P3t LENOINO OFFICER We are one of Canadas largest and most successful Trust Com panies and have an immediate opening for person In the Conr sumer Loans field to loin our growing Barrie Branch The successful candidate will have years experience in the Consumer loans area and the key responsibilities will be the development and administration of the Loans Portfolio We pay competitive salaries plus an excellent benefits package For Interview call MR CARLO BIANCHI Branch Manager 7281848 CANADA TRUST AA McDonalds Ll Ml0Ill2 MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY for conscientious careerminded individual QUALIFICATIONS neat appearance physically quick mentally alert outgoing aggressive ability to lead others high school educaiton willing to start at the bottom WE OFFER Excellent opportunity for advancement training program benefit package lob security Please phone or send resume to TED GORSKI 359 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE 7263772 MlOI2l5I7I922 CORPORATION TOWN OF MIDLAND requires TREASURER Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday Mar ch 18th I977 Applicants with direct municipal accounting experience or who have been employed in similar capacity will be given preference Applications should contain detailed resume of qualifications and experience detailing age and marital status Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience WM HACK Clerk Municipal Building Midland L4R 1R2 74 opportunity for men 78 tenders SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FRLEEESESfoE BARRIE ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box I52 Station Toronto Ontario M5N 2Z4 TF 76 employment wanted CHILD CARE provided in my home Near 9th line and 25 sideroad of lnnisfLl 436433 MEN available for carpentry work roughing and finishing Specializing in rec rooms Free estimates Telephone 7265429 CABINET MAKER and finisher with 27 years experience 13 years in West Ger many looking for employment around Lake Simcoe restoring or building boats Contact Herman Peitz RR Durham Ontario 519 36927i3 77 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of RHODA LUCRETIA BELL late of the Village of Waverley Town ship of Medonte in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the 17th June I976 must be filed with the undersigned per sonal representative on or before 8th April I977 thereaf fer the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed Dated 4th March I977 RALPH WARREN BROWN Administrator by LENNOX BROWN Suite I04 5803 Yonge Street Willowdale M2M3V5 his solicitor herein MIOI724 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 73 tenders IsP Canada TENDERS FOR ADDITION AND ALTERATIONS ADJALA CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL HOCKLEY ONTARIO Sealed bulk tenders plainly marked as to content will be received by the Tender Clerk until pm local time TUESDAY MARCH 29 I977 for addition and alterations to Adiala Central Public School Hockley Ontario Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Con tractors on deposit of certified cheque in the amount of SIOO from the office of Salter and Allison Architects 29 Clap perton Street Barrie In all cases of dispute the decision of the Board will be final LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Late tenders will not be ac cepted WM BROWN Chairman RAMSAY Director of Education MIO TENDERS For purchase of Kitchen By Products such as Swill bones suet rough fats grease etc from nine Kitchens in Base Borden plus Blackdown Summer Camp are now open for the year April I977 to SI March I978 by Dealers duly licensed in ac cordance with Department of Agriculture Regulations Swill and Kitchen ByProducts are to be picked up on daily basis Highest bidder not necessarily accepted Successful bidder will be notified by Registered Mail Tenders to be submitted in writing no later than 25 March I977 to Officer In Charge Base POLFuel Group Bldg Pioa Canadian Forces Base Borden Ontario LOM ICO Ml0I4 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss 0r damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise WANT ADS 72824 78tenders Public Works Travaux publlcs Canada iNVITATiON to TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the prolects or services listed below addressed to the Regional Manager Finance Administration Public Works Canada Ontario Region 25 St Clair Avenue East 6th Floor Toronto Ontario M4T IMS and endorsed with the prolect Name and Number will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date Tender Documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Director General Public Works Canada Ontario Region 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario on payment of the applicable deposit PROJECT No 615584 cleaning New Government of Canada Building Barrie Ontario CLOSING DATE THURSDAY MARCH 24 i977 Deposit $25 Emirles 69665687 BTNEO lNSTRUCT 0N5 Deposit for plans and specifications must be made In the lorm of Certified Dank Cheque to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA and will be released on return of the documents In good condition within one month from the date of tendering opening To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanind by the security specified in the tender documents The lowest or anytnder not necessarily accepted IR WARREN Regional Manager Finance Administration Ontario Region TORONTO ONTARIO MARCH I0 I977 M10 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Ilrfhs ssoo maximum 40 words additional words PALM BEACH Fla AP What makes vacation sue cessful For one thing vaca f£$gjfl2gra tioners themselves and for lpMernariam no verse 85 anOthery careful Planning says veteran hotelman John Clif ford After more than 40 years of observing vacationers of all ages Clifford general manager of the Breakers Hotel here offers some tips to help make holidays happy whether the budget