CLASSIFIE ADS accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auction sales 79 auto accessoï¬es 36 auto service and repairs 35 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 01 property for sale 01 property for sale REAL ESTATE LIMITED le Ill TF JUST NORTH OF MIDHURST $75500 acres custom built beautiful stone brick split entry with car garage 18 living room full suite dining room good bedrooms sewing room or bedroom den or office Plus 24 family room with stone fireplace Glass doors to patio Many extras New MLS listing Call Rita Scandrett 726 1938 or 7284865 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM MIDHURST Executive home for the most discriminating buyer on well treed half acre lot Featuring three large bedrooms baths double garage family room Custom built with many extras If you are in the market for this type of home call Jane Young 7261938 or 728 471731LS No 167 SUNNIDALE AREA across framthe pork Quality built side split Large 1400 sq ft home with bedrooms family room bathrooms Easy access to shopping area park and yet country at mOsphere Priced at only $59500 Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 726 5407 MLS 360 CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSE On bus route bedrooms baths garage 1400 sq ft Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 728 9933 No 1125 M14 Professionals Since1913 Coast to Coast Real Estate Service SPLIT ENTRY BRICK BUNGALOW miles south of Barrie on lot 100 495 bedrooms family room with fireplace recreation room with bar Broadloom throughout 552900 Peter Bracolente 7370011 $47900 BRICK8ALUMINUM SIDE SPLIT Small down payment to $40000 financing at 10 19 Beautiful home in Tall Trees Broadloom throughout Must sell this week Peter Bracalente 7370011 547 500 OAKLEY PARK AREA bedroom brick bungalow $30000 first mortgage at 10 area Peter Bracalente 7370011 TOLLENDAL $74900 Excellent area Large treed lot Restored century home piece baths Ultra modern kitchen floor to ceiling fireplace Worth close look Peter Bracelonte 7370011 Good M14 A81lbrough notoll 4362297 Audrey Macmillan 7286748 Peter Erocoente 7263916 Bill McCreory 7281865 JimCanCIlla 7371597 Verna Mullin 7282875 Enid Day 7266904 Judy Pennett 7371264 MurieI Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Vicki Kent no toll 487250l Jock Slessor 7266280 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Boyfield St BARRIE Ontario 7330011 7263111 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service ST JOHNS RD Con lnnisfil Close to Lake Simcoe Ideal starter home bedrooms broadloom refrigerator and stove Lot 60 180 $27900 ACRE With bedroom brick bungalow finished rec room attached garage carport pony barn fruit trees garden Garden owner being transferred Asking $47900 Existing mortgage of 06 SELFCONTAINED BRICK TRIPLEX Centrally located refrigerators stoves washer and dryer Showing good return Good existing financing Asking $69800 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Morg Wood no tall 487 3148 Leo Cavanaugh 728 1207 Bob Saunders 726 3883 Larry Wood no toll 487 3148 Ross Batstane 726 3043 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays 910 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN VALUEPACKED AFFORDABLE home in Oro you should see right now Brand spanking new just in time to pick carpets large wooded lot $46500 Excellent value Call John Crawford UNBEATABLE FINANCING Barrie storey four bedroom large entrance main floor family room and laundry room First mortgage $36000 at 10 fully paid out in 1999 Second mortgage available at 11 Call John Crawford to View $33900 with good financing available buys you this nicely decorated bungalow on 100 140 lot Call John Crawford HEAT MISER 18 inches of insulation in ceiling 1500 sq feet bedrooms baths private access to beach $54500 Oro Twp Coll John Crawford M14 John Crawford 4875955 P6181 Shelswell 7282930 David Shelswell 4872389 Jim CTOSS 7262159 Sheila Simpson 77262263 Federal Trus Realtor 87 payï¬eid St 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 36 0332 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Tom Fitzsimmins 