Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1977, p. 1

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va EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 li3th year No 50 wltlt vwz own The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday March 1977 Levesque may be charged MONTREAL CP Premier Rene Levesque may be charged under the Quebec highway code in connection with fatal automobile ac cident he was involved in Feb Montreal Urban Community MUC police director Rene Daigneault said Monday Daigneault said he has asked lawyer Guy Lafrance legal ad viser to MUC police to examine whether legal action should be taken against Levesque for not wearing glasses at the time of the ac cident The car Levesque was driving struck and killed Edgar Trottier 62 who was lying in the middle of hilly and win ding city streetot4215 am The premier was returning home from dinner party We decided to get advice from our legal department af ter we learned that Mr Levesques drivers permit shows he should wear glasses while driving Daigneault said in an interview From what Ive heard he only wears glasses on an oph thalmologists advice he ad ded Im not sure what that means legally so Ive asked our legal department to check on it The decision to consult Laf rance was taken Monday but the police director did not know when legal opinion would be forthcoming Justice Minister MarcAndre Bedard revealed last week that Levesque was not wearing glasses when the accident oc curred although his drivers permit requires him to wear correctivelenses while driving However Bedard announced his department would not order public inquiry following rule ing from Montreal district coro ner Maurice Laniel that the ac cident was unavoidable UIC payments up in 76 OTTAWA CP Total unemployment insurance pay ments for 1976 were $3362 hil iion up six per cent froiz 1hr previous year Statisns Canada reported Monday But the increase was chiefly accounted for by higher aver age weekly payments to the unemployed as both the num ber of weeks of benefit paid and the number of claimants drop Area Timmy helps out Eileen Grecnhalgh Tom Pinkncy and Jim Paul stack envelopes for mailing during the Easter sealstuffing blitz Monday night More than 50 Kiwanis lub of Barrie members and their wives stuffed 2000 envelopes setk ing funds for crippled children Mr Paul chair man ofth Easter Seal drivt said they hope to raisc Slit00ti Tom it is the 1977 Timmy for Barrie aiul area during the Ontario Society for ripplcd hildrcii fund raising campaign conducted by the Kiwanis Tom has liristinas disease foriit of Hemophilia found in males Examiner Photo Routine landing try ends in death for MONTREAL ii man killed in plane crash near remote Eskimo Village in nor thern Quebec had complained to federal authorities about the villages poor aviation facilities the Quebec govern mcnt official in charge of the village said Tuesday Four people were killed Mon day when DC3 aircraft crashed while attempting routine landing near the small village of Saglouc on the shore of Hudson Strait CAPSULE NEWS Urges freeing of ill prisoner TORONTO CP The Canadian government should appeal to the Soviet Union to have seriously ill member of Amnesty Internationals Moscow group freed from prison to get medical treat ment says Senator Paul Yuzyk This is turning into life ordeath situation and the government shouldnt hesitate to take up this case directly he said in an inter view Monday Yuzyk was commentng on the imprisonment of Sergei Kovalyov Soviet biologist sentenced in 1973 to seven years and exile for anti Soviet activities Yuzyk said the case should be referred to External Af fairs Minister lon Janiicson to be added to list of grievances farms to buy produce BAGHDAD AFP domestic flight it was re available Farmers block Spanish roads MADRID AP More than 40000 farmers were reported blocking northern highways with their tractors today in an economic protest that threatened to bring Spains richest farming region to standstill The tractor blockade design ed to cut off routes to central market towns affected more than 50 miles of road in 12 provinces it was reported Police said protesters were attacking middlemen trying to enter Flu season reaches peak TORONTO CP The influenza season has reached its peak says Doug Enright of thc Ontario hcalth ministrys communications branch He said Monday that 24 cases of the Hong Kong flu and one case of the more serious Victoria flu have been reported to the ministry this season 20 die in plane crash Twenty passengers and crew members aboard South Yemen Airways D03 were killed when it crashed shortly after takeoff from Aden