Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1977, p. 10

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10 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday March 15 1977 Curling Vets to open final By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner Sports Editor Ellsworth Crawford has been witness to lot of changes to the curling scene in Barrie Hes been part of curling in Barrie for close to 50 years At 81 years Ellsworth has seen lot of comings and goings and been part of the clubs growth Ellsworth is one of the flag bearers for the opening ceremonies Thursday of the Ontario Curling Association UREA Intermediates championships at the Essa Road The actual start of the Intermediates finals is Wednesday at 830 pm when the eight finalists from the OCA divisions gather at the club to find out who they meet in the first draw Besides Ellsworth the other flag bearer is Gord Henry Another veteran curler Vern Adams is scheduled to toss the ceremonial first rock to officially kick off the first In termediates championships at the Barrie Curling Club The allOntario finals wound up in Barrie as part of the Curling Clubs centennial celebrations Its fourday event with two draws daily with the exception of Wednesdays first draw with the winner of the roundrobin tournament declared Saturday Crawford curled at original site of the Banie Curling Club when situated on Clapperton Street as well as at the Barrie Arena He is one of the oldest active members of the club although his playing has been curtailed this year on doctors orders The present site of the Curling club has special interest for Ellsworth for it was he who helped measure the footage forthe uprights He remembers the Clapperton Street site as fair chunk of building which had three sheets of ice didnt do much curling before was 33 he said was about 3335 and playing hockey at the same time Ellsworth kept to curling and stayed out of the politics of the club just book private in the rear ranks Id curl right now if the doc would let me The Intermediates final is open to curlers 40 years of age and over Its relatively new addition to the OCA circuit with this weeks tournament representing the 11th running Barrie curlers wont have the opportunity of watching local rink participating as the stiff competition knocked off Barries hopes earlier in the divisional playoffs Curling Club rink of skip the tournament is gaining in prestige with each season The eight rinks competing in the roundrobin tournament include Glenn Watsons rink of Belleville the Gananaoque Ralph Fair The Royal Canadian Curling Club under skip Les Walker the Western Golf and Country Club with Wally Heggum as skip the Bill Gillings rink of Niagara Falls Brantford foursome under skip Keith Vickerman the Ian Adamson entry from the Sun Parlor Curling Club of Leamington and the London Curling Club en try of skip Bill Dunlop Curlers are going after the CurlMaster trophy and for the first time in the three years Curl Master has sponsored the event there will be no entry from Guelph Guelph has dominated the lntermediates championships for the last three years but failed to make the gardc this vear Draws are Wednesday at 830 pm Thursday at 930 am The competition is keen The curlers are experienced and and pm Friday at and pm Saturday at 930 am and again at 2pm If playoff is needed it will take place at 730 pm Satur day Top teams drop by wayside Theyll tell you every time playoffs are new season And its never been prov en to be more true than in the On tario Hockey Association Senior league playoffs The first three clubs at the end of the regular 3+gamc schedule have been wiped out of further competition The list reads like death notice Cambridge Hornets died Saturday March suddenly at the Cambridge Arcna following short series with Barrie Flyers Whitby Warriors passed away Sunday March at home following prolonged series with rillia Terriers Fans and officials of the Thunder Bay Twins were shocked Sunday March 13 at the sudden demise of their senior hockey club at home at the hands of the Brantford Alcx anders In this chess game called playoffs the Barrie Flyers and Alexanders are the masters and appear the best bet to clash in the league finals That series should be one for the fans Alexanders have to wait until the end of the semifinal to meet the winner Still alive in the playoffs are the Flyers fifth place finisherst and of course the Terriers theres been bit of tendency to ignore the Oriliia club as serious threat to Bar rie in this series Orillia placed sixth and knocked off the thirdplace War riors Flyers dispatched secondplace Hornets in five games only loss of the playoffs at the time of this writingi with the fourthplace Alexanders putting an end to the regular season champion Thunder