4562620 Mary Faster no toll 3221118 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Andy Melnyk 7267369 Allan Thompson 7281024 Anne Spencer 4589211 Les Wainwright 4362396 Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 M14 14 cottages to rent cottages for sale 28 27 farm machinery farm machinery wanted 65 64 cottages wanted 29 feed seed grain 60 deaths 85 financial 11 dogs Pets 44 florists a9 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 engagements 83 garages 25 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 01 property fofsalei Wifisoii lt 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 REAL ESTATE NEEDS ALLAN DALE 91799969191599 if the home follies wit car about people LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR BEDROOM BUNGALUW 53500 down will carry for $287 monthly plus taxes on Jacobs Terrace Ideal starter or retirement home For more information call Helen Hopkins 7281662 or 7262611 Dorothy MacQuarrie Carby Adams manager 728 6829 7286358 Helen Hopkins Audrey Marshall Barry CampbellNash 7371324 FOR SALE GEORGE WORRALL REALTY LTD 110 DUNLOP ST M14 728 1662 436 2880 BARRIE 7373200 4O MAPLEALVE BARRIE JOHN COLE TOM CAIRNS MLS REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL 728 8017 728 065 PEIiP UBBIIS APPRAISALS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CWiIIoW CLaning MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Harold Davis Paul Arbour Norman McMillan Bill Evans no to Bert Cuff John Colwell Doug Baker Jim Harris 7287543 Frank Hooey 728 0676 726 3897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 7268957 Larry DeWilde 728 3253 322 1575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 7267173 JPaulDumoulin FRICRA SRA 7370731 REALTOR DHDLHfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 JOE DIRRACOLO RUTH GIBBONS JOAN THOROGOOD MARTHA DYSON 808 WEST LORNA VERSTRATEN TORRANCE REEVIE noulli in 67 DUNLOP SEST Ross Miller 7260563 Ran Sproulo Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysobild Harvey Weber 4363815 Cer Cook Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne Percy Ford 728 7930 Les Lovegrnve Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett Ross Burwell 458 9248 Helen Burns Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb Ken Milli 4873365 Bernie Blum Hannah Prmtlond 728 8028 Clarence Canning Bill Puryis 726 0452 $00 Drennaii Ash Jain 7269915 Examiner Want Ads Direct T0ronto Line 3646625 1F 726 0567 JOE DYSON 7262090 728 1409 MARC FERGUSON 7286172 7281742 DON ALLAN 4872412 726 2090 RUDY HERRMANN 526 6461 728 4401 MURRAY VALIQUETTE 7260617 424 1956 DOUG FERGUSON 7286172 322 1531 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR BARRIE 7261881 For Best Results 7372101 Agent for PIIIQvava Estutvs lif Midliut Al Collruun no toll TORONTO I416 889 9487 RCHOLKAN £1 CO LTD TORONTO 3647941 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES MWFTF 728 2425 835 2742 fl IEIPII 4873715 7266054 7283036 7288714 4241289 7266096 7262386 726 1881 487 2299 7261676 7370437 WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until om DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 om to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication lost found 70 lots for sale 04 houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 instructions 69 marriages 84 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 leasing 39 mortgages 12 legal 77 motorcycles 37 livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 919r9vertiféiwlé IN ESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE We KINZIE lIMITED 7284294 MWF TF LIST Buy on SELL WITH WE HAVE funds Immediately LEON available with competitive rates of Interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD grin 7263 27 MWFTF WE ALSO buy existing mor To tgoges for cash DOWNTOWN Commeriinl Location OUR ADVICE FREE Idrnl retail or Offirr setting 10 per mm llltdllflng nvnilnbli Bob Urry COIIIAN KERR thU Real Estate 776 1771 or 718 5811 Bus 737188 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum HOME 875385 siding IllHTUilIUVJ Big Bay Point lm trim Illilft IOINIIlIUTI