large or limited Know yourself Decide ex actly what your vacation needs Verse per count line extra 2i cents per lhe naming Events $322 per column Inch 81births Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its Vm and preferences are then tailor nu cant at is born on the Sap your plans to It Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 72824 86 card of thanks MOFFATT The family of the late Robert Moffatt would like to thank their friends and relatives for their kindness floral tributes donations to the Canadian Cancer Society and expres sions of sympathy during the loss of dear husband and father Special thanks to Dr MacDonald and Reverend Johnston Mrs Jean Moffatt and family 87 in memoriams OBRIENin loving memory of our dear sister Leurine who passed away March W75 Although we smile and make no fuss Noonemisseshermorethan us Andwhenoldtimesweoffrecall Thats when we miss her most of all Sadiy missed and lovingly remembered Sisters and Brothers 88 coming events FLEA MARKET EMBASSY HALL BARRIE EVERY SUNDAY 96 Vendors Welcome M459 I0 Know your family What are their interests Golf ten nis swimming camping Do the like to dress for dinner or to completely casual The answers help in selecting hotels or resorts Think of the children For younger travellers look into special provisionsrates supervised play areas and par ticular attractions for them Be realistic especially about money Economics plays big part in the selection of vacation spot Better less am bitious schedule than budget stretched out of shape Consider travelling off season Inquire about trips to areas of the country youd like to visit at time that isnt the REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot SIOO refreshment booth ThTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7232414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by rn day preceding publication with the an ception of Classified Display ad vertisernents which must be in by two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 35 00 Additional words ts per word CARD OF THANKS 75 words 3500 additional words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse SS 00 With verse per counl line cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 72 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cosh DII count Rates apply if pOtd within days One or two insertions per word in man Three Onluflv insertions and one half cents per word inserton total 56 Six comcutive insertions 8c per word per insertion total SH 52 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublect to can collation when satisfactory results ob tained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial ab breviation lei ol numbers etc ounl as separate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly re check their advertisement urn mediater alter liul insertion in order that any error or OmtIIlon may be reported before in in order thol some may be rectified for the followung day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any ad vertisemeul and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not Iiglbl for error liens by make goods The Dome Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any wantads Model PHONE 728 24 NOTICE leadline Ior classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Ceramic Tile Plain Colours Polystryrene outside Shutters lZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSUN 36x 14 39 14 CANT LEND 43x14 47 14 MONEY 51x14 55 14 Answer Your 59 14 63 14 Bame Slammer 67 14 camel 71 14 on Collection Day 75 14 81 14 Present Stock Only It TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY rhTF FREE DELIVERY Offers vaca tion tips height of their vacation season SPECI Als END OF LINE PANELS Nutmeg$497s4 Cherrytone$569 Rustic Walnut $599$59 CharterPecan$599$53 Mt Forest Pecan$659$5 Brazilian Rain Forest $689 $5 39 FiresideCedar$719$6 39 Random Plank Pecan $719 56 Weatherboard $829 s1 Charcoal board $1695 514 Solid Cast 26811995 Hwy 26 is 27 Out Beyfieid St Barrie Ontario The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 10 1977 15 other expenses Then relax There are attractive offseason Check your attitude Ex ackage rates almost pecttohavea oodtimeLeave gverywhere worries and oubts at home Face it to tipping Allow Smile you ll most likely for it in vance along with receiveasmile in return for Friend You Vehicles Can Trust If you drive small car you know how difficult It Is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Datsun Small cars are our business and well do the ob correctly the first time Tender quotations are invited for rental vehicles for the 1977 season for the Huronia District For tender documents or further information please telephone 705 7282900 attention Mr Lorne ODell or write District Manager Huronia District Office Ministry of Natural Resources Midhurst Ontario LOL lXO Tenders must be received by 12 noon March 18 I977 Hon Frank Miller Minister Dr Reynolds Deputy Minister Ministry of Natural Resources Just callus anytime 24 hrs day and say you re looking for friend 549 Bayfield St 7370254 Ontario Ev Spindles Variety of NORD Spindles Rails REG Greatly Reduced Assorted Door Knockers By Beacock EACH aw Door Mirror Kits covers Ibx56 PER PCE KIT Super NonSmear Windshield Washer AntiFreeze 99c BLACK DECKER POWER TOOLS Easyoff Oven Cleaner Armstrong Floor Waxes Trewox Rug Shampoos Mahogony lamb Headers 4V2x3 19 EACH 52x3 Window Shades Mosaic Tile Drill Bit Sharpener MODEL 7930 Various Colours Other Black Decker Power Tools Red 95354 PAIR ggg COVERS smgrs $884 HADES $952 $9 99 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL MAR 19th $1059 Shovels ON PRESENT STOCK $1139 ONLY MACK Vibrator $1205 Various types DECKER sizes Routers ï¬nder $1475 MODEL 7611 MODEL 7404 $1485 95 $5300 5195 ran Hill LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES Telephone 7288132 master charge