The Barrie Examiner Friday March 1977 Dr Rynard deplores weakening of powers of House Opposition Dwindling of powers by the Opposition in the House of Com mons over the past 10 years was strongly criticized by Dr Rynard MPP in report from Ottawa in which he deplored present high taxation and conti nuing inflation Over the years Mr Trudeau he in power we have seen the erosion of Parliament because of the fact that the Op position has never had control really over what the govern ment wants to do he said discussing the political situa tion which exists in Canada to me sewer exgvation Press for well probe BARCLAY Innisfil Townships public works committee has approved report from public works superintendent Mike Dem ster blaming sewer excavation in Barrie for three well failures 150 feet away in the township The committee also asked the Ontario Ministry of the En vironment which has blamed the well problems on weather conditions to investigate the matter further Meanwhile township officials will contact the three Pat terson Road residents whose wells have failed and ask them for official permission for the township to negotiate settle ment with Barrie over the water problem Barrie has denied responsibility for the well failures has ing its position on the ministrys report and has offered to let the residents hook into cit watermain on Patterson at their own expense Cost of hookup at present would be more than $1000 household including local improvement charges which the city absorbed when the main was installed but which residents would have to pay back if they were to hook up to the main Residents have said they would like better deal Ministry officials told the committee Tuesday further County museum wing renovated MIDHURST Staff Good progress has been made in an extensive renovation of the Victorian wing at Simcoe County ministry and author of the report has said that the shallow wells have failed because an early frost and lack of thaws museum with completion of the work due shortly have prevented the usual fall and winter recharge of the The project was made possible for Local Initiatives water table grant from the federal government It is the latest of series ButDempster said in report to the committee that ex of improvements made at the museum in recent years cavation and pumping for sewer installation farther north Visitors to the museum during the past month have shown on Patterson is primarily responsible for the fall in the much interest in the art exhibit in the Cultural Wing It was water table collection of pastels and ink drawings by two young artists Dempster agreed With Hodgins that sewer excavation from the Orillia area Carol Bonni and Riad Nichols Both directly across the road from the wells originally blamed are pupils of Jose Salas of Orillia for the problem has had no effect on the water table The collection included portraits landscapes and animal Barrie officials have been providing emergency water portraits with over 40 pictures altogether The exhibit will from nearby hydrant to refill two of the three wells but continue to bein the museum until the end of March the water was discontinued after city council agreed the city The two central glass cases in the Cultural Wing contains was not to blame for the problem the Mary Totten Smith collection This was donated to the Evelyn Nevils one of the residents involved said today museum several years ago by Miss Ada Smith of Toronto her family is bringing in water from outside for drinking and This was shown two years ago and many asked that it be cooking and is relying on seepage into the well for enough made available again water to do an occasional load of wash or flush the toilet The collection includes beautiful Chinese material from Meanwhile an official in Premier William Davis office the past bronzes porcelains embroideries scrolls and said he is trying to get the parties in the dispute together to other pieces work forasolution It was brought to Canada early in the century by Mary 35 parliamentary rocess com plaining that the usiness of the House was being unduly held up All one has to do is to read back in Hansard to see how sound was this principle and how effective the back bencher was in helping to stop an ar rogant government by failing to vote that government its supply of money At that particular time the North Simcoe member recall ed Canada was in much better shape from the unemployment standpoint and inflation was around two per cent with TQM tests in the area will have to wait until the water table Urich Ferdinand executive officer in the premiers office Totten Smith missionar to China unde th day government spending held returnstoahi eauspiceso gherlcvel sometimein the spring Said his involvement Will be limited because the problem Collier Street Church She died in 1919 after endurin ma 1968 Blunder down In Other words the Ross Hodgins water resources technologist with the ny One of the ï¬rst things which does not all under provmual Jurisdiction failure of parliament now is hardships during violent era of upheaval in Chinas chance and it comes to mind is the blunder made in 1968 by Mr Stanfield he said in his analysing some of todays political problems It is true that Mr Stanfield was inexperienced in federal politics at that time but he had had long term in provincial politics and should have been able to cope with the situation and said no to Mr Pearson who has been flown back from holiday in the Caribbean when the Liberal government was defeated on the floor of the House on an income tax bill recalled the North Simcoe representative who has been member of the House for almost20 years ijreviously in history in this country and in the British Parliament sidered as vote of non confidence and Parliament Lshould have been dissolved Mr Bearson diplomat that he was pleaded for more time which rwas given to him and then he presented new nonconfidence this was con motion to the House The Liberal government was sus jtained in power few months later Mr Trudeau was elected as leader ofthe Liberal party went to the country in general election and Mr Stanfield found himself lost as the nimble academic Mr Trudeau romped across the country extolling his Just Society Mr Stanfield never had his makes you wonder if he had won that elec tion what would be the situation in Canada today Dr Rynard speculated DR RYNARD need for change Charging that there has been an erosion of Parliament dur ing the Trudeau regime the Orillia physician who is Conser vative member said in support of his argument Over the Diefenbaker years and up until the time of the change in rules governments could be held up on its spending estimates Now that power IS gone They traded away the supremacy invested in this by introducing Opposi tion Days which means very little in the long run and cer tainly has little or no power to defeat government People have become disinterested discouraged and frustrated as they watch the performance of cabinet ministers whose de partments have become so large that they know little about them and as they learn little about their departments they are changed to another one iice Debatcd Dr Rynard asserted the position now lacks power over the government and this means that the elected representative the back bencher has lost any control over the passing of the spending estimates Previously four or five spending estimates of tern ment departments bad to me before the House for debate he said commenting well remember the criticism of pot pie who knew little about the due to lack of power to control government that has ma jority which resorts to closure whenever it wants to close off debate he stated deploring what he considered backward trend Until we bring back to Parliament the power of the Opposition to control govern ment and its spending we do not have representation or responsible government work ing in the best interests of the Canadian people he asserted Dr Rynard added As rtsult of all this the political parties do not command the loyalty or trust of great many Canadians and we find our selves fragmenting intc dif ferent organizations designed toserve our own particular per sonal interests royalties to political parties have gradually been going out the window people see what has developed over the years and is develop ing now at Ottawa Groups are rising up here and there saying that new political party must be formed in Canada party which will represent the people suppose any demagoguc can get up at any time and make rousing speech on what is wrong but never seems to have an alternative and myself have seen very little positive to this effect he said We have seen fragmentation in political parties and the big gcst one was in the election of lime Levesque in the provinci of Quebec This was an indica tion that the people were not satisfied with the situation as it cxistcd Evans makes appeal for good health care BRADFORD Staff lii dividuals can benefit and help governments by reducing health care costs by looking after themselves better it was suggested by Arthur Evans MPP in report from Queens Park Mr Evans mentioned he used to be heavy smoker himself but has quit After medical checkup year ago the doctor recommended special diet and he has lost about 25 pounds feel 100 per cent more fit he said It has given me more exhilarating outlook on life Said the Simcoe Centre member of the legislature When you have good health and when you are enjoyingyour resourcesminist hoary 50250 by 66 per mp aiiadia ii Regiment Ii battalion will return to Mrs Earl Downcy RHIH improving the downtown core bean held youthful years you come to is full recovery may you fur canmflyusculm ltli manoeuvres an aiiada in early April at the Barrie anadian Forces of Orillia Will be conSidered by assumeasort Ofimmortalityor encouragement to other pmplp hm Humps dun mu is engine onto work bench completion of its SllllllIll Photo the cltys new downtown im Ilie it Rl froiii aiiadiiin general feeling that you can NEVER be replaced That was