$35113 CLASSIFIED ADS Mwu accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 82 boots motors 4i opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sole 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auction sales 79 auto accessories 36 35 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 auto service and repairs construction machinery 55 cottages to rent 27 cottages for sole 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 farm machinery 64 farm machinery wanted 65 feed seed grain 60 financial 11 florists 89 fruits and vegetables 67 garages 25 garden supplies 50 help wanted 71 home improvements 47 01 property for sole OI property for sole Federal Trust Realtor 87 Bayfield St 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 CENTRALLY LOCATED Solid brick duplex each apartment con sists of bedrooms living room kitchen bathroom basement is fully finished live in one rent the other and help pay your mor tgage $52500 Call Mary Foster MLS 98 HOME ON TREED LOT three bedroom brick back split with double garage and paved drive in north end of city Home features large eatin kitchen separate dining area family room on ground level with fireplace To view this immaculate home priced at $54500 call Allan Thompson F30 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION bedroom immaculate bungalow Ex pensive broadloom drapes electrical fixtures plus many other ex tros included Full 12 black basement Attached double garage Mortgoging at todays interest rate can be arranged Asking $55000 Coll Les Wainwright MLS3211 SPLIT ENTRY BUNGALOW Excellent home for family with children large back yard quiet street bedrooms family room fireplace school close by Asking $54900 Coil Wayne Dobson MLS 130 60 ACRES North of Barrie Minesing area Asking $57000 Call Mor tin Altseimer MLS 548 MAKE AN OFFER We have lovely new well built homes in In nisfil Broadloom fireplace or bedrooms Builder will accept your terms Homes priced from $56900 Call Andy Melnyk or Les Wainwright MLS 2367 M9 Andy Melnyk 7267369 Tom Fitzsimmins 4562620 Anne Spencer 4589211 Allan Thompson 7281024 Martin Aitseimer 7281762 Brad Watts 7372866 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Mary Foster No Toll 3221118 Dorothy Fitzsimrrins 4562620 Les Wainwright 4362396 M9 STANSFIELD REAL ESTATE LIMITED FORMERLY CORBY REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL LAND COMMERCIAL 93 DUNLOP ST 7282419 WATERFRONT Sun yourself on your own beach extra large lot Attractive year old home near Barrie Floor to ceiling fireplace Excellent terms $87500 UNDER $30000 room semi walking distance of downtown Very clean and in good condition Sophia Street COMMERCIAL Excellent exposure in plaza 1100 to 3400 square feet Ideal for drug store or hardware Asking $600 square foot ST VINCENT STREET Pleasure to show this income home bedroom brick bungalow broadloom throughout living room with loft dining area recreation room laundry plus entirely separate apartment with private patio and driveway DUNDONALD STREET bedroom storey brick large sun porches separate dining room lots of trees Any offer considered JUST REDUCED LOT 20000 SQUARE FEET on paved road in Oro Station REAL ESTATE LIMITED TF BEAUTIFUL RAVINE LOT Brick bedroom home in exclusive area Very well kept Broadloomed family room with walkout and fireplace baths Davies built car garage Must be seen Vendor will hold mortgage Call Rita Scandrett $64938 or 7284865 No 1132 BLAKE ST $36800 bedroom condominium Walk out off kit chen to rear deck plus laundry room on main floor Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 No 1125 DUPLEX $39900 Live in one half and rent the other Close to downtown good rents and home in good shape Economical hot water heat with approx 1800 sq ft of house Rented at $402 per month Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 MLS 379 COMFORTABLE bedroom side split levels on quiet cres San dsprings subdivision Asking $43900 Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033N01105 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN BARRIE Attractive bedroom TUDOR STYLE split entry bungalow with finished rec room and wet bar stove frig and dishwasher included Call Peter Shelswell $43900 NEWER bedroom