BELL EWART By GEORGINA MITCHELL Betty Gordon zope leader of the ladies auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Le ion was guest speaker recent at the meeting of the Bell Ewart and Lefroy branch 547 in Bell Ewart Community Hall She urged members to attend the zone meeting April in Stouffville Also present were president Ken Wilkinson and Betty Wilkinson Bake sale bake sale will be held by the Royal Canadian Legion branch 547 Bell Ewart the first Saturday of each month beginn ing March at am at the legion hall The ladies auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion branch 547 Bell Ewart is holding membership drive Those in terested in joining should call Dora Scott at 4562789 Birthdays Bill Ruffett Bill Hadley and Roy Davis members of the Bell Ewart Senior Citizens club 308 celebrated their birthdays recently at the clubs meeting in the community centre Lucy Townley who was sick was welcomed back Club meeting Rose Newlove Joyce Shep pard and F10 Pittam gave readings recently at the meeting of Bell Ewart Senior Citizens Club 308 celebrating Valentines Day Rose Newlove made Valentines cake Sid Paine won jar of hearts which was sent home to Susan Ruffett who was unable to attend Euchre party was held at the Bell Ewart Community Centre Feb 15 Ethel Laceby and Lila Riches tied with 80 for the ladies high score Agnes Excelby had 78 Lila Riches and Ena Griffith tied lone 11w Market Place Wednesday March 1977 hangs Men winners were Jack Florida Sie ert Leo Trombley and Ernest Hughes frozen Rupert Brand Duncan Hines cod fillets cake mi gt 100 pure Orchard Park orange 1w unsweetened concentrated 12 fl oz tin more grocery values tea bags 119 detergent 199 Mtg Lukégjam 99 PepSiCola 29 GUTHRIE Three officials of the Oro Agricultural Society attended the Ontario Agricultural Fairs Associations annual conven tion at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto last week In atterr dance were Duncan Cameron president Roy Campbell vice president and Velma Bradley secretarytreasurer Christopher Brian Campbell son of Roy and Beverly Camp bell was baptized Feb 13 by Rev James Warden at the United Church Joining the parents in their new home on the Fifth Line after the baptism were Mr and Mrs Arnold Dynes of Laurel Mrs Campells parents Mr and Mrs Dynes her grand parents and Mr Campbells parents Mr and Mrs Howard Campbell Mr and Mrs George Camp bell visited their daughters and families in Bond Head and OspringeFeb 11 to 15 Two carloads of senior citizens from Guthrie attended pot luck supper with the other Jolly Elders at Oro Station Community Hall Feb 15 Doug Pickering and Lorne Johnston showed slides of trips taken by the seniors Mr and Mrs Bertram visited Mr and Mrs Ber tram and family in Midland recently Mr and Mrs Bob Gray of GoHome Bay spent several days with Mr and Mrs Ernest Coates ALLISTON By MARGARET STOLTZ South Simcoe District Presi dent Mrs Paul Tipping of Tot tenham was guest speaker at Womens Institute meeting In troduced by Mrs Stoltz Public Relations Officer Mrs Tipping is of the opinion that the WI does more good deeds than any other organization but stressed it should begin at home with mother doing good deeds for the family to earn respect She complimented the local branch on projects in which they participate their scrap book of local events and in terest in Tweedsmuir History In her informal talk Mrs Tipping told how she had been exposed to Womens institute at an early age in Brant County and being lonely when she first moved to Tottenham does not regret she accepted an invita tion to attend meetings in that branch where she soon became active Speaking concerning her responsibilities as district president and having attended the convention in PE she urged Alliston to continue sen ding delegates to conferences She regrets there will be no more short courses offered at branch level but would like to see awarding of Life Member Loblaws boneless bee coo smo Time roaStS dihldier i1ng IEtSribs Spare Ile fresh meaty pork side Jimin peanuts rm $25 value for only 10¢ and $50 worth of Loblaws cash register tapes Passport includes 21 coupons each worth $100 off any adult admlsmon to 21 first run movnes listed in passport plus 20 childrens coupons each worth 25¢ off any Chlld admissron 12 years and under to any mowe playing in Ontario subject to classrlication and regulations here are the movies you save on Airport77 Silver Streak The Enforcer The SevenPerCent Solution The Amazing Dobermans Bugsy Malone 93 mailman 48 togmatovjuice 63 lb 68 lb applejuicve everyday meat value kernel corn 41 freshlyground medium supénries 79 ground beef llltixllllllfll Lil llflltlk trliiittiitivIl all purpose flour 88 lb lltlf ll HHthlfilll papertowels special value fresh pork loin roasts rlbend 312Ib average lb special value frozen predressed young ducks nada grade lb NAHUM ommmue ever da meat value fleepresident Mrs Kennett TheLastTycoon Shredded Wheat mm specual value specnal value presided and was appointed to The Eagle Has Landed Loblaws sllced boneless attend the Officers Conference Mickey Nicky in Waterloo in May The Late Show The Farmer Ragtime Summer Bound For Glory Audrey Rose Wizards The Slipper The Rose 11 Fun With Dick Jane ir All This World War ll The Sentinel Visit home Members of the Sunshine Club visited the Good Samaritan Nursing Home with Mrs Ralph Hunter in charge of the monthly program assisted by Mrs Zella Whiteside Presi dent Mrs Floyd Mrs Alle and Mrs Stoltz The residents en joyed musical program by flautist Mrs Carol Gierak Becky Brewer accompanied on the piano by Mrs Farquharson also contributed medley of tunes Honored for having February birthday were Mrs McLean and Mr Shuter lteturn home Mr and Mrs Les Watson have returned to their home in Richmond BC after having spent six weeks with his sister Annie Gibson and ac companied her on holiday in Florida porkliver Side bacon stewing beef sliced lwithin lllllttlikglililir uv ll till The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane lfl MUillf ll lvllilpki I7 Raggedy Ann may special value everyday meat value specnal value ll see details in store lr lW lrUt lltlipliltit iSti ik llou Loblaws seml boneess COOKed Loblaws diced turnips gféeékettes smoked hams sliced bologna a69 162 Vill lll shawl ite bread l33 172 0000000OOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOCOOCOC