NNOUNCEMENTS gym NOTICES CA Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count llne extra 2i cents per line $506 Coming Events births 88 coming events ROBERTS Doug and Barbara nee Westra are happy to announce the birth of their son Todd Douglas lbs V2 01 on Sunday March I977 at RVH brother for Kimberly and Shelley and grandson for Mr and Mrs Westra and Mr and Mrs Douglas Roberts all of Barrie Many thanks to Dr Strangway and nurseson AA Mondays Childisfair offace Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child hasfartoga Fridays Childisloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 72872414 85 deaths FRASERWiItredJamesAtthe Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday March 13 1977 Wilfred James Fraser in his 73rd year Beloved husband of Con tance Merry dear father of Gary of Stouftville grandfather of Eilert brother of Archie of Barrie Jessie Mrs William Bracken and Sophia Mrs Frank OConnor both of Toronto and Edna Mrs Harry Wilson of Niagara Falls Predeceased by brothers and sisters Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after Monday Complete service in the chapel on Tuesday March 15 at 30 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Socie IV 86 card of thanks CANNING The sisters of the late Rit chie Canning Wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for their floral tributes messages of sympathy the donation to the Royal Victoria Remembrance Fund and to the Heart Foundation from Stroud Senior Citizens Club We especially Wish to thank Reverend Croft for his consoling words the members of No 605 and the Steckley Funeral Home for their kind services GREEN Josephine We Wish to ex oriss our sincere appreCIation to rvrr yone who has shown great kindness to Josephine and more recently for on tolencus and contributions during our UCVEJVfFVTClII he Green tamily 87 in memoriams AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiul gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter sonAor those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Barrie Examiner publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL To ensure that your message appears at this time Telephone 72824 or write BEFORE WED NESDAY APRIL will OBRIEN In Iovmg memory of our dear sister Laurine who passed away March 1975 Although we smile and make no fuss No one misses her more than us And when old times weolf recall Thats when we miss her most of all Sadly missed and lovingly remembered Sisters and Brothers FLEAR Marie In loving memory of dear wife and mother Marie who pass ed away March 13 1969 From hospital bed to heavenly rest You suffered too much your pleasurvs were few You never deserved what you went through You stood the test and stood it well Just what you suffered no one can tell We were not there Marie to she you die To hold your hand or kiss you goodbye But we Will remember our wholr life through The last words we hart with you Always remembered by husband Karl son Brian daughter in law Vicki daughter Vickie son in low Roqrr and daughter Sharon 78 tenders ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission SI 00 far cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF Royal Canadian Legion Branch I47 Tuesday March IS 800 oclock General Meeting Nomination of Officers Burning of 2nd Mortgage Presentation of Public Speaking Awards Dance MI5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7202414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display ads vertisements which must be in by two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 55 00 Additional words ct per word CARD OE THANKS 25 words $500 odditional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 35 00 With verse per count line 7I cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 27 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis count Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions per word in semen Three consecutive insertions and one half cents per word insertion total $612 511 consecutive insertions 8c per word per insertion total SII 57 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublect to can collation when satisfactory results ab toined Method of counting fewer than words count as 74 words Each initial ab bCVIOTIOn OI of numbers etc count as separate words ndiitr deadllff for classified wordodi 3p pro ious day noon Sourlciy auction sales ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE County Fore Antiques lPresents its first Auction of Fine Canadian British pieces To be held in THE NOTTAWASAGA INN lBeing miles East of Alliston on Hwy 89 on FRIDAY EVENING MARCH I8 AT7 PM iThe sale offers Grandfathers clock I810 working mantel and wall clocks brass and glass banquet lamps doctors desk signed butternut cherry curly maple secret com partments Berlin Waterloo County mandolin IBIO Mother of Pearl inlay butternut sideboard sideboard 1840 raised panels pine pine cor ner cupboard open face frames prints spinning wheel Ugo walking type china glass brass pweter Partial list only TERMS Cash evening of sale Cheques widentification nothing to be removed until set tled for ACCIDENTS Neither the Owner Nottawasoga Inn nor the Auct will be responsible for accidents or propertyloss ERNIE SEVERN AUCT RR NoI Alliston Tel 7054357467 SCL NoIO MI5 PROJECT NO 74 l2B Tenders for the construction of CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by Mr Groh ClerkiAdministrator Township of Innisfil at the