or new high of 932000 actual jobless compared with 800000 year ago Statistics Canada reported today jumped substantially to 79 equalling the worst monthly News roundup February jobless total soars to new high OTTAWA CP Unemployment in February soared to The unemployment rate adjusted for seasonal factors level on record back in June 1958 February is the first month ever recorded by Statistics Canada in which the number of jobless exceeded 900000 The figures are sure to prompt renewed calls upon the government to do something about worsening unemploy ment In January the actual total of unemployed was 889000 and the seasonallyadjusted jobless rate which is used to predict trends in the labor force was 75 In February 1976 the seasonaflyadjusted jobless rate was While the unemployment level was well up over February 1076 the total number of persons with jobs also rose to 9290000 from 9178000 But the total of new jobs of 112000 fell well short of targets for jobcreation set by the government in its last budget Last May Finance Minister Donald Macdonald said the government hoped the number of jobs would rise by 250000 in year NEW BllICl new budget is to be brought in on March 31 and Mac doiiald has said it will be mildly stimulative to expand growth in the economy The actual unemployment rate for February Statistics Canada said was 01 compared with in the same month year ago Inemployment rose chiefly among men aged and over and both women and men aged 13 to 14 The jobless rate for women and over remained steady at The jobless rate for men 23 and over rose by threetenths of to 47 that for women 15 to 24 rose by 140 to 1420 and for men 13 to 24 it jumped by seventenths of to 145 Lnemployment rates rose in six provinces with the Atlan tic provinces aiid Manitoba especially hardhit while the rates declined in four provinces mostly in the West Newfoundland kept its hold as the province with the worst unemployment with the rate soaring by 15 from January to 51 Nova Scotia had the secondlargest increase in unemploy ment with the rate there rising by 1101310 11 Manitoba saw its jobless rate jump by ninetenths of 1W to total of The jobless rate in Prince Edward Island rose by onehalf of to WI Wheres Margaret Its secret llWA Ii The whereabouts of Prime in istcr Trudeaus wife Margaret remained mystery late Monday 18 hours after she arrived here from Manhattan Trudeau aides were still unable to say whether or not Margaret attended dinner Saturday night for British Prime Minister James allaghaii and his wife The identity of the woman who iccompanied Mrs Trudeau to Ottawa from New York also remained un known lncoiifirmed re ports said the woman left here by air late Saturday Trudeau wasnt in thc ominons Monday An aidc said the prime minister was working at Harrington lakc cottage retreat in the Gatincau Ilills north of here Concerned about MPs safety IIAA It new Democratic Party MI expressed concern Monday about the safety of Mls within the House of ommons Wc all know as we sit there day after day anything could happcn from the public galleries Derek Blackburn from the iiitario riding of Brant told special omnions commit iec Ihc comiiiittcc set up to implcincnt television of parliamciitary activities were discussing ninior structural changes which will be made to the House to facilitate the television Blackburn asked if public works officials who had design cd the changes had considered the security of Mls the prime minister and the Speaker Lnfortunatcly because of the world in which we hvc security must be looked into the former tcachcrsaid Actress Rita IIayworth ailing SANTA ANA ahf iIi temporary conscrvator has bccii named to handlc thc estate of actress Rita IIayworth described by doctor as mentally ill and an alcoholic petition for thc action was filcd by thc county counsels office The Illlttll containcd the statciiicnt of Dr James Mincr of Hoag Mcniorial Hospital that Miss Hayworth is gravely disabch as result of mcntal disorder or impair ment by chronic alcoholism Ncithcr Miss Hayworth Tia nor her lawyer was available forcommciit Iiidgctlaiidc twcns of Supcrior ourt signed temporary ordcr last wcck appointing public guardian laiiics Hcim as UllstIVilIUI of Miss IIaywortliscstatc hearing on the matter was set for Aplll in Superior ourt Miss Hayworth wtiosc real name is Margarita arincn taiisiiio recently entered at Hoag Memorial in Newport icacfi aIiI Shc Iias sincc left the hospital hospital spokcsman said Under fire for fleet statement tllAWi itlt Dcfcncc Ministcr Bariicy Danson has conic undcr criticism for saying that the Sovict nuclcar missile submarinc IIttI whose wcapons arc aimcd at North America is vulncriblc to attack from Wcstcrn antirsiibmarinc tortM He doesnt know what In is talking about Allan McKinnoti of Victoria Iro grcssivc oiiscrvativc dc tcnci critic said In an inter view adding that thc iriiiiistcr is dcctiving the poo RICT IIllIIl mystery pIc Dr IG Iacobscn of Acadia linivcrsity an acknowledged cxpcrt on strategic and aiitisubniarinc