Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1977, p. 24

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24 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 1977 VISION GUIE EL Order 49 Coldness ass mic Bed 00 figgfgégggegogg knows if you lose four tricks Animal flesh 53 Opinion mama RECyCLEO AT CLUB NORTH you cant score 10 Covey 57 Raton In For Thursday March 1977 ARE MEAN MNG KONG Scum would have made the 12 wnnen Honda GilSEE I550 10 hand easily if he had let East avowal of 58 Road marker ARIES March 21Apr ENOUGH TO PUT GROU ll= HE debt comp wd all an Unlike yesterday when good WANDERED theTlrSt le With the 13 Eternally 61 Bouque BARR CAle 22 GLOBAL things came to you through klng of diamonds It wouldn 14 Bread spmad 62 Amp maggfl menus tqday enjoy yourself with WEST matter what East led back 15 Civilly 63 Same prefix Emu wronrsnn EVENING them socially but dont Interlect 10 South would win and knock out 17 Soviet Union 64 Loose rock II 600 lSEducation of Mike BHNouvellcs busmess the ace of trumps West would 18 fishs 65 gartlcles an fiiitlféfilihpm whim Sfiimmstm TAURUS April 20May 20 This 10 lead the 10 of diamonds South Museiala 35311313 Caper 00 could be profitable day for you 10 Play 10 from dummY 19 Sawtoothed ream 16 California 45 Grasp grimly 524 Hours 22Monty Python zMary Hartman provided you dont hold out for SOUTH If East ruffed he would be ruf 21 Pack animal 66 Sh coum 9Definition vaovie HowToSaveA 23415709HJN0WS 00 much Seeking an excessive fins his partners trick of Tibet 39 20 oumty 47 NSWSDaDef 19 lk tD 25 03 via un pays tGScoiEiléegMagazine 19in Lights eU 00 Ch deaL East fallettlll ttot ruff he woulg axdggnnem DOWN P2081 sleeve 49 ngénnan Ms nev arto sh 630 7W0nderWoman 190nlari0 5W GEMINI may 21 Jpn 20 2364 so Eh Se 13 hump at 29 Injured With Nibbles 25 Informationlp besme 22Gong Show 9NiliH0ckcy 20 Doublecheck information today wou ave won horns Sound horn 50 Concluding 3479Ncws Leafs vs clevoland 359Ncws to be sure you dont go off on Both VUlnerable Wbber 33 DepreSSIon Hawaiian abbr assa lllftlage sc afgpposilc Scxcs tangem because bad lead mals Dance grout lpoe 51 Sacregeima iiiLaciuel level 21J0hriny Carson gt Make certain all sources are 30 West North East South 34 Cat sound Gamble 3113 52 Guam 625M 79Movic iHard Driver movflltlnlt Family curate 36 come pammse 28 Sunen 54 19 ee an Tom any 330 iiry ill mun 700 zziDick Emery lliLaiTySolwuy CANCER June 21July 22 Pass Pass Toronto reader wants to dee plea dwelle 30 Make muddy 20 Couple 35Ru1icka 75 MOKVGam Financial conditions are little Pass Pass Pass know What country won the 37 BaSketba Skmnymh 31 Sh agowling for Dollars zsLa travail ii lil chaini akey or you oday Youll gain Opening lead first Worlds championship 39 szplay grlcte 32 Hafféwp 55 Weather onceniration 900 l5 in co 0ic 5suotaS Cw 2Cp0 Shame L790 Minutes where you expected to lose and first World cham Hawaii beverage 35 Foundhng 56 uriau abbr 7To TellThe Truth itsrm RowCenlrt 45 lose where you foresaw large plonshlp was won by the 41 5M Lmness 38 Composer Summit 9Good Times 7J0hnDcnvcr Special 19 tommuniquc remm By Oswald James Jacoby United States team of David 42 Aquauc 80I Freer Bernstem 59 Obtained llBehind the Scene with llMovic iMinstrcl Mam 1200 10 40 60 Com ass limahaiilvmeiih mm iIlFli LE° 239 22 Y0 may North said facetiously unwell hlcnlfe Iioétlleld 44 all ll Anlsqut 43 fine 1p lp i9 OVlet now ere 930 37 hc ris owar ul re 90in lm Goingl ZZMcLean Stevenson Sillile Spend 00 much me mday en an swa fiDaniel Boone 79My Three Sons 730 mMcLean Stevenson 2$100000 Name That Tune 1000 EliNews 2Dcan Martin Barrie Manilow iiiPile El Face Zr Consnmmulcurs awr 77 Rookies 5+ lronsidc ll Mch irlfflll 57 Cinema Rush 10 tlllmcl 100 ing to woo the wrong allies Be careful you dont convince someone who cant really help you HIE SON MAJOR BUT Glue on suede coat WIN AT BRIDGE Two ways to go wrong You had two ways to chuck the hand at trick one and only one way to make it So the odds that you would go wrong were to and the odds got Jacoby