trimming taxes Without cheating By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Each year about this time Canadian taxpayers pay some thing between $150 million and $200 million too much in per sonal income taxesMby mis take Another $100millionplus worth of mistakes is made by taxpayers in favor of them selves In either case the mistakes cause good deal of bother and delay And while you may be sure that the tax department will spot any mistakes in your favor and come after you for what you owe you cant depend upon the government to dis cover and correct your mis takes in its favor Since you need the money more than the government does the best course is to take extra care and avoid the mis takes in the first place Granted thats more easily said than done But anyone who gets stuck at some point in fill ing out the incometax form should call for help Its free from the District Taxation Office Telephone numbers are listed on the back cover of Your 1976 Tax Guide which accompanies every blank tax form Longdistance calls are free when you ask the operator for Zenith 04000 role in change in education We look forward to another 10 years of fine work by Georgian Col lege of Applied Arts and Technology job at least in hours per week and raises the devil with whatever other job the mayor may have tend to agree with those who say the mayor should be paid enough to hire someone to run his business if he is bus inessman or to enable him to take leave of absence from his job if he is an employee You cant get business run properly for $11000 nor be compensated for thc sort of regular job successful mayoral candidate is likely to hold Aldermen on the other hand are not in the foreseeable future going to be quitting their jobs to serve the city They put in an unearthly amount of time its true and deserve to be paid fairly for it Maybe when anti inflation curbs are removed the aldermen should get ma jor pay hike But there isnt the same question of compensating them for the harm their duties do to their livelihoods as there is in the case of mayor POSTSCRIITS see the Newfoundlanders are getting their usual dose of bad publicity over their custom of killing baby seals in order to make living If they really want to im prove their public imagc in this enlightened civilized age they can always turn to killing one born baby humans It gets far better press To turn to hap pier subject got only one en try in my mismatched pairs contestan empty room and blank stare Thank you Jim Dalzicl For those of you who missed the rules you put two things together which sound like they belong that way but really dont like floor wax anti sealing wax Yawn Punstcr Punstan of the week award goes to DeputyReeve Blake Constable of Innisfil Township who told Barries general com mittee during discussion of those well problems on Patter son Road that alls well that ends well Ald Bill Knowles suggested that the deputy recvc be locked away with Ald Del Sole city councils resident humorist Ald Fred Ruempcr might go well in that group too Here are some pointers to keepin mind First of all dont forget to file return Each year many people forego tax refunds to which they are entitled because they cant be bothered to file return And dont fool yourself into thinking that by not filing return you can escape paying taxes that you owe The government computer catches delinquents and socks them with penalty If you changed jobs last year you may have contributed too much to the Canada Pen sion Plan and to Unem ployment Insurance Fill out the section at the top half of page of your T1 form to see if you are entitled to refund of overpayment Whether you changed jobs or not dont forget to deduct your CPP and U1 contributions when calculating deductions from total income in the lower sec tion of page Still on the subject of de ductions remember that if you had heavy medical expenses in 1975 or 1976 you may deduct any excess over three per cent of your 1976 net income by choosing any 12month period ending in 1976 In other words the ex nses arent limited to the ca endar year Premiums paid to private medical or dental plan can be included as expenses iM SORRY PRESIDENT AMtN CAN NOT SPEAK wrm YOU NOW HE l6 BUSY CllANGlNG HIS MlND NOTES AND COMMENT The Five Points Duh Fonz and bit about the language By SEAN IIIY ity Editor The Examiner No matter what time of day or night thcrc is something my tercsting to bc seen at The Five Points Monday afternoon about 330 included in thc hordes of pedestrians doing the Five Points Rush was ti couple with small dog which appciirul to be somc sort of pug and lady leading black Scottie on leash The Scottie started ll letting it be known through some an cient right of territorial im perativc that the crossing was his tor hers wasnt that close lIc yappcd strained at his masters leash and generally carried on The pug realizing two things halfway across the street that the Scottie was on it leash and so was he decided to answer back It sounded for moment like doghaters version of hell The barking