CyrlrrlUt Attrnr tivr ririiiinrtn trill llrry vinir Hrul 11i 717 177liir 7711 11111 07 Dunlop Su EOSI Iii IiINr 01 $111100 1110 1111 Win BARRIE svptn prrnn niir Brirrw Vlrlll Rfrll l111 Lot lttli in 1111114 vrllniav Terms 101 lJrry 7617711r778 Still Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association NFAIJ LAki rttif rin IICJVU sturiy iirflflltv VVlll fttfllfl HIT If lkiy 6AAAAOq tarts119110 Vii rrrirr Vlrllt kit11 shit 716 rim 171 RTGAGE LOANS uitrniiivi rlfIrlIlllIl flrltilflt ip illliltlvr nrrilrinriilly tlllllrrliltl 17 11 lrtrirnrnr tn itOllO Mimi tll fftttltu ri li IITIrIll1 Irllthlttl tliiiiiiiri ldilutrIrir tlfll an iimm 11JilinirirtirItrrrt1 ii trr 1m rinrrr rit rrl11 r111 Mr 95 LOANS 41711 lltlrltljrittl tirlrrir It in 111 II pnymrrrt ilIl 15 from 00 gm riiri untrumii 2nd MTGS from 12 lat11 1111 Brut1 11171 or Open Dailygoimnsjsoplml HAP17 DH 11 11 IiyiI wirrititr rmm 501 8°Y°MRQS 1r Hittqu rr Livirlfl by opporntment IM WmDSummers tritr irrrriii tritivii rilltr fJIIltril rt 111 Irrrllrrlllti 11 tl Boyfeld lllrlittll 1131 tr ltlll ivit rll Barrie 114 lfrtti mu 111 riimr fiftrl tlrir tirri1iirr In 734 ResCreemore 4662136 46 71 um TF frfll in 7111117 in 115711 in lll FIISIOIIJSUOftd MORTGAGES ARRANGED 07 property wanted Reasonable Rates WANTED WANTED Existing in 111 rr ri ii Mortgages rr 11 1I witi1 tlll 21 iii1 111 Puwhosed 1111 iii rrrr 11 i1rr flirCOslt urin $44001 1211 Mr fill in rt Mortgage LifeInsurance 1min lilttitryitt lili II rtillllltltlt wt 111 iiit tiiiiiun fillr 11 Avo Obl luvtun Hiram1 111 117 1161 111 Hi 711 NuilliIiitifliitnrwi O4 lotsfor sale ENTERpmsES frlhll NWI Hr10 l2l BAYFIELDST Auknu 11111 ii rrriiIr IIlr rrIJ ii ii 1111rgl1i ril 11111 111 1m OffiroHnur90 9pm IN 1111 Liyvt ffwif H11 iv 1111 by Oppouuynpyn tl lllftlrrvlll M111l1OIIIOIIMOI1quf 07 buslluss opporlumlos Biokriis Assor 1011011 71 NrrlltNI 171 11 r11 1F in i1ivr or Will IIIItltt 111111 at Ittfrlttlrll rr Irlltlitfy All iriri rm lltlllf irirt ltlil rniirir 111 141111 jil Viiniii iflttf llllrlltflfrill Iiv1rt tlll1 11171 11N 11 iriirrnr Itf lirahr iII 7161651 11 urrwr 1111114 uni rirï¬lmlii iiir rr lrt at Ttll 11 Ill 11 it rim 111 1r1ri lilillrliwli hurry 111111 all 1111v in 11r fillï¬ll riw 1w Jllilllt IJ itrt 1711 riltrili 111111 lr iiiirrn 717 i1 VII 14 mobile homes trailers 09 commercialindustrial CHURCH Hill 151 minty1111 trttf f1 ill 111 irir 111 iii all 111 All ril 11 rt 2117IIIIIVIlIfIlflTlrlTlIII il lll irivui iii trrrr ii1 Ltd iyirlrll iillnrtildli li rllllfl lllll rllrlilf11 Fltltllwllitili III 11111111 IrfItItf tit 131 tit1 1Tll III In 111 11 mm 111 11 mi Ports and SerVice Ext lusivr Ovulir fcii Bende and Glendale 1112211111111 lIlI IlilfllI1ill MOdUlm Homes Nortlilaiidvis Willi iiilt Trovillruilors II Corsair Glennttu irrevriiiir rtziy Cygnet Terms 1015 Years IIIlIlIl Saturday Highway 11 South I70 But ton Ave 728 9866 12 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties 12 mortgages To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 11 I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour 7760931 Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 CoIlAnylimo TF MORTGAGE MONEY toran Useful Purpose prime rates 151 2nd 3rd mortgages builders interim loans Call collect to 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Orillia Western International Funding Corporation TF opportunity for men women74 posture for sole 61 posture to rent 62 posture wanted 63 personals 68 photography 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale 01 Tlie Barrie Examiner Monday March 14 1977 13 7282414 property for sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 property management 08 space for rent 24 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 public notices 80 summer properties fbr sale 31 resorts 30 swaps 46 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 rooms to let 2O lenders 75 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 sales help8 agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 14 mobile homes trailer TRAVELMATE 25 sale fully equipped Reserve now Bar rie Tent and Awning 14 Bayfietd St 726 6438 