Island built around hulk of schooner Historic Upper Lakes Museum unique in location By BRIAN BAKER WASAGA BEACH The Museum of the Upper Lakes on Nancy Island just upstream from the bridge over which County Road 92 crosses the Not tawasaga River in thejieart of Wasaga Beach may unique in itslocation It is situated on an island which built up around the hulk of the schooner HMS Nancy burned in 1814 during cannon attack launched by three American warships in nearby Nottawasaga Bay during the War of 1812 One should not miss two iii teresting historic plaques on the mainland entrance to the MARILYN JONES guide at the Wasaga Beach site of The Museum of the pper Lakes HhoWs that the hulk of the schooner Nancy sunk during museum west of the parking uishcne in 1817 Hist Sites lot Site of the blockhouse built by Lt Miller Worsley RM and destroyed by Enemy forces 14th August 18H after spirited defence by orsleys force of of ficers and men and three cannon against three enemy vessels and some 500 men and twentyfour cannon About four miles from the River mouth stood Schooner towii winter quarters of the Royal Navy on Lake Huron between the end of the War and the filial transfer of the ISltlllllllntlll to Ienetaiig and Monuments Board of Canada surprise to most people who read it for the first time is the second plaque First flight to England from mainland Canada was made from Wasaga Beach on the morning of August 8th 1934 James Ayling and Leonard it Reid took off in their plane Trail of the Caribou for Bagdag Due to adverse weather conditions and exhausting of fuel sup plies they were forced to land at Petliwick Airfield Lon don Eiiglaiid on the after noon of August lith liaviiig flown 3700 miles iii 30 hours and 55 minutes Because the Mary Ward was tragically connected with the history of Nottawasaga Bay and is mentioned in the museum another plaque around the bay at raiglileiglitli should also be recorded reading In the night of Nov 2ttli IXTZ the STIRton steamship Mary Ward ran aground on Nearby Alilligans Reel Ilic essel was bound for her winter port at ollingwood with 27 people on board It was clear and calm and several men rowed to shore to summon aid Later that night however violent storm arose lwo life limits were launched from the Mary Ward Inc was swept to safety on Nottawasaga Island while the other cal sicil with the loss of eight men The following afternoon the other nine people remain ing on the ship were brought to shore iitli great daring by local rescue party using small fisiiiiig boats The Federal Government had coinincinoratic iniilal struck to honor this heroic rescue In the mainland orientation centre visitors can stud pant phlets maps drawings and models to get sonic idea of what it isall about long tttltllrtlttltl loot bridge then leads across the north channel of the Not sh This ad Will save you l5°o oll tlietsl OI insulating your attic with cellulose libre It the month ol Morch only tawasaga River flowing wide and deep to Nancy Island Four hefty carronade can nons dating back to the late 17005 guard the cantilevered electronic theater looking more like threemasted sailing ship Here you see guns and terri ble swords and gaffs used by boarding parties in climbing aboard enemy ships There are wall size maps and models showing all the strategic points on the map of Upper Canada during the early 1800s Children find the mockup of ships wheelhousc particularly fascinating with its highly polished wood and brass wheel the glassfaced brass telegraph and its magnetic compass lhe telegraph is marked with Stop Standby Slow Half Full Irinish Ahead Astern servmg as the line of communication between the captain in his wheelhousc and the cingineer in his hot and noisy engineroom filled with sweating coal shovellcrs ld magnetic compasses were filled with iron spheres and magnets to canch out local iiiegiiclic deviations Not until modern gyro com passes and the radar scanner came in could ships be sure of not being led to destruction on rocky reefs by faulty compass or poor visibility One exhibit is devoted to speed And distance measuring devices including bronze propeller spinners and the traditional marine measur ing device the rope with knots or colored ribbons along