12 The Market Place Wednesday March 1977 WI at Hony plans meeting HOLLY Members of Lit tles Hill Womens Institute will meet at the home of Anne Huitema on Tuesday March 15 when Susan Cherry will be guest speaker The Iweedsmuir history con vener Lil Srigley was in charge of the last meeting when members told stories of the horse and buggy era There was short business session Several quilt blocks were handed in to Anne Huitema to go to the Erland Lee Home Several packages of stamps were handed in to Gladys Fisher to be sent to Kenya as well These stamps can still be brought to the next meeting They should be placed to cello package They must all face the same way and should not contain stamps of Kings and Queens Liz Hammers and Mary Halahan are to draw up the new slate of officers Lil Srigley displayed an old news aper from Pennsylvania dal 1896 Everyone went to the rec room and enjoyed movies taken by Bill Campbell of their trip to the Holy Land last summer Bill was thanked by Florence Downing delicious buffet supper was enjoyed Pick officers at Coldwater COLDWATER Following lapse in meetings the Fellowship Group of St Mat thias Anglican Church in Cold water decided to reorganize and become more active At their first meeting recent ly at the Parish Hall the members conducted an election of officers New president is Dorothy Sallows with Katherine Hill and Frances Creighton vicepresidents The secretary is Pam Athron and Betty letherly will act as treasurer Appreciation was expressed to Mrs Gertie Gill for all the work she had done as past president The meeting opened with the guild prayer and Rev Kib blewhite led in devotions Next meeting will be March when plans will be made for the St Patricks Day tea and bake sale lfllfllfl ED BIRD feature SAVE 35 ON ALL IN STOCK WALLPAPERS FROM Birge Waldec Sunworthy OVER 100 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Ease of application featuringr Propasted Washable IRHZIIS IN llll21l lll MAINE lltltlllï¬ APPLY TO PRESENT 510ch UNIX and Dryslrippable designs CH5 CARolNALBHHFIU Hwy 26 27 Opposite Georgian Mull Barrie 7268132 llRl MomWed 8am6pm Thur Fri 8am9pm Sat Bum5pm preseason value In light shade vested suits coloured expressly for the full season just ahead We like the fact that theres double value in this 10 day sale Look at it this way you save $30 50 which is pretty good for starters but also you will now be ready for the very first summery day that dawns and one Will The maker is Canadian Ill assorted fabrics the colours are blue beige green and salmon in the most wanted Sizes What more can we say except you will find many more nifty suit values in our clothing department See you Regular $179 50 Sale piece llAHGEX MASTER CHARGE ACCEPED BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7263521 Loblaws Tambyn together bring you special savings this week shattmnrvir herbal essence shampoo Willi unluui lvr rlllllL7 Pampers IrOl overnight Herbal Essence disposable hampoo normal or oily 225 ml plastic bottle Arrid yanticaVity unscented assorted mild mint spray or fresh mint Cal or Scented antiperspirant MacLeanS aer spray final net 8103 bottle f°ifk8ee toothpaste fl ll Igt liii 149 vPlaytex deodorant Schickll $359100 Bio disposable edge butanellghter Noxzema bonus pack skin cream pkg of two 110 ml jars 199 For your shopping convenience these specia lg priced health and beauty ai products are available this week at all Loblaws and Tamblyn stores llllll fillllllllVl lilllll Mimi ll WI lllfl llVl llll lilliill liillltlil lllllllll1