12 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 15 1977 BUFFALO roitoiro ii HAMILTON 611 2474122 News Movie iBlack Nooni 524 Hours 9Dcfiniiion iiiPolka Dot Door 25 Nouvelles 79 City Show News 630 227 Gong Show 2479News 11 Party Game 19 Readaloiig 25A Lactuel 645 19 Magee and uiripany 70 22 Odd Couple Bowling For Dollars 47 Concentration Muppet Shoii ii Bobby 1nton TTo Tell The Truth llirAudubon Wildlife Theatre 19Movie iTIic Mark of Zorrolt 21 257 Monde iiieiieilleux de Disney 79 My Three Sons 730 22 Baa Baa Black Sheep Muppet Show 37 Oceans Alive 4r Strikes Spares Misses Wolfmiiii Jack Sr Bionic Woman Price Is Right II Grizzly Adams III Education of Mike 555 9Focus 600 9University of the air 625 7Window On The World 630 2Not For Women Only 4Sunrise Semester 9Cartoon Playhouse 655 7Employment File 700 9Canada AM 2Today 4News 7Morning Show ilPaul Bernard Psychiatrist 730 7Rocketship 800 3Daybeat 1200 BiNeus ZwName That Tune IiLeave It To Beaver 471News iACrown Court Silnclc Bobby Show llMidday 19Mr Rogers rawSkippy TkGene Taylors Bazaar llI0 Maga21ne lNews Search For Tomorrow 577Ryaiis Hope 97 Flianiunes iiiCommunique Zyv Les Coqueluches 12 15 Ilr Movie 1Doctor at Sea 10Magee and Company oo ZCanadian Cavalcade rAGong Show kAdamiz 3Bob McLean svDick Van Dyke 7ll All My Children 19 Classics Dark and Dangerous 130 225 For The Money 2lllDays it Our Lives 4As The World Turns Family Feud 9Joyce Davidson 19Report Metric wxouvelles 79 Tity Lights 600 104711221 News LivMovm 1My Darling Daughters Anniver saryi 524 Hours 9Def1nition 19 Polka Dot Door 25 Nouvellcs WCITY Show News 630 flGong Show 2479777News liParty Game iereadalong zvaactuel 6M5 lkMagee and Company 700 220dd Couple ZBowling for Dollars 4Concentration 5Porridge 77To Tell The Truth 9Good Times 11 Behind the Scene with Jonathan Winters 197 Movie The Mark of ZorroPt 31 25 Daniel Boone 75 My Trim Sims 7110 22528000 Question 23100000 Name That Tune 3Reach For The Top 4Strikes Spares Misses frBlqu 7Gong Show 9Bra Bunch TELEVISION GUIDE BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL TUESDAY mums McManus 79 Tnillctalcs 800 2Circus Highlight 357Happy Days Whos Who 197La Bohcnie 79 Movie Die Die My Darling 25 Grandpapa 831 Second City 36 King of Keiisinglon 7iIinght Is Enough HvJulie 5Vedettes on direct 900 ztCaught In The 2Movie Godzilla Megalon HS MA SH One Day At Time 23Rue des Pigiions 9110 22Sports Probe arï¬wFifth Estate One Day At Time t200 7Threes Company zzmMovie iMy lllood VIRGO Aug 2359PL 22 You giggslllaï¬lgglrflg RUNtom enioy your work today because 514060 37 Movie iTripIeCmssi VON realize you can advance by l000 7SWA domg better lob This gives you 227News Svrlronside added incentive The Last Voyage of II rMerv Griffin the rs ITlliib LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Use +9 Algfjxcnham tiffmmn your deft diplomatic touch today 7Faniily 11m it its necessary to manage the Slwlyestsigtlgletdical 2Toniorruw affairs of others You can do it iIIIE Mannix gjmfgldrlll lukill Without being oflensnve SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 WEDNESDAY MORNING Youre very imaginative today in 4Captain Kangaroo itOntario Schoo 4News 55 3Canada Manpower 7Dialing For 900 SEnjoy Being Beautiful ZDinah 4Howdy Doody 3Daybeat reasonably accurate but do 9Toronto Today 512Sesame Street leave some margin for error 12Ed alien 4Gambit 931 7Edge or Night CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 4Tatllelales 94mm Pans Materially this could be red HiZSummer Schools Room 12Friendly Giant 9Romper 915 12Mon Ami 1000 35Friendly Giant IPrice ls Right WEDNESDAY AFT 135 1971nside Out ZSPemme dauourdhui McManus 150 400 PISCES Fob 20March 20 Do ISiReadalong 22 Little Rascals what has to be done today quiet Laws 23°gyVkdm ly It need be pull the strings 00 341 um from the background 2270ppos1te Sexes +7 Merv Griffin SAll In The Family Svlts Your Choice TS20000 Pyramid 9Star Trek 9Alan Hamel ItYoung and The 197Cucumber Restless 794 Doctors Diary IQACOIargoI 225 EvBohino EiNews Tier Love American Style 2110 t13 +22Gu1d1ng Light l9Jonglerics Millhemull MIICh 15 1977 ZirDoctr rs ues 15 IIdgkfifNight moq Something youve secretly been 7llilineL1fcto Live Zlvcllllgilns Island longing for has good chance of lSiuess What IlrsnMagic lie zsLe temps de Vivre TTBA Mike Douglas appetmnhg mls yea commue 797 Magistrates Court llvr Dinah ave your reams 210 19 You and Your En Viron ment 300 2Bonnie