back in 1935 Three are still alive and still playing bridge DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 46 Gallic affirmative Indefinite in 48 In support of SReach forthe Top lis 2Tomorrnw VRGO Adugt 23SOP 22 you main mne Spares Misses yzoagutfl blilltlvlllltr it You re 900 3h South had hopped over the today but you may lack IS IC pro em ligand 512W llséhverilm man mle your own Ideas Theyll work if mt hurdle When he played ra uric ports eat lzlii liFace The Music 1973135100 and Company you have the courage to try low dlamond west Jack 7w Mystcry of lthcck them By Polly ramcr However when East produc rllurtsim AFTERNOON ed the king South 00 increase LIBRA SOPI 23°°l 23 39 PO PrOblelll th 532 335 Igm 129tl5lgpllfhllili careful with your possessmns to reSISt puse to take the EName The Tunc SLeavc it To Bcavcr 47News lib lc nil My World l50 Rczidnlong 19 Education of Mlki McMiinus Izili day but doubly so with those of others Dont look upon the DEAR POLLY do hope someone can tell me how to remove glue from suede coat The shelf trimming king with the ace and the four heart contract had gone down TORONTO CP The Cana dian dollar has recorded its fir 5C0r0nati0n Street 155 Mum rirolmli rim resources friends as YOUr came loose in the closet where the coat was hanging and the dram FCéeae Yaéuf agalnfl the 9Uncle Bobby Show SirNtWs ll Moirnilunl own some glue got on my coat making two inch wide There was nothing more unite States lar me llAhlidday 200 47 Mcrv iri fin lk Mr Rogers 25 Prince NouEnfants 79Genc Taylors Bazaar All inle Family 22 Opposite Sexes 77 $20000 rumid Its Your billcc SirSlar Trek ll Ytlllllg and lhc SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Persons who promise you the least Will be most helpful today streak MRS HCH DEAR MRS HCH Ordinarily lukewarm water and vinegar will remove glue but suede may be different that South could do about it He led the nine of trumps at trick two but since West held trading sessions The dollars close on the in terbank wholesale market inn All ltviliss Monda was 9565 cents US 2Magaune 19W Clilvlcr T3iltr lit Elriuskilnl liir Les Those who make grand gestures matter would try to scrape off any excess with dull the 5mglel9 he had compaged with Fridays Close ftrNews 79700010 Diary Mots Will be of no value knife Test the vinegar and water on the under side of promem wth Then we 4Search For Tomorrow Ryans Hope l5 1977 Jeremy Liltlc Rascals 15 Biililllii SAGITTARIU Nov 23Dec the coat hem to see effect on suede The safest thing led the 10 of diamonds South of 9546 cents the lowest since May 29 1970 9rclinismnes 225 79 Lou linurlransulv 21Th5Wilbealundayforyou would be to take the coat to dry cleaner which covuigegazlglontehfiigu55 It Some traders attributed the °mq N0 ecializes in suede POLLY 00d increase to com anics zhh 4441135 ut not pro uc lve one pc 1245 we mm milimiois mu because youll deplete your to dUCk Eas runed and led and grain dealers buying the 3Movre llnncymoon with Stranger 17 Magcc and Company lzlll 35w him if Night Tvlli nc Llfi to llt +22 iuuling Light in allillg iipldin tiln tilil 25 illnfrcluihc Elliilllh 12 illllfltlll lilllil Lizi ViSliln till energies seeking good time CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 If theres someone youre trying DEAR POLLY We have way to save on charcoal when having cookout After cooking on the grill remove the char back spade There was no way for South to avoid losing two more dia Canadian dollar at an at tractivc rate Several traders also said there is room for fur Sféggaérxvawlwm 217 Mwnwrvs x71g to impress today dont put on coal piece by piece and drop into container of cold water mond kaS and as everyone therdCClme 4Cmsswuts 79 Masonarcs Court 19 illiclrlc tilmpiiily airs lowkey onest approach Remove as soon as they stop Sizzling and when dry the pieces 57 Bob McLean 97chk Van Dykc TllAll My Childan 1E¥Dlmensmns ln SlenLt lzill 241 Days of our Lives 300 29nother World All In Ttic Fiilllll lS Take 3m 19 Prisoner 22 Bolilllciruddcn 500 Doris lliiy Luv