Township Office RR No Stroud Ontario until oclock pm local time on Wednesday March 30 I977 for the construction of works described generally as follows Construction of 150000 US ground water reservoir gallon reinforced concrete in Construction of pump house structure to house pumping and stand by power equipment lnstoation of pipe work pumps and diesel generator stand by power set and electrical supply and control system Construction of approximately I60 lineal feet of inch water main connecting the reservoir to the existing water system Miscellaneous items such as driveway construction site grading and telemetry transmitter and receiver equipment Complete tender documents may be obtained from Ainley Associates Ltd 52 Morrow Rd Barrie Ontario LAN 3V8 on payment of $3000 per set which is not refundable Each tender must be accompanied by tender deposit in the form of certified cheque payable to the Township of Innisfil in the amount of of the tender amount Tender documents may be studied without payment at but not engineers premises removed from the consulting Tenders are subiect to formal contract being prepared and executed The owner reserves the right to reiect any or all tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted Township of Innisfil GROH ClerkAdministrator RR No STROUD Ontario Consulting Engineers AINLEY ASSOCIATES LTD Consulting Engineers and Planners 52 Morrow Rd BARRIE Ont MIII5 Island built around bulk of schooner Mi MARILYN JONES guide at the Wastiga Bench site of The Museum of the Upper Lakes shows that the hulk if the HCIIlltlntr Nancy iiunk during IINIIIINII1 Itli ltiin yliitrly uppriiuchih his ltlth season of Illtlliil Icziguo llizistlizill with enthusiasm and rkeen some of dedication lhe piirtly lfiilltltl first themmun is returning It situa itiiin with Toronto Blue Jays similar to the 011 found himself with Montreal Expos us ithoy struggled for rcsptttiliili While his but will llt it Icfinitc ilSMI It the Illuc lziys in their lirst American League season Fairly is tXII to in lluonct many young players with the Toronto club where the average age is 23 think the young players havi shown good enthusiasm and theyve been very recep llVf IIII regards to suggestions Historic the War of llill and buried under the Hands of Ihl fthl for over century hiltt been raised for display defying thi ravages Of time and war lIxnmintr lhiitii SFairlys bat asset fin Jays first season and the iititllitig sltitl llitVl marlin llt stud III in Illltll Monday Fulrly llitllvt ll Maiin in was rlviilt to St Linus iir Imuls Iiy Illt Ipriis lll 1th whore hf was userl mainly 11gt pinchhitter In Illf finiil two weeks II the 1076 siiisiin he was dealt to Ilitklilllfl As who let him go liiliiriiiitii LUVICSCIIUHIIS Im much hiippicr lit Itt With the Toronto brill Illlt Ihzin tii Ilf playing in tlziklzind love playing Iriinl of large crowds something It was missing in Oakland and like SffIIIL lllt Itiltllfill of crowds It gets lllt plziycrs ix cited and Im fllllltlflll the fans are going to llf liltit behind us in Toronto By BRIAN BAKER WASAGA BEACH The Museum of the Upper Lakes on Nancy Island just upstream from the bridge over which County Road 92 crosses the Not tawasaga River in the heart of Wasaga Beach may unique in its location It is situated on an island which built up around the bulk of the schooner HMS Nancy burned in 1814 during cannon attack launched by three American warships in nearby Notlawasaga Bay during the War of 1812 One should not miss two in teresting historic plaques on the mainland entrance to the museum west of the parking lot Site of the blockltousc built by Lt Miller Worsley ItM and destroyed by Enemy forces ch August 1814 after spirited defence by Worsleys force of 22 of ficers and men and three cannon against three enemy vessels and some 500 men and twentyfour cannon About four miles front the ltivcr mouth stood Schooner tiiwn winter quarters of the Royal Navy on Lake Huron Iltltll the end of the War zintl Llll filial transfer of the Establishment to lcnctung uishcnt in 1817 llist Sites and Monuments Board of zinada surprise to most people who read it for the first time is the second plaque First flight to England from mainland tinadzi was made from lasugti Beach on the morning of August tith 1931 James It Ayling and Leonard ii Ktld took off in llltll Itllll Trail of thr uribiiu fur liagdztg Due to adverse weather conditions and exhausting of fuel sup pliis the ore furcctl to land at lttlmick Airfield Lon don England on the after noon of August ï¬lth having lliimi 3700 miles in Zitl hours iiml 53 iiiinutcs IlttitllSO the Mary Ward was tragically connected with the history if Notlawusaga Buy and is mentioned in the museum another plaque ru th it at rnighlmuhth should also be recorded reading in the night of Nov Nth lltTJ the Milan steamship Mair Ward ran aground in Nizirby Milligiins ltttf lht twistI vials bound for her winter port it iillingmkid with 27 HItplt on board It its clear and illlll and sourail IntIi rmutl to short tii summon illfl Later that night lumenr inItut storm ZIIUM Two in boats flt launched from llll lill turil One has sinpt Iii ilftl tin Nuttziuusugu lslziiltl WIIIlt the ullwr cup sinll Illl IIIf loss of eight Itll The following afternoon the other nine people remain ing iii the ship Hlt brought to shore tllll grout luring by Iiiciil riscui purl using sitiiill fishing limits The Ittlirul imtriimcni hurl it tiimintmurutiyt intlul