Prudd 29v Another Worl 15 Take 30 ivAll In The Family 19Su1ve1 La P15 People in on Ill5 7Commander II General Hosp 330 22 Lively Woman Tschlebrity ooks WEDNESDAY lIFace The Mu l9Education of McManus 79Tattletales K100 22 Films of Newman and Redford 2Movie The Deadly Hunti itsScience Magazrne +Miracle Months 7Bionic Woman SFunny Farm IIVHawaii Five0 35977Ncws 19VwreCommedu 30 ll TO 69 MARRiED 61121 THEO THING l6 HATETO Monde 22 Opposite Sexes WHEN LEI 79A Movie The lm 2Johnny Carson possible tMov1e lGrand Prixi Years Mary Hartman 830 llLarry Solway 27 TR 79Money Game lsRuzicka 215 9Mov1e Two People 590 Minutes Live EhLa travail la chaine 1145 900 IQVvCommuniquc 22ZPO Sharkey 1200 35Juno Awards 22 Movie lnce You Kiss PMovie The Deadliest Stranger 11 Season IFMovm IThe War of the 7liBaretta Worldsi zsiHors serie Rookies 930 9Ironside z2Mclcan Stevenson iiMerv anfin 2Movie The Owl and 251nema MEN HDWDDYOU lieM The Pussycat 100 KEEP Cup NVENï¬ON ThE II t0tlts 00 ZirTomorrow 60M 227News 5+ Movit Cash McCall HNR SO NEAT 7tICharlies Angels 79 PH Club GR P1914 BONE 197 P111 Et Face 110 ZSACOnsommatLurs avcr Mystery of the Week tis The Last Bridge of 79 FBI Salem ASTROORAPII Bernice Bede Osol For Wednesday March 16 1917 BUFFALO ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Friends will be able to help you in ways today but wouldnt count on them if youre trying to make money In business matter TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 You function best today when youre working on joint ventures Youre motivated by sharing your ideas and feelings GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Make it point to compliment those who are deserving today Show ing others that you care can br ing unexplained benefits CANCER June 21July 22 Be ing realistic can reward you handsomely today Dont expect more than youre entitled to nor give more than you have to LEO July 23Aug 22 Those youre fond of and who reciprocate in kind will be lucky for you today Theyre the type you should associate with I2 PETERBOROIIGN l021l 35 Barney Miller 25Nouvelles 1045 Olympic Profile 00 flMary Hartman 234579IlNews 79City Lights 05 ï¬Rencontres 1115 l9s University of Toronto Saquicentennial 1120 3597 News ll 30 ZVOpposile Sexes Johnny Carson Movie Catloiw Mary Hartman Mr Larry Solway 79MOIIEy Game 35 90 Minutes Live 25 Iroptis eI onfidciiccs Act vs 7Phimnahue finding ways to save money for 90ntar 1030 C005 household needs or for 1m 2High Rollers proving living conditions 3512Mr Dressup 9First Impressions ttCelebrity Revue 1100 2Wheel of Fortune SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your insight regarding the outcome of events today is ollars 22Money Talks 111 2Hollywood Squares 4Young and The letter day if you exploit your op portunities Theres possrbility you wont make the best of your assets AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 if you handle others positively to day its likely you can get what you want Use sincerity not snow job Restless 7Happy Days 9Kareens Yoga tIMidday ERNOON +79Match Game 19 Education of Mike 19 Elcctr1c ornpany Z$Ie irenier 500 21 Doris Day Selucy Show Nic and P11 Emergency Sesame Street Does to fires out of habits on 2551214 12 qdf TORONTO lCPl Dr Rob 111 530 ert Ral says he has heard so 225 many ire bells in the last 30 oiri laharly IJIIIIIIII odd mph years that he now rushes to Room 222 fires purely out of habit ands Until his retirement in Febru Llleure De Iointc ary Ralph has been the doctor on call for the Toronto fire de partment since 1946 when VENING SIC I0230 Mike ersportsbeat there were 890 firemen iiiTm me he we 1015 right into the flames and smoke Bï¬uireachonwrm and worked alongside the fire OUR BOARDING HOUSE HARRUMPH LET ME REMIND YOU MARTHATHAT DISAPPROVED 0F FATHER VlélTé T0 CLUB PlscODIP SLEPT IN FOR BUT YOU PEFENDED HIM POSSIBLY PAYél THINK YOULL PAY MORE ATTENTION YOU 5HOULP 70 TO MY COUNéEL NEXT TIME soneriiine HOWEVERTHERE NO muse FOR ALARM FATHER FREQUENTLY TAKES TRIPé ON IMPULSE REMEMBER H15 FLIGHT T0 HAWAII M05 WHER55 Parrots BED HAsNT BEEN iv A15 IA miteBE HELL PHONE= 0197 hyNIA Inc in us rat on POLLYS POINTERS Polly Cramer Circle of wood makes perfect jar top DEAR POLLY broke the lid to one of my glass canisters and have not been able to find one to replace it have seen such canisters with cork tops but cannot find them either hope someone can give me an idea for replacement MRS RO DEAR MRSR0 You