brick bungalow featuring games room with bar hardwood floors throughout fully fenced backyard on 122 125 lot Coll Peter Shelswell $33900 with good financing available buys you this nicely decorated bungalow on 100 140 lot in Minets Pt Call Peter Shelswell M9 John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 David Shelswell 4872389 Jim Cross 7262159 Sheila Simpson 77 1177261263 LTD REALTOR 7372101 Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE JOHN COLE TOM CAIRNS 728 8017 7280653 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 Al Calhoun no toll 8352742 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 53 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 lost found 70 opportunity for men women74 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 61 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 mobile homes trailers l4 personals 68 money to loan 13 photography 49 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 motorcycles 37 poultry and chicks 59 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 01 property for sale 01 property for solo FOR SALE GEORGE WORRALL EALTY LTD BARRIE 110 DUNLOP ST MWFTF ATTENTION BUILDERS treed lots near Barrie on Little Lake side road 80 200 Ready to go now Price $19500 20 down Vendor will hold mortgage at 79 HIGH STREET bedroom immaculate home near Queens Park fireplaces oak floors and trim throughout steam boiler heats this stately home lst mortgage $50000 at 102° $449 monthly Listed price $96500 Call for an appointment M911 with 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service ST JOHNS ROAD INNISFIL bedroom starter living room 22 10 eatin kitchen Priced at only $27500 CURTIS ST ANGUS cozy bedroom retirement home Close to shopping Asking $31500 60 DAPHNE CR bedroom brick bungalow kitchen with walkout to large cedar deck full basement with rec room bar and Franklin fireplace Asking $50900 M9 Esther Kennedy 424 5471 M019 Wood no tall 487 3148 Leo Covonaugh 728 1207 Bob Sounders 726 3883 Larry Wood no tolll 487 3148 Ross Bolsterie 7263043 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES fli noultr In 67 DUNLOP SEST Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 Al Rose 7288i If Mike Lysobtld 7266054 Harvey Weber 43638l5 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 Rob Knapp 726 7294 Jerry McNobb 726 1881 Ken Miller 4873365 Bernie Blum 4872299 Hannah PentICnd 7288028 Clarence Canning 7261676 Bill Purvis 7260452 Sue Drennon 7370437 Ash Jain 7269915 EIJEMII REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR WHICH Laqdillg MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bert Cuff 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuilen 7373795 Jim Harris 7267173 Paul Dumoulin FR CRA SRA Real Estate Professionals Since 1913 hast to last Real Estate Service IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIiIIIlIH LIcPAGEWI vIllIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIlI tII 7370731 III AI Bilbrough no toll 4362297 Audrey Macmillan 7286748 Peter Bracalente 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Verna Mullin 7282875 Enid Day 7266904 Judy Pennett 7371264 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 737I264 Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 Jack Slessor 7266280 TF AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 For Best Results Examiner Want Ads 01 property for sole JO DIRRACOLO 7260567 RUTH GIBBONS 7281409 JOAN THOROGOOD 7281742 MARTHA DYSON 7262090 BOB WEST 7284401 LORNA VERSTRATEN 4241956 TORRANCE REEVIE 3221531 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams manager 7286829 Barry CampbellNash 7371324 015 property for sole 104 mam stw stouffnlc 0R0 4873437 FTF EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT HOME in Oro with 2500 square feet of elegant living featuring spacious bedrooms fieldstone fireplaces bathrooms 24 ft family room 26 ft living room plush broadloom throughout walkouts to 60 ft cedar deck complete kitchens formal dining room double attached garage All situated on beautiful landscaped 100 234 ft lot must to see LARGE ALUMINUM SIDED COT TAGE in Oro with 234 ft road frontage and artesian well Walking distance to Oro Beach Park JUST REDUCED to $32900 SCENIC HOME SITES in Oro priced to sell from $10000 HAVE CLIENT anxious to locate in Medonte Twp If you have home in the $30000 to $40000 range please call 487 3437 M9l LIST BUYERSELL WITHI LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD Eiiiii 756733157 LL MWFTF IN Ple PERSONALIITD SERVICf 728 4294 MWF 1F $5000 OW Carries for $4257 month Tudor style sud splitl1 baths leFDllCt in family room Trrrtl lot In Barrio Call fItir Simpson 7762263 repristnting Unigroup lnc Real Estate Broker DOWNTOWN Commtrcial Location Ideal rItail or ottiu setting 10 per cent tinant ing available Bot Urry Viau Real Estate 776 171 or 728 Still $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point lm maculato condition Garagr Attracttvr grounds Bob Urry Vtau Real Estate 726 1171 or 778 5811 BUILDING L01 $17001 100 181 With septic permit Located in qunof VIllago nrar Barrio TIrms Bali Urry Viau Real Estatt 726 171 or 728 5811 NEAR LAK 9th Con of Oro storey bedrooms well tricd lot year old Ask inu $61900 Vic Donor Vtau Real Estate 726 7423 or 7261I7l TOWNHOUSE SPECIAL bIdroom attactiId garage ap plianrcs professronally decorated $39900 Returning to Toronto Must sell Phone 737 2337 $1200 DOWN Fall Trots $41500 full price bedroom semi drtarhud backsplit with attached garage fully broadloomert immodiatr possIssion Murray Warstt Realty Ltd Call Markno Knowles 72896116 WELL BUILT bedroom brick bungalow finished basement with 4th bedroom Oakley Park Square east end Asking $48500 T0l0pt10n0726 6226 FOUR BEDROOM townhouse appliances included $2000 down to carry Ixisling mortgages Before 728 3240 after 726 3683 11 Ac RES WIT bedrooms unfinislt ed family room la 35 inground pool 2165 foot of road frontage $5350000 Torn Cairns 728 0653 representing John C0lt Ltd INVESTMENT PROPERTY Barrio Tri plrx Great opportunity for first time investor Income in excess of $7500Cal1416 727 9857 BEDROOM HOME livrng room din ing room large kitchen Available lm nterfiatoly $250 month year lease first and last months rirnt Ask for Simon Beekhuilen at Lou Geodemondt Real Es tale Ltd 728 4067 TIRED OF condominiums and town houses Call me to see this lover storey bedroom home with Its french doors stained glass wlndows large rooms garage and 51xl65 lot All only $39900 with easy terms Call Robb Knapp 726 7294 or 726 1881 Representlng Emory Mlllor Real Estate Ltd PRIVATE SALE bedroom bungalow with bathrooms finished rec room and broadloom in llving room and bedrooms Large freed lot north of Mlneslng Ask Ing$45900 Telephone 322 2615 RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 72134401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 1977 25 7282414 property for sale or rent 03 property management 08 property wanted 02 public notices 80 resorts 30 room and board 21 rooms to let 20 rooms wanted 22 sales help agents 72 service and repairs 54 01 property for sole 12 mortgages fl mrtlh iu JOE DYSON 7262090 MARG FERGUSON 7286172 DON ALLAN 4872412 RUDY HERRMANN 5266461 MURRAY VALIQUETTE 7260617 DOUG FERGUSON 7286172 MORTGAGE Helen Hopkins Audrey Marshall 7281662 4362880 prime rates 01 property for still ONE OF KIND century homo com plrrtcIy redecorated in 1974 1800 sq ft of comfort baths quwt neighborhood approx land onethirdacrcslana Just minutes south of Barrr on Highway 11 For appointmint call 436 3725 $40500 Exclusive suburban setting With access to Lake Simcoo Call Peter Simpson 776 7263 representing Unigroup Inc Real Estati Broker IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anylworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING I29 DUNLOP ST EAST CaHAnytime 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT 7260981 Phone Service 3342 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MONEY for any Useful Purpose tst 2nd 3rd mortgages builders interim loans 12 mortgages TF Call collect to 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Orillia Western International Funding Corporation TF $2500 DOWN 313 OR month losv to downtown ox IIlcnt condition ideal starter hotrw Call Prter Simpson 726 7263 roprIsrn tinq Unraroup lnr Real Estati Broker 12 mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS 313900 or bedroom tiamr in Bar rw low down payment Call Al Bcacock