Bay GLANCING AROLNI Doug Keans goaltender for the Oshawa Generals of the OHA Major Junior hockey league is back home in Barrie following bout with virus which left the goaltender in less than at full strength Keans who played with the Barrie Colts lunior llockey lub last year may not win the leagues form of the Vezina Trophy this season but he is certainly up for the Golden Glove Award The Generals staffed mainly by firstyear players won only handful of games Keans played somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 games and faced get this 1972 shots unbelievable Generals released coach Sherry Bassin following Tuesdays 42 loss to Ottawa 67s It was Bassins first year as coach of the Generals who were left with only two players from last years team Barries Shane ltarsall connected for the 67s in the game Hob Garner counted one goal for Toronto Marlboros in 96 loss to Sudbury Wolves on the weekend The Junior schedule comes to an end tonight Sportsmeiis Show in Toronto March 1828 is go ing to be big again this year Kinsmen atoms beaten in opener of series NEWMARKET Kinsmen atoms of the Barrie Minor New market led 20 heading into the third pcriod with Brian Hockey Association are finding out that no team can be taken for granted Kinsmen lost 21 in New market Monday in the opening game of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association zone playoffs finals to team the BMHA club easily handled throughout the regular season fyr connecting for the lone Barrie goal Second game of the bestof scvcn series is at the Eastvicw Arcna Wednesday at 643 pm Third game is back in Newmar kct Friday at 645 pm with the fourth game slated for 115 pm Sunday at the Barrie Arcana Kilpatrick nets three in 51 win by Danbon SlltOLl Danbon novices of Stroud defeated Oro 51 in playoff action this week John Kilpatrick was the top scorer for Danbon picking three goals in the game Derek llar ris and Sean Newtoin were the other marksmcn Andy Boyd scored the only goal of the first period and the only goal of the game for Oro Garth Wallin had thrcc assists for Danbon Sports Calendar HOCKEY pm Barrie Arena Oriliia vs Cook Juveniles Cook leads YSMIIL semifinal series 10 1430 pm Guelph at iollingwood Guelph leads SOJIIL final 100 Third straight VSltvlt OI MOVIIIIIII IS Il ioli Moiitcith rcturncd to the Flyers lincup aftcr throw wcck layoff lttllptlllllllLZ from an injury suffered III the second last gamt of Illt schcdulc Montcitli lcts lcr ricrs Al 1in knows lic about in thc second period of tllt playoff gami Monday at the Barrie Arcna Monti1th Molttl on goaltcndcr lydc Harris his first shift Ill his first playoff game as Flycrs Wlltppttl lirricrs loo to Iilkt It load in the series Fourth ganu is It Orillia lcdncsday Illlllllltf Ilioto NHL Division playoffs result on close games The NIH Division of thc Itar llt Legion Minor Ilockcy Lea guc took the first step Monday at the fIastviiw Artna towards wtHlingoiit the wcakirclubs Six teams tell by the wayside in thcfirst round of Illtflllitfltl final playoffs Winnipeg cdgtd New fin gland If Montrcal clipped Atlanta it New York slipptd by Los Angelis lIrail did Illf same thing to Chicago loronto shaded Washington to whiti Iloston lolibtrtd Illtroll lO iii thconly lopsided gaini Montreal got bye into the Division final tl for March it Icniia scored two big goalstopaccthtWinnipcgwni Mosty and Morrison hid Ollt each with Glen Dtlork and Stcvc IlllltS scoring for New England Montreal got two goals from Mansfield ties series to force final game Mansfield and and are going right down to the wire in quest of Illf Ilitch IIfIllt trophy Mansfield drubbcd and 41 at Stroud Monday to ttll thc lluroma Scnior Lcaguc lwsteoflfivc series at 22 lrian urlis had two goals Kcn McDonald and Rick Dunn singlts Grog ytollcndcn scorcd forG and Greg Smith goaltender for the John Ellis niiuor atoms of the Barrie lilinor llockcy Ihc Shoriitys Opticians trophy is within the sights of Iiiipcilal IIastnian which took 21 lead lll the scrics by rapp uig Brun Storcy Hay Iripp All Iunoiircaux Gary ltobinson and Peter ltcr tram scored for Imperial Iitcr Landers Scoltd goals for Bruce Storcy cht games in the series llt lhursday at land top in at Illt roAicna both am Galbraith in slipping by Atlanta Other goal was scored by Jerry lcdiard with Hob iolinc and Stcu ilizuii tor ingfor Atlanta Hick Irwin and llrad ilcstc pltintIttI New York 1Ill thi ltItI scoring poutr to nip thicago Lonc hicago goals was scored by Dacholinstoni EASY While playoff Iiotkty tends to tightcn gamcs it did Iittlc to curtail thc scoring powcr of Boston Monday Dttroit said goodtiy to lllt season on the heels of loii loss Ihi win by Boston scnds Illt cliib into the Divismn final Iwo goal performances by Gmrgc llytrs IIIlt Kiohl and Fred Ilrcnchuk providcd