confrontation ended with the Iugs leaders taking him intolamblyns The whole thing gave those out and about at that time of afternoon something to at least grin about There is probably some sort of significance in this and that is all am going to say about that Have just noticed great number of babies in arms in walkers and barcly toddling on the streets of Barrie can only assume it is one of the signs of spring but where have they been all winter Havent seen thcni on the streets or in the malls Greaser worship started by that height of lowerclass vulgarity Duh Fonz is creep ing down to the grade school level Nostalgia is very big these days with the 30s being recall ed as ii real nice time the 40s as kind of cute and the 50s as being full of funloving Greasers At the risk of revealing my age want totell you Greasers werent fun They were amateur nihilists human vacuums capable of the most mindless sort of violence There was nothing at all ad mirable about punks then any more than there is now The were dull as we are constantly being told but they werent so dull that greasy haircd leatherjacketed hoodlums should be emulated or even regarded as cute 25 years later There has been no little con troversy of late about the alleg ed ina ility of todays high school graduates to Speak and write the language properly There seems to be general agreement by those 30 and over that Grade 11 graduates cannot speak write or spell as well as Grade 13 graduates of 10 years we or more ago The whole series of argu ments is based on serious Canadiansin Russia when Canada last intervened By JOHN IIARRRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Service The lightblue ribbon but never the medal of the Imperial Russian Order of Stc Anne hung in its frame on the main lodge living room wall of the summer resort frequented as boy It belonged to the late Capt Tom Hungcrford who built Lu mina Lodge on the Lake of Bays into one of Ontarios best family summer resorts and it lingered there along with his First World War medals The Russians decorated us In Murmansk he once told me They said could have the medal if paid £10 at the Im rial Russian Embassy in ndon But when we got there the Communists had won in Russia and the Czars Embassy was closed for good The order was given to most Canadian officers who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force to Murmansk during the abortive Allied efforts to over throw the emerging Bolshevik regime immediately after the First World War had forgotten about Tom Hungcrfords Russian ribbon and his faded pictures of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps unit complete with husky dogs in the snow of the Kola Penin sula in 1919 until new book came out about Canadas 6000 men in Russia FRUITIESS WAR As part of futile Allied mili tary effort to stop Bolshevism Canadians scarcely out of the trenches were sent to both the White Sea and Vladivostok at Russias two farthest geographical extremes Perhaps good deal more than you might want to know about this episode will be found in Roy Maclarcns detailed book Canadians in Russia l9lllrl9 Initially the Canadians were sent to Russia to guard the huge quantities of Allied war sup plies unloaded at Russian ports and keep them from falling into German hands The Bolsheviks had signed surrender with the Imperial German armies in March 1918 leaving European Russia her Arctic regions and the Ukraine open to those German armies But the Kaisers empire was itself only months away from collapse and surrender in No vember 1918 The Canadian role and that of polyglot col lection of other Allied armies then changed to overthrowing the Bolshevik regime spreading through the vast territories of the Czarist Empire it had de stroyed The Canadians were usually attached to British units Other Allied armies included French Americans the famous Czech Legion temporarily trappped in central Siberia and the Japa nose The latter finally poured into Siberia 200000 of them with Ja pan secretly eyeing the Man churian hinterland she would seize anyway from China in 1931 The Canadians according to the once secret correspondence between Canadian and British cabinet ministers amply used and interpreted by author MacLaren seemed to have gone at the beck and call of Britain It was lastminutc response to do more of the British Ein ires work after the horrible olocaust of Flanders Indeed the support of Cana dian Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden finally changed to dis gust and anger part of his own later determination to give sep arate status to Canada at the peace treaty signing in June 1919 The chief assets of Canadian troops in Russia were their re cent First World War battle ex perience just over and for many of them rewar background of Arctic li and work applicable to service in frigid Russia Books about war are often measured for success by the vignettes they report This one has them aplenty One of them centres on how 233 Canadian husky dogs from around Lake Nipigon and the Mackenzie River were