today on rted here The Iraqi news agen cy in report from en said one passenger escaped unhurt The plane was bound for Kart 450 miles east of Aden Nationalities of the passengers were not immediately Man chokes blind singer LOS ANGELES AP man jum filled audience at benefit concert Monday ni ht and choke ed blind blues singer Ray Charles with cor police said The unidentified man was subdued by security uards but was not arrested because the singer declin charges Charles was not hurt Witnesses said that as the man attacked Charles he yelled out Ray Charles will see and the Lord will come tonight 5f4f£5 PAUL YlJZYK lifeordcath ped from the celebrity to press Jim Delauricr local adminis trater for Saglouc told The Ca nadian iress that ShhbySaV iakuk community council leader for thc village of 450 and one of those killed had jour neyed to Montreal last Novciir ber to request bcttcr aviation facilities Delaurier said there is vir tually no equipment to service the four rcgularlyvschcdulcd coiiimeicial flights and llltC or four charter flights that land in Sagtottc cadrm Wevc got rows of barrels along the ice thats our air port he said in tclephonc in tcrvicw Just in the last week Bobby Snviakuk was talking to the transport department again to try to get them to conic here for meeting Spelling ability on line tonight Accomtxmy or Acompany Junior or junoir Scissors or sissors Thats what 20 of the best elementary school spllcrs will have to decide tonight lhc pupils arc in the Knights of Columbus annual spelling competition at St Marys Separate School starting at in The top threc spellers will get cash prizes and trophies from theKnightsofColumbus Pat Downs competition chairman said lllt top three will also compete Wedncsday March at 730 in the regional championships at St Marys against spellers from Orillia Ncwinarkct lot Agreement tentative PEllIltBtltUill IP Staff tentative agreement has been reachcd between two unions representing about 3000 office and clerical employees at 14 Canadian General Electric plants in Ontario and Quebec company official said Monday Bruce Martin managcr of employee and community rclar tions said representatives of Local 59 international Union of Electrical Workers reached agreement with the company last Weck after talks with pro vincial mediator prcscnt Cliff MacFaydcii rotations managcr for the Barrie plant said clerical cmployecs in Bar rie are not members of the union but will receive thesainc benefits as the union Workers The union members will vote on the contract Friday tciiliam Penctaiiguishcnt and Bradford He said this is the most pupils entered in thc contest which has bccn held for the last four or five years Its straight elimination he said As sooii as con tcstant makes mistake ho is out of the contest Bill Bolgcr suixirintcndcnt of schools for the Simcoc ounty Roman atholic Separate School Board and ajut icator tonight has prepared three lists of words starting at the Grach level and going to Gradcti Usually he said the students have no problem with the Grade and level words lhcrc are two judges for the competition John Kolmar and lim Lajoie The correct spellings ac company junior and scissors ANGUS Staff An emergency relief fund has been started for an Angus family whose mobile home was des troyed by fire Sunday morning Mr and Mrs William Rowen 56 Shamrock Place were visiting friends in Toronto They returned home to learn that the furnace beneath their mobile home exploded at am Sunday Mrs Rowen said this morn ing it appears that her family ost An us home in blaze Fund launched for homeless family it doesnt look like well be able to save anything she said Mrs Rowens mother Grace Hill started the relief fund Monday Her daughters family urgently needs clothes and money to help them get by until their insurance claim is settled Mrs Hill said that could take few months But the most pressing need Mrs Hill said is work boots for her soninlaw She said he is ground crew supervisor at the navy Clip 175mm Examiner l5 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly cant work without safety boots Since they returned from Toronto Mrs Hill said the family has been staying at her home We have the space she said but if they had the money think theyd like to get place of their own Along with their own clothes the Rowens also lost nearly all of their sons clothes and baby clothes Mrs Rowen had bought for her second child expected at WEATHER FORECAST Her mother couldnt put value on the losses but she said her soninIaw estimated that it could be as high as $30000 Mrs Hill said her soninlaw is 26 years old and wears size 15 shirt Her daughter 22 wears size 