reprIsvnting Uniqroup Inc Real Estate Broker 7371771 or 726 7949 02property wanted WANTED WANTED to lots anywhere in the Barrie arra for local buildir Call Al Bracor FtDTOStnllng Uniqroup Inc RIal Estate Broker73117710r7767949 04Iots for sale BUILDING LOT Innisfil Township Asking $12000 Make an otfrir Vtau VIauRralEstalt 72617l0r7761603 HEAVVINDUSTRIAL 160x371 lot In tho Ity call Torn Cairns 728 0651i roprrsInttng John Cole Ltd LAKE COUCHICHING 95 LOANS lst MTGS at94 2nd MTGS from 12 Open Daily 9am 530 pm Sat evenings by appointment Wm Summers Wallvirunt Fully servrcirt in Orillia 9T Bayfield St 90 220 area of boannful homes Barrie 135000 Blarney Rial Estate SIr v1lt3757775 733451 ANTEN MILLS Luella Blvd 90 280 prestiaqv area well trotd lot strcvt lighting pavtd SIHPT Buy now and savr 726 91196 05farmstor sale 144 ACRE farm Insulbrirk house With fivi bedrooms and attached garage Now wnll Largo barn wrth Iooso hous Inq Trvnrh and upright silos large 1m plInwnt shed Tllf Itraintd lay loam land farm on paved road four miIrs front lawn schoolsanrtchurr has mile from small village and Cllllltll Phont Res Creemore 4662136 TF PM tut Therm FIRST MORTGAGES Staynirr 705 428 5794 UP TO 95°70 07business opportunities SECONDS PLEX NOT Hth doth to Illldlll UP 109078 purrhasrr or wlll consider tradi of mortgages or properly All mount on FROM 12 °o tact Rlltt 233 yongi Strrrt We specialize in rural Income fainsyvick Barrie L4N 4F4 or phone builders vacoï¬on and oder 705 778 0485 Monday to Friday only pm to 10p homes OPEN YOUR Own Mobilr Trurk and 726586 Budding cleaning business in thI Barrio arm Canadian company ostablishrd ngel Dunn 1963invites you to write tortull Informa tron rrgardinu franchise cqurpmrnl and WW potIntial profits Write to Wilson Suite 509 66 Pacific Avenue Toronto ï¬rst and second MORTGAGES ARRANGED OFFICE SPACE for rent 36080 5150 monthly All IItIIItirs Included Down Reosonob Rates town area Ground floor Tullphone 726 Existing 9941 Mortgages 09commercuaIIndustrial Purchased ONE BAY garage for rent for all our For Cash pose rIpairs or storagi Allandalv arria For more information all 737 I771 Morlgage LITG Insurance COMMERCIAL stou sparr AVOIIOble availabch Allandalo Ioratton 1050 square foot Immidiato occupancy Ex cvtlcnt for Fast Food outlIt Butcher 2102 CiLEQiAEULUPJSE anytimv ENTERPRISES 12 mortgages 121 BAYFIELD ST Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association nmEf umnn TF MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diatc action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 717 1414 ERTIEEE art MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds Immediately avolloblo with compotltfvo rates of Interest prompt com mitments and complete con fldontlallty for flrsf second and RUSSELL CHURCH thlrd mortgages ALL TYPES of property rosldon MOble Homes tlal commercial and vocational Ud WE ALSO buy existing mor SALE RENT tgages for cash Ports and Service OUR ADVICE IS FREE Exclusive Dealer for Co AN KERR Bendix and Glendale Bus 7371881 Modular Homes HOME 4875385 Northlanders KINZIE LIMITED Travel Trailers 107 Dunlap St East Corsair Glenette BARRIE Cygnet Terms Up 1015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 07 business opportunities Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Anoclatlon TF 07 businDSSopportunities Printers Dream Giant Print Limited has opportunity for printer to be selfemployed in Barrie with tremendous potential for executive income Financial commitment with finan cing available to those who qualify Contact Mr Smith 14166671160 or in writing 253 Canarctic Dr Downsview Ont M3J 2N7 M10 14 mobile homes trailers TRAVELMATE 25 sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Bar rie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfietd St 7266438 BEDROOM mobile home Situated in scenic park near Barrie Drapes and ap pliances included Owner anxious to sell immediately Phone 728 2106 16 opts to rent Wellington Place Apartments and bedroom apartments available Lease and references required Adults only For more information call 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many features 7370027 MwFTF FURNmHED One bedroom apartment $150 monthly includes heat light water and TV