former Health Minister Frank Millers outlook last spring er until he had his heart attack Things changed rapidly In stead of Working under increas ed pressure he found himself on stretcher being carried in to hospitals emergency department During two mon ths recuperation he found time to think ahead and to reconsider his mm from politics As Frank Miller reflected upon thcsc weeks in hospital he found it difficult to practise his specialist advice rest and relaxationThe time immediately follownig heart attack is one of the most critical and anxiety ridden times for all heart attack pa tients Now Frank Miller has fully recovered and has been ap pointed Ontarios new natural who have had or may suffer heart attack Of course cir cumstances differ and personal dilemmas vary but Frank Miller represents an experience which has to be fated with CQUETY GLIMBSES Workshop for pork The Pork Producers of North and South Simcoe are co operating on feeding and disease workshop at the Holi day Inn Barrie This event is 10 000 sohedumdpwrhursday March swine nutrition or Chuck imur smorgasbord is ject and includes study of in mllcgeszmdunivcrsntics Will be loasscsslhctrmnw svalue uvunamu Farmers planning in dustrial needs of Orillia reVIcWing the program to sceif One aspect of the course 576 PRLZESHPF attendliihoulldagility tlhplcountly employers ETloigzlsbe used at othcrOntario lacra pfizliicggedpéil PRIZES or agricii ura ices mvac Ammo The study should be c0m graduates he said SECOND PRIZE NUMBER hmwule pletcd by the end of April after Mr Leslie said the program pRiZE or $100000 leDWATEH Stan industries have made some in Will not replace fulltime pro am IS Members of oldwalcr Senior put grams or fulltime students but Min MVMZL WmminvS insmu will hold Mr Leslie said the program will be an additional training 576 pRiZEs Of 100 By MAmMuEJ STOITI mumch 0f ht MW lulm their ox moon Iucgdu is aimed at training people for program 777 muml ALLISTON Hospital ad to be purchased and other still Mdrch 1m ya OLDWATEH Staff 301 ALL 5832 PRIZES 95 ministrator Consaul in awaiting approval of the dwater United church con Will donate the next lucky draw THIRD PRIZE NUMBER speaking to members of the medicalstuff no gregution is making early Stevenson Memorial Hospital The new prssidcnt Jean wk preparations to celebrate its PRZF OE Auxiliary stated that the Kingsbury wasinthcchair and armx Wm ND lllthannivcrsary next June AM IiEFTTEES Oi 000 hoSpital has reached its highest announcements included the Originally the Methodist wFWW peak in five years with all wards busy and 14 babies in the nursery On behalf of Mrs Carlton erSOF 0f liming he ex lbeil15lclllll earliest congregation fornicdin PRIZE or 100 000 wished appreciation of the help Donations to the auxiliary Frtly7Al Mfld 090 this village NumemuS 1050 my JT ofmembers participatingin the were received in memory of the ml rc mlim dants of pioneer members live RZE5 or if InServicc program which in late Mr Frank Ferriei of lfgslistff M9112 in the community and surrourr ALL 576 PHi2ESOFMM 100 dudes portering of patients to Hecton at the time of his death immk fl ling area and from Xray and other ser inlicu of flowers ALL 5832 PRIZES or vicesto the patients which is An interesting letter from to doctors under the govern Examiner won Ads FIFTH pmze Nuugga assisting thcnurscs Bonnie Hartley bursary reu 728 PRIZE OF $100 000 Mr Consaul explainï¬l that pieni was circulated and bmum pm 44 citizens who have paid thanks expressed to Caroline for the month pRZESOF 1000 memberships are entitled to Collins for providing tray vote at the annual meeting of favors for the hospital on MdrCh 57 PRU55 0F Juli UBHospital Board tobeheld on Valentine Day Since the an ALL 5832 pRiZES or 25 March 29 when four Governors nual meeting several new OlinAr Dt Parts and 00 En will be chosen Rules call for members have been received Labor Extra TOTAL PRIZES 000 these memberships to be paid by February 26 Dr Gripper first vice wesident is filling the vacancy of board president Dr Ora valued member of the medical staff who has ac cepted position in Houston Texas Mr Consaul advised the 10 from 10 am until 330 pm Three speakers from the University of Guelph will act as discussion leaders lr Les Young will be dealing with Spring Condcrcncc on April 20 proposed tag days for May 13 and May 19 recognition of Can dy Stripcrs With March meeting several of whom are interested in the iiiService program Mr Gingras shared exv periences of trip last fall to the Far East by showing lovely slides of Japan China and Ports of call on the twtrweck cruise of the lndonesian islands fmm Singapore courage faith and determina tion said Mr Evans The riding member went on to cite figures which showed nearly 83000 more anadians will die from blood vessel and heart diseases anadas public health enemy No About 52000 of them will die from heart attack without ever reaching hospital About l6 to 17000 from stroke and the rest from other heart diseases These are appalling figures but they