12 The family also needs clothes to fit their four yearold son Anyone who would like to donate clothes or money to the family is asked to contact Mrs Hill at 25 River Rd in Angus or 16 Pages lost everything in the fire airstrip at Base Borden and he the end of April call 4241310 Alderman says police not informing media Ald Bill Knowles has asked Mayor Ross Archer to look into city police on releasing in formation to the news media Mr Knowles told the mayor at council Monday one of his constituents has complained to him that several breakins the constituent knows about have not been reported in the media Mayor Archer membcr ol the citys police commission Excusa me sir Theres someone here that think you should see Charged in girls death WltllllA Kim Ah Hcr bert Smith has been charged with the beating death of his it monthold stepdaughter one week after he argucd unsuc Ccssfully to prevent doctors from disconnecting her respira tor Smith was charng Wllll first degree murder Monday The ycarold Smith had been charged initially with child abuse altcr Janeen House was brought to hospital Feb Doctors said the child suffered brain trauma possibly from blow to the head District ourt Judge ltay Hodge turned down Smiths re quest last Friday for court in Junction to prevent the removal of the respirator DONA TING BLOOD FAMIL AFFAIR lom Hargreaves looked forward to his first pint on his tttth birthday his first pint of blood Tom was one of 177 donors at the Red Cross Blood donor clinic Monday night at lrini ty Anglican Church Hall Ac coinpanying him were his mother Alvina and sister Yvonne always dragged the kids along when came says Mrs Hargreaves Now we come to every clinic as family Mrs llargrcavcs has come to 27 lltthS Its her way of giving she says often think of that bad accident three years ago on the 400 highway she said wonder how many pints of blood were needed then think we should share what we have she said The blood clinic runs again today froin to pm and from to 830 pm at the Trinity Parish Hall We like to collect 600 units of blood from each clinic says Mrs MacLarcn former organizer of the clinic We need lot more Free to go anywhere they wish said today he will take the mat ter up with his fellow conmis sioncrs and with Police Chief Earl Snider The commissions next regular meeting will be held next Tuesday Ald Knowles former jour nalist said after the mccting he considers publicity of police matters valuable as means of increasing public awareness He said police occurrciicc sheets the police department log book should be made available to the media and only information which might dam age investigations should be kept confidential Ald Knowles said Barries news media are highly respon sible and their discretion can be relied on hicf Snider declined com incnt this morning on Aid Knolwes statements but Eldon Greer police commis sion chairman said he supports current police policies Theres many things happen that arent released he said but added dont think theres information being withheld Overall statistics on breaking and other crimes are available in the departments annual rerxnt he said Mr Greer said answering reporters questions takes time Blames excavations for wells failure Mike Dempstcr lnnisfil lownships public works supcrintendcnt has blaincd sewcr excavations for failure of thrcc lattcrson Road wclls ln 1i report to be considered today by the townships public works committee Mr Dcmp stcr takcs issue with report by the provincial environment ministry blaming the well failures on the weather llircc lnnisfil residents hate rcportcd well failures sincc ex cavation began for scwcr across the road on Barrie land The city provided emcrgcncy water from nearby hydrant for two of the wells until thc supply was cut off by vote of Li tycotiiicil Mr litinpstcr says in his report he agrccs tlic cscavation on the east side of Patterson is not connected it tilt the well pro lilciii Howcvcr llt says installation of 24inch sewer main farther north on Patterson appears to have lowered the water table leading to the well failures The 2+ inch main required ex cavation and pumping away of groundwater to lowrr the water table to permit ciinstruction lhc excavation is 130 fcct north of the northernmost wcll Mr lcmpstersays He says in the report his fin dings should bc sent to Barrie officials and the environment Nodate set on controls llAWA li Finance Minister Donald Macdonald said Monday no late is set for the end of wage and price con trols but range of possible datcs has been discussed with provincial governments The range extends from Oct l4rithc second anniversary of the control program to