Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1977, p. 12

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12 The Barrie Examiner Monday March 14 1977 ISIN TIDE 3BARRI BUFFALO TORONTO +1 um TORONTO 11 HAMILTON 12 PETERBORDUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL MONDAY EVENING 800 Prairie 23457v911News 2471122News ansRhoda 79City Lights sMovie Anastasia 4Peanuts 1105 524 Hours 711Captain and Tenille SCarcajou et le peril 9Definition 19Illustrated Classics blanc 19Polka Dot Door 25Y pas de probleme NSJllNews Svaelles 79Movie The Mountain 1120 79C1TY Show Newsofim Road softNews 2479News 1130 1130 llPart Game SSPhyllis 2Johnny Carson 19Rea along 4ProAm Awards Dinner 4KoJak 2260118 Show 25Avec le temps 7Mary Hartman Mary ZSLactuel 900 Hartman 045 22Maude 11Larry Solway 19Magee and Company 2Movie IFCPOSS Country SHINE 700 ItoFront Page Challenge fiOpposite Sexes 220dd Couple 711Most Wanted IllMoney Game 2Bowling For Dollars 9Pig and Whistle 1135 3Billy Graham Crusade 195 king Out 590 Minutes Live 4Concentration fiCinema Banacek 1145 sThis Monday 930 IllCommunique 9The Practice 35A11 in the Family 1200 7To Tell The Truth 9Sanford and Son 22Movie Zig Zag IlLittle House on the 1000 3Movie The Inn of the Prairie 11Andros Targets Sixth Happiness litMovie The Mark of 35Newsmagazine 7Streets of Zorro Part FTBA San Francisco BPtite semaine 7Feather and Father 9lronside 79My Three Sons Gang llMerv Griffin 130 9Delvecchio 79PTL Club 2Hollywood Squares 19Villages Et Visages 1205 4Strikes Spares Misses zzNews itsCinema the Bossu de 9Headline Hunters 79Mannix Rome 74128000 Question 1030 1240 litEducation of Mike 35Man Alive 4Movie McCloud McManus 19 Magee and Company 100 flMovie Madigan 25Nouvelles 2Tomorrow 5Popol 1045 9Movie The 3rd Secret nTattletales l9No Ones Perfect 79PTL Club 800 11 00 110 2Little House on the flMary Hartman 7Dan August THE DOCTOR SAYS No crystal ball predictions By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson Abouth months ago was operated on for obstruction of the colon which was found to be malig nant wore colostomy bag for three weeks second oper ation removed the diseased sec tion of the colon no longer need the colostomy bag The surgeon told me there is no further spread With health and strength back all the tests are clear What in your opin ion are my chances for recur rence am 69 and holding LILB threw away my crystal ball years agoa couple of days after leaving medical school in fact Modern medicine is providing more and more reliable alternatives to tea leaves Infact substance was recently found in the blood of cancer patients It is called CEA Icarcinoembryonic anti gen It is present in the inter nal membranes of the normal fetus and tends to disappear in the third month of develop ment CEAs value in adults with cancer is that it causes certain telltale reaction in blood tests The degree of reac tion can determine if cancer has recurred or spread This test is particularly useful on an individual basis af ter surgery for cancer of the colon Although it will not tell the type of malignancy or its location it is means of an swering your central question It is not recommended as routine screening test to deter mine if cancer is present In your case it would be better than guessing about things Your physician is un doubtedly aware of the test and in fact may well have con ducted it In any event he has had the opportunity of seeing your innards and has an nounced there is no indication of recurrence or spread There still are good many people who would rather avoid knowing about such things as you ask But doctors are lear ning that there are many like yourself who want to know everything and are entitled to know Dear Dr Thosteson Will bladder infection cause strong odor in the urine Sometimes it isnt as strong as at other times Or could the odor be from certain foods eatMrs There are several causes of urine odor One of the com monest is concentrated urine resulting from insufficient fluid intake Be sure you are getting enough liquids Infection can be cause but with that there usually is frequent urination with burn ing urine test would reveal infection sagging bladder may cause puddling of urine allowing chemical changes that produce strange odors Certain foods can cause it Asparagus is chief one but other vegetables would have to be eliminated also The urine odor should occur within 24 hours after eating an offending food Dear Dr Thostcson Please send me information on how to obtain menu for per son with sugar diabetes My motherinlaw is victim of this disease and her doctor failed to give her much information con cerningthis1rs11 