Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1977, p. 14

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lllls As 7265441 Lg 14 The Barrie Examiner Monday March 14 1977 Need help ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Just look over the ads below The advertisers lIsted are experts In then held and wrll assure you of the IInest job pOSSIble ALTERATIONS LADIES AND IMry St Telep one 7373432 or residence msus ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM OSiding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors sidin Soffiti Fascia and trough all colours year ggarantee 4246073 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised sales arid service l8 Alliance Blvd 7283392 Euro REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St BICYCLES BIKELAND Gowan St Barrie Open for servIce Fast service Phone 7267372 BIRDNOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses farsale Apply am Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment provided Beginners and advanced at 72 Dunlap Lliyd Gabriel 7264723 martini AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations OddlIIOIIS fireplaces guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTER Specialising In rec roams Tn terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 after pm CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc Fully experlenced 7269032 7262609 CABINET MAKER European trained K7 hens vanItIes PIne furniture renovations 726 olterations Domestic Commercial 2948 LIchcED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repirs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 7267461 Js CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters far renovations additions homes cottages we estIrnates 4354995 CARPENTER WILL do any small lob Speciolixing in remodelling and renova IIons Phone Bill Johnston 726F8708 anytime cum CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today RevItaIIxe your carpets wIth AI carpet steam ilgfllng 7266321 CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl fully guarantee1 reasonable rate 458 4432 cmmcs WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling ntlemens alterations 26 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom CUSTOM FENCING FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and mfinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel 3258341 FORK LIFTS USED FORKLIFTS Steve Dis freelance lift truck broker will locate the exact forklift you require Call wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 CURTAINS TIRED OF heavy draperies Try Canadiano Curtains tiebacks and tiers polyester or muslin $20 to S40 per pair Call 7269667 not 949 or write Box 883 51994 we DIS JOCKEY IIANDYMAN Music By FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 580 pm HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 921105 NAULAGE HAVE halltan pickup Will clean garages chimneys basements remove trees or any Esbs Call John 7267m7 NOW INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens BRIAN HILIZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7263808 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eurnigjt Phone 7266 DRIVIALL IOC MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical andogopular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 72614 ACCORDION ultar piano or an beginner and advance months trio instrument loaned for home ractlce Canadian Aca dem ofMuslcl2I Ield7281799 DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment provided beginners and advanced at 72 Dunlap 10E Gabriel 737mm PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorutin In terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta Ilsh ed 30 years 7262609 7269072 WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Ex 68 personals NASHVILLE EASTER BREAK DAYS NIGHTS NO NIGHT DHNING ESCORTED FROM BARRIE $13100 PER COUPLE BASED ON TO ROOM INCLUDES GRAND OLE OPRY HAYS TRAVEL TOUR FOR DETAILS HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARFIIE ONT 7284700 M23H DIVORCE INCORPORATE Low cost 7830505 After hours 6383559 3199 Bathurst Street Suite 206 Toronto A15 Am terior and Interior Free estimates Work you drlnk mars Your busmess You Earanteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional pointing In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Emanenlly mealcally Satisfaction guaranteed 7266 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 706 8355387 local PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Half price 7288633 evenin PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom nagms Call Russ 4363681after 63 pm renovations ceramic tile Illatta BILOTTA DRYWALL and taping residential gs8lf°b 5933 nd II Ce rec roam extra glpcrringgg233p la 00 lg or bedroorRiplay room ounldlryoffi¢°°° space so pa nting wa poperin Mung nvrsrsoucmnc mm 55 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 srscmuzmc IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work guaran teed4589346 MA RICONSTRUCTION House raising Ioun GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves traughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice and snow removal from roots only Free estr Etes Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial ResidentIal Industrial Installations and ser dollar Penetrations additions Phone vi 7364 99f3617£96 SIMCOE ELECTRIC INCOME TAX ndustrial Commercial INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Dar Rasidenfia fiForms rie area S5 up Dobson 4245 10after and weekends INCOME TAX returnsmpriepared for small business farm and home Mitchells Book keepihg Surface 7262973 Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 TAX RETURNS prepared Qualified ex perienced free estimates low rates Call VLP97339 °7°°° 7288234 Ex arrgnNs pm Croatian ACETWT TTWfiiv sinus arm Reasonable callnauw or EXCAVATING gnaw INCOME TAAXVreturns done from Home Personal small business prompt reason able to pm to pm4364828 ROBERT BOYCHOFF ExcavatIng haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 436I558436 17257 BULLDOZING small and large labs Eason and Sons RR Minesing 72616987 LICENCE MOBILE address system available for commercial or music for all occasionl Reasonable 7282155 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses 91C We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING and Raoling New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable L4 68957533 collect AND worm New and outfitpar Free estimates 32218972aftier p111 want to quit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely agproved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Iectrologist 7372671 PLANT SITTING SERVICE Going on trip or vacation Leave with an easy mind knowing your plants are being competently cared for For in formation call Barbara 726 3020 RTDING INstIiucrIONTifidbbrarena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh FarmJuwl HOE D65 VALLEY Fun tiériEnf ye round catering Now booking winter par ties 728 6875 728 9734 WHY SUFFER agony with Cams and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists TAX RETURNS epered personal or small business so accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 7261808 BET WE have the muffler for your cerl The Muffler Shop Iso Innistil Street 7262282 HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides WMKQTOS vevenings Close to Barrie Call Duncan Murdock 7264756 evenings INTERNATIONAL Investigation 51 vices civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet confidential 7372972 MONECA psychic and cerdreading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 728 8868 ARE YOU tired at your old look Learn new make up techniques in your own home For more information phone Merle Norman 726 4982 GENERAL MEETING of Parents Without Partners March 16 at pm Grace United Church Grove and Cook Streets Election of new officers For and repairs 7231263 CNAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years ex perience Telephone Somers 4362299 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plesa cal collect 416 9362631 cums ERNIES CRESTS Custom Screen Process Crests Cresting On Garments Chenille Crests Club Jackets ERNIE ROSE 7286338 MWFJyli WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 Tintuni FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER IIENSTRA 7372871 TF HONsworkfid fireplaces JEEIETE Watson for free estimates 7281599 SC SERVICES Installation of parlor stoves Franklins and Zero clearance Regal fireplaces complete with base or hearth and regulation insulated chimney stack to suit 7283646 FIREWOOD SEASONED MAPLE Ash Elm approximately 16 long Single cord $3000 Deliver glywhere Phone 7283775 or 7373653 40 articles for sale 40 IdleID for sale ADVANCE VACUUM Buying door to door cost too much money Try Advance Vacuum 1416 Mulcaster for fair deal We repair and supply parts for Hoover Eureka and Con tinental Royal We also rebuild and repair hoses stock bags and bolts for most makes Ad vance Vacuum is an authorized sales and service depot for Eureka as well as distributor for Continental Royal Someone you can trust Advance Vacuum 1416 Mulcaster 7268643 M24 GORGEOUS RCA XLIOO top oi the line 26 Spanish color can TV Put no money down and take free delivery tonight Start payments of S9 00 weekly In May Available now on cash bash at 3899 Krazy Kellys Barric Shopping Plaza 7371182 SALVAGE HEAT last up your chlmnvy install heat mIser on your furnace CSA approved Used up Or Electric fan 7280755 20 SANYO Color portable IV is yours for Ihl ask ing Pay iust $299 cash or $250 weekly with no money and no payments til May Phone tonight tor frec delivery and setup tonight where else Krary Krllys Bar rie Shopping Plaza 737 1182 FREEZER 17V cubil tent Eluc Ribbon Deluxe chest type as new condition 8250 Telephone 728 6227 alter thCIRO Irenlr soft ice cream cessories FreeItc machines Electra freeze Mr machine propane deep Iryers elec FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also CEDAR POLES 7264813 7269759 MWFMy1 20 SOLID STATE color portablr TV New in carton Now only $443 or lust $4 00 weekly Put no money down and take free delivery tonight Start your payments any time belore May Krazy Kellys Barric Plaza 737 1182 COURIER SPARTAN sidebnndrir year old 23 channel has mobile new price 3435 Sell for $250 yrs Irrtt on war ranty Phone 726 0896 evenings HITCHHIKER Trailer sleeps two in new condition steal at$750 Youve got to see It to believe it Ownor transferred toAIberta Call 726 7996 ALL WINTER coats