Dec Ill 1978 the date now set for termination of the federally iinlt posed rest aiiits he said Macdonald told the ommons that government documents led to weekend report that the government has chosen Oct 14 1977 as the end of the program These appeared to be some of the Working papers discussing the iangcof possibilities The provinces had not yet given full response to the pro posals in the past they have had wide range of opinions on when controls should end Macdoiiald said he hopes to get definitive responses from the provinces as soon as pos siblc but it is impossible now to set time for the end of the program ministry for rcconsidcration of thcprolilcin Monday Barrie council ap proved general committee rccoininendation to cut off the ciiicigency water supply and to uzma invitc residents to hook into the citys water main on Patterson at their own expense Cost of hookup at present would be more than 51000 21 house and police have more impor tant things to do dont think the police should be controlled by the press he said Mr Greer also said he did not appreciate making police pro cedure political issue at city council He said police commis sions were specifically set up to keep police work out of politics Mayor Archer said today Ald Knowles complaints were the first he has heard about lack of police publicity Ive been of the Opinion that theyve had pretty fair cov eragc he said He said publication of some police items is against the in tcrcst of the individuals involw ed such as cases in which someone have been picked up for questioning but is released without charges Mayor Archer also said he supports the current policy of closing meetings of the police commission to the press and public Mnmew Central wms volleyball fund It was IZastvicw vs entral in the zone vollcyball finals at ICastvitw secondary School Monday Sandy Bowman finals of the grouping to give tried in the senior liastview an edge in play but cntral won the final to earn berth in the Georgian Bay Secondary School Athletic Association Championships Amin lifts ban on US citizens leaving Uganda NAIROBI Kenya AP Prcsidcnt ldi Amin has lifted his order banning US citizens from leaving Uganda He also has postponed for the second time the meeting to which he summoncd all US nationals living in his East African coun try Amin said today US citizens in Uganda are now free to go anywhere they wish such as going for holidays or going about their normal business be it inside or outside Uganda Radio Uganda reported Amin forbadc the estimated 240 US citizens in Uganda from leaving the country last Friday and ordered them to meet with him on Monday at the international conference centre in Kampala his capital During the weekend the meeting was moved to the Fin tebbc airport 19 miles from Kampala and postponed until Wednesday And on Monday Radio Uganda announced the meeting has been put off in definitely with new date to be announced later Ugandan sources in Kama pala reached by telephone said Amin is keen to improve good relations with the United States They said the delay would give the two countriesa chance to resolve their current difficulties PRESSURE APPLIED Several Aral and African governments including those of Zaire and Saudi Arabia were reported to have urged Amin to istponc the meeting it was elicvcd the US government asked them to iiiteiccdc The US state dcparliiiciit cancelled plans to send diplo matic troubleshooter lalcott Scclye to Uganda Ainins initial orders presum ably werc prompted by con dcmnatioiis of his regime by President artcr and State Sec retary Cyrus Vancc following reports that the Anglican arch bisho of Uganda was mur ll after his arrest for allcgr edly plotting against him and that Amin was inassacring members of tWo thristian tribes Amin also said that the United States Britain and Is racl were planning to drop paratroops into Uganda to sup port plot toovcrthrow him After the detention order last Friday US officials expressed fears for the safety of the Americans most of them mis sionaries but Amin and his spokesmen gave assurances they would not be harmed in Huntsville lhiirsday Eastvicw midget and junior girls teams will be there as well Story photo Page It leaniintrlhoto Amin tlicn litgim backing down saying he only wanted to honor the US citizens for the good Work lltty were doing for his coiint ry He spoke of givr ing some of them medals But it the same lltlt he warned the United States against trying to emulate the Israeli raid on the Entcbbc airport last summer that freed more than 100 Jewish hostages held by prolalestin ian air hijackers

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