its length giving rise to the manic mile the knot Narigational lights anotherpopulaicxliibit The white anchor light visible from all points of the compass was burned to warn other ships that the ship in question was at anchor So that other ships would know in what direction ship was going at night it carried the forward liglitlnglicr than the alter light The starboard or right side of the ship was lltII titicd with green light visible only from lllt right side ot lllt ship with the red port tlt liglit being visible orin troni lllt Itll full replica ot the scliooiiir 34 form Discount CALL TODAY NNISFIL NSULATION 4364899 MAINF it the War of MIL and buried under the sands ol the riier for over century has been raised for display defan the ravages of time and war Present this adot time ollree OSIIIITOIU Examiner lhoto Strands Nancys figurhead with rosy cheeks and flowing hair still proudly points towards Georgian Bay from ceiling truss Perhaps the most magnifi cent exhibit is the model of the Nancy complete with guns full rigging and billowing sails measuring t2fcet long built by Wm Van der Valk of Toronto Yet other exhibits include all the intricate marine knots naval gunnery and cannon balls grape shot warships The Market Place Wednesday March 16 1977 photo displays giving the history of naval and commer cial ship ing on the Great Lakes an coor slide display of marine history by Canada Steamship Lines There is even the early mariner astrolobe most refreshing walk may be had around the island view ing cannon guns great iron anchor navigational bouys with clanging bells an anchor Windlass historic plaques ane even the grave of an unknown 200 parents watch About 200 parents were on hand at Forest Hills School in MldlllllSl Monday for Gym Night presented by 65 pupils from Kindgergartcn to Grade It went marvellously teacher George Cooper re ported today About 200 parents attended The pupils went through Royal 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRII 728 8800 Trust TOR LINE 366 VIM various exercises learned dur ing the night school gymnastics program theyve been following one night week at Forest Hills for the last It weeks They demonstrated their pro wess on the mats boxhorsc trampoline ropes parallel bars and balance beam REALTOR Royal Trust Company STAYNER INVESTMENT $8500 down lOO It to sewers building lots room home included on one lot good °o mtg Owner will socrilice Rolph Williams 728 8800 Res 42873432 B757M lNNlSFlL TWP OWNERS SACRIFICE AT $49900 New custom bungalow nestled among birch pine and maple trees lot 75 200 sliding doors walkout to cedar sundeck Impressive brick fireplace Janice Vonherk 728 8800 tl7l53Ml PAINSWICK ALL BRICK $52900 Immaculate side split overlooking boy Furriin room big kitchen ll5xl22 landscaped lot garage and many extras Owner traitslerred Eric Milton 728 8800 anew HWY 77 COOKSTOWN AREA $6 000 down bdrm storey brick home liicplurr lot ISO Ill3 BOOUTIIUI ountry setting good for commuter With large lorriily Hurry Somson 726 8800 I7I76M Royol Trust Co Ontario Realtor British soldier who died sometime around the time of the War of 1812 and whose body was discovered recently during excavations farther along the river No visit to Wasaga Beach would be complete without visit to the Museum of the Up per Lakes site of one of the most colorful historical events in Upper Canada EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 WVWVTVTwWvaVywi wiwiw You buy it the ï¬rst time and the second time Shoppe They didnt iust onu tor our great tasting tltiy ours They lirlnt UITIL ber arise tll ritir lTtlttlll 24brittlc irrviiig use They didnt riime be now we happen to make alorwrcrlur crl pop Ilit ixptrisivi distribution ttl lhiits how we in 534 BAYFIELD sr Junior Farmers to study roles ELMVALE STaff The role of young people in society Will be the theme of the threeday convention of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario which opens at Toronto on Friday arch 18 according to notice received at the North Simcoe agriculture office here North and South Simcoe branches will be among those from across Ontario who will be sending delegates About 350 are expected to attend the conferences John Gillham of Toronto will be one of