cable Snare bathroom Suitable for working girl Central 726 0988 weekdays LARGE FURNISHED one bedroom apartment private entrance and bath near downtown Heat hydro water in cluded Telephone 737 1514 FINISHED downtown bedroom apt $250 per month bedroom apt at $225 per month heat light water and cable included Good view of bay Telephone 726 0958 weekdays ONE AND bedroom apts for rent March from $210 monthly Refrig erator stove parking heat and water included Central location Phone 737 3647 SPACIOUS bedroom apartment with balcony trig and stove East end area Available April Isl Rent $220 includes heat and water Adults no pets Tele phone 726 7685 after5 pm AVAILABLE April bedroomffully broadloomed electric heat central loca tion parking laundry facilities 7285225 FURNISHED downtown bedroom apt $250 per month bedroom apt at $225 per month heat light water and cable included Good view of bay Tele phone 726 0988 weekdays BEDROOM apartment central 17 Worslev St Barrie fireplace and park ing $225 monthly plus hydro 7373700 days BEDROOM apartment available im mediately refrigerator stove parking included Pay own hydro and cable laundry facilities Close to schools and shopping Phone anytime 7268173 BEDROOM apartment available April 1st refrigerator stove parking includ ed Pay own hydro and cable laundry facilities Close to schools and shopping Phone anytime 726 8173 TO SUBLET bedroom for lease quiet adult building no pets references For information call 7280862 SUBLET bedroom apartment Im perial Towers $270 month Everything included Phone 456 3337 ask for Jim or ask for Stan at 726 9580 BEDROOM apartment Angus area $220 monthly pay own hydro Please call 7266271 alter pm For more informa tion ONE BEDROOM apt $211 includes fridge stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please 7205816 SELF CONTAINED bedroom base ment apartment Own carport stove and fridge included Fully broadloomed in modern country home on Highway 93 Adults only 8352642 BEDROOM upper duplex $175 month ly includes fridge and stove parklng and utilities Central ocationCall424l437 BEDROOM apartment In Midhurst Available lst of Aprlt Fridge stove laundry facilities and parking First and last months rent No pets please 726 6725 atter4pm FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment $190 month overlooking the lake Par king included year lease required and references Call 7260241 726 8420 BEDROOM Apartment to sublet Stove fridge parking facilities Com plete furnishings must be sold only months old Owner transferred to Alber ta Call726 7996 2BEDROOM county apartment for rent south of Barrie Telephone 458 9450 THREE BEDROOM upstairs Apt Elm vale area heat and hydro supplied reasonable rent Includes parking private entrance No pets Phone 3721454 20roomsto let snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 16 opts to rent BUSINESS GIRL apartment bed room selfcontained fridge and stove laundry facilities central location Call Marg Wood72631110r4873148 t7houses to rent Two BEDROOM house in downtown area available January $250 Fridge stove parking Call between and weekdays7284776 MWW THREE bedroom houses for rent rent range $250 to $310 For further par ticularscall7263257 FOR RENT to prolesslonal people only bedroom fully furnished home Four appliances plus color television $400 monthly Available immediately Apply in writing to Box T38 The Barrie Ex aminer gt ROOM HOUSE on Sophia St bedrooms large livingdining room spiral staircase $297 monthly lst and last months rent in advance Available immediately References Telephone 7281319 between9am4pm BEDROOM Semi broadloomed fridge stove large yard Allandale area Available immediately $275 monthly Call Shirley at7267059 BEDROOM storey home in Alliston Broadloom throughout drapes finished family room with stone fireplace ap pliances included $450 monthly Call 4356993 gt LARGE COUNTRY dwelling for mature couple to share Central between Barrie and Orillia Tradesman preferred Rep ly to Box T71 co Barrie Examiner AVAILABLE MARCH 15 townhouse with appliances bedrooms fully broadloomed Rent $305 month plus utilities Call Harry Magill representing Lou Geodemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or7263864 BEDROOM Unfurnished down town near