PECIAL NOTICE CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriom no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events births OAKLEY Michael and Bonnie nee Brand are pleased to announce the birth at their daughter Shannon Leigh lbs 01 on March 12 1977 at Horne payne Ontario Proud grandparents Mr and Mrs Ernest Oakley Angus and Mr and Mrs Alex Brand Barrie LEVERMr and Mrs Robert James of 22 per column inch 88 coming events Annual Strawberry Supper at Trinity United Church Missifssgirgafloytuglny announce the ar Thornlon va eir irstc Heather Marian wranegnesday August 25 im at wed June 22 1977 um er emorla Hospital Weston at 323 pm weighing pounds ounce pm Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Henry Lever ot Etobicoke and dmm Ion 50 $3 50 Mr and Mrs George Bolton of Weston Mondays Child is fair oi face Tuesdays Child is run of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has tar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that Is born on the Sab bath Day is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs iuture Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital iniormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 85 deaths DUNCAN Christina Mae At Bestview Lodge Newmarket on Friday March it W77 Tena Goodfeliow beloved wiie of the late Joseph Duncan and dear mother of John Margaret Mrs Saunders Jean Mrs Forsyth and Florence also survived by grand children Lathangue Skwarchuk Funeral Home Simcoe Street Bradiord after pm Sunday Service in the chapel Tuesday at pm Interment Cemetery lnnistil CHARMAN Arthur Wiiliam 12 years At home on Saturday March 12 W77 dear son of Bill and Terry Charman and brother at Christine Grandparents Mr and Mrs Charman and Mr and Mrs Lalonde oi Sarnia At Arthurs request his body has been donated to the Department at Anatomy Toronto tor medical research Memorial service will be held at St Benedicts Church Tues day March is at ll am in Sarnia Ont Donations to the Cancer Society would begreatly appreciated FRASER Wilfred James At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday March 13 i977 Wilired James Fraser in his 73rd year Beloved husband of Con tance Merry dear father at Gary oi Stoutfville grandfather of Eilert brother at Archie oi Barrie Jessie Mrs William Bracken and Sophia Mrs Frank OConnor both at Toronto and Edna Mrs Harry Wilson of Niagara Falls Predeceased by brothers and sisters Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Monday Complete service in the chapel on Tuesday March is at 230 pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to Canadian Cancer Socie ty Funeral Home Chapel l27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF TF 86 card of thanks SIM We wish to thank all our kind friends for their kindness flowers dona tions to charities and expressions oi sympathy during the loss at dear mother and aunt Beatrice Special thanks to staii oi I00F Homeweetty Machell and Bea Herrington 87 in memoriams OBRIENtn loving memory at our dear sister Laurine who passed away March 71975 Although we smile and make no fuss Noone misses her morethan us And when old times we oti recall Thats when we miss her most oi all Sadly missed and lovingly remembered Sisters and Brothers AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter sonor those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Barrie Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL To ensure that your message appears at this time Telephone 7282414 or write BEFORE WED NESDAY APRIL TThSTF BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as man as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise Row to defend yourself at 82 TORONTO CP Bill Un derwood is 82 and with the help of selfdefence system he de velo in 1907 in Liverpool En and he can put 32year Friends may call at the Sixth Line Preschoolers free Ml Royal Canadian Legion Branch 147 Tuesday March 15 800 oclock General Meeting Nomination of Officers Burning of 2nd Mortgage Presentation of Public Speaking Awards Dance BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot M15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHDNE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by day preceding publication with the ox caption of Classified Duplay ad vertisamants which must be tn by two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40words $5 00 Additional words ct par word CARD OF THANKS 25 words 5500 odditionol words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 