struck to honor this litmic rescue In Illt mainland iiricntzitiiin centre visitors can study pitIII phIits maps drawings and models In get some Itlfll if what II is till about long woodendecked foot bridge then leads across the north channel of the Not tawasaga River flowing wide and deep to Nancy Island Four hefty carronade can nons dating back to the late 17005 guard the cantilevered electronic theater looking more like threemasted sailing ship Here you see guns and terri ble swords and gaffs used by boarding parties in climbing aboard enemy ships There are wall size maps and models showing all the strategic points on the map of Upper Canada during the early 18005 Children find the mockup of ships wheelhouse particularly fascinating with its highly polished wood and brass wheel the glassfaced brass telegraph and its magnetic compass The telegraph is marked with Stop Standby Slow Half Full Finish Ahead Purchase of equipment Astern serving as the line of communication between the captain in his wheelhouse and the eingineer in his hot and noisy enginéroom filled with sweating coal shovellers Old magnetic compasses were filled with iron spheres and magnets to cancel out local megnetic deviations Not until modern gyro com passes and the radar scanner came in could ships be sure of not being led to destruction on rocky reefs by faulty compass or poor visibility One exhibit is devoted to speedAnd distance measuring devices including bronze propeller spinners and the traditional marine measur ing device the rope with knots or colored ribbons along its length giving rise to the maine mile the knot Navigational lights farm another popular exhibit The white anchor light visible The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 15 1977 15 Upper Lakes MuSeum unique in location from all points of the compass was burned to warn other ships that the ship in question was at anchor So that other ships would know in what direction ship was going at ni ht it carried the forward lig thigher than the after light The starboard or right side of the ship was iderr titled with green light visible only from the right side of the ship with the red port side light being visible only from the left full replica of the schooner Nancys figurhead with rosy cheeks and flowing hair still proudly points towards Georgian Bay from ceiling truss Perhaps the most magnifi cent exhibit is the model of the Nancy complete with guns full rigging and billowing sails measuring 12feet long built by Wm Van der Valk of Toronto Yet other exhibits include all the intricate marine knots $111 million to businesses in Ontario FBDB ASSISTS with financing In 1976 F808 authorized $111 million in loans to 2600 businesses in Ontario and currently 8100 businesses in the Province have total of $331 million in loans from FBDB for purposes such as Purchase or construction of buildings with CASE counselling The FBDB management counsellin to Small Enterprises aSSISlS small business with training To help improve management skills in small busmess the bank conducts management training seminars with information on for busmess Working capital naval gunnery and cannon balls grape shot warships hoto displays giving the history of naval and commer cial shipping on the Great Lakes and coor slide display of marine history by Canada Steamship Lines There is even the early mariner astrolobe most refreshing walk may be had around the island view ing cannon guns great iron anchor navigational bouys with clanging bells an anchor Windlass historic plaques ane even the grave of an unknown British soldier who died sometime around the time of the War of 1812 and whose body was discovered recently during excavations farther along the river No visit to Wasaga Beach would be complete without visit to the Museum of the Up per Lakes site of one of the most colorful historical events in Upper Canada Launching new business service known as CASE tCounselling Assistance busmesses to improve their methods of doing government programs At the Banks branch offices operators of busmesses can obtain information about any assistance program available from the fede directed to the representative of the FEDEQA BUSN555 rat government and others and are appropriate assnstance program Perhaps FBDB can help your businessAsk for our folder 7O Collier Street Barre Ont DE VELOPMENT BA NK L4M 768 705 7286072 ll Iirrmm flit1372c Fcllrzmty 15 I9 71 The day that you acquire your Canadian Citizenship With all its privileges and obligations will be proud one for you The new Citizenship Act does not change the Status lthosc who are already Canadian Citizens Landed immigrants who wish to become citizens will be interested in these changes under the new law Women and men are treated equally regardless oftnarital status Applicants must have been resident in Canada for three years The age of majority is 18 years Applicants from all countries are treated equally As in the past there is an application fee but ofï¬cers olthc Department olthc Secretary otStatc will provide free information and assistance in the prepara tion Olfyour application form For further details write or visit the Court of Canadian Citizenship nearest you Or contact The Registrar otCanadinn Citizenship I30 SlatetStrect Ottawa Ontario KIA 0M5 Ill of Sluic John Roberts Minister Secretary secretariat dEtat John Roberts Ivlinistre Canadian Citizenship SubCourt Federal Building 2nd Floor 44 Collier St Barrie Ont 14M lGI