now $300 at the Gingham Door Barries Nearly new shop 78 Maple 7371322 Open Tues Wed Fri 14 Thurs 10 304 Sat 10 30 30 INCH bed tor salt Excellent condi tian yrmrsold Telephone 716 3778 REMING TON power concrete trowels blade 28 inch width horsepower briggs and stratton engines Good condi tion $295 each Telephone 705 325 2457 betweenil and6 COMPLETE FURNITURE tor room apartment Only months old Dining room Suite chestertiLld suite Including and tables cotter tabla etc and bedroom suites Good quality furniture Must be sold this week Make an after owner Is transferred Telephone 726 7996 24 INCH Electric Stove we in very good shape heavy duty Televisions black and white floor madIIs $15 and S20 Telephone 726 1144 I967 CJ7 Jeep cylinder engine manual 23 channel CB radio Extra ac Package deal $6000 Telephone Leon at 726 9869 Complete Kitchen Remodelling Services BRADFORD PLANNED KITCHENS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 49 Morrow Rd Barrie 7269861 MonFri 930 to 530 Sat to4 pm MWFJy14 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying Fer tillzer Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 7289369 HM LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trImmIIn Also rough mowrng VIcTriemstra 72604 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No iob too small Reasonable rates 1359537 MASONRY BRICK and block work Fireplaos chimneys etc Rochey 1739990 dc STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick black and stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 706 4245158 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 41 boats 8motors 22 FT SHE PHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking 2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 30 pm 42rarticles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks adds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 ALL CASH for old furniture pictures chairs etc etc 487 5389 AUCTION SALE every Tues night Beginning March every Sunday at consigned merchandise wel comed Old Canada Bread Building Hwy No it at iOIh Canc oi Ora For in formation phone 487 1044 or 487 3226 44fdogs and pets EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio POODLVE months old purebred female miniature silver grey Spayed S75 Phone 424 0260 or 424 1888 after GERMAN SHEPHERD female years old and male pup months old for sale Phone 322 2351 PUREBRED MINIATURE poodle pups registered needles dew or mad grey males white male to weeks old Telephone 474 5997 anytime LABRADOR RETREIVER for sale purebred 14 month old male yellow CKC Read Had all shots Good with children 3100 Telephone 7265872 before 3p MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming roasonabie rates Telephone 726 0061 Poodle puppies for sale white miniature weeks old male and female purebred $50 each Telephone 726 2347 sogarden supplies TROPICAL PLANTS All varieties Big plants our specialty Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 Iurlther information 728 7245 Everyone SALESLSERVICE Him 69Instructions SEWEASY CO Service calls from $5 Specialists repairs all makes Industrial ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well and house machines New used sales schooled horses Indoor arena5minutes prim ternfietiifilé9i3c SEWING MACHINES 71 help wanted SEW TECH CO Specialists repairs all makes Industrial domestIc sewing ma chines New used Agents Brother Sewing Machines737l62i You W0 Work 09 proximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and Id commercial reasonable rates tree estl OI 0Y5 hold valid drivers licence over2i yrs ofage pass medlcol Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus LInes 7285941 mgrtv90i9v77°6€ WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Emndable 1267757 SIMPSON ResIdentiaI and commercial snowplawlng Call or 726 7801 BEST SNOWPIOWING commmin Res ldential Reasonable rates Phone E3919M1Wa AM SNOW PLOWING also residentIal commercial neral contractlng Crawford Const EEZ°7 SMALL SNOWPLOWING labs also roofs ieargd Hgating cables Installed4436238¥7w KENS SNOWPLOWING ResidentIal $400 Commerch $1500 hour 4362695 alter 91 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceIIIngs Free estimates Dale Russell Midhursl telephone TAILORS ms TAILOR sear ma 06m St Chamber of Commerce Burlding Custom tailoring and alterations TF BARRIE RACEWAY Invites applications for Mutuel sellers Mutuel cashiers Program charter trainee ADVANCE CUSTOM Tailoring an RIMSI alterotlons men and women 45 Dunlop Apply Barrie Raceway 400 Essa Rd 7269400 M14 BOOKKEEPER WITH Supervisory ex perience in medical or related field well versed In OHIP procedures Call Fleming and Associates 728 3309 any time for further information WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes cottages Free estimate 10 years ex perience Angus 4245657 59 poultry chick1¥h DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg pullets available April and June 18 Also term iresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Straud 4361811 60jfeedseedgrain HAY FOR satc 300 balesot ilrstcut hay Minesing area Telephone 7260597 REGISTERED Scott Oats cleaned and treated for seed For prices phone 737 0268 otters pm Bruce Clark HAY FOR SALE istcut no rain Phone 487 5204 itfeedseedgrain HAY FOR sale 300 