Individual diet for diabetes is much too complicated to deal with in any detail here It de pends on how severe the diabe tes is whether she is on insulin oral medicines or not Her own doctor should advise her specif ically If not local chapter of the American Diabetes Associ ation has dietitians who would be helpful Dear Dr Thosteson Thanks for your frank article on arthritis in which you say there is no cure However wouldnt it be better to say there is no cure yet since much research continues into possible cures ILH There is very likely cure for every ailment under the sun Some of them we havent found yet So agree with your language The yet is always implied Dear Dr Thosteson Lately have been getting my eyelashes stuck in my eyes used to be able to get them out but no longer can am senior citizen It is very un comfortable and everytimc it happens must run to the doc tor for fear of them getting im bedded How can get relief from thisIIWI Hasnt your doctor suggested any specific cause of this Senior citizens are prone to this and other eyelid disorders such as trichiasis where the lashes come out easily That is caused by an inflammation of the lid margins With some folks the lid margins turn in ward resulting in the irritation of the eyeballs by the lashes Loss of fatty and supportingtis suc causes this Both these con ditions can respond to treat ment The follicles of the eyelashes are like those of any body hair They are dependent on good nu trition Are you sure you are getting sufficient protein and vitamins think you should seek help from another doctor Dear Dr Thostcson Is there pain involved in Parkinsons diseaseHlt The symptoms of Parkin sons are muscle weakness rigidity and tremor However tramplikc pain in the limbs and the spine can develop from the chronic muscles spasm Marti is cautious about her pets MONTREAL CF Marti Kheel finds the two ocelots who share her home and dominate most of her life playful and af fectionate companionsbut when their cry comes out more like roar than mew she doesntargue respect their growl and dont challenge them the 28 yearold McGill University teaching assistant and sociology student explained as she respected their refusal to pose together for photographer The cats whose natural habi tat ranges from Texas to south ern Argentina beat fast re treat to the kitchen adjoining the living room where their mistress was being in terviewed Marti attributed their shy ness and nervousness to the fact the two have not been out dotars since the weather turned ool The cats watched the in terview from the kitchen the pregnant female Tanya who was expecting kittens hiding her 23 pounds under the kitchen table while the male respon sible for her condition three yearold Allanus sat perched on the ledge of window over the table Owning ocelots involves mak ing sacrifices including livmg in the tumbledown eyesore of house the three have called home for the last year and half Marti says it was the best she could find when she arrived in Montreal from Madison Wis Naturally would prefer to live in nicer place she said but was ready to forgo few modern conveniences when found this place because it has large fencedin area ideal for Tanya and Allanus during the summer months BUFFALO ASTROGRAPII Bernice Bede Osol Tuudoy March 15 1971 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Stlfle tendency to be generous to the wrong people today Recall the Biblical story about casting your pearls before swine TAURUS April 20May 20 Dont bank on your luck to carry you over the rough spots today Hard work Is whats called for GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You prize your opinions too highly to day Dont defend the lndefensl ble CANCER Juno 21July 22 Be protective of your resources to day and also dont jeopardize something belonging to another Your judgment isnt too nifty in either case LEO July 23Aug 22 Be your own person today You could hop on someone elses bandwagon with costly results VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Although youre not good team player today its not all your fault Others could throw monkey wrenches into the machinery LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Spen ding dollars wont chase your doldrums today Seek something inspirational You cant buy your way out of the blues SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Even though you think what youre doing today will benefit all dont make decisions without the consent of the family SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Stick to the facts In all cases today even if theyre painful and you fear their impact CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Friends could come to you to bail them out of foolish financial scrapes Keep your eyes wide open to avoid embarrassment AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 19 Reserve little time for yourself to handle important personal busmess today Assomates will be demanding and youll lose out otherWIse PISCES Fob 20March 20 Be realistic regarding what you can expect from others today If youre overly optimistic youll be disappomted Wont Billlflliltltfll The correct chorce of partners IS Vitally important to you this year in busmess Pick those who already have proven track records Actor first president TORONTO CPI Actor Dan MacDonald has been elec ted the first president of the Canadian Actors Equity Association it was announced Thursday Macdonald who now is play ing the role of Petmcchio in Theatre New Brunswicks pro duction of Taming of the Shrew joined the association in 1959 Since 1967 he has served as member of the Canadian execu tivecommittee filAOVV LIP WINTNROP BC NORTH ERN 29 Dunlop St 7373880 WIN cult IIOI EVER sAIl AIILITIIIIII NICE BORN LOSER HERE WE ARE WHERE FOR PITIANCE BUGS BUNNY CAN EIIHEP MAPPT WINIT IRIS ViHEN MY aKEATesr INVENTION ale DEAL were You THE WHEEL7 FROM aggg STATIONERY DEALS ARE MADEWORKING OF OUR SHIFT OUR BOARDING HOUSE DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE FATHER EVENT THE WEEKEND MAYBE H55 éTlLL PLAYIN CLUB DISCODIP éTAIfi OPEN UNTIL IT5 RAIDED AND THE COPS ARE ON 5LOWD0WN TO GET PAY HE DIDNT RETURN FROM ER AHA LOCAL CONCERT ILL REMIND HIM TO LET 05 KNOW WHERE HE 15 NEXT TIME 50 MARTHA WONT WORRYI WOULDNT WORRY ABOUT POP POLLYS POINTERS Polly Cramer Gentle handling gives old wicker new life DEAR POLLY have an old white wicker fernery that has evidently been used on porch and it is so very dirty want to spray paint it with white enamel but do not know how to clean it or prepare it for painting am afraid to wash it for fear the wicker will get soaked Us ing whisk broom has not helped do hope someone can help me JUNE DEAR JUNE think whisk broom is far too stiff for brushing the dirt out of wicker large clean paint brush would do better job or the attachment brush on your vaccum should remove the loose dirt You mentioned that the fernery is now white wonder what condition the old paint is in Often such pieces have been painted so many times that the old paint Is flaking off and the new job would be far from satisfactory That was happening to my white wicker porch chairs and last year had them stripped of all paint by furniture stripper and then they were spraypainted If the present paint is in good condition hosing off should not hurt it am presuming this is real wicker not the so called wicker that resembles papiermache POLLY DEAR POLLY When mailing gifts and other packages we take them to Parcel Service where the delivery date is sooner and the cost less than that of regular parcel post Since many of our packages are addressed to PO Box number in stead of the usual street address we always include the telephone number and area code along with the address This enables the Parcel Service to contact the recipients im mediately on arrival This is marvelous timesaver and we can depend on packages arriving at desired time 7151 DEAR POLLY The small scarves we wear so much now get so wrinkled and look as if they need pressing after each time they are worn When take one off smooth and fold it neatly and place it between the pages of thick magazine When am ready to wear It again it is nicely pressed NAOMI DEAR POLLY make quickie ice packs by soaking folded wash cloths or small hand towels and placing each one on foam tray such as meat comes on These are put In the freezer for about 15 minutes taken out and slipped into ii plastic sandwich bag always make two at time When one thaws the other is ready to replace it When having new carpet laid always save several pieces to use for repairs Careless smokers often drop ashes that leave burn spots When this happened to me called the carpet in staller and he told me to cut off some nap from scrap drop that milky white glue we use so much on the burned spot of course after scraping off the loose burned part and then press the nap into the glue More can be added to build it up Mine lasted for 10 years but still hold on to those carpet scraps just in case there should be another accident MRS LH or ESt 7th 63 IHL if lliJL Tj THE psict me My Lil £910 FATHER BIG AT THE END IF YOU SEE THE CREEP WHO RUNS THIS PLACE TELL HIM HES cor TILL IM GOING TO DEMAND IN INCREASE IN DQNLr HAVE TOO MUCH INTHE WAYOFOFIICNS our wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service