Show Whats MM Emirgincy lSi Sistimc Slrlil llrLi Will work far better AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Negotiating deals is tricky for you today and you must keep willbe ready to use again ANN DEAR POLLY cleaned an empty detergent bottle the squeeze typel and filled it with water to use for watering my house plants This works like charm with no mess and just FUNNY BUSIESS iAs The World Turns Pmplo in imniti 33 your wrts about you Your oppo the right amount of water comes out keep it full of water Lilibmnmmm rainy lzilymn nent Will ask for much more then and under the sink so it is always ready rum 22775 For The Money 11 icncral llospllill Room Was 10 Gel My other Painterls the suggestion for glvmg new bride 133353 ililm WWW in ltlléllliz FISCES Fog 20Mach 20 srrjapgoolk of Ppllysl Pomlterfs ltmbadi onemfor dfiugmer lll Things generally 90 to yom lik an oves OOSC ea no 00 Wt no 00 paper THURSDAY EVENING in to was used and the Pomters arranged according to their various 600 uranium 104 careerWise You c0uld spOII categories such as Cleaning Kitchen etc Thank you for the 247l1217News mm l9 lililirsiimilmgIlii situations however by lakng great column KAY GETS 3M mJ gt lw ll yzyofifum Mllfur Spy Illem Granted DEAR KAY Thanks for your kind remark but the thanks ME ls HE 79AtlTY Show News Itziriil Burntll Jrlti ll mix should go to our generous and clever readers who so generous DW mixiswwMd hillyalliglrtyhl ly share their time and money saving ideas POLLY IXEQNT 2540mm Lucknmh My Romi DEAR POLLY Ones hair brush often gets full of fuzz but mcrrv News lll Ichiillrity vomit who find stretching small piece cut from old pantyhose over it EUE nii lll ilili mGnng Show IFrlr1lyipn ll catches this and cleaning the brush is Cinch as all you need 2+TNPPS mm My so do is remove the piece of hose MICHELLE 771 LRiglgalnigle Us it llilwlllm AWW WWW March 1977 DEAR POLLY have some help for those who have trou fglfdcluel Sifiltiiiilljl1y riff This year could be one or blc getting rid of the odor of smoke in house Put shallow dis 11 La oguvAwilri ommy My com Ilshmem hes of ground coffee around in cupboards This worked well in lQNlagfe and ilmpany illiuzili lVIU hiljlik SI lt 700 iifhzirlicsAiigils Mar intm provided your methods match the refrlgtrator of trail erwe bought and where meat had 121 Oufpkn awn atlllvrl Illiir jf your hlqh Ideals Forge ahead cvtdcntly SpOllOd The coffee removed the odor and then it was it Pngclcrngréllrmn Bmm but be evermindful ol your lm washed thoroughly With baking soda and water SMy Name Is Harry Worth TTo Tell The Truth 9Wnrld Figure Skating lcluplziy 19 ilinmiiniqui llMakem and Clanc Ton Randall l2iiii lSanie Drama Maclclir fl Vlrivll Diary of Almo 18 as ZSLescxclus iimn Franky 79Myrhree Sons zilasvegammmds hum MUM warm WILKES BALtltln ll Al said in til ltphiini intcrucw Rhodes crying and hisyoict 730 22 News 1mm griefstrii ifll ItlllHl wants Mondayniglil Ills wholc body cracking said the respirator mSciencelniernaimnal firrshriwhll ll Mm Ililrrlvis you lo allow his ilirio yciiriild son is Ircczing cold ilis whole body th dd gglllfigrxgigegaralw lIlllNHrg IUV1ISllrlzlillilhl JHMW ml 1er who is Wm at nCQPS lJL l0 it It larriii Inc in neg US Pat on igtiiiliiiili memmegacklmuer you New METyndmmr hit by car to llt Ixliirc tlli His eyes zlri dark and his pump sow ed mg Bobby Vinion StrciIs Sim Fran mm childs burly ltlflllililltS IiHt has botn ice cold for 211 Child away and erasing any My hUSband Offeran me apem salary say home and 9Blanskys Beauties lSCr ilmo Hts rlcurl ltobcrl ithixlis most 24 hours now chance forapropcr funeral work lhnk take llGeorge Hamilton ll 19 Paul ht lrpllnli III l9Educaliun of Mike Ti Giblhvlllt Tomorrow McManus llizilil rugitiii 25CinemaAlLa moutardc me millilf au mm Nriuvcllis ll Iirillllill THE DOCTOR SAYS Type of pollen 14 rlpi 930 ms iux Ill lllplliuis 22 Miniii lioutilis Tl rairs of Small lliltf lJ Mug and lrimpiim is important By THOSTESUN Ml Dear Dr Thostcson My child 30 Mlnuliw llo llli ii Mm ii illmbll suggest you see