could have circle of wood cut slightly larger than the opening in your canister The wood could be from onehalf to oneinch thick according to the height of the canister Stain it dark and it should look very nice 0n the underneath side put in three brads with rubber tips such as used for electric wiring The brads will keep the top from shifting on the jar have seen ice buckets with such tops The top can be used as cutting board for tiny jobs such as slicing lemon etc Perhaps some of our readers have solved the same problem in other ways and will share their ideas with us POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with those drivers who pull into intersections even though it is obvious that they can not get all the way across Yesterday was unable to move through four green lights because of such clods on the cross street TERESA DEAR POLLY native Kentucky gal would like to pass on solution for ridding her house of fleas to Mr My mother once told me to lay peppermint sprigs such as grow around the edges of creeks and rivers around on the floor to get rid of fleas BILLIE DEAR BILLIE We native Kentuckians can appreciate the pleasant fresh smell of peppermint Obviously the fleas cant POLLY DEAR POLLY Dental and other such appointments are often made months in advance and are easy to forget When receive an appointment card staple it to the page on my calendar that is for that particular month so am sure it is not misplaced or forgotten My sons next dental appointment is for May 1977 so it is stapled to the page for May on my calen dar If one does not have card reminder can be jotted down at the top of the page Thanks for letting us hear ideas through your column BEA DEAR POLLY never throw away gift box particularly those that come with clothing in them fold them flat by pull ing the inside flaps toward the middle and then press down Do this to both the top and bottom and store them flat on closet shelf Boxes are so often needed and may be hard to get for holding the childrens games and puzzles or for wrapping gift VIRGINIA DEAR READERS This is worthwhile even if one has to slit the corners of the box since they can be taped together when needed Apply transparent plastic tape to the inside of WIN AT BRIDGE Fourcard trump suit works NORTHD QKJS VJ72 OAK62 QQIOB EAST Q9865 VA10643 9J8 462 wasr 472 99 color 49754 SOUTH 10 NorthSouth vulnerable North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead South West By Oswald James Jacoby Todays hand is an object lesson for those people who feel that having to play game contract with four trumps opposite three is fate worse than death Playing at four spades South makes the key play at trick three South discards low diamond on the third heart instead of ruffing After this he makes the rest of the tricks with no trouble at all He has 10 top tricks in notrump but the opponents will almost surely take five heart tricks before he can gain the lead Now lets look at the bid ding North has 14 highcard points plus 10 spot and his correct opening bid is clearly one diamond His choice after South responds one spade lies between one notrump and two spades and two spades is the better call While South may have only four spades he is just about as likely to have fivecard suit final spade contract is likely to be superior Finally if South does have just four spades he may try some other second bid and the partnership can still get to notrump And then for the proof of the pudding South does have just four spades but they are enough for game to wheel in Ashthomoo Florida reader wants to know how you show one ace and void suit when respon ding to Blackwood four notrump This is one of those gray areas where everybody has an opinion and no one really knows what to do The Jacobys will bid six diamonds to show this provid ed we feel that our void is in suit that we think our partner is worried about and we like our hand in general Otherwise we just bid five diamonds We will discuss Blackwood complications in the articles ACROSS nous fqu Answer to Previous Puzzle ew ea Madame program annual cont 44 Gardens manna Earanal DEBBIE AM We PBsed momma um genome 49 Organized amt lama mm 0W athletics BEE mam 53 Brink mun main IIIEIB Brerkemdee s4 Prolific mum manna mm 223 56 Mine product ggggmEgua 57 Vermin BEE 90 58 High Lat mum nEBmE 15 SharpSighted 59 corral flflEIIfl MEEEE 17 30 WdI 60 Feminine ENEEEE IIIIIBE 18511331 sum WEBB BE 19 Set free 59 