no Ihe Barrie Examiner Saturday March 12 1977 Aymv Jogging into sprin edtication students at the liiiversity of Ottawa jog alongside the Rideau Canal Long live spring Denise henier left Sylvie Rigras and Johanne Bleatt physical Ontario to sponsor forum on destiny TORONTO lPi Premier Davis announced Friday that Ontario will sponsor national forum on the destiny of tanada Ontarios committee on on federation will be responsible for the conference to he held in June Davis suggested in letter to committee chairman Ian Mac donald president of York Lni versity in Toronto that ana dians front all walks of life be invited In addition to discussing Que bec the conference should in elude discussion on those cori cerns which reflect concerns frotn the Maritimes and the West In his letter to Iacdonald Davis said the need to begin to provide broad forum for hay iii Fridays mild weather Plhotm Kingston Ont and Dennis Mc Iermott international viccL president and Canadian direc tor of the United Auto Workers union Also appointed were William Daniel president of Shell anada Ltd Rodrigue Iiilodeau board chairman of Honeywell Ltd Louierabriel Rordcleau director of lEcolc des Sciences de lEducation at Laurentian University in Sud bury Ont Ilugh Macaulay re tired businessman and longtime adviser to Davis OPPOSITION AGREES Robert Duffy member of the editorial board of Toronto Star Robert Rene dc otret presiv dent of the onference Board of anada in Ottawa and former adviser on monetary affairs to year law student at University of Western Ontario in London and prize winner in con stitutional law and Dr George Korey vicepresident and ad ministrator at Ryerson Ioly technical Institute in Toronto were also appointed Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said in news release Friday he endorses the idea of con ference NDP Leader Stephen Lewis said in telephone interview that he supports the conference but warned that we should not get our expectations get too high Ill be very glad to attend and shall encourage others to useful for everyone to approach the conference in good faith élï¬liljlwalsflssilgSixintmlyï¬h the federal finance depart ment and Rosalie Abella DIVIDEOLNTRIES pressing lhe CanadianUnited States boundary is 3989 miles long ex eluding Alaska but with it the boundary is 5443 miles long family court judge in Toronto and member of the Ontario Iluman Rights ommission Edward Ileakes second Davis also announced the ap pointinent of 12 members to the advisory committee including Roland Kitchener former governorgeneral of Canada Richard Simeon director of the Institute of lntergoveriimenttil Affairs at Queens lniversity in There is no cure Pollution levels FOR icutoutput OI TORONTO lIi Ontario llydros two lorontoarea power plants and about dozen industries in Hamilton operated at reduced capacity Friday when the cities recorded higherthanusual air pollution indeces Torontos air pollution index reached 35 and Ilamiltons reachedlts Paul Cockburn Environment Ontarios central region direc tor said that after an advisory was issed by the agency Ilydros Lakeview generating station was cut to onothird maximum capacity and the Hearn generating plant to one sixth but we can help Send for Free Booklet Dominion Therapy Products Co Box 2451 Downsview Ontario THE BAYCLUB ixir new beginning ANNOUNCEMENT At this early stage we are both surprised and gratified at the interest shown in our new condominium apartment homes The number of inquiries and specific reservations to date prompts us to publish this brief progress report Construction at The Bayclub is going according to schedule Model suites should be open for your inspection by May 2st the Victoria Day weekend The Bayclul with its distinguished architecture and total amenities package represents unique departure for Barrie and we hope new beginning for you Reservations are being accepted For information and literature please contact Mr George Snow at the Construction Office on The Bayclub Building Site I81 lollict Street 705 7372000 The Urban Expansion Group Building for the future in the spirit of the past do so Lewis said It would be PRICES IN EFFECT non MARCH 14 on WHILE QUANTITIES usr MONDAY MARCH Bokry Buys Pets Supplies Family HOSiery Childrens Wer smwmu suoncm mu IIID sun from SIIE mm nos TRAINING mm OFresh baked daily 75 lb bag own gusset womanterry colors 99 ea or oaAr 16010200Ibs oozes 34 FOR norm risii 3colors TENDER roorsn soars 01 Wis ovarious styesl suedes vinYI glnelsize 95150 lbs EAoEskmenEt dolls PB CU DIS 31IS 3010 44 Broken srzes Limited quantities 44 mums mum oco ate covere Wflllm ROG Cotton flanneletie as cs lb bag Ladies Wear 30 40 minted Assorted flavors Red Blue Rainbow any Itsm EACH oLB BA5 100 nylon blue green 009 SWEATSHIRT Mix CAT LITTER 05195 314 14 only Writtenpolyester on 44 bag mo sizes BAG all516 PEACH 31 mm °Cotton prints TODDLER GIRL BRIEFS olid chocolate 0M OStzes SML 14 only Polyestercotton otAcH POLAROID rm on com rim °EACH Srzizs 3x EASTER BASKET color 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Printed cottons corduroys osizes tote 44 we Namwoety 74X 7ng Acryltcs polyesters many more 44 menstrziorm 44 on pages 400A PICNICJUGS iiir moon PARTIES EACH Oblatk Wlllll shoots Polyurerhane hot or cold 00 Antron lll antircling WOOLCREST ACRYLIC RN Rellllg availth ogngm colors Sues lDlM acrylic assorted PKB omen yds colors moo nouns risiiiiio ROD mum mm 90 More onrwom oh eal or Clul ten 010096 Stretch nylon EACH EACH Une Size on mm ply 28 01 IS lb spin ow Id ox Variery of colors opt 51 lighter °Plastic one tray BABY DOLL PYIAMAS EACH SEI EACH lUU nylon MACRAME INSTRUCTION BOOKS SIZES SML PAIR WOOlCO 444 Good selection to choose Pamwanpaper gt your dosrgns from ilfl stratum DSPOSAB DIAPERS mm or no Ellll 43 can mph DOYIme 519 MENSIOXEI SHORTS outiiELCOilgmpylene EACH est It umm rusnc sum mm at SAVE Oll 60 per padwge °V2riouseiirieriil Skew no name NO Pns or PIOSHC Poms SrIesSMLXL MAxEQur minions roll 01 upon Slle °PAlR OAdlustable plain Slde WH mans om sum or magnifying side MAC uc snr ADHESIVE 25 35 game OI wan rigorous colors per pack pcukage EACH le1W 01830 PKG MENS POCKET TSHIRT OVarious maienals mung swncu mat 00 cotton colors C0l0lS TRELSPAR WALLPAPER Push Slles SML PERM RODS 00 so it pro posted Srnglo polo lull range EACH 20 paCkage Viioous colors E1 patterns EACH UNDERWEAR BY THE POUND °With papers 09 SETOESIX sumomm Slflmsuhs 11 pins 44 mu covmuo TOOl cnmpdc 591 Bc 03mm Briefs etc Plurrll line chalk Various sizes HOU SGWO res °Appllcalrirlsmoothor LB BOYS PER PACK BRIEFS lllD cotton LAUNDRY DETERGENT lb box STAINLESS srm cunm Knlves forks Cornor cutter blades Kll 344 wtmoit mm ucms osms ML Wm Garden argfliatod coristrucoon LImII box per customer up 44 raorycu ruins mun Family Footwear anotyo plants Ham mm MENS NHL RUNNERS mm man llllllll garden tools bo Canvas blue gold EACH °Siles 10 Woolworth Pharmacy operated by Jack Srie Jplcdllun asts pm in nu PAIR Austin Drugs Ltd dwision of quip rtion RUbbe band powered MENS TEBIASTAD SHOES Dominion Citrus Druos Ltd 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