16 apts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults Wellington Place Apartments 135 Wellington Street West and bedroom colored ap pliances year lease Adults Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 72133827 TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MWFTF FURNISHED One bedroom apartment $150 monthly inc ludes heat light water and TV cable ShrllO bathroom Suitable for working girl Central 776 0988 weekdays FINISHED downtown bedroom apt $750 prr month bedroom apt at $775 per month ticat light water and cable nrliidirt Good view of bay Telephone 726 0988 workdn ys FURNISHFD downtown bedroom apt $750 prr month bedroom apt at $725 per month heat light water and Lflblt irir lutlrd Goort view of bay Tele imam716 09811 wrikdnys BEDROOM apartment central 17 worslriy St Barrie tirnplace and park mg $275 monthly plus hydro 737 3700 days BEDROOM apartment avnilable 1m modmtoly rlITIQIFrlIOT stove parking inilurtid Pay own hydro and cable lrlUnllTy tacilitiis Close to schools and shopping Ptionirinytim137768173 BEDROOM iipnrtmimt available April 1st refrigerator stove parking Includ Pay own hydra and dblf laundry tnr llltlt Closr to SI heals and shopping PITUIN rinytrmii 776 8173 10 SUBLEI irt information I111 778 086 SUBLFT bedroom apartment Im prrrnl Tawrrs $770 month Everything int liidrrt Phonv 456 1337 risk for Jim or iii Inr Stan 1172b 9580 ONE BEDROOM Apt 5211 lnrnlion NniirtsprJSI 778 5816 Till71f BEDROOM upstairs Apt Elm 4114 rlttrl lltrl and hydro SUDDIIDG r1 itsflnilillf rent includes parking ilflrrlfl lntrnnr No pets Phone 16 OWNI IRANSFERRFD Possession Apr lat iirui bedroom npnrment to iItgtl11 with firw turniturv throughout to piirr rinsed it trnr tron of rest Only rnnrrthuolrt Phone 776 7996 riMALI BACHELF TTF In Burrit to downtown 815 weekly urnqlu man or woman Phoni ittnr 411m COMI ORIABLE 726 6771 rrioni Privriti entrances and driveway rliphnnv 776 5651 TWO BEDROOM apartment downtown on bus route fltt itovv Iridqv tir 111111 nets 716 67751tter parking ONE nFDROOM in Alliindale close to includes fridge bus DVIVilIt ontranri 1an stnvi til11 and ratth $175 monthly ihonr 716 1682rlf1tr ltA Ni 101 Apartment for rent self onlmntrt partly furnished $170 man 1I1ly tlrahwnys 400 and 89 Available im mirtrntely Telephone 4551 1357 between nnrttlprtt AND BEDROOM apartments errlildltlt immediatva $175 up Central tar ntrnn Deposit required 776 9418 BFIROOM Apartment North Col lfllr11P irmi Siiitable for mature couple Not SUITtbll tor rhilrtren or pets lllfpflflni 717 1778 BE IIOOM at Mirtliurst Available 1m inrdmtvly Fridge stove 111 Illilii parking 1rst mnnlhs rrnt No pets 716 6776 Call after ONF BEDROOM nd sleeps rental or bedroom for luaSt ourot irtiilt liiiilrtina no pets rifirrnrrs For inr ludrs irriiiir 11Vt heat and parking Bus stop IOSI would sUit room apartment errllilllli Mari in Shanty Bny Full krtrhnn Infl bathroom plus bed sitting close to Avniloble Mny laundry first and last months rent No laundry last Telephone Apartment in lmnswu $175 monthly includes 11001 and hydro Available immediately Pets 19 ahouses wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT by careful retired farmer bedroom bungalow rec room shade trees and garden also area of land close by with other buildings 3266842 ask for Bill 0R bedroom detached home with double garage Bath ensuite preferable At references Call during office hours 7267407 Ask for Edna or John 20roomsrtoilet 34 trucks andtrailors 1969 FORD ECONOLINE JOOVB automatic new palnt Certified $1075 or uncertifled $975 Telephone 7265068 until 600 pm after 700 pm telephone 197 DODGE Vth pickup cylinder standard large club cap new tone paint iob In excellent condition Cer tified $2500 firm Telephone 7262500 business hours 1965 MAC model 873 completely rebullt motor transmissions etc with or without excellent contract In Toronto $5400 or best offer 4364811 JEEP HONCHO Short box pickup 26000 mlles V8 speed hobs new white spoke wheels 11 15 Desert Dog tires rear tonneau cover radio track dark purple and gold very sharp plus 76 Myers elec tric plow $5495 Sunoco Car Wash 341 Bayfield Street