Bos ton with Illt cdgc lll play hris Morrow lctcr citch Glcnn Davidson and Greg llavcrsoii addcd siugIc goals Davc ththcm Gary Curry and John Itctts scored for Detroit Iorouto got goal by Davi Phillips and it stood as the win ncr 111 the lrtl win ovcr Washington ée It was Carleton night to shine as Flyers whip Orillia Terriers Clyde Harris gave the Barrie hecklers all the fuel they could use Monday at the Barrie Arena Barrie Flyers pumped 10 goals past the Oriliia netminder to coast into 30 lead in the bestofsven Ontario Hockey Association OHA Senior League semifinal The 106 triumph set up the possibility of clean sweep by Flyers when the series resumes in Oriliia Wednesday and an early start against Brantford Alexanders for the Senior league championship Harris for the most part succeeded in ignoring the small knot of pestering Barrie fans who relocated themselves each period to keep within earshot of the Terriers net Flyers directed 44 shots at Harris and the man in charge of leading the Barrie onslaught Wayne Carleton personally sent two by Harris while setting up four other Barrie goals Les Burgess had two for Barrie while Bob Monteith Paul Regan Robbie Ralph Doug Ferguson Phil Branston and Gary Lyte each scored once Ken Knapton scored pair of goals within minute of each other late in the third period to pull Terriers within respectable distance Danny Lutes Bob Sykes Colin Gordon and Barry Lutes were the other Oriliia scorers With arlcton controlling the offence and Flyers defence with the exception of brief lapse late in the gamechocking off much of the Terriers momentum Ernie Miller Flyers goaltender spent much of the evening kicking out long and rather harmless Orillia shots Terriers managed 27 shots on the Barrie net Flyers led 32 at the end of the first period and 63 after two Carleton and Ferguson connected within 31 seconds of each other in the first two minutes of the third period to give Flyers five goal cushion Carleton also had strong game defensively for Barrie The tall rangy forward put his long reach and strength to gooduse while killing off penalties He gave the 784 spectators something extra to clap about with flashes of good oldfashioned stick handling which sent Terriers flitting in all directions trying to corral the cen treman Carleton was instrumental in setting up Les Burgess first late in the third period which snapped at 22 tie He simply brushed off an Oriliia checker to put the puck on Burgess stick in front of an exposed corner FLYERS NOTES Bob Monteith played his first game of the playoffs and scored on his first shot on netBob Baird dressed but did not play Jack Smith had another of his gruelling games on defence Most noteable was check on John Cook which lifted the Terriers captain off his feet and sent him crashing heavily into boards Like father like son for Riggin after winning goaltending By IIIII CANADIAN PRESS Iat Higgin of London Knights has followed in the footsteps of his fathcr and bccn nanicd win ncr of thc Davc Iinkncy Trophy for top goaltender III the in tario Ilockcy ssociatioii lunior lcaguc Higgins fathcr Dcniiis won the trophy in the 193351 scason play mg with Hamilton The Higgins art the first latherand son combination to have their names inscribed on major OHA trophy the league said in making the announce mcnt Monday lat finished this season with 297 goals against avcragc Al ItllStll of St atliarincs Fincups tiiiishcd sccond in the goatcnding standings with it 73 avcragc Meanwhile Dwight Foster of Kitchcncr ltangcrs maintained his lcad in the league scoring racctliiswcck Fosttr has Hit points on it Oldtimers win Opener Barrie rcdit lnion Oldtuncrs launchtd their in ltltSIS in he Intcrnational Oldtimcrs Ilockcy Iournar nicnt lll Zurich Sw itnrland off in the right foot Monday trcdit lnion tdgod Illt Swiss tcani tlrasslioppcrs l2 Donald IItt IilillllflillfI Ollt of two players from Owen Sound picked up by HM Barrie entry for Illt tournament scoitd pair of goals oulson and Gerry Mclliidc addidsinglcgoals Ihi Oldtuiicrs iiit Illllt is Vcdncsday against Moncton It which has lo pm SilllIlflL Illllt Friday at lilltt lit tarric tldiuiicrs takc on Fort Ill 1c Ilit second annual intcriia tional touriianicnt has at traclidthininistronianada ciliicsday ftcriiooii Ladies IAugllt lcaiiis Its iiam Sodas 43 IIoiicy Dcws tti lTncolas 32 Dr Itppcrs 2ft okcs 27 Faygos 23 Sprites 21 Iccms 24 Frcscas flit Winks 12 High uragc Grace Balogh lutt Fran Morris 193 Ginny Stoucman 192 ltollic Disbicns lJL Itcta aldwcll ltttf IIopc Armstrong 187 llarb Ellis minor atoms get by Newmarket crew Association prepares himself to stop drive by Ncwniarkct player in Sun days deciding gaiirc of the licstoffivc series while raig lcrry ti comes in to assist on the play lcrry had two goals in the game for