35 00 With verse par count line 2i ants per line COMING EVENTS $3 22 par column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis count Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions per word in man Three consecutive insertionsfland one hall ants par word insertion total 36 l2 consecutive insertions 6c per word per insertion total SH 52 Multiple inlartions may be ordered sublact to on collation when satisfactory results ob tamed Method of counting fewer than 21 words count as words Each lfltllol ab breviation set of numbers at separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are arcapod as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising DQWHMOHI Iï¬qmras ad advertisers to liin dly check their advertisement im mdtotoly after first insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported bdrm in order that some may be tilted for the followrng doy publication The Barrie hammer is responsible for only one incorrectly piinted innitmii of any ad vaiiisomimt and then only to ih utgm oi portion of ad tha Wyolves the misprirlt Errors which do not lessen the value of III advertisement are not ligtbl for carrot tions by make goods The Barrie Elammei reserves the right to classify route or ioiect oriy wontods count as PHONE 728 24 Clamshell road here BATON ROUGE La AP With the help of two Turkish born engineers Louisiana has developed method of building floating highways over mar sh as soft as ice cream The main ingredient is lot of clam shells And Louisiana has lot of clam shells In 1971 we were just getting involved with relocation of US 90 and needed to come up with cheap method to cross mar sh said All Kemahli soil design engineer for the state highway department His division linked up with Louisiana State University engineering team to research the idea of using clam shells for highway embankment The university team was headed by Ara Arman civil engineering instructor who like Kemahli moved to the US from Istanbul years ago They attended the same uni versity in Istanbul though at different times And both at tended University of Texas again at different times It really wasnt new idea said Kemahli Oil com panies had been building small work roads with clam shells for years But no one had tried to Asourm Crime flashback Antonio fell in love just once too often Its so chilly today thought it might be pleasant diversion to head south to warmer climes How does Rio de Janeiro sound to you Thats where real nice guy got himself into pile of trouble The year was 1941 and while the rest of the world was busy shooting at one another life was pleasant enough in Brazil particularly if you were the son of one of the richest men in thecountry Antonio Bento at the age of 21 had it made His daddy was loaded and Tonio lived the charmed life of playboy He drank the finest wines ran around with the most beautiful women and is purported to have sung riotious songs Life was one party after another One night in February Tonio was carousing in the neighboring town of Niteroi when he took fancy to singer in an ex clusive nightclub Irene Romero had whatever it is you are supposed to have in all the right places She was cute as button with large eyes and long black hair that fell over her shoulders Tonio who was no novice when it came to the opposite sex fell hard for Irene The pair talked that night for two hours at secluded corner table and struck up deal Fast worker that he was Tonio offered Irene rentfree apartment in Santa Teresa one of the classiest sections of Rio de aneiro She was to receive fat allowance and have free hand with any threads she might require Before you could say coffee bean Irene accepted the offer and one week later was canfortably esconced as Tonios mistress in luxury apartment Darn it all Tonio should have stopped right there For lad of 21 he had the world by the tail Unfortunately he went and spoiled everything by actually falling in love with Inene They got along so well together that in the next two years Irene gave birth to two sms Marco and Isaias Tonio even gave up the life of playboy His daddy bought him rundown hardware store to get his feet wet in the world of bisiness and Tonio took to commerce like duck takes to water He started getting up at 730 in the morning going to work and retur ning late in the evening He kept mentioning things such as maturity fulfillment and the like to Irene Well this was ridiculous lrcne became furious It was unheard of for the son of one of the