WANTED Used truck cap for 1970 Ford ft box 34 inch preferred Telephone 7266940 evenings 1974 CHEV Pickup with cap speed standard cylinder radio in excellent condition $2800 firm Telephone 71171962 or 7287167 evenings iiiauto accessories COMBINATION AMFM radio track stereo antenna rear speakers Will build into most late model vehicles Ask ing $295 less than price Phone 7267935 FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 ALLANDALE Furnished room cook ing facilities available Gentleman pre ferred Phone 7284268 daytime or 7280810 CLEAN FURNISHED rooms Broad loomed throughout community kitchen and bathroom equipped Central loca tion Please phone 71171605 after 430 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 7267186 FURNISHED large modern furnished rooms single or shared kitchen and recreation facilities Downtown area Telephone7266392 ROOM OR room and board available Painswick area Please telephone 7281632 for further information FURNISHED ROOMfor rent Centrally located Apply 30 Mary Street $20 week lyr Phone 728 7142 FURNISHED rooms for rent Rent to be discussed Central location Available immediately Parking Telephone 737 0376 ask for George CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom for gentleman Linen supplied and changed weekly kitchen facilities free parkingcentral$25weekly7282471 37motorcycles 1974 SUZUKI GT 380 In good condi tion street bike 9000 miles $950 or best offer as Is Phone 7287719 38snowmobiles 1970 SNOWCRUISER for sale in good running condition $150 cash John Visser RR stroud 4363642 SMALL furnished bachelette in Barrie close to downtown $35 weekly would suit single man or woman Phone 726 6271 after4pm 1972 5101308546 TNT Excellent condi tion Extras include carbides studs shocks back rest cover 15 hours on motor $550 Telephone 71170362 after pm 40 articles for sole GIANT 19 inch Color Portable TV $333°9 or pay iust $300 weekly with no money down and no payments till May Phone tonight for free delivery and set up tonight 7371 182 Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 23offices st es for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 12 Angeloff OVER 6000 SQ FT Office space for rent at 359 Bayfield Street Barrie 416 221 7233 Benmar Construction PRIME Warehouse Space for rent 1200 sq ft heated Apply at Smith and Rut ter Furniture 1217 Dunlap St East OFFICE SPACE for rent Downtown location offices main floor parking adiacent Call Bill Summers 73173453 zitspace rem PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelo VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 728 7044 or 416 635 0637 32 fears for stile 1975 GREMLIN 23000 miles speed standard cylinder radial tires rustproofrng Ming glazing excellent condition $7600 or best otter Telephone 726 1341 1970 CHRSYLER 300 Power steering brasz and windows doors radial tires air conditioned 62000 miles cer tifiert $1000 or best offer 7371406 or 178 6537 I973 CADILLAC Eldorado hardtop Every OHCPlVaDlO option Superb throughout $4900 Telephone 728 3004 1973 ELDORADO black white interior MTThFTF real sharp condition $800 and take over payments Southern USA car Telephone 726 9896 1956 CHEV door sedan cylinder standard 44000 miles all original from Tennessee certitied serious inquiries only Phone 458 9201 or 726 4053 I976 PACER DL speed in good like new condition with tires owner must sell Certified $345011rm Call737 2250 1971 FORD Meteor Rideau 500 station wagon with power steering brakes and doors Good body Must be seen $950 Phone 726 907 1966 FORD certified 487 5389 1976 GRAND Torino door hardtop 11000 miles still under warranty This car is like brand new Owner transfer red Priced to Sell Call 726 7996 1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Power steering power brakes door sedan 38 Asking $900 In very good runn ingconditiun Certified Calt726 2063 1975 TRIUMPH TR Yellow with roll bar radio and rust prooled also radial snow tires included Less than 20000 miles not yet yrs old in excellent con dition Telephone 424 6403 1971 FORD Torino power steering and power pbrakes radial new tires Clean andcertilied Telephone 726 1316 1973 