an allergist who will be familiar with local adr WINTHROP CHRISTINE ANDY CAPP SOME SERVICE AM GOIN To STAND ERE uNrIL DIE OF TWIRSTP SHOULDNT THle so WE CLOSE AT HALF PAST TEN HEHHEHHEH But Darling has told kerry Drake our LrAvwe ILL STAY WITH and he has arranged for detectives lLL rAii HER IN 0ARLIN6 IN Mrs TE First of all it depends on trol also have arthritis and glaucoma which is being con has suffered from allergy to pollen seasong Desensitizatinny Ugrgypgbp dag5 NOW IM GONNA LEAVE to follow the kidnapperscontacl CASE SHE 6055 CASE ANYBODYS spring pollens but Weve never properly administcrcd is r0va FfflgflfiéT an lHzfigtgvzgfigflmo 71 38358655 CASING HER had him desensitized With the highly effective and for the yl NW TRUE BLEEL in coming of spring soon we would seriously allergic child must ALIVE MW like to let him have one card worth while 55 free year When should westart Dear Dr lhostisiin am Infill the shots Who would give 76 and have had high blood gt them Are they effectiveL pressure which is under con just what pollcns you are trolledwithmcdicincsCanyou iii speaking of That has to be explain whylhavcsomuchim yr determined first of all and if it balance and equilibrium trouble Could arthritis cause this Mrs ilW There are several possibilities for loss of balance Among them are cycmusclc hasnt yet been done you may have lengthy period before you can start the child on any shots Where you live may also have Never Miss Call PHILIPS CODEAPHONE Your wedding invitations NSL bile duct after the gall bladder IN9FECTION What is the type favored by most allergists At the beginning says Dr Somekh the child receives one injection weekly and once the maximum tolerated dose is reached after four or five mon ths the frequency of shots is slowly reduced to one per mon th Dr Somekh recommends in jections to be given for three or four consecutive years When the child is symptomfree for is removed do thinkWil After 20 years you should be checked for some other cause than gallstones although they can as you suggest form in the duct with the gall bladder gone The gall bladder is in the up per right section of thc abdo men not the left Recurrent problems on the right should not cause leftsided pain much to do withit lftrec pollen imbalance or refractive error OFFICE cause his problem you have to icorrectiblc with glasses Low mephone onswermg dew OUTFITTERS consi er at trees Xillinatc blood potassium canbcacaliso earlier in the southern United related to certain high blood PM OWN States than in the northern scc pressure drugs Ihcrc can be STQDUSBJAEJSYH 0m PM BARR PLAZA tion The samcscasonal varianA an inner cardisordcr 737 3860 ROMO Md N°flf°m°° 7370201 ces apply toothcr culprits such Arthritis would not be as fall pollen from weeds and cause but blurred vision may grasses occur with glaucoma According to Emilie Somekh Dear Dr Thogwwn WW WT ORDER 30 THE IOU KNOW m5 VCOULD HAVE TR Himwry my nah MD In his book Allergy and adu painmmymsidgwhm AllomfiRwALLv HOUSE l5 Mbl LIMIT DOME éLASSZ VLINE UP THE WHY Hf gapin Newsale Your Child the most effective bldd STABLE HANDs THIS MANEL ll desensitization is perennial my ga 0r wjs lw that is where injections are moved leycars ago vulicen FOR yr given thmughum the year This told that stones can form in Ih you BORN lOSER WIZARD 0F ID fan rlt53 LitAl NOW THAT VAVE BOUGHT TH HOUSE Mimi Joe CLApSAooLE AN WANT YA MEET YER NEIGHEORSy Way FRED VENTRICLE ALI Tl MEET YER NEW RIGH El 32 gt NEIGHBOR ELMER two yeiars treatment may be Dear Dr lhostisoii This 055 IGHT shoppe may sound bit frivolous but EA Other desensitization please tell me how you pro ID WAS methods involile Iinjcctions nouncc your name Miss ll WHOOPEE during the actua po len season Yes theres but riding on and the preseasonal method it MD where the shots begin three can tell you how pro months before the approaching pollen season Some physicians may prefer those methods nouncc llrIISIChSOn with the first syllable pronounced as 36 nlrst ll

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