richest men in Brazil to be working like dog too tired to have parties and all Irene started to nag Tonio soon the nagging turned to fightin One day she went too far accusing Tonio being unfaithful to her Tonio who had been good partner to Inene couldnt forgive her for the insult llc stormed out of the apartment and headed for bar he knew in Nitcroi As the night wore on and Tonio proceeded to tie one on 32yearold lady named Maria Neubaucr took on the part of consoling sym pathetic listener She was good company and while Tonio poured out his story oI hlS crushed home life and his love for his two sons light flashed on in Marias head She had better idea Comc sleep with mc Tonio my boy and forgct your troubles The couplc spent the night together and became clasp friends In fact they bccnmc so close that next morning Tonto installed Maria in her own luxury apartment Tonio would have been happy enough to spend the rest of his days with the experienced Maria but he truly loved his two sons and in order to sci them he had to call on lrcnc Now his life becamc topsy turvy series of going to Work then to Irenes and thcn to Marias it was emugh to wear out man something had to give Well Maria had the perfect solution She told Tonia to kill lrcne poison hcr simply and neat He would then have his Marco and lsaias and above all he would have Maria At first Tonio thought the idea preposterous but with Maria working on him he started to change his mind Finally he decided to go through with it One night when Tonio knew his two sons were away visiting relatives he called on Irene While they were drinking bottle of beer he slipped vial of poison into her glass Not waiting for the poison to take effect Tmio left the apartment and rushed to Maria totcll her the good news When Maria heard his story shc was far from pleased Shc pointed out to Ionio that he had forgotten to clean up the glasses Ionio killed half bottle of whiskey to get up enough nerve to go back to Irencs apart ment When he opened the door he found Irene sprawled across her bed unconscious lie washed the lncriminating glasses and the beer bottle Poor Tonto was not an experienced killcr In fact he was so exhausted from the tension ofhis acts and the liquor that he sat down in NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday soft armchair and fell asleep In the meantime Irene started vomiting in the bedroom She brought up the entire con tents of her stomach and then fell asleep exhausted When she woke up in the morning she felt terrible She staggered into the kit chen and found two washed glasses and Washed beer bottle Tonio may have made history by becoming the only person outside of brewery to wash out beer bottle Irene then discovered Tonio aslee in the chair She put two and two toget er and came up with oison Irene saw red She starte clawing at Tonio before he was awake Like madwoman she was now screaming at the still drowsy Tonio You will never see the children again In stead you will go to prison and your father will disinherit you for dragging his name into the mud In one outburst Irene had vividly described the destruction of Tonios life Tonio retreated to the kitchen grabbed rolling pin and swung viciously at Irenes head The first blow knocked her down and Tonio kept swinging until there was very little left of her head Both he and the kitchen were covered with blood Back Tonio went to Maria When Maria heard this latest development she put Tonio to bed for few hours rest While he was asleep she burned his bloodstained clothing Then she woke Tonio up and explained to him that they couldnt leave lrencs body in the apartment He would be sure to be suspected They both went back to Irenes apartment Tonio for the third time Maria took one look at the condition of the kitchen and sent Tonio out to purchase large woodcncratc Now folks much as hate to have to tell you this because it illustratcsjusl what made Maria tick While Tonio was out picking up the crate Maria realized that she had missed her breakfast Shc prepared substantial meal gating the necessary ingredients out of the refrigerator Each time shc went to the refrigerator she had to step over Irenes battered body So much for what made Maria tick thn Tonio who was by now walking zombie returned with the crate Maria in fomtcd him that they would have to dismem bcr lrcncs body Tonio felt things had gone far enough He ust couldnt do it Maria said that she would the nastyjob herself lt sccms shc had thought of everything