Loblaws sliced salami oz pkg 72 buy one get onefree everyday meat value sweet pickled back bacon endcuts lb centrecuts lb nozen predressed 88 oung turkeys anada grade under 14 lbs Shopsy pure beefsausagel lb lb pkg everyday meat value beet chuck boneless blade roasts 98 special value everyday meat value beef cube steaks 158 special value special value fresh pork Loblaws skinless frozen New Zealand Loin allom roasts pork sausage lamb chops end 12 lb average lb peCIal value Loblaws sliced cooked ham 343111 155 Schneiders special value meats reads liver bacon br unschweiger or sandwrch spread rolls oz pkgs special value Loblaws cooked meat chunks macaroni cheese loaf luncheon meat or mock chicken 108 no grade large size pound ll all Mr lrilrrfl apples regular assorted colours facial tissue this weeks Quarter Pounder with cheese with the purchase of any designated passport product remember your passports are redeemable at McDonalds until April 30 1977 lllltlliillllClM lt MAHtHatxct ll ltlflltlt BAN llY mum st llltTllVl lt fiAl MAlltIllu wr Hi st HVl llll llilll lt llMll OilNlllll BARR ONl broccoli more fresh produce tomatoes from Mexico Meade 100 illrllvl lrilll serve hot wrth lemon sauce arge bunch as 00 poi oacl12 iililï¬ 89 Loblaws tum the pa Loblaws ers more Wee Wednesday Marchg 1977 CHURCHILL By MRS SAUNTER Canvassers for the Bible Society report total of $413 collected in this area Officers extend appreciation to can vassers and contributors New chairman Jean Constable is the new chairman of the United Church stewarts Bob Blair in charge of outside maintenance and Ronald Allan for inside Allan Stewart is finance chairman Weekend guests Mr and Mrs Ronald Kelly and sons Scarboro Mr and Mrs Ralph Constable London and Lynda Lou Constable of Toronto were weekend guests of Mina Kelly The men enjoyed spot of ice fishing Dance planned dance with Jebbs or chestra playing is planned for Friday April 15 by the Board of Stewarts of the United Church Tickets at $4 each are available now Weather cool Mr and Mrs Don Dickie have returned from months vacation in Florida They report coolish weather but ex cept for two or three days the mld did not deter them from enjoying the Florida sun Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mrs Thompson whose father Clarence Stong died last week in Newmarket The funeral was from Richmond Hill on Feb 18 Day of prayer All women of the community are invited to the World Day of Prayer service in St Peters Anglican church on Friday March Two winners Ruth Stewart was hostess to the Bridge Club and May Reive and Sheila Sturgeon were the winners Womens institute Mrs Jeanne Rosar of the Simcoe County Health Unit by means of film pointed out the importance of adherence to medication and regular check ups to control high blood pressure Mrs Rosar noting February is heart month said if high blood pressure patients do not obey medical advice heart at tacks and strokes are possible The nurse had available pam phlets on cancer detection by selfexamination olumbia Anita von Graffen with her husband and family visited her birthplace in Columbia South America at Chirstmas She had not been home since her mar riage 14 years ago She showed slides of Colum bia named for Christopher Col umbus to the United Church Women The travellers visited Mrs von Graffens mother in Bogota city of million per ple The listeners were intrigued with the slides showing the city mountains farms flowers and parks The von Graffens motored to Miami flying from there to South America GUTHRIE By lll CAMPBELL The congregation of Guthrie United Church met for the an nual meeting Feb Reports from the secretaries and treasurers were encouraging The officers and staff of the Guthrie United Church Sunday School met Jan 24 for their an nual meeting Weekly attendance at the Sunday School is small but the children have given $50 to minimission project to Spon sor foster child in Korea and make regular contributions to the ands fund of the church meets The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs Karl Gilchrist Feb Topics for discussion includ ed how to enjoy being your age and the Simcoe Presbyterial UCW annual meeting in Coll in gwood March The World Day of Prayer ser vice will be held March at Central Presbyterian Church Mrs Lee died at the Macken zie Nursing Home in Hamilton She was the sister of Rev Ar chie PughGilchrist of Ottawa Mrs Chapel of Owen Sound and the late John Gilchrist of Guthrie Mrs Lee who was born and raised in Guthrie was member of the Presbyterian Church where she taught Suns day School and sang in the choir She was also charter member of the Guthrie We mens Institute isit sons Mr and Mrs Art Hayward were visited by their sons John and Victor and their families John and Victor both live in Utopia Drive to Florida Mrs Len Mortson and her three children drove to Florida this week Mr Mortson will join them there March 31 At home Eaton Annctts will be home for few weeks because he crushed toe while at work at Camp Borden EVEN IF YOURE OVER 40 YOU CAN STAR NEW BUSINESS Let AVON help you build and run it Youll control your own hours your own income To find out about this challenging eor ning opportunity call 4245797 rm to pm or write to PO Box 485 Barrie MTMl5