bales oi first cut hay Minesing area Telephone 77260597 REGI ST RED Scott oats cleaned treated ior seed For prices phone 37974519 599131 GE HAY FOR SALE lst cut no rain Phone 1875204 63pastu re wanted CATTLE PASTURE water shade and fences In good repair Reply Box T53 999E9°f 64farm machinery BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALESAND SERVICE Complete Uni of Dan Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Hally Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWF TF fifruitsvegetables APPLES Apply Koaie and Son Con cession Ora 7261907 7288489 Closed Su sYAour containers OES FOR SALE No Sebago 75 lb bags Charles Ellsmere Phone 7284956 LII36555575 INILI AND3JIITIAND THE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS 71 Italp wanted mil LENDING OFFICER We are one of Canadas largest and most successful Trust Cam panles and have an Immediate opening for person in the Con sumer Loans field to lain our growing Barrie Branch The successful candidate will have years experience In the Consumer Loans area and the key responsibilities will be the development and administration of the Loans Portfolio We pay competitivesalaries plus an excellent benefits package For interview call MR CARLO BIANCHI Branch Manager 7261848 CANADA TRUST M15 Executive Secretary required The above position is of highly confidential nature and in addition the skills demanded of the applicant must include OHigh standard of typing 0An understanding of financial and statistical layout 0A superior telephone personality and above all the ability to communicate at all levels Replies which should include complete resume in confidence to Box T79 The Barrie Examiner M15 it McDon Li aids DUE TO EXPANSION CONTROL CLERK reqUIred Responsible selfmotivated and honest person Duties include daily inventories payroll records em ployee files statistical reports Training provided Regular pay raises Life surance Please send resume to dental and medical in TEMGO INC 359 Bayfield St Suite 201 Barrie Ontario MWFM25 DEAN 911s WELFARE FIELD WORKER ONE $23275 per week to $25828 per week Individuals are required to complete the documentation in establishing eligibility and the continuing eligibility of ap plicants and recipients under the family benefits act verify the information provided offer counselling of practical nature and refer clients to the ap propriate agency for specialized assistance Location Barrie District Office Qualifications Related education beyond the secon dary school level such as university degree in the social sciences or humanities or community college diploma in the social services field plus related experience con sideration may also be given to applicants with high school graduation and extensive work experience involving personal contact with social service clien ts possession of an Ontario driving licence at the time of ap plication essential Return applications by the lst of April 1977 to The Ministry of Community and Social Services Box 910 Barrie Ontario and Win Prizes LEFROY BIG BAY PT AREA WASAGA BEACH STAYNER HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA SPEARIN COURT AREA ST VINCENTGROVE AREA LITTLE LAKE AREA FERRIS LANEHEATH ST AREA LITTLE LAKE AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to till r998 INTERVIEWERS PARTTIME REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for Market Research EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY national market research company requires interviewing representatives for the Barrie Collingwood region We conduct public opinion sur veys on variety of topics of national and international in terest through personal calls on households in proselected areas There is nothing to sell or demonstrate Use of car may be necessary For more in formation call MRS BUEHL 7288899 M14 AVON EVEN IF YOURE OVER 40 YOU CAN START NEW BUSINESS Let AVON help you build and run it Youll control your own hours your own income To find out about this challenging ear ning opportunity call 7285809 am to pm or write to PO Box 485 Barrie BARBIE LAW FIRM requires secre tary Experience as legal secretary est sentlal Telephone Elaine Tubman 720 9021 MEAT CUTTE RS required experienced full time and part time salary cammerl surate with experience Apply In person to Fudes Food Highway 11 North 3200 TO $300 per month extra Income family business has parttime opening for an ambitious couple or Individual For interview phone 7269100 71 help wanted Sales Representative Growing telephone answering machine company is looking for experienced salesperson for Barrie area Car required Draw plus commission and company benefits The Telephone Store Limited 14164990276 M18 ATTENDANT REQUIRED Immediate ly for Little Joes Family Casino In Bayfield Mall Successful applicant will be senior person looking to supplement existing pension or investment income For interview call Mr Bettaglia 7264082 area for small Intent my home or yours Phone 4245583 store Fulltime position For appoint am andSpm 72sales helpagents Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 RESTAURANT RENOVATIONS hotel renovation construction car expenses Mr thpll 4166776192 74 opportunity for men women FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario MSN 224 TE 76em ployment wanted