only tell one side of the story said Mr Evans who reported real progress has been made too Shim1953 heart at tack death ratcs have been redurcd ll per cent strokes are down 42 per cent rheumatic down 27 per cent By taking better health care Ontario residents can help the new health minister contain cvcr spiralling health costs and also enjoy life more producer Hose will be the resource per son on medication and Dr Mike Wilson will cover new level opmcnts with rhinitis and scours member for High lark riding Ed Ziomba will speak at meeting at the Orillia library hall under the sponsorship of the East Simcoe New Demo Barrie area soldier serving in Cyprus Privati Mike llowncy of Bar rie area who is serving with the 3rd Battalion The Royal Forces Base Detawawa is serving with the liiitcd Na lions Force in Cyprus The tour of peacekeeping duties on the divided island ite Downcy is the son of Mr and Georgian College at Orillia starts new training program ORILLIA Georgian fol logo is designing new pro gram combining classroon learning and inthcjob train ing which could be model foi industrial programs in Ontarit mmmunity colleges The program is called in dustrial Training Needs Pro church the first meeting was held in 1806 The present church was opened in 1925 The United church had the Complete Denture Service 726472 was DunlopSt Barrie Member Denturist Society of Ontario Based on employers reac tions and comments and gov ernment approval model pro gram could start next fall at the college Hill Leslie discusstxl the pro posed program with represen tatives of Orillia industries recently saying the ministry of semiskilled and skilled plant jobs such as welding technie ciaiis He said the program has number of advantages including ensuring employment for the graduate providing realistic Working conditions and giving employers chance WILLSONS TRUCK REPAIR CENTRE 434 TIFFIN ST 7372640 87th birth day marked in Oro By MRS VICTOR HART HAWKESTONE Messages of congratulations and best wishes were extended to Mrs Leslie Jermey who celebrated her 87th birthday in this Oro community the other day Mrs Jermey received numerous cards and gifts and many visitors called to extend goodwishes Mr and Mrs Ed McBride are spending few days with their cousin Mrs Leslie Jermey Mr and Mrs John Smith returned home on Sunday after an enjoyable vacation in Fort Lauderdale Florida Visitors with Mrs James Leigh recently were Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh of Willowdale Mr and Mrs Mike Butler and Jennifer of Rich mond Hill and Mr and Mrs Paul Leigh and Lisa of Barrie Chris Hart son of Mr and Mrs Brian Hart was detained overnight in hospital for obser vation after he suffered slight concussion in fall at school Mrs William Baker and Mrs Roy Gray attended the spring executive meeting of Kem penfelt District Womens In stitutc at the board room of Simcoe CoOp in Barrie recent GLIMPSES Set dividend STROUI At the recent an nual meeting of the Innisfil Farmers Credit Union Limited members declared dividend of to be paid on minimum monthly share balances plus rebate of of first mortgage interest for 1976 even though service charges for each members cheques and utility bill payments had been eliminated The Credit Unions new premises had been fully paid for as well during the year it was pointed out The meeting was held at the Stroud recrea tional complex Prayer service HAWKESTONE Worlds Day of prayer service will be held in the United church here this evening starting at Oclock Mrs Lightboume of Barrie will be the guest speaker and there will be special music by the choir Downtown board ORILLIA Staff Plans for provement board headed by John Vokes March Draw ruin lit ntl mnmt history The Simcoe County Historical Association will meet in the Cultural Wing on Tuesday evening March with Dr Peter Storch assistant curator of the R0 the speaker His topic will be Archa ty He has done much archaeolo most recently in the Alliston area POWER SQUADRON ORILLIA Staff Date for the annual general meeting of the local squadron of the Cana Friend You Can Trust If you drive small car you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Dotson Small cars are our business and well do the job correctly the first time you re looking for friend 349 Boyfield St 7370254 Just call us and say ya Ontario Museum eology in Simcoe Coun gical work in the county dian Power uadron has been arranged for Sundial Motor Inn on Monday April when lans for coming activities will discussed The Change of Command Parade of The Grey and Simcoe Foresters The Public is Invited to attend from Lieutenant Colonel Jobe CD to Lieutenant Colonel Fuller CD conducted by totl° FIRST PRIZE NUMBER PRIZE OF 71 PRIZES or Colonel Hull CD Commander London Militia District on Sunday March 6th at pm Winning Numbers Hm ir 5332 Pnlzesoe FOURTH PRIZE NUMBER 576 Pnizrs or too 25 News DUNE $100000 Next Draw March 17 from Guelph $25 tickets may be redeemed at branches of Canadian Imperial Bank of Cotilmerce ONTARIO lOTTERV CORPORATION