PINTO RUNABOUT Four cylinder automatic radio electric rear WlndOW 45000 miles certified $1600 or Color console TV Now iust $600 weekly or $649 cash basis Take delivery tonight and start payments in May with no down payment Where else Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season 12 price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 1416 2214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse spa Brand new swimming pools include filter walk round deck fence and warranty size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 481 8802 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized poof on display Come in today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza cylinder automatic ELECTROHOME 26 Color TV Now only $499 or iust $400 weekly no money down no payment tll May Phone tonight delivery tonight Kraly Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 737 1192 UNCLAIMED LAYEAWAY all elum ONF BFDROOM apt 005V WM 1973 PLYMOUTH Road Runner Will lock upstairs Sellfor balance owing downtownonDUWOUIV IncUdfï¬ PTVï¬C certify Power steering power brakes of $1775 Call Credit Manager collect rptrrirtr 1A pfrmnqwtigpta tire090 S7 bucket seats Telephonei705458 9380 daysoreveningsihal2214840 86 1971MUSTANGtor sale Grey two door 17houses to rent TWO BEDROOM house in downtown rlrlrl rtVrIllrllilI January $250 Fridge parking Call between and SIIIVI weekdays 778 4776 Till1i bedroom houses for rent rent rniiur $750 to 51110 For further par III iilrirscnll 776 3257 FOR RENT to professional people only bedroom fully furnished home nppllanrrs plus ralor television monthly Availnbloimmodiately Apply in writinu to Box 138 The Barric Ex aminer BEDROOM Semi brondloomed leIQl stove large yard Alldndfllf area Available immediately $775 monthly Call Shirley M726 7059 11 BL DROOMmoh11gt home for rent $275 month witli fridge and stove Located Shady Acres Trailer Park on lake Ptinni327 15411 FOR RENT lnnistil township bedroom farmhouso at 12th concession and 70th sidoroad beginning April 1st 1977 Rent $175 per month tenant pays UlllliltS Call Toronto 416 964 6181 FURNISHED HOME for rent with new appliances in Angus bedrooms $790 monthly Phone 414 6763 days or 474 6801 nights Available now BEDROOM HOME in Shanty Bay area on large lot Phone 428 5326 bet Wlitlb 10p LARGE OLDER Home bedrooms fridge and stove Central location $300 monthly Deposltrequircd 7269418 TOWNHOUSE for rent bedrooms full basement April Angus area $194 per month Telephone daytime 726 6591 and 730 pm 30p 111424 5246 EAST bedroom bungalow bromtloomert baths $320 monthly Available now 728 9818 BFDROOM in Brentwood fridge and stove Sllppllftl $170 month utilities not included Flrst and last months rent References required Cal 726 3044 large available 18 opts wanted to rent BEDROOM for quiet adult Central location or at bus stop Flrst floor level or elevator No children or pets Phone NUTle deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Four $400 eightcylinder as is condition Telephone 726 0693 between om and pm ask for Steve 1970 TOYOTA Corona for sale automatic 48400 miles uncertitied $400 or best offer Telephone 726 1899 1973 CAMARO 350 automatic power brakes and steering radio tap deck and rear speakers 46000 miles good condi tion Owner must sell Telephone 728 2655 Ziacars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon rta Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 34trucks and trailers 1975 FORD 72 ion 23606miiésfi3816i step bumper side mirrors Automatic cylinder Asking $3300 Will certify Phone 728 5089 after 1969 FORD Econoline needs some body work bullt in cupboard and table $500 or best offer Can be seen at 48 codring ton Apt SUPER ZBinch Color console TV 343300 or pay iust $450 weekly with no money down and no payments till May Phone tonight for free delivery and set up tonight 7371 182 Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza MTThFTF 37 inotorcycles 37 motorcycles BARRIE ETCLE CENTRE 220 Bayview 7267991 WHILE THEY LAST LAST ONE GT 750 $2499 NOW ONLY $2339 plus $100 Suzuki rebate Now ONLY $2239 COME IN TODAY goes the distance M111214