LIKE HER BETTER THAN DID LOUR HIA PERHAPS EACH OF US SHOULD BE HAPPY IN HIS OWN LITTLE NICHE AFTER ALL WIN AT BRIDGE Good bid makes play easier NORTH 4A65 V943 OKJ72 864 WEST $17 VAQIOSZ 9963 A92 EAST 4108 VKJ87 01084 K1053 SOUTHIDI EastWest vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald 8i James Jacoby Jim We covered mistakes last week How about correct bids and plays this week Oswald Heres one on the bidding to start with South opens one spade and it is up to North to choose between onenotrump and twospade response With eight high card points he is too strong to pass Jim The correct response is raise to two spades North has 4333 the flattest possi ble distribution He has three of his partners suit headed by the ace and two other suits are completely unstopped Oswald South has 14 high card points and singleton to make his hand worth 16 The spade raise increases its value and he can afford to go right to game heart lead would hold him to four The diamond lead allows him to draw trumps discard his heart on dummys fourth diamond and make an overtrick Jim North and South might get to game after FUNNY BUSINESS notrump response South would definitely bid two spades and North might decide to go to three Take away his jack of diamonds and he would surely pass at two yet the combined hands would still belong in game Asmth New Mexico reader wants to know if we approve of open ing the bidding with fourcard major suits We do approve of doing this when you cant find another bid and want to open but we dont open fourcard major when we can find some other satisfactory bid Furriers needed TRURO NS CP There are many excellent opportun ities in Nova Scotia for anyone who wants to be farrier or horseshoeing tradesman says Ed Ogilvie Hes the iron work and arrier instructor at Nova Scotia Agri cultural College in Truro and hes happy to see the increase in the number of horses being kept by Nova Scotians for rid ing showing and jumping The college facilities limit the number of students at any one course to six and theres backlog of 95 waiting to get Ogilvies instruction The course consists primarily of practical work with students making themselves familiar with forge work heating and working steel and the basics of forge and acetylene welding Ogilvie teaches them not only how to make horseshoes but also to make their own tools for shoeing Attention is also given to trimming and shoeing sound and unsound horses HARNELL Is STILLA FIRM BELIEVE IN THE OL no gird 5n 535 DUI Vikcllét t2 ANDY CAPP Drake and Darlmq have Withdrawn for True and Darling has gone to meet the kIdnappers contact ERRY DRAKE Complete If means WIZARD 0E ID FRANK ERNEST the 50000 Blues ransom HAO YELLOW cuRLs BUT THEM BEARS is RIGHT OUTA THAT FAIRY TALE Office Outfitters Whitfield GOOD BREAKFAST MARTHA BUT NOW ITS TIME TO HIT THE OL FLOW ER NIGHTVICAR VERRV GCDD DAILY Greek letter Frozen dessert 12 Monolith 13 More uncanny 14 Thrush 15 Make beloved 16 Lying 17 Medicinal plant 18 Auld Lang 19 Boil contents 20 Snug retreat 24 Tints 26 Complete 27 Housing agony abbr 30 Trencherman 32 Depression initials 33 Auto workers union abbr 34 Tapestry 35 Defensive missile 36 Clip 38 Irans neighbor 40 Impudence 41 Pianist Cliburn CROSSWORD 42 Over Gen Answer to Previous Puzzle 46 Blueprint 48 New Hampshire city 49 0f the front 52 Body passage 53 Come out 54 Gatefold 55 Most sagacious 56 Diction DOWN at WV 17 Cesident of 39 Uneasy ienna 41 Manservant 2323 19 Aniqu 43 East Indian Shag 21 Spirit lamp pepper plant Metric Unit 22 44 Become Reacts 23 E95h accustomed emotionally 25 5°°af 45 Take five City In 26 B°° 47 Falls behind Nevada ear Lat Flaming 27 Ado 48 Midwestern lie popular 28 Sunken fence °° dessert 29 Holds in 49 NW 10 Vegmable wonder 50 Friend Fr 11 Misdo 31 Gain by labor 51 These Fri 12 Swabbing 37 Seek 52 Incorrect tools ambitioust prefix no It finally happened alter payroll deductions owe COURSE Gownsz Feigmng nervous excitement Dar lin furnvcly turns on the hidden fa recorder DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn bore room Into completon decorated and furnished office Call 1370201 to consult Professional Office Planner BARRIE PLAZA Barrio AEOUT THAT POUND CINE YOU WAS GOIN TO BRING IT muNb NEXTSUNMY WITH MYCONGMTULATIONS MAGIC WORD AND THE CONTACT I5 DISGUISED AS 7200 ATTENDANT 1370201 GAVE HIM BERMUDA TRIANGLE AND HAvBNT them $1 32 IDOKSON JUST GIVE ME THE HONEY AN ILL CONGRATULATE MESELF ml an act12 civ no YOU CAN DROP WUR TRASH RIGHT IN THE BARREL ANILL MAKE SURE 1T GETS GAME FOR CHRISTMAS SEEN HIM SINCE TBllbleAhrIM Rog us PM 011 314 Tum

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