We to Jacobs 31 Cape wds brother 33 Close relative 21 Past time DOWN 11 In case that 35 Stave 23 E33 and Mesdames 16 Flees for 40 Kidnap 24 Alla abbr marriagef 43 French cream 27 Homes SH Indian maid ngha 45 Plastic wrap 29 Arabian pert somhem Arerica 45 Maw 32 Leos son collsmlam 22 47 Put on the Mia retched st 34 Regard highly 24 payroll 36 Join the peninsula 393 48 ess colors Salutation 25 Famgard 50 Bgy 37 Trademarks COUCh 50 33 Duflbow 0n the ocean 26 Law officer 51 Insrde prefl victim McLuhans 28 Zibeline 52 Baseballer 39 Korean border field 30 Goddess of Musial river Observing fate 55 Honey maker DAILY CROSSWORD III II In EIIIflIII starting Monday March 21 Insect count by trickery BURNABY BC CP team of scientists at Simon Fraser University is using chemical trickery to develop an accurate method of counting in sects in specific territory HI HI 27 III Elm ï¬IIIII III HI EIIIHI HIE IlaIII If successful the system could replace the accepted practice of precautionary spraying reduce the amount of insecticides in the environment and save money for farmers the corners POLLY ZMary mm fighters in case he was needed 234i79ll News 79Tity Lights 15 Reflits dun pays ll 20 ierOI4 THE DOCTOR SAYS Hip broken prior to fall By Dear Dr Thostc GC THOSTESON MD son My el derly aunt fell and broke her NSL ting pronounced Any sugges tions WIV After Parkinsons disease PHLD WANT NORTHERN STATIONERY rD RATHER BE CAREEQ Your wedding invitations Announcements Headqua hip We were surprised when the doctor said the fall didnt break the hip He said it was already broken and that caused her to fall Can you explain ILR cant comment on your aunts case specifically How ever many falls occur because there has been damage already done to the bone structure common cause is bonothinning osteoporosis which can come after menopause with the loss of natural hormones in the body It is possible that this is what the doctor referred to al though Pagets disease of the bone also may cause fractures Of course serious fall can worsen an already bad situ ation This is speculation No need to quibble What is impor tant is to treat osteoporosis by trying to control the bone cal cium loss Dear Dr Thosteson have what is called hereditary be nign intention tremor which prevents me from living nor mal life The tremor prevents me from holding cup of coffee or writing my name and have trouble feeding myself am in my 605 and the tremor is get and overactive thyroid gland have been ruled out what you have is the next most likely cause of tremors As the name implies it occurs in families Intention means that the tremor occurs when person attempts voluntary movement as in trying to pick up cup of coffee mild sedation may help It is such disturbing condition that often the emotions enter the picture aggravating the medical problem Sad to say there is no really satisfactory treatment Dear Dr Thosteson Last winter my family was sick it seemed every time turned around promised myself this winter would be different Ive kept the house stocked with fresh fruit and got everyone to eat lots of vegetables Well the cold weather arrived and so did the colds What does this provelR It proves that cold viruses are no respecter of well nourished body On the other hand wellnourished body can weather the effects of any illness better BORN LOSER BUGS BUNNY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 turn 71 II no AM or WELL ELMERWHATS YER BEEF Abour MV GOODIES THIS TIME THE CHlCKEN FWICASSEE WAS OUTSTANDING AND THE ON THE CONTWARY EVEWYTHING WAS We provide loanout service DELICIOUS APPETIZING Li gr Iii 11 on on Is ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE rters WIZARD OF ID WONDER IF HE WEALLY FAlNTED on 11 HES JUST FRANK ERNEST TUNNY BUSINESS T1415 PROMOTION MEANS LOT TO you DOESNT 1T HENROD ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual CIerk Responsi features at Whitfield 11 11616 no itd so Can 014x GOLDILOCKS YOURE BEING WATCHED so HANG AROUND FOR so MINUTES BEFORE YOU LEAVE OFFICE ills OUTFITTERS You ani KLEPTOMANIA II III WIII SIDE GLANCES mm lrr iiin um Would you care to testdrive the car gas of course you pay for the PRETEND YOURE MY WIFE Dartin behind service building the man pic up the case With tagï¬nsom as our air rue Ponce mrerzrece its CURTAle FOR TRUE BLUE moneyand another bag bility and Complete Protit Control BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 wim ARE You Aiiéic FOR if 35