selected for the Murmansk War and then ship off to Russia London newspaper corre spondent was more en thusiastic about the dogs than those who had to use them muses author MacLaren And did you know that Ray mond Masseys first American audience were the enthusiastic United States troops in Vladi vostok in 1919 where he did in terpretations of Salomes Dance while serving there as an army major Its merciful we lost so few men 25 out of 6000 given the futile cause they were support ing the return to power of brutalized remnant of Czarist White Russian generals BORDEN BALKEI Finally Canadian Prime Min ister Sir Robert Borden re sponded to the boredom and an ger of our troops some close to mutiny told Sir Winston Chur chill no more would be coming and those in Russia were going home fz JJlJ lll Am fallacy that there is cor rect proper way to speak write and spell That fallacy is based on the supposition that English is con stant that what is correct to day will be correct tomorrow and that English follows set rules Is it correct to spell the Latin based verb and noun to work labor or labour Yes it is Canadian newspaper readers see labor spelled without the in news stories as indeed they see most words ending in our dropping the The same newspaper readers in the same newspapers will see the kept in our words in adver tisements There are those who maintain spelling our words without the is unBritish and therefore unCanadian But Canadian usage of English saysnou The only people though who are going to correct your spell ing of our words are newspaper editors As ar as everyone else is con cerned our is correct But where does that leave teachers and students No matter which spelling is used one day somewhere someone is going to say the spelling is in correct Another example the singularplural error as in the government are raising taxes That is incorrect it should be the government IS raising taxes as government is singular noun and takes singular verb But in England the govern ment are construction is used by as stuffy body as the BBC And in North America most electronic media advertise ments mix the sin ular and plural with gay aban on Soon no doubt the singular plural distinction will be the private preserve of stuffy grammarians and persnickety editors Remember tastes good like cigarette should Singular plural is going the same way Which is correct Today dont mix the singular and the plural Tomorrow who cares or teachers will have given up the battle as they gave up the tastes like battle One more example Remember those over 30 bein told never never never to sp it an infinitive Fowler that witty authority on what is right in the language has divided the Englishspeaking world into five classes from those who neither know nor care what split infinitive is to those who know and distinguish And Mr Fowler maintains that real split infinitive thouin not desirable in itself is preferable to either of two things to real ambiguity and to patent artificiality Different from never never never and perhaps good basis for one firm nevertobe changed rule of grammar letters to the editor Parent protests movie Macbeth Dear Sir Permit me parent of high school children and taxpayer to protest against the adult movie Macbeth which is being brought into Barrie specially for our high school English classes The movie is directed by Roman Polanski strongly object to the movie being used as an educational tool for our high school English program for the following reasons Lady Macbeth appears in the nude in the famous sleep walking scene The withces also appear in the nude Yet only this week commer cial with nude woman in it was ordered off the air by the Canadian RadioTelevision and Telecommunications Commis sion because it contravened good taste see article in the Globe and Mail March 15 headlined Nude viewed as lewd What is not good enough for the general Canadian public is apparently good enough for our young students Moreover there is excessive gore and bloodshed including decapitation Yet the Honour able Judy Lamarsh is now in vestingating violence in the medial Just how irresponsible can we get Roman Polanski likes to go in for witchcraft and satanism in his movies he made Rose marys Baby 0f him the Globe and Mail said Polanski has history of involvement with violent and macabre films March 15 issue see from the press that he is due to be arraigned this week on charge of giving 13year I21d girl drug and then raping er Note this is the high school English program not sex education We phoned Dr Ramsays of fice but they knew nothing about it We phoned Eastview school which said new Mac beth movie could not be obtain ed at this late date We phoned the library who said they could easily get another Macbeth movie at one weeks notice myself have seen excellent Shakespearian movies for educational use Parents your silence implies your consent Protest Yours sincerely James Cotter WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writerl Please include your streetl address and phone number although