hospital full basement nice back yard partially broadloomed Phone 7263611 after BEDROOM house with double garage 14 baths Barrie Tall Trees area Call Elmva193222559 BEDROOM older home with garage Edge of Barrie close to shopping Gar den land available Adults preferred $230 month Available April lst Reply to Box T74 Barrie Examiner BEDROOM bungalow for rent in Bar rie located Agnes Street $300 monthly No pets Phone 4240548 for information BEDROOM townhouse with ap pliances $275 per month plus utilities Lease and references required Phone 7265106atter6p BEDROOM mobile home for rent $225 month with fridge and stove Located Shady Acres Trailer Park on lake Phone 3221543 BEDROOMS baths master bed room has piece ensuitel rec room double garage large lot $335 monthly Larry Thompson representing Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 ROOM FURNISHED mobile home for rent Washer dryer stove fridge Like new Call 4357559 after6 pm FOR RENT lnnisfil Township bedroom farmhouse at 12th concession and 20th sideroad beginning April lst 1977 Rent $175 per month tenant pays utilities Call Toronto 416 964 6181 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT bedrooms broadloomed motor appliances Avail able 1st of April $265 monthly Call 726 0730 FURNISHED HOME for rent with new appliances in Angus bedrooms $290 monthly Phone 424 6763 days or 4246801 nights Available now tsapts wanted torrent TWO BEDROOM apartment not apart ment building or half house required by school teacher and wife no pets re quired May References Telephone 728 6529 evenings GENTLEMAN ABSTAINER require bachelor apartment in quiet central area References please write Box T76 Barrie Examiner RETIRED BUSINESSWOMAN and 12 year old daughter looking for clean bedroom apartment for May Reason able rent 7267497 after FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 7269859 ALLANDALE Furnished room cook ing facilities available Gentleman pre ferred Phone 7284268 daytime or 7280310 CLEAN FURNISHED rooms Broad loomed throughout community kitchen and bathroom equipped Central loca tion Please phone 737 1605 after430 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 BRIGHT CLEAN ROOMS Essa Road Anne area Kitchen facilities bus stops at door linen changed weekly Call 7370966 77 FURNISHED large modern lurnished rooms single 0r shared kitchen and recreation facilities Downtown area Telephone7266392 23ottices stores torrent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff OVER 6000 SQ FT Office space for rent at 359 Bayfield Street Barrie 416 2217233 Benmor Construction PERIVIE Warehouse Spacerfor rent 1200 sq ft heated Apply at Smith and Rut ter Furniture 137 Dunlap St East ROOM AND board for young gentleman lunches packed light washing done parking Central location Telephone 7287568 OFFICE SPACE for rent caviarer location offices main floor parking adjacent CAalVerillSurmmers 7373453 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap St West with large fenced in property Phone 728 7044 or 416 635 0637 26accomrnodationsto share SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS for two responsible girls Totally furnished plus washing facilities Angus Borden area $125 monthly Phone 435 7559 after six 32 ears for sale 1975 GREMLIN 23000 miles speed standard cylinder radial tires rustproofing Ming glazing excellent condition $2600 or best offer Telephone 7261341 1970 CHRSYLER 300 Power steering brakes and windows doors radial tlres air conditioned 62000 miles cer tified $1000 or best offer 7371406 or 72876532 T973 CADILLAC Eldoradonhardtop Every conceivable option Superb throughout $4900 Telephone 7283004 BEST OFFER Must sell 1974 Plntc automatic 21000 miles undorcoated excellent condition 1973 Comet 302 V8 speed owner good condition 49003 miles 456 2656 1970 FORD Torino GT convertible ex cellent running condition body ex cellent Also 1972 351 cu in with floor console Certified Asking 5950 Phone 726 2830 1973 MUSTANG buckets vlnyl top radials power steering power brakes 44000 miles Excellent condition Will certify Phone 7373977 1966 PLYMOUTH Bolvedere motor ex cellent body good Good tlre slant six Can be certified $400 7373920 EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414