14 The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 19 1977 meeting of jaws It is just fibreglass shark but real enough for Sean Bateman four of Kitchener The shark is part of recruit ment display for the Cambridge YMCAs scuba diving Dollar weakness sets off dispute CHICAGO APi The cur rent weakness of the Canadian dollar has set off dispute be tween Canadians and currency future traders here over the role of speculators Traders on the International Monetary Market IIMMi di vision of the Chicago Mer cantile Exchange contend problems are not being caused by speculation The weakness set in many months ago and was not the re sult of trade on the exchange said one trader In Canada however many currency specialists and bank ers claim the MM is one of several major factors in the current problems of the dollar Currency futures trading op erates much the same as fu tures trading in any coin inodity Investors buy or sell contracts for delivery of cur reiiey at set time and specific value The Canadian dollar hit high point at four to five per cent above the IVS dollar last June Since then its value has gradually declined to about 03 cents Will hold line on farm labor OTTAWA CPi Immigra tion Minister Bud Cullen an nounced Friday the govern ment will hold the line on the total number of Mexican and West Indian farm laborers allowed into Canada in 1977 Cullen said in news release that maximum of 3430 farm laborers would be granted spe cial immigration visas to help harvest this years crop the same total as last year The announcement comes at time of record high levels of unemployment in the country Statistics Canada reported ear her this week that 932000 Cana dians were jobless in February the highest total in history The majority of the workers will go to Ontario and earn the provinces minimum wage rate of 82 63 an hour Ifnder the pro gram employers are required to provide ICCOIIIIIlUditIInn and transportation at no cost for the seasonal workers Employers applying for for eign workers will be required to Show what efforts they have made to attract Canadians for the jobs most of which involve Quebec flag starts battle MIAMI Fla APi The flag of the province of Quebec has resulted in flag battle among Canadian tourists and their US neighbors in mobile home parks in this area The dispute over flying the blue fleurdcrlis Quebec flag has chilled relations between residents of two adjoining mobile home parks and has in volved the Dade County sheriffsoftice It all started when French Canadian tourist itcmy Ross arrived at the Sun Ilaven trailer park and promptly hoisted the Quebec flag over his trailer Beneath it was US bicentennial banner short time later dclcga tion from the Dixie mobile court marched over and hauled down the flag Meanwhile back at Dixie ILS flags were being hoisted Ross and other Canadian visr itors raised the Quebec flag again the next day this time with an American flag on top All Shapes and Sizes Never needs palntlng Fiberglass Concrete Vlnyl Liner Pools Klts 20year wrltten guarantee SEE OUR DISPLAY POOLS harvesting vegetable and fruit crops as well as tobacco department spokesman said that about 100000 Canadians held seasonal jobs in the agricultural industry in 1970 The MeXican and West Indian workers must remain III the country for minimum of six weeks and maximum of eight months The program has been in ef fect since 196 when only scv eral hundred foreign workers were brought into the country Nearly 3000 persons were em ployed in 1075 xx lump Fixtures Monthly Inspections Fost Reliable Service Reasonable Rates BARBIE but Marshall Sign Lighting Maintenance Neon Plastic Illuminated Signs Fluorescent and Incandescent OAnnuul Cleaning of Fixtures Sign If you have Sign or lighting problem OFFICES STORES BANKS HOMES FACTORY There is no cure FOR ARTHRITIS or Send for Free Dominion Therapy Products Co Box 2451 Ontario Call John Campbell BARBIE 7280492 Ridge Road Shanty Bay course at Kitchener shopping centre Scan borrowed the mask and snorkel from the display to fill out his imaginary confrontation Photo The earlier strength was at tributed in part to Canadian or tercst rates which were higher than those in the CS This en couraged US citizens to invest dollars in Canadian coin mercial paper and bank cerr titicates At the same time the Canadian government and large corporations were selling bonds in foreign markets in effect creating demand for Canadian dollars When Canadian interest rates and bond sales declined the dollar turned downward It appears though that the biggest decline of the dollar set in after the Nov 15 election in Quebec when the voters chose separatist provincial govern iiieiit In Canada Royal llank spit cialist said the IMNI is deli nite and big factor in the dc cliiie But it may not be the biggest The volume of trade in taiia diaii dollars on the MM seems to be pretty heavy he said adding that this is business that would not otherwise have been done