they will not be published letters which clan1 not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the righ to edit condense or reject letter How about lottery for Barrie and area Dear Sir great many people are against lotteries Mainly believe because of the compulsive gambling syn drome even in respect to ingo Churchmen and the like state openly it is sinful If that is their true opinion so be it That is their freedom of speech This country has freedom unique in the world We can voice our opinions No one hope will threaten the in dividual though know this has occurred Barrie has financial needs so do the surrounding areas of the great Simcoe County town ships ls there any logical reason why we cannot start control and operate our own lotteries for the needs of people and the county We could support our hospital local facilities for retarded children and adults Use the profits for the bet terment of so many needed things If we are not capable of using our own incentive common sense and ca ble people then we are dum bunch There is no need to stand still think and ponder let us dofor Simcoe County Even the taxes could be reduced and more facilities provided for our schools Let annexation go to vote of the people please We live where we live from choice hopefully Beryl Noel Minets Point COMMONS CAPSULE Name treasury board home of inflation From the Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA Perhaps it is be cause our prime minister is millionaire Perhaps it is because he is transported to Parliament Hill daily in an $80000 chauffeur driven limousine Maybe it was those free tick ets that IBM provided Mr and Mrs Trudeau for the ballet per formance at the National Arts Centre It could have been the season or those recordhigh unemploy ment figures But whatever it was Opposi tion MPs became particularly nasty when Mr Trudeau de clared that one of the reasons the country is in difficulty is that Canadians are living be yond their means Even the usually quiet for rner Tory leader Robert Stan lteld felt obligated to comment Dom he mean that too many Canadians are having swim ming pools built he asked in obvious reference to the ex nsive donation of veral wealthy Canad ans made to the PMs residence The snarly remarks contin ued through the daily question period Ged Baldwin PCPeace River was accusing the gov ernment of deliberately con cealing information when he fe ferred to the Liberal track record of successfully stifling judicial and parliamentary in quiries into collateral impro prieties and misdemeanors which hang like necklace of garbage round the neck of his government Former prime minister John Iefenbaker had noted in the Commons Transport Minister Otto Langs participation in two Saskatchewan byelections which the Liberals lost That drew an immediate re buttal from Mr Lang who ac cused Mr Diefenbaker of mak ing false statements Mr Diefenbaker questioned the parliamentary language of the minister and said will not depart from parliamentary practice when say that his statements indicate the anti thesis of what the truth actually 15 Former NDP leader TC Douglas had noticed some strange events which preceded each drop in the value of the Canadian dollar It began with the visit of Que bec Premier Rene Levesque to New York he said The Cana dian dollar dropped one cent The visit of the prime minis ter to Washington caused drop of three cents and Fi nance Minister Donald Macdo nalds speech in New York re sulted in further drop of two cents Mr Douglas suggested that the Commons urge all public figures in Canada to refrain from making speeches in the US while the Canadian dollars still has some value in the in ternational money market It is the staggering rates of growth in government spending and inflation as opposed to the limited real growth in the econ omy which has concerned Sin clair Stevens PCYorkSim coe He offered motion to the Commons that the offices of the department of finance and the treasury board in Ottawa be designated an international tourist site and be renamed Home of Canadian Inflation and that the new Bank of Can ada building be designated In flation Factory Printing Department The two sites could become tourist attractions and perhaps shrines to the inflationary ef fect of reckless money creation he said What must have been an un precedented fanfare preceded the prime ministers Visit to na tional defence headquarters four blocks away from Parlia ment Hill Three press releases were is sued two by the defence de partment and one by the prime ministers office simply an nouncing that he would visit the headquarters buildin One observer not sarcasti cally that the blitz could lead rson to believe it was Mr udeaus first visit to head quarters during his nine years at PM It was he learned later BIBLE THOUaï¬I Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon lilm while he is near Isaiah 553 Put off and put on are two riiir worst enemies Take Jesus into your heart today forever you will be gladMy Spirit will not always strive with man Imam lt