ltarrid as did Garry Wilkins of Swiss tournamen GERRY MCBRIDE BOWLING Dcloiig litfi Mildred lattcndcn 184 lhillis Edwards 183 High lriplc Flat Ginny Stoiicman 7th Hollic Dcsbicns TtlT Mildred ltib tcudcn 332 ltcta aldwcll 331 High lriplc Ildcp Hollic Dcsbicns 77f Ginny Stoncman 7713 Doris Wadsworth 712 ltuth Lank 740 Iliin Single Flat Ginny Stonciiian Ito and 238 aroli Johnston 380 Hutli Lank 277 ltollie Dcsbicns 272 and 264 IligliSinglc Ildcp ltuth Lank tlttt Ginny Stoiiciiian 321 arolc Johnston tlti ltollic Dcsbiciis 295 assistants WW it kit it rs as Ellis edged Ncwmarkct 12 to win the series 32 Ex aminer Iliolot goals and 83 assists giving him sevenpoint edge on Dale Mc fourt of St Catharines McCourt has 59 goals and 77 assists for total of 136 points Bob Smith of Ottawa 675 had 10point week to move into tie for third spot with Tony Mcchney of Kingston Cana dians They each have 135 points Smith has 65 goals and 70 assists while McKegneys total is made up of 58 goals and 77 assists Ken Linesman of Kingston is fourth with 127 points The top 10 legend KKitchener SCSt Catharines 00t tawa KiKingston Peter borough TToronto Foster 60 83 143 McourtS 59 77 136 Smith 65 70 I35 McKegneyKi 58 77 135 Linseman Ki 53 74 127 Mason 52 70 122 AndersonT 57 62 119 ActouP $2 58 111 KeatingS 51 III Seiling SC 49 110 SPORTS SHORTS Open tournament won by Hustlers Ietcrltcino Hustlers junior womens volleyball team warmed up for competition at the provincial finals April 2324 with win this weekend at an open tournament in Toronto Juniors went undefeated through the roundrobin tourna ment which consisted of the Hustlers Metro Globals North York Montreal International Windsor and Scarborough Saints llustlcrs met the Globals in the final and won with scores of lSlll ISll Winner at the provincial level earns berth in the national finals in May Hustlers are considered strong contender for provincial win The Hustlers senior womens team will enter the Ontario finals April 23 Top two teams at the provincial finals ad vance to the national competition Oro midgets make it to finals Oro Byers Equipment midgets are waiting now to see who their next opponents will be in The York Simcoe Minor Hockey League finals Oro recently eliminated Sutton in three straight semifinal games The latest was 74 lashing in Sutton Peter Morgan Kevin Brown Murray Clark Dale Lock Greg McCuaig Wayne Cole and Ernie Cumming scoring for Oro Howard Simpson had strong game in net for Oro Another meeting for minor soccer Barrie Optimist Minor Soccer Association has scheduled meeting for March 31 in the upstairs room of the Municipal Savings Building low turnout at last weeks meeting is one of the reasons behind the second meeting this month John James president of the minor soccer association said on Sunday that registration for the 1977 program would begin April 16 at the Eastview Arena Cairns peewees are eliminated THORNTON Cairns peewccs were elminated by Sundridge Saturday from further OMIIA playoff action Cairns bowed 21 on home ice to lose the series 21 Paul Brett had the lhorntoii goal In the zone final series Eastern Greenhouses atoms mov ed ahead 20 with victory over Grand Valley Wayne Brctt Brett Murray Steve Wright Mike Madden and loliii Toinixnowski scored for Thornton Golf creeping into the spotlight The golf season may be still month or so in the future but plans are in the advanced stages at the Barrie Country Club Committees have been set up for all sections The new committee of the mens division includes Paul Dumouliii Bill Evans Lloyd Fowler Harold Garner Cy Gaskin and Ilarry Samson Mixed will be organized by Bill and Chris Garner lrcsidcnt Andrea Porter will have Joan Garrick Joyce Scagram Jean Smith and Daphne Walton involved in the ladies schedule Hutli SIeSsor and her committee head up an expanded Business Girls section for the 1977 season Sproule Homes lead series 20 Oltt Sproule Home bantams of Oro hold 20 lead in bestoffivc York Simcoe Minor Hockey League semifinal series with Stroud Oro climbed into control with two weekend wins Sunday in Stroud the final score was 54 in thrilling overtime game Saturday at the Oro Arena the score ended 21 for ro Peter Cole Dean Reavic with three then Paul Morgan with 19 seconds remaining in the overtime period gave Oro the win Joe Marchildon Joe Beleskey with two and Rick Irolcy scored for Oro Reavie and Aerst scored for Oro in the opener Saturday Gord Schurr countered for Stroud Cook plays Orillia tonight Allan ook juveniles were there so were the referees but there was to be no game in Orillia Sunday Had ice conditions forced rillia juveniles to canch Sun days second game of the YSMHL semifinal The second game of the series is tonight at the Barrie Arciia beginning at pni

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