waifarc said in telephone intcryicw from WolIviIIc NS thc nticlcar IIch is essentially invulncrablc now and Will be completely in vulnerable in the futurc Pickering airport posSible MISSISSAUGA IlllI Tli proposed Iickcring air port sthvid in 173 may still be built Iraiiijirtation Minister Jamis Snow said Monday Snow told meeting of city councillors from Mississauga Brampton and Toronto that Ontario is awaiting thc report of tranijirtation study expected by the end of the year or carly 1070 It the study showrd second airport was needed in the Toronto district thc provnicc would begin talks with tttawa on shared cost agreement for scrvicingthc Iickcring sitc Two years ago the province said it could not afford the costs of schicing the site BARNEY HANSON deceiving pcoplc at While two neighbors con verse from their porches iii the background other res idents of Front Street in Waterford are removed to higher ground Monday This village on the Hudson River north of Albany NY is one 29 of the hardest hit by flooding AP Photo Homes abandoned in flooding By THE NllN PRESS Many residents in the villages of Paisley and Walker toti south of Owen Sound had to flee their homes Monday as swollen rivers overtlowed into Iowlying arcas Residents of Paisley were without heat electricity or sewer service after the Saugecn and leeswater rivers overflow ed covering the main street and seeping into stores and homes Village clerk Hon Brown said that because the community about 25 miles southwest of twcn Sound is situated at the junction of the two rivcrs it cs periences flooding each spring Damage this year estimated at hundreds of dollars is the worst in recent memory An unidentified diycr at taches cable Monday to Volkswagen to tow it out of the swollen Graliaiii rcck The car ended up in the drink Board split on curator question iltllililA hit Ii movement to rcplacc thc Amct ican curator of this citys Stephen Icacock Mcinorial Home has arouscd widespread controvcrsy The board which managcs the home where the British born humorist used to spend his sunniicrs is cvciily divided on thcqiicstion Four iiicmbcrs Iavorcd IIlt ritciition of Dr Iialph iirry Kentucky university professor who has thd the summer job for 20 ycars and four others fa voi thc hiriiigofa aiiadian tn Monday night hillias council rcIuscd to in tcrvciic in the inattcr and scr vcd notice that it will disson thc licacock hoinc hoard unlcss the board can rcach decision within the next few weeks The dilemma arose this year when new Yanada Maiipchr regulations were drawn up stipulating that jobs thd by foreigners must be advertised in anada Ihc Iioard received 30 applir cations for the curators post and has narrowed the candi datestocight DIINIGN SlLII Dr urry is gcncrally ac kiitiwlcdgcd as the foremost licacock scholar on the conti nciit but his detractors claim that he has turned the home in to private acadcinic picscrvc IIiosc who favor the hiring of anadiaii say an attempt must be made to popularize the home as tourist attraction and source of revenue for the city thousands of At Walkerton about 20 miles to the south the Saugecn crested Monday afternoon slightly below the level during the disastrous flood of 1973 said spokesman for the Saugccii Valley onscrvation Authority The river is about 12 feet higher than normal bill is generally being contained within its likes Sandbagging was needed in some areas and several streets were closed as precaution The conservation authority issued an emcrgency flood war ning for the town of Durham 20 niilcs cast of Walkcrton as branch of theSaugccii thcrc continued to rise rapidly said Don MthilIcii flood torccastcr with the provincial ministry of natural rcsoiirces Elsewhere in southwestern after its own Iiad apparently left it running with the hand brake engaged to go back iii to her house for moment Biil when she returned shc featuring this week T1119 BROOKDALE PRESENTS EVERY iiiicsiiAv IlllItSIMY Niiarr grtiingleï¬ minglé In Borries Most Luxurious Lounge with Discor THE LYLE Thc Brookdalc Inn lii0 Dunlop St 7281312 ntario flooding subsided in some localities and new warn ings were issued for others as high river levels caused by melting snow atid weekend rains moved downstream the Thames the flood crest passed London Monday without mueh overflow Mc Mullcn said However flooding is expected downstream at Ihamesville and hatham on Wednesday or Thursday In Kitchener police called off search on Monday for Kit chcncr woman and her two children who were reported inissingaftcrher car wasfoinid abandoned beside the Grand River search of the river banks and an air search using prtr vinciaI police helicopter failed to find any trace of loyce Fox iv Qx found that the car had rolch down the driveway across the street and into the creek Photo Live Entertainment EA xmirsio ta Aounu FEATURE am gaoxv or dtiIMJNlOPhI 728 0611 Hero cop or deadly hero DEADLY HERO SHOWING WED THURS ONLY AT 700 EM AliMIIIANtl It IM 74 HERO AT 700 KIll twi AT 900 ENDS TONIGHT SENSUOUS HOUSEWIFE MATTRESS TANGO 