returned from overseas tlnenciel Box T78 Barrie Examiner 78 tenders TENDERS For purchase of Kitchen By Products such as Swill bones suet rough fats grease etc from nine Kitchens in Base Borden plus Blackdown Summer Camp are now open for the year April 1977 to 31 March 1978 by Dealers duly licensed in ac cordance with Department of Agriculture Regulations Swill and Kitchen ByProducts are to be picked up on daily basis Highest bidder not necessarily accepted Successful bidder will be notified by Registered Mail BABYSITTER REQUIRED In Angus SALESPERSON REQUIRED for shoe ment telephone 7269111 between 930 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Well established firm In restaurant alnd equ ment business requires one salesperson for Barrie Orlllla area Commission CHARTERED Accountant age 44 lust Extensive and marketing experience Available either full or parttime Write Tenders to be submitted in writing no later than 25 March 1977 to Officer In Charge Base POLFuel Group Bldg P108 Canadian Forces Base Borden Ontario LOM 1C0 M1014 Iluickie Partners Printed Pattern 3448 IOVzlBVz 574 flelmfi Search no more youve found the quickie tops you want to team with pants shorts skirts Save dollars whip them up in cotton blends Printed Pattern 4710 Worn ens Sizes 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Half Sizes 10 12 1416 16 1812 $125 in each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 254 each pattern for first class mad and handling om residents add at sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Untario M1P4I7 ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates jumpsuits dayevening dresses Send 75 Instant Sowing 800k $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crstts 8100 Instant Fashion Book 8100 80 pultlic notices PUBLIC NOTICE BARRIE CITY COUNCIL will be holding public meeting to discuss the Conceptual Plan for the development of the Lakeshore between Bayfield and Mulcoster Streets The meeting will be held on Tuesday March 22 1977 at 730 pm in the Council Chambers of the City Hall 84 Collier Street All interested persons are in vited to attend or write to Coun cil to express their opinion Copies of the Conceptual Plan are available for inspection in the City Clerks Office STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 M9III4161821 oreI 16 Poets 4498 OnaI PUBLIC NOTICE THE CITY OF BARRIE will be ap pointing local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee and interested citizens wishing to be appointed to ser ve on it are invited to submit letter of application with brief resume to the City Clerk before March 23 1977 STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 M9111416182I WHICH DAY 18 BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is Coordinates Printed Pattern SIZES 3448 674 44 Light easy dress jacket PIIIited Pattern 4625 Wom ens Sizes are 34 38inch bust Willi 40inch big 36 40 bust 42 Illp 38 bust 44 Ile 40 bust 46 him 42 bust 48 hip 44 bust 50 mp 46 50 bust 52 hip 48 52 bust 54 Illp $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25 each pattern for first class man and handling om residents sdd 9s sales tax PrInt pIaInIy Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send WALES THE BARBIE EXAMINER no best day to advertise Each I02 Anna Adams Pattern Dept day new wants arise bringing tric grill refrigerated soft drink Ioun taIn machine NCRcash register like 300 motor 57iY9sl9ti £9553 Ir It ihe Barrie Examiner 60 9339553724 ineqoféllrlmlfé 192 Outboard 225CLnofisflfiiiTeTICEvgrallsentlaifgf SEPT To SEPT 25 CIICUIauon DeptI BaYfield Str Bame we °°s MIT Progress Avenue Scar rion Telephone 424 54liaskiorAI Motor sale Alsoease and mnaISijHS Includes BII fllgIII DOTGI Ian Iholr wams we recommend borough Ontario MIPS HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equlp amnallmv mOBImGPISI CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 15 HP Johnson 5699 HP Johnson $389 merit repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains WIck 737 2982 Escorted from Barrie Hays Travel Tour Attend our free TF that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex ANSWER to Inflation sew and save dramatIc dollars Send for ul 2HP Jahnson $279 GOOD seinctlon of crossbred boars Wesemalloni APT 12 C0n POFIGTICG Wllh IIIIOITS Of War NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN 38 BOYTIGId Au new mired quonyny gpxevycfiufprzyfgrztgcrkl Phone 737 0268 sumers Gas BlueFlame Room ads we know tomorrow is the CATALOG Clip coupon for me 728284 150TtuvmrlIm salivestock wanted FOI 00 brocmm can be day to on your ad and pattern sepamtes lummmts ChIropractIc mattress ana ml 505 Baffle HAY STRAVEL SERVICE every day is the best day to ad dayevenlng dresses Send 75¢I box springs on sale ram on Shanty Bay Rd nfifigf 3913 mlmr3fxlrgglgg 45 Dunlop St vertise in The Barrie Examiner Instant Sawing 800k SIM $10995 each sen 726400 soundness essential Box 905 Bulleville Barrie Ont 7284700 Addfe Classified Section KIIII BOOK 8125 r99 MWIFAu3 pnarlo M14 n9 HOIQSIEPOVZEhR Chrysler outdhgiard WANT ADS TIELEPCCRE lerw fight yorfir rpblem Inmm Funk MIL Loo 10 or an an 050 or best oIIer ItIevhonivllzgul LLEZIILW 52133291686937 ffff BER0E 92 lt qn5

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