lradcrs in the Canadian lol lar here say the increased vol time is due to several factors Canadas political problems and economic outlook wage and price controls and recurrent labor problems relatively high inflation in creasing unemployment and slowdown in efforts to attract foreign capital give us call 7289534 MATISM we can help Booklet Downsview For Finest Value Visit Our NEW Carpet Seection Department Qriginal study rerouted Couldnt ignore saccharin evidence OTTAWA CP The federal study which led to the Canada US ban on saccharin set out to prove the sugar substitute was safe and an impurity created during saccharin manufacture was the cancer culprit says the NDP to federal official who designed the study Dr Ian Munro health pro tection branch toxicologist says two US saccharin studies done in the early 1970swhich also showed increased rates of bladder cancer in rats fed large amounts of saccharinwere discounted because the saccha rin was contaminated with or thotoluenesulfonamide OTS manufacturing impurity Munro said he set up the fed define policy on unity jobs fuel OTTAWA CP New Democratic Party policy on national unity taxes jobs fuel food and transport will be defined here this weekend at sessions of the partys 130 member federal council discussion paper going be fore the council says income taxes for families earning un der $15000 year might be cut by at least 30 if corporate taxes were increased The paper which says the 1972 Liberal overhaul of the tax system has made things worse for lowand middleincomc ear ners recommends another try The paper distributed to council members Friday will provide the basis for policy debate on taxes today work ing paper on mineral resources also is expected to produce pol icy resolutions iii that area NDI Leader Ed Broadbcnt in an address Sunday will set otit party policy on national un ity The discussion paper says the 1972 tax reform was grossly unfair to wage earners and Quality craftsmanship in 4pc Colonialstyle bedroom This handsome bedroom suite in cludes triple dresser hutch mir ror with light deck chest and cannonball bod all with solid pine tops and fronts Brass finished hardware accents Night tables optional extras Lifetime service guarantee included Better value Delivered $849 Pay Less Money with Bonus Coupons Better value prices selection service many are worse off than they were before the changes were made It says concessions ex emptions and rate reductions have reduced corporate taxes to 157percent of federal revenue in 1974 compared to 28 per cent in 1950 Personal income taxes ac ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH Free Bonus Coupons with every purchase Highway 26 27 TIEDEN RENFACAB AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS counting for 203 per cent of federal income in 1950 had jumped to 379 per cent by 1974 The 1972 changes shifted heavier burden to middlein come earners did little for the poor and increased regressive taxes such as sales taxes property taxes and health premiums BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN Barrie Add the warmth of Colonial to your home For elegant dining Broyhills 7pc Colonialstyle suite The Piiiodale Broyhills clo gaiit Colonialstyle 7pc dining room suite with warm lloiiey Pine finish includes an oval extension table with 12 loaf china cabinet with solid pine doors china hutch and hardwood arrowback chairs side arm Lifetime service guarantee included Free Bonus Coupons with every purchase Redeemable like cash on your next purchase at Bad Boy eral saccharin study to prove that OTS was the cause of the bladder cancer in the rats in the US studies But OIS doses of up to five per cent of the rats diets failed to trigger cancer However the male offspring of rats fed saccharin doses equal to five per cent of their diets did develop bladder can cers and this evidencealong with the two American stud iesprovided evidence that couldnt be ignored he said As the public outcry in the US rises against their pro Friend You Can Trust posed saccharin ban federal health officials here continue to stand by their decision to ban the artificial sweetener One charge that has been con Sistently leveled against the Ca nadian stud is that the saccha rin dose to the rats was so large that rson would have to drink 800 tiles of diet soft drinks day all his life to con sume as much saccharin WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 If you drive small car you know how ditticult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Dotson Small cars are our business and well do the job correctly the first time Just call us anytime 24 hrs day and say you re looking for friend 549 Bayfield hop Monday am to 9pm Better Bonus Cou Total satisfaction with lifetime service guarantee on fumture St 7370254 Our reg price $779 value Delivered $699 Pay Less Money with pons am NOW no raylento unql lunl I011 on our tilftnld llynienl Plan 133 9322 pHARGEX CONVIIIIIY sitar 7267053