25 and her children Karen and Gordon RIDEALIHSING Flood warnings have been issued in the Ottawa area to residents along the Ridein River and its tributaries but no evacuation orders have been given The river is expcxted to overflow Vednesday if mild temperatures continue as forecast Environment anada weather forecasters predicted clearing skies and masimum temperatures in the high teens today Wednesday should be windy and colder NEW DELHI AP Prime Minister Indira Gandhis con troversial son Sanjay escaped unharmed when shots were re ported fired at his jeep at the close of his first campaign for seat in the Indian Parliament dont know if they were trying to kill me or scare me said 30yearold Sanjay who took over the youth wing of his mothers Congress party during the state of emergency she or dered 20 months ago Op ponents of Mrs Gandhi say that he is being groomed to succeed her continuing the family hold on power begun 30 years ago by her father Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru Voting in Indias first parlia mentary election since 1971 be gins Wednesday and ends Sun day The national news agency Samachar said five shots were fired at Sanjay Gandhis jeep Monday night from jeep that waited around bend in the road for him in the rural dis trict of Amethi where he was campaigning 300 miles south east of New Delhi ATTACKERS ESCAPE The report said Sanjays bod yguard fired back but the at tackers escaped in the dark Gandhis jeep roared ahead to his campaign office in the small town of Guriganj about 20 minutes away He told European correspondent onc bullet hit the front seat he was occupying but missed him because he was leaning back talking to two aides in the back of tlicjecp The jeep had bullet hole in the passenger seat and two den ts in the body where other bullets may have ricochcted off the corresjmndent said The chief minister of Uttai Iradesh state where the neigh boring districts of both Mrs Gandhi and her son are located callcd the shooting dastarv dly attack The Tisrycarold prime minis tcr campaigning in Bihar state for other members of the onr There is no cure FOR ARTHRITIS or RHEUMATISM but we can help Send for Free Booklet Dominion Therapy Products Co Box 2451 Downsview Ontario CANNOHBALL AT 7l5 DEATH RACE 2000 P7d SY lVESTER STALLONE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE ROCKY IIAVIII CARBAIIIIIE llElsIlTIIII Ali 20 cross COUNTRY noun WRECII ROLLICKING ROAD RACE WITHOUT RULES mammals mtmmmltui HELD OVER 3rd WEEK DOUBLE ere anything can happen and usually Alli INTERIM onBAI Eigor Sanction pan Car Wash 915 FEATURE SIWOOD THE EIGER SAHCTION UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLGP The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 15 1977 SANJAY GANDHI shots fired gress party said Violence should be condemned whosoe ver might be involved MOSLEMS ANGRY Sanjays campaign in the Amethi district has run into trouble because of the vigorous sterilization campaign he spon sored to reduce Indias popu lation growth rate Reports of OPEN HOUSE SHOWCASE OF BARRIE Friday March 18 Saturday March OR ILLIA Thursday March OWEN SOUND Friday March 18 Saturday March IMPERIAL CINEMA TO JOIN TENTH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS PROJECTSJPRODUCTS 401 Duckworth St Bell Farm Rd 135 West Street North Friday March 18 1150 81h St East BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY Georgian College of Apotmd Arts and Tectnoiogy Shots fired at car Gandhi sn unhurt compulsory sterilizations aroused anger among Amethis sizable Moslem population and Sanjay was blamed The Congress party had twothirds majority in the last Parliament enabling Mrs Gandhi to amend the con stitution as she desired during the state of emergency and to postpone the elections which should have been held in March 1976 until March 1978 Her decision to advance the election date year and to ease her emergency restrictions came as surprise and appar ently reflected conviction that the opposition was no longer threat But the release of lead ing opponents she had jailed during the emergency and rela xation of censorship were fol lowed by coalition of opposi tion parties to put forward single slate of candidates split in the Congress party for the second time since independ ence and vigorous campaign However chief election com missioner Swaminathan de scribed the campaign as one of the most peaceful in the countrys history with only scattered fighting and six deaths far fewer than previous campaign tolls IN OUR CELEBRATION EOPLE 930 am 900 pm 19 1000 am 400 pm 17 630 pm 900 pm 1000 am 900 pm 930 am 900 pm 19 1000 am 400 pm Held Over 2nd Week 710 PM 905 PM His whole life was milliontoone shot Adult Entertainment mu VKW ammonia uuui tiiiiiii EHIRIIIH IRWIN Wtiiit iiiiiiiiiitiiisi it Still Sitttiiiiiitt muss II III SH III IIIIRIIVIiIINIl EIIIII WIIIHtIlS BURGISS MI Illll IMPERIAL CINEMA GEORGE SEW ADULT tilA4lIl ADULT lllllllll HElD OVER 4th WEEK 705 900 PM ION tiibote to Ameiican ingenuity run mm olcu MD at IlttIMMA