the key speakers discussing the role of young people Grant Webber of the energy conservation department of the Ontario Hydro will discuss the reasons behind the grow ing need to conserve on use of power Other speakers will include Dr Angela Armitt director of the extension department of the University of Western On tario Walker of the ministry of consumer and com mercial relations and Dr Brian Wilson of the department of Human Kinetics University of Guelph for price for flavour Ask anybody whos been to The lol lhiy anie her iuscritour llltltllilll low riti we NtAt tlllllllltlltfl all lllfht tittrirrl to sell our pin it the prir is we If rriurse onto you taste our llItJtIr youll be timing bar tiir ITItiTt ABOUT PER BOTTLE Only by the case 24iooz $269 Plus Deposit BARRIE irippiisite Sears If youre looking for supersowngs on the most famous sewing machines in the world cmon olong If youre looking for supersovings on hondy seWIng notions and fine fashion fabrics cmon along If youre looking for supersovlngs on powerpocked vacuum cleaners cmon olo rEWtOTT along to Singer SoleA Thon lltl THE FASHION MATE ZIGZAG MACHINE THE CANISTER VACUUM WITH POWERHEAD if or ow to ma lctliulf tucked tor Our Golden Glide canister yocuum hqs Mir Tlttl 13+ mu pin tittyne DciSlltCJFt let teamed up wrth Out Carpet Partner TIlltrul iritwtw tyA zii trig 1g and WNWl poworneori to bring you outstanding cleaning etiiryerw TtCiOIdIIVen reyotvmg brush pile and suction controls and triple titteir systvm gm yOU deep down cleaning power on Jriy turret plus deluxe set of attachments CMON ALONG IO SALE WON PRICE Alaska Breathtaking land of silent splendor THE DIANA ELECTRONIC MACHINE it 1lii 11 Mr ma 11w Ivruiiit pt pv MON AIONG IO SAIL INON PEICL SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS START AS IOW AS THE LATEST LOOKS IN FASHION FAEPKS Sew up ti great looking DIIHQ Now while you cc save tin ttin tumors that are making IOSTIILIT news At Singer you It lttltl tritium to Stilt Ivory Itistv At Stiyirigsto Stiit any budget Jyd IOOL otton Reg $349 yd 45 Ptnwuto Corduroy Always ll7ttlllii tr yd MON AIONG IO SAL INONI Cruise only one week from Vancouver An exceptional opportunity Western Canada and Alaska tool Include Stmnds fabulous Alaska cruise with your other waition 45 Assorted woven Fobrtcs am muse mot and malt ti At this It ivy nice you to got vyinrwi livc $198 One week incl airhr from Toronto Cruise the spectacular inside passage No imagimition will ever match the wonders of Alaska From Kctchikan to THE STYLIST STRETCHSTITCH MACHINE It in Him wry 1r Itw ltll illt ttii turn him ill illlt It titnlt llt tii rtri llltl Jriti it put Iiinti ltiui itili ti llllltllli wink llht ll ritirirriirni truiiiy tiiit Hi xiiiti tiy It itiiir 60 Suedelook Knlts to may not tiisy wtnr Hi gtl acetate 00 nylon Hm 35W 50 NOVOITY Suttlngs Tintirt limiting siiiiirh sayings In 115 polyestii tlfily 4th It Xi UClyllt Rog SSW Junmufrorn Sitka to Glacier Bay plans Alaska 15 MOLIICI 60 Dovotone Satin Slinky SDKy airport to on Nature at her very everywhere 100 mivmw two SW vd plus ll rum taxes IPro 15 60 Printed Jersey tor daytirnu or dress up time In 05 acetate35 riyltiii THIS WEEK ONLY 20 OFF ALL SEWING NOTIONS Sewmg Centres and LfllltCtDOllrg Approved Dealers twliilitliey lasti while they last Departs Every Sat May 28Sept 24 I977 Features include Round trip jtl flight Via lransair andor IULIXfJIII lxtwrin lorontoand Vancouver All meals Willi choice of menu NewAsk your travel agent about Strands all new MCtllitF ranean 77 summer cruise pro gram or Strands one and th wcck Caribbean and South America winter crUiscs both including flights from loronto Allttillfllt ltlllttl carpeted cabin with private facilities Free irifliglit meals and bar trittlwltrï¬lmtl Imusori rianrlliiig liiill programolon board entertainment nc Wttk ruise aboard ss Veracruz Optional shori excursions For lmmediut Reservations Call 41 MopleAve Credit terms ovoilotile titmnil tiiiiki Ill titlnwiiiii ii itlt ivll IyuH sit tum logarithm of tTKhlt or ion 168 Hurontnrio St Collingwood 4456370 GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE 7287960 Barrie 726397 lituiiumik iii savor amino tilt inn titi mummy wiry ii liriyiiigi rim lil IINIIII iitriii