having brought along saw just for the pur pose Hardworking Maria managed to sever the arms legs and head The cratc was too small for all the parts so lonio ran out and purchascd 2i suitcase solving that particular problem lhcn thc industrious Maria scrubbed thc kitcbcn until it was spotless At this point Tonio must have wundcrcd how he had ever gotten along without Maria No question about it shc certainly knew all about thc murdcr business Maria and lonio had hcziritohcnrt talk Six told him thzii she had sister Virginia who lived in Nitcroi and whom she could trust with their pcculiar luggage Her sister livcd with boyfriend Waldemzi and an lil yczirold son Eurico both of whom could also be trusted lltc luggage was duly stored at Virginias housc Now complctcly under the domination of Marin Ionio told neighbors and friends that raw llitiI takcn ill and was at sanllorium for on indcfinitc stziy llc moved out of the apartment and placed lhc twu children with Cl£lllt$ lrcnc effectively had disappeared off the acc of thc earth chcn months wcnl by and or all intents and purposes Ionio and Maria ind muniigcd lo comm it thc pcrfcct murdcr Well not quite Back ill Virginias homc lruics body had been buricd in tiny cour ynrd Virginia was liauntcd by thc car that IS lllt body dccomtxiscd ii would crcztlc an idor that would loud to discovcry Erich night she would sprinklc chloridc of lime ovcr thc ourtyard The solution itself started to give II an odor and neighbors complnimxl Finally somconc called the pollcc and thc Hg was up Soon llic wholc cntnnglcd web of intriguc was unruvcllcd and Virginia licr lover and son IS wcll as Maria and Ionio wirc tukcn tlllo custody Because of thc NGIIIII and prominence of his father Tonios involvement caused national sensation When the series of trials which followed tverc concluded the three who disposed of thc lxxly each received 18 months in prison As boy had spent morc time than that in jail awaiting trial tlicy wcrcrclcnscd Maria Ncubnucr received nincandhulf years imprisonment Tonio thc millionaircs son who fcw short years before had everything man could want was sentenced 02 long years in prison WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE PRICE OF TRAVEL DAYS ROUND TRIP TO TORONTO WITH TnAvE LWAYS With the purchase If one regular round trip late $9 05 Orillia $6 95 Barrie Two adults ride together lor the price oi one lricnds husband and min relatives Sumo Day Return ORILLTA BARRIE TO TORONTO itGir You iy arr Sculptor David Partridge stands in front of his mural Metropolis which will hang In the foyer of Torontos City Hall The mural 32 feet by army of Italian students with little hope of getting jobs is sparking unrest on university campuses Mural consists of 100000 nails about CP Photo Jobless Italian students causing campus unrest ROME Reuter growing There are fears that student ployment Wednesday Whats it like to live in Florida in an adult mobile home community Learn about renting vs buying your own lot What are the costs Florida Mobile Home Seminar MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL INFORMATIVE SEMINAR TWD SHDWINGS WEDNESDAY MARCH lb 1977 230 PM AND 730 PM HOLIDAY INN BARRIE ASA llltli llli litlll ll ll lll lili llll lrllll ll lll llllil5 lllt llli ANI lill llli llli llltlAll li lhlal lXllRllllll IAKI lll Illll purme ii RtlfrtlliC lriuu tlii IIIIIItr ill Iiiirg lll ntiriit liurg limiril will liiilil liililii Ilmrlug tlllllllltilt trig MM lit Ii 11 lllti ltll it Its Iiitring riiiini it llii lliixril iilllics itli lliiiir rltiin hlrcct liiriintii Ill Ilrtlt in riiiisiilir Illc prim iplcx iil pimcr IIIIL iiiil rttc Liking ippriipruti liir ll lt liitiriii who for PIIFIKMLS iil Siiriiiux il ll ltiil ilii iii lhi Iimcr iirpiimtiim Air In liimril lll llllllt liiii tllIrJl rilir ilitii lrliruxri 2i IF Illt It is our Ilit pritLiiliiris llltll gincrn tlic lilting iii intininiiiim ttiil irin ltl liir IIITIH prcllmituri llLIIllL tlltllS ll tlic Iliuri lriiiiiluril rilirtlic Rtltltllti trim llt IIlilllrlll liitcrpynnil llll Niitli ciil Iliulringxrc ltclng TVCII It lllttlltlll iil lllt ligttril iipiiii iitirtii lliilmx IIIllIlSlIIJl llSltlIlltlN it mg Ill IrIL ituiutl pimcr ilciimitil of 5000 hllitlils tll lllilfl itiil upiiii lllllllltlltJI iiirpitmiiiim mil muiiii tpil lItlIIt utilit tillllllllNSlllllS iipiis of tlic rilcr itiil illL llclcrcnic mt lu iilttJituil In titlicr persons lltllll tlic bu ritir iii tlii lliiiiil upiin rLllllth llii pulilii priliiniiitr binning ill by liilil In the llimril II In lliiiril littruig riiiiiii rcicrrcil Itllltllttlll lltri Ii it llil im tit lllr llltllllltil It nttriii lliilrii lliilril iiutisil mil Illt Illitlllttl iiimcrning tlic iltvislim itf tltc Iiiiriiig tum llllt Ilt prcpiruiiin iiiil stliiiluling iii iiliiiii tlic timing tll tltc Iiiirtng tlic tiling iii iiitcrvcmiims inil illllir gcncml IliltitIlIII to ho folliiwcil luring lltc binning iiuriii lltilrii must lilc IIS rcpitrts cutirlcil IIlcitriciti iisiiii inil lriiiitg Stud util lcprciiuiiiu Iolicv inil IIltk cilLiirc for Mnliir Ill tl lll lltJllil llltlrii with tlic liiuril li MIri ll iii IV lly liitril nlcr ttitrii lyilm shall priiviili tlll iopy ll intilt rcpiirt ltl clii iustiimcr rifcrril ii ilimc upiiti rciluist util Illlilill litrgi mil nun ntlicr pcrsim upiiii ltililtSI iiiil upon piiiictit to Llr rlic mi of rcpriiiliutiim iipiis ll tlic rcpiirh sliill ltc proviilcil ti iittcrvctiiirs upon lttllltSI and without lingo ll Iililitiiiii iiipics of tlic rcpiirts iuil cxltiltits may lii ilitiincil by any intcrcsrcil pcrsim upiin rcilucsl tit tlic SunJr If nmriii llyilriut ilill InivcrsityAvcuucIitriiiiriiupiiii p1ymcmnftltc mt rcpmiluctiiiii Iiipics ltl tlic rcpiirts Illil supporting cxlultits will ltc tiillltli liir inspcitiim it tltc llLJtl itllicc of seven feet is made up of 100000 steel and bronze nails hammered into aluminumcovered plywood violence such as that just seen in Rome may increase Though the immediate dispute is over educational reform at the heart of the students worries is the looming threat of unem The Barrie Examiner Monda March 14 1977 t15 ATTENTION SALT USERS SIMCOE 8i YORK COUNTIES Save Save Time IMCOE MOnev Type Of WIOY Comm Pm conditioning salt in stock UPPLY no on hm Delivered to salt con do tainer Special rates on tool or Boxl2l2 4m Barrie Ont Delivery MondaySaturd Earrie Well Call Us ICOm Other 726731 cunncrx Areas ACCEPTED 1545910 Friend You Can Trust if you drive small car you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Datsun Small cars are our business and well do the job correctly the first time Just callus anytime 24 hrs day and say you re looking for friend 549 Bayfield St 7370254 The year old Whisky in our blend brings through the taste of rye when you mix itThe year Old addition makes it smooth and mellow when you dont Three Feathers The lightly priced Canadian Whisky the dime works day return and Mood old black belt karate expert flat lllJrlH Ivtlm lt Iiiriintii and All Its rcginnnl illiccs lt tltc lllcs on the floor of Illrric llillcvillc Hamilton Inmliiii iortlt llt Illtl Heres buy one SB Underwood says the unar med nondombative form of selfdefence he developed is for the average Joe on the street to prbtect himself again st the bullies muggers and drunks The ma idea behind it is simple kn wledge of pressure points an leverage he said in an interview You nt have to be tou to do it said Ive taug man gr Defendo Ive even ta Elvil lind men and one man wit an artificial leg Hesaid he charges $75 for 10 twohour lessons SPECIAL OFFER Akai Canada is proud to announce very special limited Offer on many Of their fine stereo components Read all about it in your copy Of the Akai Times soon to be delivered to your door then visit your par ticipating AKAl dealer and hear for yourself Youll be glad you did ARR VING socv YOUR DOOR cket and Y0 tiavel advantaO StOOk BIOS Bus Lines Ltd ENJOY New Golden Carpet Hostess Service Seven Days Week Lots of Free Parking At Both Terminals Why Drive Leave your car with us on our lot And Relax To me 189 the mm you CARRIED ON ALL DEPARTURES SAME DAY SERVICE PARCEL EXPRES Call 3267377 For your reservations TRAVELWAYS LTD lhunilcr Buy and the Baron ill of North York Any pcrsim wishing It malic submission tlic Iliuril or it pirttciputc in tltc Iiiiriii shall Iilc with the Board and with nmriii Ilyilrn XII its litAll llicc on or ITLltlIt March cillicr pcrsiinnlly or It rcgistcrcil mail iiittiiciil llt ll intciitiim ionuinitig Ulltlk smictucut iii lic lucrx from which his iiitcrcst iiiil tlic Ilillll uiil llll iilliix iiiiiiiilcil participation may ltc ilctcrmiucil ilii immi if his Imiiiwl if im tnil tltc ilililrcss it which IlllllllllllllJllllllS it liini llUllltl ltlll If my pirsim iiiititicil ltl not ittinil ii rlic binning Illt LITII may ptiii tl in lll Iltsinic itiil lic ill Iltll ltc culitlcil it iin lurrlicr iiiiticc in IltL piiiicciliugs lill€l liiroiitii this litli Ln iil ItltrlIJlt it NIARH ENERGY Il RI lltimms Scintur